Saved by Submission (15 page)

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Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #Erotic Romance, BDSM

BOOK: Saved by Submission
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The elderly woman looked over to Megan.

“Aren’t you going to make the introductions, Jacob?” his grandmother asked with a smile.

Jacob breathed in and out slowly, and then took Megan’s hand. “This is my friend, Megan. Megan, this, as you may have gathered, is my grandmother, Eileen.

“It’s lovely to meet you,” Megan managed, and then added, “I’m so sorry I screamed like that.”

Eileen laughed, and the two women shook hands.

Eileen turned to her grandson. “I hope you don’t mind, honey, but I thought I would stay the night, seeing as Elizabeth lives so close by. She said she would pick me up in the morning so we can go shopping together.”

Jacob put his arm around her. “Of course I don’t mind, you know you don’t have to ask.”

“Thank you, Jacob. Now, why don’t you come into the kitchen, Megan, it’s a lot warmer in there. I lit a fire earlier, seeing as my grandson had left a pile of dishes for me to do in the sink. I should think you’ll be able to keep toasty warm, even with your clothes off.”

Eileen raised her eyebrows and then winked at Megan, who, blushing furiously, followed her into the kitchen, not daring to look back at Jacob, who took up the rear.

It was a lovely, old farmhouse style kitchen, at the center of which stood a scrubbed pine table and matching chairs with wicker seats.

A fire burned in the grate, and Eileen wasted no time, filling a kettle and placing it on the stove to boil. “Tea, Megan?” she asked, already taking mugs down from the nearest cupboard.

“Yes, thank you, that would be great,” she answered. Then she turned to Jacob. “Um… I just need to use the bathroom, if you could point me in the right direction.”

“Sure, sweetheart, come with me.”

Megan followed him back into the hallway, past the stairs, and over to a door on the right.

He pulled her to him, and kissed her long, and hard. “You’re cute when you blush, sub,” he whispered in her ear. With that, he turned and walked back towards the kitchen.

she thought, and smiling, went into the bathroom.

When she returned, Eileen beamed at her. “I’m so glad you like tea. The last lady friend that Jacob introduced me to wouldn’t eat or drink anything much at all. She seemed to exist on hot water, with lemon, or some such nonsense.”

“Gran, I’m sure Megan really doesn’t want to know about that.”

“Oh, settle down, Jacob. Megan and I are just getting acquainted.”

Megan grinned. “Sounds like one of those high maintenance chicks to me.”

Eileen nodded. “Exactly, dear. Milk and sugar?”

Jacob gave Megan the kind of look that meant she could well be in trouble when they were in private, but after a couple of seconds, he shrugged resolutely and grinned instead. “I’m obviously outnumbered, so I’ll just sit here quietly and wait for my tea.”

“Good idea,” both women said simultaneously, and then laughed.

Jacob could see that his little sub was going to need a taking in hand, and was probably under the impression that she was going to have a nice, peaceful night’s sleep because his grandmother was here.

“Hell, was she going to be wrong,”
he thought to himself while he took a sip of his strong, hot tea.

The three of them chatted for a while, and Jacob soon became aware that the two women were fast becoming friends.

Nobody was very hungry, and after a second cup of tea, Eileen decided that she would go to her room to watch an old movie and settle in for the night.

She kissed her grandson, and then turned to Megan. “Goodnight, dear, I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast. Are eggs okay for you?”

“Mmm, lovely, thank you.”

The two women smiled at each other, and then Eileen headed off to her room.

Megan looked at Jacob. “She’s wonderful. You’re so lucky; I never got the chance to get to know any of my grandparents.” She stifled a yawn, and stretched out, in her chair.

“Come on, up to bed. I’ll show you the rest of the house in the morning,” Jacob said, pulling Megan out of her chair and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

“So I guess I’ll be in a guest room now, seeing as your sweet, elderly grandmother is in the house,” she said innocently, grinning at Jacob as she spoke.

Jacob returned her smile with a positively evil one of his own.

He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Oh no, sub. I’m still going to make you come, over and over. The only part of the plan that’s changed is that if you scream or shout, you’ll be punished, however I see fit.”

“But Jac—”

He interrupted her. “I don’t think I like how you just addressed me, sub.” He switched off the lights and his eyes gleamed in the semi-darkness.

He’d gone straight into Dom mode, and Megan felt her stomach lurch in excitement, mixed with anxiety, at what was to come.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she corrected.

“Better. Now, let’s get you upstairs, and naked, for my inspection.”

Without missing a beat, he grabbed her bags, which were still by the front door, and then led his submissive up the impressive winding staircase and along the hallway, to the last door on the left.

Once inside, he went to the bedside table, and switched on the lamp, causing a soft glow of light to fill the room. The bedroom matched the old style of the house perfectly, with a high ceiling and large fireplace. The furnishings were historical looking, and the bed was a dark mahogany four poster, set high off the ground. Megan could see herself having to take a flying leap, just to get up on to it.

Jacob put down her bags, and then caught her looking, worriedly, at the door. “You don’t have to look so concerned. I had some rooms converted into a sort of annex, just for my grandmother, and they’re downstairs, on the far side of the house. Her legs aren’t what they used to be, so if she needs me, she just calls me on my cell.” He gave her one of his grins that stretched from ear to ear. “There’s absolutely no chance of her walking in on us.”

“But you said that I’d be punished, if I made any noise. You

Jacob walked over to her, chuckling. “That’s why I like being the Dom, and not the sub, little Megan. Now, strip.”

She wanted to tell him exactly what she thought of his actions, but past experience told her to swallow her words and do as she was told.

Megan removed her sweater, and let it drop to the floor with just a hint of defiance. Her bra followed, her breasts spilling out when she undid the clasp.

It was so much more sexual and erotic than stripping for an audience at a club, and when Jacob reached out and took her nipples between his fingers, she drew in a breath, watching them, in fascination as they bunched up into tight peaks right before her eyes.

When he released the taut, pink buds, she took off her boots, pulled off her socks, and then undid her jeans, pushing them down until they were at her ankles. Then she stepped out of them and let them drop on to the rug, with her other garments.

Her fingers tightened around the top of her panties, and she hesitated for just a second, glancing up at Jacob, standing so close to her almost naked body.

He didn’t need to speak; his look said it all. He had told her to strip for him, and she had no choice but to obey.

She pulled her panties down and let them drop when they were past her thighs. When they had joined the rest of her things, she stood there, feeling the heat in her cheeks as he looked her up and down, and then took a step back.

“Do you remember the inspection position,” he asked.

She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

She parted her legs, and put her hands behind her head, making sure her back was arched, which pushed her ample breasts forward.

“Good girl,” Jacob said, and then he proceeded to walk in a circle around her, running his hands over her breasts and her ass, making her quiver with anticipation.

“Make sure you keep your head still, sub. Don’t follow me with your eyes. You will, no doubt, be told to get in this position at the get-together tomorrow evening, and the other Doms may wish to inspect my beautiful submissive. It is a sign of respect to keep your eyes looking ahead, and slightly lowered.”

Megan was shocked that he would let other men touch her, and the worry must have shown on her face.

Jacob let his finger run down her cheek. “I will only share, up to a point, sweetheart, don’t worry. I’m very territorial, and as far as I’m concerned, you belong to me. That means only I get to play with you. Okay?”

Megan let her breath out slowly, and her tone was one of relief. “Yes, Sir.”

In her peripheral vision, she watched Jacob walked over to the closet. He pulled out several items before closing the door and placing them on the bed. Megan was dying to turn her head and try and see what they were, but she didn’t want to earn his displeasure by moving.

Jacob walked back to her and kissed her shoulder, making her heart skip a beat, and her pussy dampen. “Turn and face the bedroom door,” he ordered.

She did so, then heard him unwrapping something, behind her.

“Bend over, sub, and keep your hands behind your head.”

Megan fought off the need to refuse, and, with her heart thumping in her chest, she did as he commanded, embarrassed at being in such a position.

When he parted her ass cheeks, she let out a whimper, and then tried to stand upright. He smacked her hard enough to leave a handprint on her behind.

“Go back to the position you were told to be in, sub.”

She did what he said, tensing her cheeks, waiting for the horrible plug to be pushed in.

“That’s better. This won’t hurt, sub, just relax.”

It did feel different, and seemed to go in much more smoothly. Then, she let out a shriek, as Jacob picked up a remote, behind her and flicked a switch.

The thing inside her sprang to life, and she realized that it was a vibrator, not a plug. The nerves in her ass immediately sent pulses of excitement rushing through her body, and she trembled, her hands still behind her head, and her pussy immediately soaked with her juices.

When he turned it off, she gave a small whine of frustration, and Jacob patted her soft, curvy bottom. “My sub seems to be impatient tonight. You may take your hands down and straighten back up. Then go and stand in front of the closet.”

Megan did as she was told, feeling the presence of the vibrator with every step. She could feel him right behind her, and she pushed back against him when he ran a hand down the small of her back.

He chuckled, loving her enthusiasm, and wondering how long he could hold out, before he just bent her over the bed and fucked her senseless.

He took hold of his emotions. There would be time enough for that, later. First, there were other things he wanted to try.

Taking a pair of cuffs he’d selected from the items on the bed, he reached around her and cuffed her wrists. Then he lifted them up and secured them over a metal hook placed high up on the door.

There was no way she could free herself, she wasn’t tall enough to reach up over the hook, and she quivered as his hands ran over her trapped body, pushing her legs apart, and causing her arms to stretch even further.

He angled her body until her back arched, and her ass pointed out towards him. “You liked the feel of a light flogging, and we both know how much you enjoy a spanking, just so long as you’re not in trouble. Now, let’s see how you react to something new.”

All Megan could do was wait to see what he had in mind. The bed was directly behind her, and she couldn’t turn far enough to see what he was fetching.

Something quite wide and cool stroked over her bare bottom, and she couldn’t work out what it was. Then Jacob moved to the side of her, and raised the object. It slapped down on her ass cheek, not very hard, and all she felt was a slight sting. He brought it down on to her other cheek, a little harder, and the sting sent waves of pleasure through her.

She instinctively pushed her bottom out further, and Jacob accommodated her, strapping her harder with the wide piece of leather.

“Does being strapped feel good, sub?”

Her breathing was heavy, almost a pant, and when she spoke, her words sounded breathless. “Y…Yes, Sir. It feels so good.”

Her reaction surprised and pleased him. The arch in her back was beautiful, and when the next one hit, he switched the vibrator back on.

Megan groaned with desire, an orgasm immediately beginning to grow deep inside her. She didn’t care why being disciplined turned her on so much, all she could think about was the pleasure and the pain, mingling together, making her want him to strap her again and again, till she couldn’t take any more.

The sensitive nerves in her ass had jumped back to life, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer. She wasn’t allowed to make any noise, but she didn’t see how that was going to be possible.

When Jacob put down the strap and ran a hand over her reddened, marked bottom, she flinched and gave a moan of sheer need. But instead of carrying on, he switched the vibrator off and reached up and released her cuffed wrists from the hook. Then he turned her around, and smiled at her flushed face and trembling limbs.

He put a finger under her chin, raising her eyes to meet his. “Now it’s your turn to do a little work. Open your legs for me again, sub.”

Not letting her eyes move from his, she did as he said.

“I want to watch you masturbate for me, Megan. When you are ready to come, you will ask me for permission. Is that understood?”

Megan’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “I can’t... please don’t make me do that, Sir.”

“You can and will, sub, because that is what your Dom wishes.”

She couldn’t believe he was making her do this. It was so humiliating. She’d never masturbated in front of anyone.

Then she thought about what he’d just done to her. Shouldn’t that have been humiliating? He’d stuck a vibrator up her ass and strapped her, and all she’d wanted to do was come. Surely she could put her hand between her legs and pleasure herself.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she put her cuffed wrists between her legs. As soon as she touched herself, her eyes closed, and she shut out everything else around her.

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