Seize Me (20 page)

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Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Seize Me
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Being shot sucks; it burns like I imagine a bad case of gonorrhea would feel like in your dick.

“Lana coming?” he asks gritted.

“Yeah baby, she’s coming,” Angel coos.

God dammit!

I pull out the prepay and dial each number I have for Snake until I finally get him on the line. Pyro curses in the background.

“Fuck, you’re still alive,” he groans.

“Yeah bitch, I’m still alive. You thought we were at war before… game on cocksucker.” I tap my phone off and shove it into my pocket angrily.

The scene before me pisses me off so bad; I drag Bom Bom behind the bar and unzip my pants. If she wants to baby Pyro like he’s her man, so fucking be it.

“Suck my cock,” I say picking up a bottle and gulping it.

“You’re in love with her Prez,” she murmurs as she takes my cock out.

“Don’t tell me something I already fucking know! Just suck my cock bitch,” I hiss.

“She’s gonna rip off your cock, but okay,” she mumbles before shoving my cock into her mouth and I groan over the top of the whiskey bottle.

As I am fisting my free hand in Bom Bom’s hair, Angel’s gaze hits mine; she’s a smart girl because she knows what’s going on. She drops Pyro’s hand and walks over to the couch where Sniper is sitting, prepping a line. What in the shit is she doing now? She leans over, does two lines, and then straddles his lap. My brother is momentarily stunned and knows I’ve called Breakneck. I wonder how this is going to play out. She leans down and licks his neck. I’m not blind; hell no I’m not, so I can see my brother shiver at her touch. I shove Bom Bom away from me, zip my pants up, stomp over to Angel, and yank her up by the arm.

“I fucking got it okay,” I growl.

“Well what the fuck, Braxxon! What did I do for you to do that?” she cries hitting me in the chest.

I’m a fucking pussy, and I hate my woman giving my VP attention just to make him feel better about being shot, that’s what.

“I was jealous,” I grit through my teeth, and she has the audacity to laugh in my face. Then she shocks me by patting me on the chest.

“Brax, when I’m ready, you’re the only man who will touch me. If you want that to stay true then I’m gonna have to be the only one who touches you too, okay?”

Now I feel like shit. She does that to me. Makes me feel like a scum ball.

“Alright, Angel,” I say as I pull her into my chest. “My cock belongs to you.”

“You’re so crude” She giggles into my chest.

“Where is he?” Lana comes rushing into the clubhouse.

Damn did she speed here?

“Don’t give me that look; I must’ve broken every traffic law there is,” she whispers as she sees Pyro laying on the pool table.

“Oh baby,” she cries running over to him.

Mother fuck, keeping up with them two is so damn pointless.

“Sweetness, you came,” he stutters, no doubt from the drugs Doc is pumping into his veins.

“I shouldn’t of but I did.”

“You dig at my soul like the Doc is digging at my leg.” He laughs.

“How fucking romantic, Pyro. Just shut up while he works,” Lana scolds.

This has been a fucked up day. Tatiana gets caught fucking her boyfriend, we get shot at, I get caught getting a blowjob, and Lana and Pyro are fucking nuts.

It’s a day for the books.




Pyro’s been milking his wounds for attention. Lana has been at his beck and call. It’s been two freaking weeks and he still won’t get up. He’s playing my best friend, and she doesn’t even realize it. Even though she wasn’t gone long, I’m happy she’s back. Her presence alone makes me feel whole. She’s my sister. After Braxxon’s incident with Bom Bom, he’s chilled out. I think I made my point and rather clearly. If I can’t have anyone else, neither can he. It’s just that simple. The club has been halfway quiet except for the fact that Snake still doesn’t know that PP is gone and even though Braxxon has declared war things have been eerily quiet. They won’t be once Snake finds out. Not only one of his children are dead, but the both of them.

Tatiana is going crazy not knowing what Haden is out doing since ZZ has her on lockdown since her screwing in the back seat of Haden’s car.

Berry, Phil, and ZZ all have given me permission to take her shopping for her graduation dress and her birthday gift. Berry said she’s too old to run around a mall. Phil is a man. ZZ doesn’t have time for dress shopping shit. Those were all of their words. Tatiana is a smart girl; she skipped the fourth grade so she gets to graduate right when she turns eighteen. Lucky girl she is.

I’ve also had a talk with her about being on birth control. Berry didn’t know she was sexually active. I’m proud that Tatiana took it upon herself to get on the pill last year. She really does have her head on her shoulders. We’ve found her dress and shoes and now it’s time to pick her present from the club. No expense spared I’m told. But when I offer to eat in the food court and for her to call Haden and have him meet us as well, I think I made her day. We walk with our bags and take a seat in a booth hidden by beautiful plants while she dials him.

“He’s not answering.” She frowns hanging up the phone. “I’ll send him a text.”

She hears a chuckle, peers through the plants, and goes ashen. Tears sting her eyes.

“What is it?” I ask her peering through one of the other plants.

“It’s Haden…he’s… he’s… with a girl from our school,” she whisper cries.

Oh, fuck me. Of all the damn shit to happen.

“What do I do, Winter?”

I pick up our bags and help her out of the booth. I’ve never been a fan of cheating if things are serious, and just because Braxxon and I are all kinds of messed up doesn’t mean this beautiful girl has to have the same relationship.

“We confront the pig; c’mon beautiful girl.”

“I don’t know if I can do this,” she croaks. “Two years, two frigging years.”

I grip her free hand tightly with mine as we walk over to the handsome little shit that has hurt my friend. I squeeze her hand letting her know I’m not going anywhere. She clears her throat and Haden jumps, his eyes going wide as he tries pushing away from the redhead he’s hanging all over.

“Baby… I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

Of all the things to say, he starts with that.

“Well I tried calling, but I can see that you were busy,” she says wiping her eyes with our hands still laced together.

“I didn’t hear my phone,” He pulls it outta his pocket and looks down before looking back at her.

“Doesn’t matter. We’re done,” she says trying to walk away.

“We’re not done baby. I fucked up. You’re always on that club lockdown shit. I get lonely.”

Oh, wrong thing to say dude. Wrong thing to say.

“So you cheat on a biker’s daughter? You cheat on a Breakneck daughter. You’re all kinds of smart.” She smirks. “Well gotta go. I have a daddy and a lot of uncles to let know that I’m broken hearted.” She waves leaving Haden wide mouthed stupefied.

“Fuck,” he screams.

“You did awesome.” I laugh.

“It still really hurts. I’m being strong like you Winter,” she mumbles.

“Nothing wrong with a little show,” I say. “Not everyone needs to know what’s going on in that pretty little head. Your thoughts and feelings are your own. Always remember that.”

“Thank you, Winter.”

“Anytime,” I reply as we walk to the parking lot.

Tatiana was silent the entire drive. I would be too if I found out my boyfriend of two years was cheating on me while my family was on lockdown for safety.

She leaves everything in the car but her purse as she flies into the clubhouse and I’m hot on her trails. It’s about to get ugly.

“He fucking cheated on me daddy! All because he was lonely from me being on lockdown all the time,” she screams.

“Don’t fucking curse at me, Tatiana,” ZZ yells back.

“Don’t curse? Do you see what I’ve grown up around.” She whisks her hand around the club. “He cheated daddy, so you don’t have to worry about me screwing anymore guys in the backseat of cars anytime soon. I gotta heal my broken heart and all,” she yells. “Oh, and I’m not going away for school. I’m staying here and attending the nursing college. Eat that dear ol’ daddy.” She crosses her arms and ZZ’s face turns bright red with anger.

“The fuck if you are. Tatiana, I want you away from all this shit!”

Oh boy!

“You want me away from my family? Dad, I’m staying.” She flops down on the couch. “Who in the hell is that?” she whispers.

And of course, my attention is reverted to what she’s talking about. And there with Braxxon is a guy around my age, maybe a little younger, with a Breakneck cut on.

“He’s from another Chapter; he transferred. He didn’t wanna go nomad, so the club voted to take him. Why the hell am I explaining myself to you?” ZZ shakes his head in disbelief.

The new guy is pretty hot. Hot isn’t a good enough word. Sexy is more like it. The man looks like a sexy dark demon from hell. Coal black hair, bright blue eyes, and taunt muscles show through his shirt underneath his cut and he just so happens to be tall.

“Daddy, name please,” she whines.

“Shadow. Jesus, you give me whiplash child.”

Tatiana winks at me, which in girl code means I’ll be just fine now. And all I can think about is what will happen to hot Shadow if he falls for ZZ’s daughter. I almost get lost in my thoughts as Braxxon walks Shadow over to us.

“Angel, Tatiana, this is Shadow. Shadow, that’s Angel.” He points to me. “That’s ZZ’s daughter, Tatiana.” He points to her, and when Shadow’s gaze meets hers, I swear the girl blushes rose red.

“Nice to meet ya, ladies,” he drawls and I almost melt in my panties. This man is from the Deep South.

“Uh… yeah nice to meet you too.” Tatiana’s words tumble out.

“So another new member huh?” I smirk at Braxxon.

“Well yeah baby. I gotta get a few more transfers because the prospects aren’t shaping up fast enough and with all this other shit…” He trails off because of Tatiana listening.

“Fuck this; I’m going to the basement.” She gets up stomps off.

“What’s her problem?” Braxxon asks.

“Well while we were out shopping, she caught Haden cheating on her, and his excuse was the club always has her on lockdown.”

“That son of a bitch,” Braxxon growls.

“Mmm…,” I say as I eye Shadow up and down.

“Don’t even think about it, Angel,” Braxxon warns before looking at Shadow. “She’s mine. If she so much as looks at you, you better fucking tell me.”

What the hell?

“Prez,” he says curtly as if in agreement.

“Really… I can’t even look now.” I fake whine with a smile. “Braxxon, you’re killing me, baby. Just killing me.”

“I gotta show Shadow around a little more. He’s never been to the MC before. I’ll see ya later, Angel.” He kisses me on the forehead, his lips lingering a little longer than they should. I suspect it’s for appearances because Shadow is around my age. “Oh and Lana wants you in the slam room.”

“Thanks,” I say as I walk towards the room.

It’ll be good to talk with her because she’s been too busy taking care of the poor little Pyro day in and day out. I knock, and she yells come in.

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