Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series)
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Chapter 6

It took a couple of minutes
before everything that just happened sunk in. With a wicked glare Sara turned
to confront Jo Ann.

“What did you do? Why
does he think he’s picking me up tomorrow? And how does he know where I
live?!?”Her voice kept hitting high octaves’ as she screeched at Jo Ann.

She actually looked
kinda funny waving her hands around in the air with her face turning beet red.
Jo Ann tried to stifle her laughter but with Sara making quite the little scene
she had a really hard time. Finally after a few minutes she was able to get
control of her laughter.

“Ok, ok calm down Sara.
He asked me about you. And before you say anything I asked about him before I
gave him your info.” Jo Ann looked at Sara making sure she calmed before she

“Like he said his name
is Eric Morales, He’s 31 he owns his own business, well actually businesses. He
owns a couple consignment slash pawn shops. He gave me his business card.”

She held out the hand that was grasping
his card and handed it to her.

“He seemed like a real
standup guy and he was really into you, he wouldn’t take his eyes off you the
whole time we talked. I know you said you didn’t think you were ready, but it’s
been what almost a year since your divorce has been final. And weren’t
separated even before that, I think you need to get out there and get a taste
of what you’ve been missing.”

Sara stared at the black
business card embossed with gold cursive script.

Eric Morales


Platinum & Gold
Consignment & Pawn

4500 University Ave.

San Diego, CA 92105

(619)555-GOLD [email protected]

It was a high quality
business card, she could tell by the weight and feel of the card. This was no
print at home card, Eric Morales obviously did well for himself. Sara looked up
from the card to Jo Ann’s apprehensive face. Hurriedly Jo Ann spoke again

“I didn’t tell him your
apartment number as kind of a failsafe, he said he’d text you and get it later.
So if you really don’t want to go out to dinner with him you won’t have to and
he won’t awkwardly show up at your door.”

Sara shook her head and
let out an indulgent chuckle; while putting the business card into the side pocket
of her purse. She reached out to grab Jo Ann’s hand and gave it a soft squeeze.

Sara let out a long sigh

“You’re right, I’m nearly
29 if I ever want to have kids before I’m 35 I’ve got to get out and start
dating. I won’t find Mr. Right on my living room couch.”

“See” Jo Ann confidently
said as she hooked her arm around Sara’s shoulders, steering her toward the
exit. “I know this will be good for you; you just needed a little push, plus he
is smokin’ hot!”

Laughing together the
girls walked out to the parking lot to Sara’s car and drove home. After
dropping Jo Ann off at her spectacular condo, she didn’t feel much like
cooking. Cooking just wasn’t fun when you were cooking for one. So she stopped
by a Greek restaurant she had found on her way to the office on Wednesday. They
had the best lamb gyro she had ever tasted and they made a pistachio hazelnut
baklava that she really should stay away from, but ended up ordering two pieces
so she could have one in the morning with her tea.

Thou it was a little
lonely and awkward eating at home without a table to sit at; she decided to take
her order home. It was Saturday night, date night and couples were out and
about everywhere she looked. Back in her apartment she made a little picnic for
herself in front of the T.V. Thank God her cable was hooked up on Tuesday or
she truly would have had a boring Saturday. She went all out and ordered the
movie package so now she had HBO, Cinemax, Stars and all the other movie
channels to choose from.

She settled on a rerun
of Game of Thrones, it was an episode that she had only seen half of because
she had nodded off while watching. Right in the middle of a very graphic sex
scene that was so erotic she had actually stopped chewing her food; her cell
phone went off with a text from a number she didn’t recognize. The simple text
From (619)555-3994

What apartment is yours?

“Oh no! It’s him, what do I do? Should I text him back?”

“God I don’t know how to do this...”

Sara stared down at her
phone chewing on her bottom lip as thoughts raced through her mind. She decided
to play dumb. So she replied:

Who is this?

Ding la ding la ding her
phone twittered again.

From (619)555-3994

You know who this is,
which one’s your apartment?




Eric sat in his brand
new 2014 fully loaded and lifted Toyota Tundra, staring at the apartment
complex in front of him, waiting for her text. He hadn’t been able to get Sara
off his mind all day. He had left the auction house that afternoon filled with
the vision of the way her soft rounded ass looked in that gray eyelet skirt she
was wearing. He was so happy that he had listened to his cousin about hitting
the auction today, he almost didn’t go. Debating whether to just relax in his
back yard by the pool or buying some antiques for the consignment shop he was
opening in La Jolla.

The minute he had gotten
out of his truck at the auction house he felt eyes on him. You didn’t grow up
in his neighborhood without acquiring certain survival instincts and knowing
when you were being watched was one of them. When he looked around and his eyes
met hers and he was instantly hooked. The way she looked at him, with nothing
but awe and wanting. Yeah he knew that look, plenty of women over the years had
looked at him that way. He was humble but he was honest, he was a good looking
man. Being of a mixed heritage of Mexican and Italian he was blessed with height,
thick dark hair a lean physique and from his paternal grandmother green eyes.
James had always said he’d lucked out with Nona’s eyes, genes are funny that
way. James was almost identical to Eric he was only one year younger, 2 inches
shorter and had mom’s brown eyes. “James...”He locked that thought away and
focused all his thoughts back onto Sara.

Going into the auction
house he had smirked at her thinking he knew her type ignoring the pull he felt
from her eyes. But when he was walking around in the auction house he kept
seeing her and he noticed that there was something really different about her.
She had a sweet innocent look. She didn’t pile on loads of make-up; she had a
fresh look to her. She looked young but he knew she had to be in her earlier to
mid-twenties. So he began to slowly walk behind her. Far away enough for her
not to notice him but close enough that he could study her. He wasn’t stalking,
no he was just curious. As he watched her he saw that she had a very
conservative type of body language. She was not trying to get attention or be seen;
in fact she was oblivious to the heated looks she was getting from the men
crossing her path.

At certain times as he
walked near her, he was close enough to hear part of her and her friend’s
conversation. She was surprisingly sweet, sensible and she had the softest most
feminine voice he had ever heard, there was something very delicate about her.
She intrigued him, sparked his interest, he hadn't felt this type of awareness
of a woman in a very long time, if ever. He found the more he saw and heard her
the closer he wanted to be. As he watched her he slowly started to categorize
her features; her smooth toned calves, the gentle sway of her hips as she
walked, her sweet plump ass, her delicate manicured hands. Her hair was
beautiful and long it fell to her mid back even though she had it pulled up in
a simple pony tail; he was sure if he pulled the band holding her hair it would
fall to her lower back, he loved long hair on women all the more to pull on as
you rode hard from behind. To many women these days were going for those
shorter haircuts. Her hair was a deep dark color almost a solid black but not
quite; he could tell that it was natural she didn't go to a salon to achieve
this this look; no this was all her.

Her eyes were slightly
almond shaped almost catlike and they were the color of such a deep brown they
reminded him of the richest coffee. She had lighter skin then he did not pale
or alabaster, it was slightly tinted as though if she did spend time in the sun
she would have a nice bronzed tone. And her lips, well her lips looked
delectable; the bottom one slightly fuller than then top but this didn't subtract
anything away from them; no they still looked so tempting and so kissable.

When he stood behind her
in the line he caught the scent of her delicate perfume; it was something soft
and sweet, pear maybe or maybe sweet pea. Whatever it was it suited her
perfectly. When he finally got the chance to be introduced his fingers kept
itching to touch her skin, he wanted to see if it felt as soft and delicate as
it looked. So when he was finally saying goodbye he reached out and stroked her
cheek and yes it was as soft and supple as it looked.

He was brought out of his lusty thoughts
by the wind chime chirp his phone made as he received her replying text.

From (814)555-3154

Apartment 36

As he read her simple
text telling him which apartment was hers he smiled. He knew she told him her
apartment number expecting him to come tomorrow but he just couldn't wait. He
was sitting in his truck with a hard on just from thinking about her. Hell he
had gotten hard after he touched her cheek, that's why he had turned and walked
away so fast. He had wanted to talk more with her but he couldn't control the way
his body responded to her. Her body called to him, he had never felt such a
pull toward a woman.

He was a grown man for
goodness sakes 31 almost 32 he wasn't some horn dog teen that got hard at the sight
of a beautiful woman. No Eric had learned how to control himself around women,
ever since he lost his virginity at 14. He had honed his rhythm and technique;
he wanted it to get around the neighborhood that he knew how to make a girl cum
good and hard.
When he was younger a person in his neighborhood lived or
died by their reputation and Eric wanted to be known as three things.

1. He was someone you
never wanted to mess with.

2. He could get you
anything you needed if the price was right.

3. That he was a good

It had only been 8 hours
since he left her at the auction house. He knew she was skittish he could tell
by the look in her eyes when he came on to her. He came on strong he knew but that
was just how he was, he sees something he wants he gets it and nothing stands
in his way.

He knew he should wait
for their date tomorrow; he would be picking her up early after all, five
o’clock. But he just couldn't; he wanted her and he wanted her now. From
talking with her friend he knew she was a respectable girl. She obviously
didn’t date much, most likely not one prone to sleep with someone on their
first date.

"Date, hell"
He thought, this wasn't a date
he was about to walk over to her apartment and do everything short of threatening
her to get her to sleep with him tonight. He didn’t want but needed those soft
thighs wrapped around him all night. Decision made, he got out of his truck
grabbed a few condoms he kept in his trucks glove box; pocketed them reached
for the six pack of Dos XX he had picked up when he originally thought of going
home and headed for apartment 36.

Chapter 7

Sara was staring at his
text, worrying...

“Should I answer him?” “Jo Ann says I need to get out
there.” “She’s right I just need to jump in, the first dates the hardest right?
After that it should be easy to join the dating scene.”

So with her decision
made she replied to his text.

From: (814)555-3154

Apartment 36

“There, sent, I can’t take it back.” “Oh God what will I
wear? Are we going somewhere casual? Fancy? I should ask him.”

As Sara’s mind was
racing with questions about what to expect and how to prepare for tomorrow;
someone knocked on her door, she tapped her cells screen to see what time it

“Just after 8 o’clock, who could it be? Jo Ann would have
called and I don’t know anyone else.”

As Sara was trying to
think of who it could be she made her way to her door. Looking through her
peephole the view wasn’t very good the sun had just set and with the way her
apartment sits the building blocked what little light was left. All there was;
was a soft glow from the parking lot light.
Whoever it was they were tall, then the person turned their head and the
light shone on half of his face. She gulped.

“Oh No it’s him!”

Knock knock knock knock

Eric knocked again, he
knew he knocked loud enough the second time she had to have heard him, it was
just past 8:00; she couldn’t be asleep, she had just texted him. On the other
side of the door Sara just stood there staring out her peephole.

“Shit shit shit, he knows I’m awake. I can’t ignore him.”
“Open the door stupid and just tell him to come back for your date tomorrow. He
has to know I wasn’t expecting him tonight.” “Ok ok ok, just ask who it is,
open the door then tell him to go away.”

Taking a couple of
calming breaths so she could speak without her voice squeaking, she answered
the door.

“Who is it?”

Eric smiled; he looked
at the door and knew she was watching him through the peephole. He took a small
step back so she could get a better look at him.


Speaking through the
door Sara responded.

“Oh well I wasn’t
expecting you tonight and it’s getting late, can you come back tomorrow for our

Quietly chuckling to
himself Eric retorted.

“I can barely hear you
through the door; can you open it and repeat what you said?”

He heard the locks on
her door turning. And slowly she opened the door half way, only exposing part
of her body. Her hair was loose now and he was right it did hang down to her
lower back; part of it was hanging over the one shoulder that was showing. She
was still wearing the cute outfit she was wearing earlier; she hadn’t changed
to get ready for bed yet.

Her voice was low and a
little shaky.

“Uhmm when I texted you
my apartment number I wasn’t expecting you tonight. I thought it was for our
date tomorrow and it’s getting late, so can you just come back tomorrow?”

Putting his massive hand
that wasn’t holding the six pack of beer on her door he gently gave it a small
push. Just enough to get her to back up so he could start stepping inside
before she shut the door in his face, as he was doing this he spoke.

“Oh I know I just
thought as I was driving home that maybe it was better if we get to know each
other a little more tonight; to make our date tomorrow less awkward.”

It was a lame excuse but it was all he
could think of on the spot. She couldn’t believe that he had just pressed his
way into her apartment. He was now closing the door behind him and turning the
locks. He turned around and walked right up to her as he was speaking, standing
closer than what was socially acceptable. In fact he was so close she was
breathing in his warm breath as he exhaled and she inhaled.

Holding up the six pack
of beer in his left hand, he looked down into her face and grinned.

“Dos XX, what better way
is there to get to know someone than sit, relax and talk with a cold beer?”

Sara was standing there
gaping at him, she didn’t know what to do or say, what was the social norm in
this situation?
And as she looked
at his dazzling smile and his oh so cute dimples she found her body and her
mind were at war. Her body was immediately responding to him, he hadn’t even
touched her but the look he was giving her was making her body slowly heat she
was starting to feel a low pull in her tummy. And to her utter astonishment she
felt herself growing damp, just from the heat coming off his standing to close
body, his radiant smile and his I’m gonna eat you up gleam in his eyes. Her
mind however was screaming at her
DANGER!” “You need to make this man leave now!” “You’re not prepared for this;
you’ve only dated one man for pity’s sake.”

Eric saw the war going
on inside her head, there were so many emotions flittering around on her face
shock, desire, lust, confusion, apprehensiveness. She still hadn’t said
anything to him. He knew he shouldn’t but his body was taking over and he
couldn’t stop it. He stroked her cheek once, twice then he curled his fingers
around her chin tilted her face up more, leaned his head down and placed a soft
chaste kiss on her lips. When his lips touched hers he felt what he could only
describe as a jolt go through his body. Her lips were soft, perfect and he felt
himself instantly grow hard beneath his Levis. He needed to step back slow down
or he knew he would be pushing her to hard and too fast.

“I needed that, now
let’s go have a beer”

As he grasped her hand
she meekly nodded her head and he began to pull her further into her apartment
in search of the kitchen to keep the beer cold.

Sara was having an out
of body experience. She heard him speak, felt him take hold of her chin and she
saw his head start to dip down to kiss her. But she was frozen in her spot she
couldn’t move, she didn’t want to move and then their lips touched and she felt
a sharp electrical current run straight from her lips to the tips of her
breasts to the apex of her thighs.

Her nipples hardened and
puckered in her bra; and her underwear were more than just damp now; all from a
simple kiss.
“WOW” “I can’t believe he
just kissed me” She thought

He spoke to her again
and thou she really didn’t hear him because of the loud swishing sound of her
blood pumping in her ears. All she could do was to nod in agreement like some
dumb twit. Which let’s face it that was exactly what she was when it came to
men. Michael was a standard missionary position man and apart from the
afternoon that he had purposed they had only made love outside the bedroom a
hand full of times.

“Maybe that’s why he cheated, I was boring.”

She didn’t have many
female friends more acquaintances or business contacts than anything else. She
had a cousin she was close to and Jen was an open book. Whenever they talked
she’d go on and on about her newest lover and how proficient he was. So she
knew there were other ways to have sex, wilder ways; she just had never
experienced these things and therefore was a complete twit when it came to sex.
Michael hadn’t even gone down on her once during their marriage. She had tried
to initiate it once after hearing about one of Jen’s escapades. While they were
in bed she had given him a blow job, abate not a very good one but hey she was
learning. What she lacked in experience she made up for in enthusiasm, but what
had happened, just as he was about to cum he pulled her off him flipped her
onto her back sank inside her thrusted two or three times then came with a
rough grunt; kissed her, pulled out then went to sleep.

“So you have absolutely
no furniture aside from your TV,” Eric stated as he looked around at her bare

“Looks like you were
having a picnic.”

He nudged his head toward the
unfurnished living where her blanket was spread on the floor with her
unfinished dinner. Taking in notice that thou she didn’t have any furniture
besides the plain TV stand and TV she had two unpacked boxes marked “books” One
box open but not unpacked marked “Photo Albums & Pics” He notice that she
didn’t seem to have a boxes marked “nic naks” or “memories” Turning his
attention back to Sara he asked “Maybe we should take a couple of these beers
and finish it?”

Eric’s voice brings her
out of her dark memories. She looked up and sees Eric holding two beers nodding
his head toward the living room.

“Oh, uhmmm yeah I was
finishing up dinner and watching Game of Thrones. The dinette set I bought
today won’t be delivered till tomorrow afternoon.”

“Well, why don’t we take
these in the living room we’ll watch the rest of your show and we can get to
know each other.”

“I don’t really drink
much, usually just a glass of wine.”

“Dos XX is one of the
best beers you can get.”

He raised the two beers
smiling down at her. He loved that she had to look up to him. He had a good
foot or more on her he was sure and that just made her more attractive.

“Yeah, ok. It’s probably
over by now but I have all the movie packages so there should be something else

Happy that she wasn’t
asking him to leave again; especially after being so bold and kissing her, with
a beer in each hand he put one on the small of her back and walked with her to
the living room. The TV was still on but she was right the show was over. She
had a nice flat screen not as big as his but a decent size. Her TV stand was
non-descript, just a basic plain run of the mill stand. He set the beers on the
corner of the stand. Knelt down and started untying and taking off his boots.
He set them off to the side, grabbed the beers and sat down on the fuzzy purple
throw blanket she had spread on the floor. He was careful not to step or sit on
her food.

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