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Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #General Fiction

Seize Me (29 page)

BOOK: Seize Me
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“Braxxon Breaker! Only you could say something like that after proposing.” She laughs then stops. “Oh no.”

“What?” I ask, sitting us up.

“My name is going to be Winter Breaker.”

“I’ll make it worth it.” I grin while lowering her back down on the floor. “Now about payment for that ring,” I growl, lifting her skirt up slowly.

“What? No foreplay?” She teases me as I release my dick from straining against my jeans.

“I’m too damn hard for foreplay. You just agreed to be my wife, to have babies with me, and to grow old with me. I don’t wanna do anything but sink my cock into your pussy right now.”

She fans herself. “How romantic.”

“Oh baby, I wish I wasn’t dying for the warmth of your pussy because if not, I would shove my cock down that beautiful throat for sassing me.”

“Next time then.” She smiles.

“Next time, and may there be a million of them,” I say as I slide my cock into her and groan.

“I want it real slow, baby.”

“How slow?” I ask, wrapping her legs around my waist, and lifting her into my lap, drawing a long moan from her with the change of position.

“So slow I can feel you entering my soul,” she whispers.

She is so fucking sexy. I’m one lucky son of a bitch. I spread out one of my hands on her lower back as my other wraps around the back of her head bringing her face towards mine. I need her lips. “Kiss me,” I order and she complies. Her tongue swoops in and tangles with mine, she sucks and licks at it until I lose all feeling in my mouth as my cock moves in and out of her. Our eyes never leave one another’s and it’s the first time I’m making love to a woman this way. I’ve always made eye contact but never the entire time. Not until now. Not until this moment with my Angel on my lap and her tongue down my throat. Then again, I’ve never been in love and a woman has never owned every single part of me either.

“I love you so much, Angel,” I growl, forcing her back to arch and her head to fly back, Winter’s beautiful, delicate neck exposed and inviting to my mouth.

“I love you, too,” she moans as I twist my hips and grind her down on my cock. I push her tank top away and start kissing along her scar and that makes Angel come undone. Her pussy is milking my cock for everything it’s worth. Her juices flow all over us as she bucks against me, and that is my undoing. I spill myself into my Angel with no regrets that it was too fast. It was perfect and so unbelievably real it almost hurts.

I collapse us both to the floor as we pant for air. The main club door opens and Angel giggles.

“Every time we have sex, every time.”

She’s right. We never have a moment of piece.

“Let’s build a house, a big one where we can hide away from everyone without any interruptions,” I say, pulling out of her and fixing her dress.

“I love the sound of that.”

“Winter, Braxxon, is that you?” Storm hollers through the club.

“Yeah it’s us.” Angel hollers back.

“Did I come at a bad time? I just wanted to get here early to go over the liquor order for next week,” Storm says apologetically as she gets closer. She’s done so good keeping everything going this past week and she’s been dealing with Lana’s death too.

Angel scrambles off the floor adjusting her clothes better. “We’re engaged,” she says running over the rest of the way to Storm with her hand out and Storm automatically takes it and starts gushing over the Angel wings. Yeah I did well.

“Braxxon, did you do this on your own?” Storm asks, not taking her eyes off Angel’s ring. “I mean the idea of it?”

“Fuck yeah I did.”

“You did well, Braxxon.” Storm compliments me.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Well since you’re here, do you wanna go over the order instead of having me do it,” she asks Angel.

“About that, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to become my club manager. You’ve done so awesome and I think you and I would work good together. It’s more money and you wouldn’t have to dance if you didn’t want too. It’s okay if you say no. I won’t be upset. I promise.”

“Really? I would actually love that. I was planning to go back to night school to finish my degree in business management. It’s what I was doing before, well you know, before everything that happened to me,” Storm whispers shyly.

“Then it’s settled. I guess it was meant to be when Braxxon found you. I plan on keeping you forever if I can,” Angel gushes hugging her.

That’s when I can feel it. I can feel that everything is going to be okay. Angel is so strong. She’s a fighter and a survivor and even under her newly found hard exterior is a beautiful interior.

“Did you hear that, babe? Storm said she’d be my manager,” Angel says happily.

“I heard baby; I’m happy for you.”

“Great, because I plan on opening a few more businesses,” she says simply.

I quirk an eyebrow at her, crossing my arms and lean against one of the stages. “What kind of businesses?” I ask.

“You’ll see,” she grins.

The End

To My Family –
Thank you for pushing me even harder this time around. Going from writing Talania to writing Seize Me was a complete and utter mind flip. So thank you again for putting up with my crazy. I love you, so very much!

My Beta’s –
OH MY EFFIN SHIT! You guys are amazing, each and every single one of you. You are all so honest. I seriously and I mean seriously, couldn’t have worked out the kinks without you. I never want to go without beta readers ever again. I’m addicted to the way you guys work.

My Editor Katie Mac –
You were my friend before you were my editor and I’m glad of that. I’m afraid if I didn’t know you before, I might’ve never found you and we never would have developed this beautiful friendship and this amazing trust. I heart you long time.

My Copy Editor Danielle Hoover –
Your little comment bubble commentary helped ease the nervousness of editing.

Jodi Murphy -
My best friend, my backer when things get tough. I heart you snookums!

Becky Carter Nichols –
You are a promoting machine. One of the worst things an Author worries about during release is enough publicity. HELL! I didn’t have to worry about that having you on my side. Every single Indie Author needs them a Becky!

Danielle Plane –
Your constant hounding for more of the Breakneck world is one of the reasons this novel is finished. If you ever try leaving my beta team, I will hunt you down! ☺ You and Becky make a great team!!!

Julie Burton Deaton –
You are one strong woman and I appreciate those grammar eagle eyes more than you will ever know!

My Street Team –
For pimping Seize Me with a force so strong you could knock over a million buildings with one swoop. For getting sent to FB jail while doing said pimpin’- y’all rock my bleepin’ world!

Breakneck Bitches –
Before this story was even out in ARC copies, ya’ll were pimpin’ it hard. Thank you!

To The Bloggers, Book Reviewers and Readers –
Thank you!
Indie Authors like me couldn’t do it without you. You are the backbone to this world. Don’t let anyone ever let you feel that you’re not.

Crystal resides in Indiana with her family, her dog Dozer and two fancy rats. She enjoys the outdoors and in the summer, you will rarely catch her at home. Her other passions aside from writing are singing, dancing and photography. She is a retired blogger and professional book reviewer. For more information about Crystal, visit the addresses below.

BOOK: Seize Me
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