Saved by Submission (13 page)

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Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #Erotic Romance, BDSM

BOOK: Saved by Submission
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A plan began to formulate in his mind, while he watched her come out of the bathroom and fetch their water, her breasts swaying beautifully as she walked. She really was gorgeous. Not stick thin like so many women tried to be; but with luscious curves and a rounded ass, just made for spanking.

They both downed their water, and then Megan climbed back into bed and onto his lap, pulling the covers over them both and snuggling against Jacob’s chest, letting out what sounded like a sigh of pure contentment, when she did so.

He kissed her hair and let his hand wander to her breast, stroking the soft skin around her nipple.

After a couple of minutes of silence, he decided to take the bull by the horns. “How do you feel about returning to your apartment, tomorrow?”

He felt her body tense, and it was a few seconds before she spoke.

“The truth is, I’m dreading it. It was okay before. It didn’t seem to matter how dingy it was because the two of us were there together, making the best of it, trying to have a laugh and to get through each shift that we had to do.” The sigh she gave this time, certainly wasn’t one of happiness. “It’s going to be awful.”

He tightened his grip around her waist, pulling her even closer to him. “Maybe it doesn’t have to be.”

Megan frowned, and glanced up at him, but all she could see was the underneath of his chin. “What do you mean, Sir?”

Jacob pulled her away from him until he could see her face. “How about you leave the apartment and come back to Tennessee with me. I know we haven’t exactly been together that long, to say the least, but there’s something between us; we’re both aware of it, and it would give us the opportunity to explore that connection further. I also know that I don’t want you stripping for a living, when I can help you find a good job that lets you keep your clothes
while you work.”

Megan stared at him, trying to absorb everything he’d said. When she finally answered, she was looking down at the covers, her voice soft. “Do you think less of me, then, because of my job?” Her tone became louder though she tried to curb it. “You know, I did it because I couldn’t make ends meet by flipping burgers. I didn’t have any other choice. It wasn’t meant to be forever.” She felt the anger rising within her, and she glanced up at him as she added, “I mean, I wouldn’t want you to think I’m some charity case, or something. I know it’ll come as a shock to you, but I do have just a tiny bit of dignity left, even though I strip for a living!”

She glared up at him, defiant. “There is no way I’m going to haul my cookies all the way to Tennessee, and become a leech on you; sitting in your house, eating your food, and taking my clothes off whenever you command.”

Jacob looked surprised for just a second, and then gripped her upper arms, turning her body to face him. “First of all, like I said before, I actually admire you for keeping your head above water and doing what you had to do to survive. Secondly, I never intended for you to sit on your ass all day, doing nothing. I had an idea about a job for you that would actually be helping me out a lot. And thirdly, it’s not a good idea to talk to your Dom in that tone of voice, especially when you’ve already got a spanking stacked up against you.”

With that, he lifted her out of the bed like she weighed nothing at all and placed her next to it. When he got up and stood next to her, she was all too aware of his massive frame, towering over her.

“Bend over.”

It was not a request; that was for sure. She was utterly mortified after hearing his explanation about a job and everything. She could have kicked herself for saying all of those stupid things. He’d done nothing but help her from the moment they’d met, and she’d all but thrown his offer back in his face, and rudely so, at that.
“God, why can I not control my damn mouth?”

“Please, Sir, I didn’t mean it, and I’m really sorry. I’m just not used to anyone offering me anything without wanting a part of me in return. Please…please don’t spank me; I’d love to come with you, I promise I would.”

She was sorry, and her plea was sincere, but she knew it was no good. This was a BDSM relationship, however new, and a spanking is what she’d get if that was how her Dom wished to punish her.

She risked a quick glance up at him, and saw the grim expression. Then, breathing as steadily as she could, she bent over the edge of the bed, putting her hands out in front of her to steady herself.

“You will receive ten swats for your rudeness, and you will count each one out loud.”

Without a second’s pause, his hand came down, hard, on her bare bottom, and she yelped, the sting making her flinch in instant pain.

“One,” she managed, not knowing how she was ever going to get to ten without screaming the place down, and not in a good way.

He spanked her other cheek this time, in just the same way, and she tried to keep her voice calm, as she counted aloud.

The next three were quicker, but much, much harder, and her ass began to burn with the intensity of the punishment. By the time she had reached the word five, tears threatened to fall, and she instinctively tried to wriggle away from him, across the bed. This bore no resemblance whatsoever to earlier when the pain had turned, so erotically, to pleasure.

He pulled her back, easily, into position. “I take it you’d like to go to fifteen, instead?” he asked drily, and she gasped, hating him right then.

“No, Sir, please, only ten.”

“Then I suggest you keep your ass still, sub.” This time, his hand descended right onto the sensitive area where her thigh met her bottom, and she cried out, tears running down her face, as she counted.

The next two covered her crack, getting both cheeks, and the final two were almost too much to bear. Her bottom felt raw, and she clenched her fists, pushing them into her eyes, in an attempt to focus some pain somewhere else, instead of her poor, punished behind.

He found her body was rigid when he reached down, and lifted her into an upright position, and all he wanted to do was wrap her in his arms, and tell her it was over now. However, this was a learning experience for her, as well as a punishment.

“Now, kneel and apologize, little sub.”

Megan tried to be angry, but the need to be held and comforted won out. Her anger dissipated while she stood there, and all she wanted was to make things right with her Dom. She wanted his arms around her so she could stop crying, and know that he wasn’t disappointed in her anymore.

She sank, ungracefully, to her knees. “I’m so sorry, Sir. I…I shouldn’t have reacted like that. Please say you’ll forgive me.”

The words were hardly out of her mouth, when he reached down and scooped her into his arms, molding her body against him. “You’re forgiven, sweetheart.”

The relief that she hadn’t ruined everything, hit hard, and she burst into noisy sobs. Her breasts were crushed against his chest, as she twined her arms around his neck, not wanting to let go.

He whispered, softly to her, telling her how special she was to have taken her spanking so bravely, and how she was such a good submissive.

Gradually, her sobs turned to sniffs and hiccups, and then she gave him a weak smile. “Can I still come with you, Sir? Please?”

He regarded her with a serious look. “As far as I’m concerned, the matter was never up for debate. I would never have let you stay here on your own, and if you remember, it was never, technically, a question.”

Then he gave her one of his grins that went from ear to ear, and however hard she tried to be mad at him for being so bossy, she couldn’t come close to managing it. In fact, it secretly made her feel safe and cherished, knowing this man would take care of her, no matter what.

“My little sub, at this rate, the sun is going to be up before we get any sleep.” He tipped her off his lap, on to the sheets, and she hissed as her bottom touched the material.

Not wanting to get bent over and spanked yet again, she resisted hitting him, and curled up on her side, instead, feeling him climb in behind her.

“What did you mean, about people wanting a part of you in return for offering help?” Jacob held her naked body closely against him as he spoke, and his hand covered her breast intimately, his fingers teasing her nipple.

Megan knew he had forgiven her, but she still felt a need to explain. “It just always seems to have been that way. After my dad died, my mom went to pieces and wanted me to be with her, all the time. I was seven years old, and the only way to get any affection or love from her was to do things for her. I was doing laundry, making meals, not that they were up to much; even grocery shopping, when she wouldn’t leave the house.

“I started to miss a lot of school, and eventually she had to let me go, or the authorities were going to start asking questions.

“When I got older, I decided I could do without her love. I started mixing with the wrong crowd, getting into more and more trouble. I guess I was sick of being at home, but it turned out to be no better. Every boyfriend I had kicked me to the curb if I wouldn’t put out, and then my mom met Carl, and I spent the next few years trying to fend him off whenever she was out of the house. I guess I’ve become a little cynical and mistrusting, in my old age.

“I am really sorry,” she whispered into the darkness.

Jacob kissed her hair and snuggled down under the covers with her. “And you are really forgiven, Megan. Thank you for being so honest. You’ve had a hell of a time, up till now, but things are going to change for the better. You just let me take care of that, okay?”

“Yes, Sir.”

It was all he needed to hear, and the two of them relaxed, curled up together in the quietness of the early hours of morning.

Tiredness soon overwhelmed her, and Megan sank into a deep sleep, her thoughts a jumble, as she tried to work out how she could have let a man spank her so hard and then need to beg for his forgiveness.


Chapter Eight




Jacob woke to bright sunshine coming in through the hotel window, and a feeling of emptiness next to him. Just for a second or two, he wondered if his little sub had skipped out on him. His relief was palpable when he heard her, obviously talking to someone on her cell, in the bathroom, probably so she didn’t wake him.

Grimacing, he realized that he was going to have to take a little of his own advice, and learn to trust people a bit more.

When her voice rose in obvious anger, he got out of bed and went to the door of the bathroom, pushing it open with a frown on his face.

Megan glanced up in surprise, a blush rising up her face when she took in his cock, standing huge and rigid, right there, in front of her.

“Look, Nicky, I don’t believe you can be this hypocritical, tearing a strip off me for leaving when it was
who bailed first, going without any warning, after you promised me you’d stay.”

There was silence, as she listened to Nicky’s reply.

“Yeah, well the rent’s covered for another three weeks, so the apartment is there if you need to get away from whatever the hell you’ve got yourself into. You made your decision, now I’m making mine.

“I love you, Nic, but I don’t need your approval. I stopped needing it when you left me alone with nothing in that shitty place. I’m hanging up now. Take care of yourself…bye.”

Jacob walked over to her as she clicked off her cell and pulled her straight into his arms. “Not the best way to start the day, huh? Come on, sweetie, let’s check out, and get on the road. Nicky knows she can contact you if she needs to. There’s nothing more you can do for her.”

Jacob’s obvious erection pushed against her body, and even though she was still annoyed at her best friend, she knew Jacob was right. It was time to move on.

Wetness formed between her legs, and her pussy began to throb, in expectation. The look she gave him left nothing to his imagination, and without further ado, he lifted her into the bath, stepped in after her, and turned on the shower.

Warm jets of water hit her body, making her skin tingle. Large hands bent her over, and she grabbed the edge of the tub as his huge penis pushed against her entrance, his foot spreading her feet apart.

“When my sub looks at me that way, everything else is going to have to wait. Brace yourself, sweetie, I need to be inside you, right now.”

Without a second’s pause, he plunged his cock into her pussy, which was still swollen from the night before, his sheer size causing her to cry out.

There was no time to adjust to him; and all she could do was hold on tight while he pumped into her over and over again.

Surprisingly, she was overcome with the need to have him fuck her this way. It was an animalistic, guttural feeling, and she was aware of a mighty orgasm building inside her as well as his body, hot and wet from the shower, covering hers in such an intimate way, like he owned her.

When she came, she cried out, her body overwhelmed with shudders of ecstasy that passed through her, right down to her toes.

Jacob followed soon after with a roar, and he gripped her so tight, she felt sure he had left finger prints on her hips. She found she didn’t mind that at all. In fact, knowing she would probably bruise there made her smile. It would be a reminder for her to see every day, till they faded, and hopefully more took their place.

Was that wrong, to want him to mark her body? Her answer surprised her—she really didn’t care right now. This was where she wanted to be, and that was all there was to it.

Jacob helped her to stand and then kissed her firmly, wrapping his arms around her hot, wet body while he did so.

After they were dried and dressed, they made their way downstairs with their bags, ready to check out. It was nearly ten thirty, and Megan knew she was going to have to call her bosses, at both of the clubs she’d been working in to let them know she was quitting.

She imagined Jimmy had already been mad about Nicky just disappearing, overnight, and now
was bailing on him.

When Jimmy’s phone went straight to voice-mail, Megan could only feel relief. She left him a message, apologizing for the lack of notice, and thanked him for being such a sweetheart.

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