Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series)
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Chapter 10

Sara sat slumped on her
countertop her body sated in a way it hadn’t been in such a long time; with
Eric between her legs and still inside her. His head was buried in the crook of
her neck. She was trying to slow her breathing down her mind was fuzzy with
thoughts running through her head.

“God what did I just do?” “I can’t believe I had sex him,
great sex, awesome sex, best sex of my life in fact but still...” “This isn’t
me, what if he thinks I’m easy?” “I can’t believe I had two orgasms, two...oh
no, wait did he use a condom? I don’t know; I wasn’t excepting this.” “I
stopped getting my shot when Michael and I separated.” “What do I do? What do I

With her thoughts
spiraling out of control she started to hyperventilate. Eric knew the moment
her thoughts mirrored his about the forgotten condom. Her body tensed and she
began to breathe rapidly. In an effort to calm her down he raised his head to
look into her eyes placed his hands on each side of her face and kissed her
gently, sweetly the most tender kiss he had ever given. It took a minute for
her to relax into his embrace, he continued to kiss her sweetly, taking nips
from and nibbling on her bottom lip. He pulled away and looked straight into
her glimmering brown eyes. Still holding her face in his hands he told her

“I know what you’re
thinking, yes I forgot to use a condom but I’m clean and I’ve never been with
anyone without a condom before. So there’s no risk of an STD from me, are you
on any type of birth control?”

She had no idea why but
she was on the verge of crying. Her emotions were just all over the place.
Sniffling and blinking rapidly to try to hold the tears back. Sara answered.

“No, I stopped getting
the shot when Michael and I separated. I...I...”she began to stutter and breaking
eye contact with Eric at the embarrassment of having to tell him that she was so
inexperienced. “I haven’t been with anyone except Michael and after finding out
about his affairs I got tested when I left him; so there’s no risk of STD from
me. But...”

Bringing her glistening eyes
back to Eric’s she finished her sentence.

“But pregnancy, well I’m
in the middle of my cycle so...I don’t know how at risk I am.”

Eric pulled out of Sara
and she winced slightly her eyes squeezing shut as she did. He was not a small
man and she was very tight he may have been a bit too rough with her for their
first time, but he couldn’t help it there was just something about her that made
his mind shut down and his instincts take over. He placed himself back into his
jeans and kissed Sara on the forehead.

“Look it’ll be alright,
the chances are slim so let’s not worry yet ok?”

Sara nodded in agreement.
After Sara fixed the front of her bra Eric clutched Sara by the waist and
helped her down off the counter. She hadn’t taken her skirt or panties off and
he was still fully dressed. She still couldn’t believe that that had happened.
He pulled her into his arms hugged her
tight pushing her long hair aside he started rubbing his hands soothingly up
and down her back. His tender touch helped to ease Sara’s tension; she let out
a small sigh.

“I don’t know what to
say or do, I wasn’t expecting this. What happens now?” Her voice sounded shaky,
insecure and slightly muffled with her face buried in his chest.

Eric came here with one
thought in mind and that was to get in between her legs. He knew going in that
she was different that she affected him like no one has before, he didn’t know
how in a matter of a few short hours she could cast such a spell on him.
Getting into his head and under his skin, he never expected to feel this strong
connection. The minute he touched her he needed more and when he sank deep
inside her there was no rational thoughts going through his head. Never in his
life had he reacted so animalistic, the only cohesive thoughts in his head at
the time was the pleasure he was feeling and the baser need to mark, take, and claim.

Now here she was asking
what happens next. Next, he wasn’t sure what she meant by that. All he knew was
now that he had gotten a taste of her he wasn’t going to let her go. She would
be his and his alone.

“Next, well next I’d
like to take you in the shower and then I’m going to love you till you pass

Caught a little off
guard by his answer she raised her head from his chest with a sheer look of
confusion on her face. Her eyebrows were raised and her mouth slightly puckered.
He had a lopsided grin on his face showing off one of his dimples and the look
in his eyes was of pure hunger, hunger for her and her body. He stooped down
and took her lips in a scorching kiss that had her nipples hardening again.
Releasing her lips he pressed his forehead to hers. With his hands gripping her
waist, his voice low and gruff filled with yearning.

“Which way to your
shower baby?”

Her knees weak slightly
trembling she held onto his solid muscled arms for support her voice barely
above a whisper.

“Down the hall, first door.”

Without warning Eric swoops
down and scoops her up into his arms.

“Oh!” Sara startled,
shrieked and with a knee jerk reaction to not fall wrapped her arms around his
neck. Wearing an "I’ve got you smirk " and with Sara nestled in his
arms Eric sauntered his way down the hall to her bathroom. She was light,
pretty easy for him to carry, he guessed around maybe somewhere between 130-140lbs.
He made note because his mind was already thinking about sexy lingerie he would
buy her. The bathroom door half open he pushed it the rest of the way open with
his foot. Entering the bathroom Eric shifted Sara so he could feel the wall for
the light switch without dropping her. Swiping his hand up and down along the
wall he finally found the switch and flicked it on.

Looking around the room
he observed his surroundings. It was a nice bathroom surprisingly big for a one
bedroom; he could tell it had been recently updated. The walls where sponge
painted in tans and bronzed colors, the pedal stool sink, faucet and the
commode were new. The floor had a marbled look to it in colors that matched the
walls. It had a nice sized tub and shower duo, her curtain was very feminine it
looked like antique lace; she had a clear plastic liner behind it.

He lowered Sara sliding
her down his body. Stepping around her he pushed her curtain open and turned on
her taps. Lifting the handle to turn the shower on he let the water run, he
turned his attention back to Sara; who was fidgeting wringing her fingers and
chewing on her bottom lip. She looked so sexy standing there, her hair mussed
up from his hands and her neck showed a burgeoning mark from his bite. Her lips
were swollen from his kisses, her body flushed with arousal and beneath her bra
he could see her hardened buds. He felt his cock swelling again. He reached for
the hem of his black polo and pulled it off. He saw her eyes opened a little
wider when she took in his bare muscled chest.




Sara watched while Eric
turned on the shower, not knowing quite what to do she just stood there gnawing
on her lip. When he turned and removed his shirt she couldn’t believe how cut
he was. People looked like this in movies and print ads not real life. She was
stunned to see that he had tattoos on his shoulders and one over the left side
of his chest; in the spot you would put your hand when you salute the flag. On
his right shoulder he had what looked like the theater masks of sorrow and
happiness. On his left shoulder he had LOCO SD 619 in old English; on his chest
was a beautiful flower with the name James in cursive with a date November 12

Tentatively Sara reached
out to run her fingers over the tattoo on his chest. When her fingers touch his
tattooed skin his breathes became noticeably faster, his fists balled at his
sides. She looked up to him quizzically and he had a tense almost nervous look.
His lips were pressed together and taunt, his eyes kept shifting searching her
face for a reaction. Almost like he expected her to respond badly or rebuff him
because of his inked skin.

Her eyes shone with
concern her face calm. “Who is James?” she asked lightly while still stroking
her fingers on his chest.

He had to clear his
throat before he spoke. “James was my brother.”

“He passed away?”



The bathroom was filling
up with steam; the mirror had fogged up from the running shower.

“I don’t want to talk
about that right now. Right now I want to take you in that shower before the
hot water runs out.”

He reached behind her unhooked her bra
and pulled it off. He then went to her side slowly unzipped her skirt and
pushed it over her hips so it could fall to the floor. He hadn’t noticed
earlier because honestly he wasn’t looking but she was wearing matching polka
dot underwear. He took note that she liked matched panty sets before he slowly
peeled them off her kissing her on her trimmed nest of curls as he went down.
He liked that she trimmed her pubic hair; personally he liked no hair at all
easier for oral. But having hair trimmed to almost nothing was just as good.
While he was crouched down he removed his socks, once he stood back up he saw
her, all of her completely bare for him.
“God she is a sight”

“Your ex was a total ass
for running around on you. I’ve never felt a better sensation then being
between your legs buried inside you. If you were mine I’d show you how special
you are each night before we slept and every morning when we woke.”

As he was speaking he
started to unzip his pants and take them off. Once off he stood before her in
nothing but his tented silk boxers. He made sure she was watching when he
removed the last bit of clothing covering him. He took hold of himself and
stroked down once, her juices from their encounter earlier had dried on him.

“This is what you do to me, I can’t
remember ever being this hard; I could probably break bricks.”

He spoke with a
predatory leer in his eyes and that lopsided grin on his mouth, which made him
look rakish to her. Sara couldn’t believe what she was seeing; once he had
fully undressed and was naked in front of her she saw for the first time his
more than well-endowed cock. He was defiantly bigger than Michael and he was
totally shaved. She doubted very much that her hand would even be fully able to
wrap around him. That had been inside her, no wonder she first felt a twinge of
pain and why her orgasm was so strong and intense. She watched as he took
himself in hand and stroked himself. She could tell he wasn’t abashed of being
naked in fact she was pretty sure he was proud of his stature. While staring at
his immense member she heard him say.

“Touch me baby, I want
to feel you touch me.”

When she didn’t
immediately reach out for him he took her hand and placed on him. He wrapped
his hand around her hand wrapped around his cock. He started to stroke himself
with their combined hands, his head leaned back and he moaned.

“Mmmmmm baby your hand
is so soft.”

A moment later his head
snapped back he dropped their entwined hands and lifted her up.

Chapter 11

Eric wanted to feel her
touch, but when he told her to touch him she didn’t move. So he grabbed her
hand and fisted it around him. Her touch was soft, gentle. He started to beat
himself with their hands and God did it feel good. But the shower was running
and he wanted to be inside her again, instantly dropping their hands, his hand
went around to her backside and grabbed her by her ass and lifted her up.

“Wrap your legs around
me baby.”

Sara swiftly did as he
said and wrapped her legs around him. With Sara secure in his arms and her legs
locked around him he walked them into the shower. He twisted so they could both
be under the spray of the water. As the hot water ran over their bodies Eric
decided he had waited enough and dipped down to capture her mouth in an
all-consuming kiss. He knew he wasn’t alone in this kiss, her hands had made their
way into his hair again and she was making sweet mewling noises.

Knowing she was wet from
her arousal and the shower water he didn’t feel the need to prep her with his
fingers. Not surrendering her mouth for a minute he pushed her up against the
shower wall and holding her up with his left hand his used his right hand to
position himself at her opening. Once there he grabbed hold of her hips and
thrusted up into her all the way to his hilt. He felt her sharp intake of
breath from his onslaught while they were kissing but he still wouldn’t release
her mouth. With deep long strokes he kept pumping into her at an unrelenting
pace; letting her mouth go only to allow her to get air and to bite on her
neck. When he started to feel her cunt rhythmically clenching him he knew she was
almost ready to cream. Bringing one hand between them he found her clit and
rolled and pinched it with his fingers. With the new added sensation she
reached her climax and as she began to cry out with her orgasm he took her
mouth and swallowed her cries with his kiss. She began to whimper into his
mouth so he released her clit clutched her hip and started pounding into her in
chase of his own fulfillment. With her pussy milking his dick it wasn’t long
before he felt his own quickening. Only this time just as he was about to cum
he pulled out, released her mouth groaned out her name “Uhhhh Sara” as he let
loose his load, spurting on her belly and thigh. Once the hum of their post
coital high simmered down and they both caught their breath Eric slowly let her
down to stand on her legs.

Sara knew going into the
shower he was going to take her again, he had said so but she didn’t think he
would take her up against the wall. She thought maybe laying on the tub floor,
the sensation she had felt in that position was mind boggling. He was so deep
in her it felt like he was touching her womb. And when he had pinched her clit
she felt the same pleasure and pain she had felt when he pulled on her hair.
She really didn’t expect that, pain usually hurts but for some reason in these
instances it felt pleasurable. How was that possible?

Eric had finally let her
stand, her legs were a bit shaky but she didn’t need his support this time so
that was good. She watched as Eric somewhat turned and reached for her body
puff and body wash that was sitting in her plastic shower caddy. He squeezed
some of the pear-scented wash onto the puff returned the bottle to the caddy
and started to rub the puff till the body soap foamed. When the puff had
sufficient suds, he turned back to her and began to wash her upper body.

“What are you doing?”

Not stopping his self-assigned
chore of washing her he smiled at her with his lop sided grin before replying
in humorous voice.

“I’m washing you baby,
gotta get you clean after I dirtied you all up. I love this smell; do all your
perfumed products have this same smell?”

“Yes I love the smell of
fresh pear so I use the whole line from Victoria’s Secret.”

Eric continued until her
body had been washed; he then washed his own body. When he was finished he
reached for the shampoo squirted a nice amount in his hands and began to wash
her hair; massaging her scalp then working down to her long tresses. Sara loved
the feel of him massaging her scalp. This simple act made her heart swell a bit.
She had never been taken care of in such a way. As he finished with her hair he
then did his own and it was the same with the conditioner.

Once they were both
clean Eric turned the water taps off pulled the curtain back and stretched his
arm out to reach one of her fluffy gold colored towels. While Eric was getting
a towel Sara wrung the excess water out of her hair. That was one of the
drawbacks of long hair; but she didn’t like the way she looked with short hair.
She had tried one of those sleek short cuts; she thought it made her look
pretentious and she had to go back every 3 weeks to maintain the look. No,
longer hair was simple and more feminine. She had a few layers cut around her
face and long side sweep bangs it gave her a gentle, easy going look and that’s
what she liked.

Towel in hand Eric dried
them both off. Sara took the towel from Eric bent over and wrapped her hair in
the towel Carmen Miranda style. Once upright she saw that Eric was no longer in
the shower with her. He had stepped out gotten ahold of the other towel and now
had it swathed around his hips. He was picking up the clothes that they had
abandoned on the floor. Not wanting to stand there naked while he was covered
Sara asked.

“Can you hand me my bath
robe it’s on the hook behind the door. The yellow terry cloth one, not the
flowered silk please.”

“And what if I don’t
want you to cover up? You have a mouthwatering body; I could just stare at you
all day and all night, well once you take the towel off your head.” He chuckled

Sara didn’t know why but
she found herself smiling at his audacious answer.

“But I’ll be cold.” Her
voice somewhat sing songish; almost sounding like a whine.

Shaking his head from
side to side as he went to get her robe from behind the door he replied in a
somewhat mocking voice.

“Well we can’t have that
now can we?”

With the robe in one
hand and the clothes from the floor in the other he walked back to Sara who was
still standing in the shower. As she reached to take the robe, Eric pulled it

“No, no, no.” He taunted
“First you have to pay me.”

“Pay you? With what?”
Hands on her hips Sara asked the high
pitch of her voice and the look on her face showed the astonishment that she

Her face was so
expressive; Eric could tell what she was feeling and most likely thinking just
by her looks. Right now her hand hung in the air reaching for the robe. Her
mouth was slightly opened and when her eye brows shot up, her eyes had
momentarily widened. Grinning like a Cheshire cat who had caught a mouse; he
leaned in close and answered. “With this.” Then he took her mouth in an ardent
kiss. With his payment received he handed Sara her robe so she could shrug in

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