Seize Me (26 page)

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Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Seize Me
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“My father started this for the people we lost that mean something to us,” Braxxon says as he slides a key in and unlocks the glass case. “The ones we love are always in view. They belong and deserve to be in here.”

Tears leave my eyes as he places Haley and Eagle inside, then takes Lana away from me, sets her inside, and places our photo in front of her urn.

“It’s not over,” I whisper as he locks the glass case.

Braxxon sighs and turns towards me. “I know, Angel. Let’s go do some lines. We need an upper.”

I want to protest because I would like to be sober in case something else happens, but anything to get me out of this miserable fucking place I’m at in my head sounds way too good. We sit at the bar and he takes out a vial and dumps it. He takes a credit card and dices it into four large lines. He reaches across the bar, snags up a straw, takes his knife from his pocket, and cuts it making a few small funnels. Braxxon hands me one and holds up two fingers.

I bend down and snort up the two large lines. The cocaine rushes through my system as I tilt my head to the sky and snort up any loose power that may be sitting in my nose. As Braxxon does his two lines, we hear the rumble of bikes up at the gate. I look up at the monitor and notice it is the lady charter.

“One fucking day without drama,” I curse. “That’s all I want.”

“I called them here,” Braxxon says while squeezing his nose and snorting up his loose powder.

“Why the shit would you do that?” I yell.

“They need protection too,” is all he says as he gets up.


I don’t know how I much more I can take before I lose all my sanity.

“Dammit Tatiana,” ZZ curses loudly walking into the room with Berry and his daughter. “You weren’t supposed to stay and neither were you mom.”

“Don’t give me that shit. I’ve done lost my husband. I’ll be damned if I run and hide when my son and the rest of my family are in danger,” Berry scolds.

“I’m eighteen. Get over it.” Tatiana follows Berry’s words.

“One day,” I whisper.

“Fuck, I gotta call Utah and let them know you two idiots aren’t coming,” he yells stomping away. “It’ll be you two that will kill me, not any fucking bullet.”

The Breakneck ladies come walking in behind Braxxon, and I roll my eyes. I can’t take their shit right now. Dizzy breaks away and walks towards me.

“I wanted to apologize for the way things were between us the first time we met,” she says sitting on a stool next to me.

I close my eyes and take in a large breath of air. “I have enough shit going on with my life than to worry about your precious apology. I’ve lost my best friend, and I’m not looking for a new one. Take that apology and shove it up your ass. If I catch you looking at Braxxon in any way other a friendly manner, I will hurt you.”

“Angel,” Braxxon scolds behind me.

“Last time this bitch was here, you fucked her. She’s one of your three, so don’t fucking Angel me!”

He tries grabbing my arm to stop me as I stand to walk away. I jerk back, and his face goes contorted as if I’ve just burnt him.

“I thought we were past that shit; you told me to do it,” he growls.

I roll my eyes. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. “We are. But just because I’m past it doesn’t mean that the memory isn’t still fresh in my mind.” I smirk. “And that’s not what bothers me. It’s the three shit that bothers me.”

“We’ll be right back Diz,” he tells her as he jerks me towards the hallway. “God dammit Angel, three women I’ve cared about. You’re the first person I’ve ever been in love with. Jesus fucking Christ,” he roars as he throws me over his shoulder.

“What the hell are you doing?” I kick and scream as he walks us up the steps to his apartment.

“I’m gonna fill that cunt with my cock,” he says slamming the door behind us. “I should shove it in your smart mouth instead, but I love the way your pussy walls suffocate my dick.”

I laugh. I can’t help it. He’s crazy.

“You think that’s funny?” He laughs back smacking my ass.


“Oh baby,” he says sitting me on his dresser. “Spread those gorgeous legs and lift that dress up.”

I smile as I spread my legs while sliding my dress up to my hips. His gray eyes smolder when he sees I have no panties on. I decide to tease him just a bit more. I run my finger along my folds before I slide it in and pump it a few times. I take my finger out, bring it to my lips, and suck on it.

“Say it baby.” His voice comes out husky.

“Ya tebya Lyublyu,” I coo between sucking on my finger.
“I love you.”

“Fuck yeah you better,” he growls slamming into me. “This is gonna be fast Angel.”

I just wanna scream that I don’t give a shit, just fuck me, but no words are needed. His balls are slapping the bottom of my ass hard as his cock rams repeatedly into me. His gray eyes never leave mine. His tongue flicks out to play with his chain on his lips as he concentrates on bringing us both to a sated bliss.

“I need your tits,” he grunts. I comply and shrug my strapless dress down, and his mouth comes down on my right nipple as one of his hands reach for my clit. The sensualistic touch of all his moves combined sends me over the edge, and I’m screaming out his name as I come hard.

As he spills himself inside me, he mumbles he loves me against my breast.

“Prez.” Someone bangs on the door. “You better get out here.”

“It never fails. We should just stop having sex,” I mumble as I fix my dress and he puts his gorgeous cock away.

“Don’t joke like that,” he says seriously as he helps me off the dresser.

“Just saying.”

We walk downstairs, and when we get to the community room, everyone is staring at the monitor above the bar. There on the screen stands my father and nine other Russians, and Snake and three other people are with them.

“Fuck, who opened the gate?” Braxxon roars.

“We didn’t shut it after letting the ladies in,” Rap answers.

“Fuck me. Sniper rooftop, Smokey and ZZ underground now. The rest of you spread the fuck out.

I run back upstairs, grab my gun, and head back down. I’m a tragic mess. I’m shaking from both a powder high and from being so fucking scared. I hear my father shouting my name.

“Angel,” Braxxon whispers.


I hear Winter’s father screaming for her, and I look to where she just walked back into the room. Something comes over me and I whisper. “Angel.”

“Don’t Brax; I’m going out there. He won’t hurt me, but he will hurt everyone else.”

She is fucking crazy!

“You’re not leaving with him,” I snarl.

“Of course I’m not. I’m stalling him. You guys need to pick them off, and you need to do it quickly because once shots fire out, it’ll all be over.”

She is absolutely and utterly downright crazy if she thinks I’m letting her walk out there alone. I won’t do it. I don’t give a shit if it’s for selfish reason or not. I love her, and I refuse for her to be in anymore damn harm than what I’ve already caused her.

“I’m going with you,” I say.

“No, you’re not. I’ve done lost Lana and Haley; not taking a chance with you too,” she says walking towards the door.

“Don’t you fucking open that door, Angel.”

She doesn’t hear a word I say; she just flings it open without a motherfucking care in the world. I take off running after her, and Dizzy is hot on my trail. I’m forced to a stop. I’m a pretty big dude, but the guy holding a gun in my face makes me look like a friggin’ leprechaun. He jerks my gun outta my hands and walks me at gunpoint over to Angel’s father. Her gun flies up to the side of his head.

“You hurt him, and I swear I blow your fucking brains out,” Angel seethes.

“Doch’.” He chuckles.
“How very dramatic; come… we go home now.”

“I’m not going fucking anywhere with you,” she yells.

“Such language for my Doch’ to spew out of her mouth.” Her father frowns.

“I’m warning you now father, you need to go. I’m done with that part of my life. I wasn’t happy with you. Just let me go.”

You know, I’ve never been unarmed and held at gunpoint before. This is a first for me. I guess if I weren’t whom I was, I would probably be pissing myself silly like a scared little boy. But I’m am whom I am, and Angel is whom she is, so I’m pretty sure I’m not letting a single one of them leave breathing. They’ll be in body bags. So when I see Smokey at the office flicker a lighter, I know that him and ZZ took the tunnel without any issues, and shit is about to go down. I know Sniper is in place, and I know the other brothers have us surrounded. I just hope Angel doesn’t get ahead of herself. The fucker who makes me look like a leprechaun pistol-whips me just hard enough to knock me on my knees right in front of her father.

“I fucking warned you,” she roars walking the gun closer to his temple.

Shit, just don’t baby. I wish I had that shit like Professor X from X-men right now. I need to get all up in her head.

It all happens at once. Dizzy screaming, yelling, and running towards me, Sniper’s first shot at the guy that pistol-whipped me, the Russians firing back.

“Diz, no!”

She ignores me and shoots off more rounds. She takes a bullet in the leg and goes down; I want to run to her, but I can’t. Angel is still holding the gun to her father’s head while bullets fly and ping off every piece of metal around us.

“Say goodbye to your man, doch’,” he growls as the gun moves closer to my forehead.

I can’t close my eyes because there are three guns pointed at my Angel’s head while she points one at her father’s head. If she shoots her father then his men will shoot her.

Smokey and ZZ walk through flying bullets and point their guns at two of the Russian’s holding their guns at Angel’s head, leaving just one uncovered. As the others send bullets flying at my brothers, Shadow comes out of nowhere and covers the third man who’s holding a gun to my love’s head. Fuck, how does he do that shit?

“Winter,” Shadow says. Somehow, I think that’s his way of saying she’s now covered.

“On your knees, Vlad,” she spits. “You don’t have the right to be called father. Knees now.”

He doesn’t move. He stares at me with a grin so big you wouldn’t think there was a gun being held to his head right now.

“Knees now,” Winter yells, pressing the gun further into his head. Something in her tone works this time because he falls to the ground with the gun still in his hand. “Drop the gun.”

He doesn’t, so she walks around him, dragging the gun from his temple to his forehead. She takes her left hand and yanks the gun away, her body leaving my view almost fully blocked. She drops the gun and kicks it behind her towards me. I reach for it and jump up.

“Should’ve stopped when I left, Vlad. I wanted to kill you in your sleep for days after you shot Allen in the head. But here you are…,” She trails off, and her next words are filled with such distaste, it even makes my skin crawl. “Goodbye. May your soul be forever damned.”

She pulls the trigger sending her father’s brains all over the concrete. Smokey, Shadow and ZZ pull their triggers at the same time as Angel, killing the Russians that once had their guns on her head. Dizzy is shooting at one of Snake’s guys from the ground. I’m torn between running to help Diz, and getting Angel the hell outta dodge. I watch as Snake goes down and I look over to see Pyro walking towards him calmly. He hovers over him pointing the gun between his eyes before letting off a single shot ending his life.

“Angel get out of here!” I yell to be heard over the rapid gunfire.

“No,” she screams back walking towards one of Snake’s men who’s trying to retreat. He’s out of room, and he’s walking backwards towards a part of the compound fence with his hands held up in surrender. But the movement in Angel’s walk suggests she doesn’t give a shit about the surrender or the fact he’s out of bullets; she’s an Angel walking through hell’s fire. She tilts her head studying him before shrugging and putting a bullet straight into his heart. A Russian starts shooting at me and I start firing back. I can’t fucking watch my back and watch Angel’s. Fuck, there are still eight men shooting at us all, some hiding behind some of the bikes and cars. I finally take out the guy shooting at me and I search the compound parking lot looking for Angel. I spot her running towards Dizzy who is being hovered over by another Russian. Winter lifts her gun and starts firing at him. She misses twice before putting a bullet into the back of his shoulder. He whirls around aiming at her as she runs towards him. I lift the gun to shoot, but as I do, he goes down. I look up to see Sniper. He’s taken him out.

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