Saved by Submission (14 page)

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Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #Erotic Romance, BDSM

BOOK: Saved by Submission
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When she called the BDSM club, Daniel answered, and when she explained what was going on, he sighed loudly.

“I really can’t blame you, sweetie, your man is absolutely edible. Don’t worry about the boss, just leave all that to me. And Megan, promise me you’ll visit if you’re ever in town.”

She promised faithfully that she would, and then told Daniel she had to get going.

While Jacob talked to Connor, who was now off duty, Megan made a cup of coffee for Jacob and a hot chocolate for herself.

Connor smiled, and winked at her when she walked over to them, and she blushed up to the roots of her hair just thinking of the other guests who might have heard her screaming last night, let alone Connor, who had obviously been on duty all night.

Jacob put a protective arm around her. “My good friend here is going to give us a lift to your apartment, and then to the truck,” he said, taking a swig of coffee.

“That’s kind, thank you.”

She gave him directions, while Jacob loaded the bags on to the back seat, and then the three of them set off.

The apartment seemed dark and gloomy, and Megan worked fast, packing as much as she could into two huge bags. Standing in the doorway, she took one last look at her so-called home for the last few months, and then, on impulse, she ran back to the kitchen and grabbed the Betty Boop clock from the wall. It was the only thing of any sentimental value in the whole apartment.

Hurrying back down the stairs, she almost ran to the car. Jacob took the bags from her and loaded up the trunk, and in what seemed like no time at all, they were pulling into an industrial parking area.

Connor pulled up beside a massive rig, and the three of them got out.

Jacob unlocked the cab, and stored Megan’s bags behind the passenger seat, and then shook Connor’s hand. “I owe you a big favor, my friend.”

Connor grinned. “No, I reckon we’re just about even now.” He turned to Megan. “Take care of yourself, honey. Don’t let the big man here bully you. You know you can always call me if you need me, okay?”

Megan grinned back at him. “If he gets to be too much, I might have to take you up on that.”

Jacob scowled at Connor as he got back in his car. “In your dreams. The lady is with me, and that’s a fact.”

A warm feeling passed through Megan at his words.
He really wants me enough to take me with him and offer me a job,
she thought.
It’s like the last twenty four hours has been a dream. I’ll wake up in a minute, and I’ll be in my crummy apartment, knowing I have to go and get ready for work at the club.

Megan climbed into the rig and settled into the big passenger seat. It really was a home from home in the cab, with a bunk bed, fridge and TV as well as plenty of storage space.

Once they were out on the interstate, she felt herself relax. The sun was shining, although it was cold, and she realized with a jolt that it wouldn’t be too many more weeks till Christmas.

She snuck a sideways glance at Jacob, and wondered if she would be spending Christmas Day with this gorgeous, bossy, sexy man. Then she stopped that train of thought. Hell, he hadn’t even told her what kind of job he had in mind. She was going to have to stop dreaming about happy ever after and get back to cold, hard reality. It was time to get her act together, and make a new life for herself, hopefully with this man in it, but standing on her own two feet.

“That’s quite a serious expression on your face. What’s going through your mind, sweetheart?”

Flustered, she pulled her thoughts together. “I was just wondering what the job was that you mentioned last night. Things got kind of sidetracked, and I never asked you.” She blushed as she spoke, not able to stop the image of her bending over and getting spanked so ruthlessly from entering her head.

“Sidetracked is one way of putting it, I guess.” Jacob chuckled at her obvious embarrassment. “Actually, the job idea could be fun. I’m investing in a partnership with some friends of mine, Mat and Rachel. You’ll be meeting them tomorrow when they come over to my place for a get together.”

“We’ve bought a boarding kennel on the edge of town, and we’ve been renovating the entire place. Most of the work is done now, and there’s even a small living quarters at the back. What we don’t have, is a person to help run the place, with Rachel. Mat and I both have businesses to run, and the workload is going to be pretty heavy. There’s only a couple of other reputable kennels in the area, so I think it’s going to do quite well.”

Megan looked at him, in surprise. “Boarding kennels? Wow, I would never have guessed that that was what you had in mind.”

Jacob maneuvered the semi through some tricky traffic, and then glanced over at her. “What do you think? Are you an animal lover?”

Megan didn’t need to think for long. “I love animals, and I think it’s a great idea. What about your friends, though? I mean, won’t they mind that you’ve offered me the job, and they haven’t even met me?”

“I spoke to Mat while you were packing at the apartment. He trusts my judgment, and he’s quite happy about the arrangement. As for Rachel; if she disagrees, she’ll probably get bent over the nearest piece of furniture and receive a sound beating on her bare ass.”

Megan gasped. “What! Oh my God, you mean they’re… you know… in a Dom/sub relationship too?”

When she said the words Dom/sub, her voice had dropped to a whisper, and her eyes were out on stalks.

Jacob burst out laughing. “It’s okay, sweetie, we’re alone. You can say the words out loud. And to answer your question, yes, they are in a BDSM relationship, but I was joking about the last part. Mat and Rachel are equals as far as work is concerned. They are both on board with the idea, so stop worrying. Or maybe I’ll have to stop on the side of the interstate and give
a good, sound spanking.”

Alarmingly, his words, instead of horrifying her, seemed to be having the opposite effect, and the images that flashed through her head put the whole job thing right out of her mind.

Jacob studied her facial expression for a second. “Hmm, I think you definitely need to be spanked on a regular basis, little sub. I can see you getting all hot and bothered from over here.”

Megan turned and looked determinedly out of the window while Jacob chuckled. Suddenly, his previous words flashed into her mind. He was having a get-together with Mat and Rachel. So that meant that it would be a…oh shit, it would be a
kind of get-together.

Talk about a baptism of fire. She could just imagine it:
“This is Megan, the woman I told you about, who needs a job. Megan, this is Mat, co-owner of the kennels. Bend over so he can swat your bare ass!”

She just couldn’t let those images fill her mind, it was way too scary. So she forced herself to study the countryside, instead. As the time went by, she noticed the landscape start to change from flat and open, to more hilly and green.

Jacob stopped at a fast food place, after a couple of hours, and they feasted on huge burgers and cartons of fries, chatting about all kinds of things, from their childhoods, to where they would most like to visit in the world, and it felt good to Megan to learn more about him.

After the food was finished, they fell into a companionable silence, and she felt her eyelids begin to grow heavy. She was still tired from the night before, and her body definitely felt like it needed more time to recover. She’d exercised muscles that hadn’t been used for a long time, and not able to fight it any longer, she fell into a peaceful sleep.

* * * *

When she felt a finger brushing her cheek, and then lips touching hers, Megan forced her eyes to open. Jacob was standing on the outside step of the cab with the door open, and his tall, muscular frame took up the whole doorway.

She smiled at him. “Are we at your house already?”

Jacob shook his head, and took her hand, helping her out of the truck and onto the side of the road. “I wanted to stop, and show you the view,” he replied.

When he moved to the side, Megan drew in a sharp breath, and glanced around her in wonder. Jacob had stopped in a lay-by, high up, almost in the clouds, and all she could see were mountains and forests, glowing in the warmth of the autumn sun, which was preparing to set.

She couldn’t take her eyes off the view. “Oh my God,” she breathed, in awe. “I’d heard how beautiful it was out here, but I never imagined it was as incredible as this.”

Jacob smiled, putting his arms around her from behind. “I took a slight detour so you could see one of my favorite vantage points. I used to come up here a lot as a kid; anything to get away from the house for a while.

“I decided when I was about thirteen that I’d build myself a log cabin up here in the mountains as soon as I had the money. I guess life and work got in the way. My ex-wife would rather have lived on the moon than out in the country, away from all the theatres and clubs that were so important to her.”

Megan couldn’t prevent the image that appeared in her mind while she stood there in the rapidly cooling evening air. With Jacob’s arms around her, and his chin resting gently on her head, it was very easy to imagine living up here, with him, in their own log cabin, away from all the bad choices and crappy jobs and selfish people that seemed to have surrounded her for so long.

But it was such a bad idea to indulge herself that way. Harsh reality always seemed to find a way of breaking her dreams right in half, and the cold light of day was always waiting, patiently in the wings.

In all honesty, she had known Jacob for such a short time. She’d be better off concentrating on the job he had offered and gaining a bit of independence than dreaming about log cabins and living happily ever after.

She turned in his arms and kissed him, suddenly not able to resist pushing her tongue between his lips, just as he had done to her before. He responded immediately, and took a handful of her hair, pulling her head back so he could kiss her more deeply.

When his cold hand went under her jacket and sweater, pushing her bra up to land on her bare breast, she gave a muffled yelp. “Aggh, your hand’s like ice! No, get off, please…”

She squirmed, and their lips came apart, both of them laughing, as Megan tried to run from him. He caught her easily, and punished her for trying to run by putting both hands on her breasts instead.

When he finally removed them, she gave him a mock frown. “Connor was right. You might just be too much trouble.”

With that, he laughed and scooped her up in his arms, depositing her back into the truck, making sure he swatted her on the ass before he let her go. “The only trouble there is around here is the amount you’re getting yourself into, sub. Now, I’m going to get this rig back to the yard, take you to my place and then strip you naked and make you come till you scream for mercy.”

Their eyes locked, and Jacob could see what his sub desired. Her cheeks flushed a pale pink, and her lips parted just a little.

He couldn’t wait to get her into his house, and then into his bed. The spark that had ignited when they first met seemed to be growing stronger by the hour, and all he could think about was Megan, chained to his bed, screaming, while he made her come with his mouth and his cock.

After about twenty minutes, Jacob pulled into a big yard with semis parked in a row down one side.

Megan hadn’t realized how big his business was. There must have been a dozen vehicles there, and she imagined there would be others still out on the road.

He parked the rig expertly at the end of the line and then jumped out with Megan’s bags.

After Megan had put on her jacket, she got out of the cab and swung the heavy door shut, behind her. Jacob led her over to a large, black Dodge Charger; put her bags in the trunk, and helped her into the passenger seat. Then he walked over to the office building, unlocked the door, and dumped his paperwork from the deliveries he’d made on his secretary’s desk. He locked up again, when he was done, setting the alarm before he did so.

In next to no time, they were on the road again, this time, taking a long, winding route out of the town and into the countryside.

Jacob smiled at Megan, maneuvering the sleek car around some tricky bends. “I didn’t manage to build my log cabin in the forest yet, but I did achieve the next best thing.”

He pulled off the road and onto a long, gravel driveway, and Megan’s eyes bulged when she saw the building in front of her.

It was like something out of a historical novel. A beautiful old white house was sitting there, surrounded by huge trees, with an old-fashioned porch running the entire width of the front. Five big pillars held up the porch roof, and every other one had a large brass lamp attached that filled the driveway with a soft, glowing light.

Jacob pulled the car into the garage, which was detached from the house, and grabbed Megan’s bags from the trunk. Then the two of them walked round to the large, oak front door.

“This house has been a real pain in the ass to fix up and maintain, but its a hundred and ten years old, and I love it,” he said, unlocking the door, and leading Megan into an old fashioned black and white tiled hallway with a very grand staircase to one side.

Megan slipped off her jacket and looked around for somewhere to put it.

Jacob’s voice echoed around the hallway. “You may as well keep on undressing, because it’s not as if I’m going to let you wear much of anything for the next few hours, at least.”

Megan gave a small scream and nearly jumped out of her skin when a woman’s voice sounded from near the stairs.

“If that’s the case, Jacob, I do hope your friend doesn’t catch her death in the cold. These old houses are always so drafty.”

“Jesus Chri…, Grandma, what are
doing here?” Jacob turned on the hallway light and took in the tiny frame of his grandmother. “And why are you standing here in the dark?”

The elderly lady moved and walked up to Jacob, and reached up to give him a peck on the cheek. “Well, I couldn’t remember exactly where the hall light switch was. You did ask me to check on the house, now and again; if I happened to be over this way. Don’t you remember? You know, dear, while you were away.”

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