Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series) (19 page)

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Chapter 38

Eric was so excited happy nervous and scared all at the same
time he never thought someone could feel so many emotions at once. He jumped in
his truck turned the key his engine roared to life. He started to think.

“This is to loud it
would scare a newborn and trying to get a car seat up in the back there, no
I’ll need to get an easier car maybe a small SUV.”

“I shouldn’t go over
there empty handed no I need flowers and her favorite ice cream and something
for my baby to show her I love her and the child we created.”

Eric’s mind kept buzzing with ideas and what should get, in
all he made five different stops at five different stores. He loaded up his
hands with the goodies he bought and headed toward Sara’s apartment. Once he
got there the nervousness was the emotion that seemed to take over. But he
reminded himself he had a plan to get her to open the door and once he was
inside he wouldn’t leave till she knew the truth took him back and he made
sweet love to her. Two weeks with out her and his body was protesting. Never
had he needed a woman as he needed her. He loaded up his arms with the
decorated gifts bags and he had the bundle of red roses to hide behind at her

Taking one more deep breath to steady and calm him he
knocked on her door. He heard her voice call out “Who is it” He was momentarily
struck dumb at the first sound of her voice in two weeks. She actually had to
ask again.
“Who is it”

He tried to disguise his voice as best as he could making
his voice nasal and putting a more Spanish accent to it. “Delivery for Ms.

“No thank you please just return it”

“Ok jes ma’am I need gou sign please”

He heard her locks turning and she opened the door he thrust
the flowers into her hand, pushed the door open fully and went in around her.
Sara still having the big bundle of roses blocking her view yelled. “What the
hell? I said I want them retur…”

The word died in her mouth as she lowered the roses and saw
Eric standing before her. He walked up to her moved her a bit so he could shut
and lock the door. They stood there staring at each other waiting on who would
make the first move. Since it was Eric who unknowingly caused the rift he gave
in and spoke first. He got down on his knees in front of her.

“Sara I know you don’t want me here, but you need to know
the truth. I’ve been trying to tell you for weeks but you never listened or
responded to anything, so you left me with no choice but to barge in. Sara I
love you, only you. (Tears began to fall from Sara’s eyes) No baby don’t cry
please, what you saw was not what was really happening.”

At hearing his denial she glared down at him. “You’re gonna
lie to me really, I was maybe 15 feet away you were holding her your mouths
were locked kissing, how is that not what it seems?”

“Let me explain, Jo Ann told Gio the lies that Tracy told
you in the car. I went to confront her because I didn’t want anything to stand
between us. While we were talking she admitted that she still had feelings for
me and wanted me. I told her that I didn’t feel that way about her any more. I
told her that I thank her for all she did for me, but I wasn’t going to love
her because of that. I told her I loved you. She kept denying what I was telling
her, she just kept saying I was just confused. Then she grabbed my face and
started to kiss me. I wasn’t holding her I was trying to pry her hands of my
face without hurting her. If you had stayed just a few more seconds you would
have seen me take her hands off me and push her away. I told her to take a cab
home and that it was better if she no longer stayed at my house.”

Sara’s broken heart began to beat again, her hope inflating,
could it be as he said, did Tracy lie about everything in the car. Was it her
forcing herself on him? Tears running down her face chewing on her bottom lip
she kept thinking. She needed more answers.

“So you never called her yours?” Hear voice was shaky thick
from tears.

“No baby you’re mine only mine, I have never claimed another
woman in my life.”

“And you didn’t mark her and whisper love to her when you
were together?”

“No, Tracy saw things as she wanted to see them, I never
left any marks on her and the only thing I’d say during our time together was
how good a fuck she was. I had no deep feelings for her. I owe her a lot but I
never asked her to do what she did. She was just someone I went to every so
often when I needed a release.”

“And it’s not like that with me?”

“NO! of course not baby I love you, you’re the only women I
have ever lost control with, the only one I’ve slept with without condoms, But
I don’t care if I use them with you or not because, having my seed take hold in
your belly and grow a child that we made out of love would be amazing. The
night your mattress was delivered we made love twice that night do you


“The second time when I loved you slowly I wasn’t covered
and I knew it. I filled your womb with my seed and actually hoped it would take

Sara gasped at his confession, astonished she stuttered out
her question. “You you wanted me to get pregnant?”

“Yes, you’re it for me Sara only you.” He then reached into
his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet ring box
Sara’s breathing began to get rapid and shallow again, the
tears that had slowed only ran down faster now. Eric opened the box and held it
up to her.

“Sara I love you only you, there will never me another for
me, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding that has caused us both so much pain for
the last two weeks but if you forgive and take me as your husband I will show
you every night and every morning how much I love you. Please marry me?”

Sara couldn’t believe what was happening, Gio hadn’t lied to
Jo Ann and Eric hadn’t lied to her, and here he was asking her to be his
Wiping the tears from her
cheeks Sara got down on her knees in front of him. She wrapped her arms around
his neck and looking straight into his emerald green eyes, eyes she could see
were full of love for her. She leaned in and kissed him. She meant for it to be
a slow kiss but when their lips touch all the pent up hunger they have had for
the last two weeks with out each exploded. Eric took over demanding her to give
him her tongue. And with their tongues he enacted what they were about to do

Eric stopped only to tear off his shirt sending buttons
everywhere, he then tore her shirt off of her, un did her bra and yanked it
away. Panting he then looked to her beautiful breasts that he had be denied
from for two weeks. He push her back down onto the floor and began to suckle
and pinch her harden nubs. Her breast became heavy in his hands.

“Oh baby I’ve missed you.” He left her breast to claim her
mouth but she was trying to tell him something.

“MMM Eric I mmmm need mmm to tell mmm.”


He sat up quickly to remove his shoes socks pant and boxers.
Sara giggled at the site of his hard cock bobbing up and down as he moved
around. Next he grabbed hold of her yoga pants and panties at the same time and
ripped them of her. He took a min to gaze at his beautiful woman, his woman
carrying his child he went down to her belly slightly caressed it and then
planted a soft gentle kiss. He looked up to see her watching him and he smiled.

“I hope we have a girl and that she’s as beautiful as you

Sara was thrown for a loop. “How did you know?”

“I have my ways.”
He chuckled

She was about to ask another question but he silenced her
with a kiss. Pushing her legs apart wider he made room for himself. He lowered
one hand to see if she was ready for him, she was her cunt was dripping with
her sweet cream. He positioned himself and then slid up into her all the way to
the hilt.

“OHhhhh” Sara moaned

“Yesss baby,
your sweet warm cunt.” He groaned
“Did you miss me?”

“Mmmmm yes”

“What did you miss?”

“Your thick cock filling me”

“That’s right my cock only mine”


“You are mine.”


“You will be my wife”

“And you my husband”

He really did want to go slow to savor the moment of their
rejoining but she felt so good he just couldn’t hold back. He began to move
faster with longer strokes, so far in he would have sworn he felt her womb. He
pulled back a bit didn’t want to chance hurting his child.
He raised one of her legs over one of
his shoulders. And the gasp he heard from her and the whimpering sound that
followed told him he was in the right spot. So he started to really working
thrusting into fast and hard. After a few minutes he felt her cunt start to rhymically
squeeze him she was almost there. She started moaning loudly, god he loved
hearing her. He put her leg back down so he could really pound into her. She
started to beg

“Please Eric Please.”

“Please what, what do you want baby?”

“I want you harder I want to cum please”

“Oh baby my pleasure”

He held nothing back now, slamming into her over and over.
Her legs tried to stiffen she was clawing at his back and her orgasm hit and
she screamed out in pleasure but her scream was cut short when she latched onto
his shoulder and bit down hard. Hard enough it mad him cry out. “Oh fuck baby
AAHHHHHHHH” His thrust became jerky as he came to his release he then bit down
on her neck marking her again, he had no doubt she hade marked him.


“Come on baby push, one more time, breath and push.”

“Mrs. Morales I can see her head, all I need is a couple of
good strong pushes and she’ll be out to meet you.”

“Honey I’m tired”

“I know baby but just a couple more and she’ll be here ok,
now here comes a contraction hold on to me baby and push.”

“Ahhhhhhhhggggggrrrrrrraaah” Sara screamed she force every
last bit of energy into that push. But it was worth it because she heard the
first cries of her daughter.

“Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Morales you have a beautiful
baby girl, let the nurses clean her up and we’ll giver right to you.”

“Thank you Dr. Kline”

“No thanks needed Mr. Morales”

A nurse in pink scrubs walked up to the side of Sara’s bed, “Now
who wants this beautiful girl first?”

“Me” as weak as she was Sara sat up to hold her miracle.

“Eric she’s so beautiful.”

“Of course she is, she looks just like you.” Eric kissed his
wife on her forehead

The nurse in the pink scrubs handed Eric a piece of paper.

“What is it?”
Sara asked not being able to read it.

“It’s for your baby book Mrs. Morales, it has her weight at
birth 8lbs 9ozs a big girl 21inches long and these are her foot prints.”

“Thank you so much”

“Your welcome, if you could just hand the baby to your
husband I can help clean you up so you can receive your visitors, there’s quite
a few down there.”

The nurse helped Sara to clean up changed her sheet and
blanket made sure she was comfortable.

“She sleeping now but when she wakes I want you to buzz me
so I can come in and show you how to get her latched on, you are breast feeding


“Good I’ll just let your visitors know you’re ready and they
can come in.”

Everyone came rushing in at once, Sara’s mom had flown out
and was going to stay a couple of weeks to help Sara get in the swing of things,
Eric’s mom Nadia was there his Aunt Sofia, all three of his cousins and of
course Jo Ann. They all took turns holding her and saying how beautiful she was
and how Sara was a champ for keeping up with a 26 hour labor.

Brianna now holding the baby looked down at her and started
to coo “You are so pretty yes you are little, hey what name did you decide on
for her I didn’t know what to call her just now.”

“Hope” They answered together

“That’s the name I liked” Gio and Jo Ann spoke at the same
time, they gave each other awkward looks then turned away from each other.

“Oh look she’s waking up, good morning Hope.”

“If she’s awake that means you all need to leave, the nurse
needs to show Sara how to latch the baby on and I don’t think she wants you all
around watching.”

They all said their goodbyes and that they would return
later. Eric shut the door walked to the chair next to Sara’s bed and pressed
the call button for the nurse.

“Did you pick up on the weird vibes between Gio and Jo Ann”

“Yeah they’ve been acting strange around each other since
our wedding”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I thought you picked up on it too.”

“No I was to preoccupied by my stunningly beautiful pregnant
wife.” Eric stood up leaned next to Sara’s bed wrapping his arm around her
shoulders and he tenderly kissed the top of her head.

“I love you”

Sara was holding her daughter so happy about how her fresh
start had given her everything she had ever dreamed of having.

“And I love you”

Gio’s Unexpected Love

Keep an eye out for the next book in the Lovers Series.

Being Eric’s best man meant a lot to Gio he just didn’t like
that he was going to be saddled with Jo Ann most of the night because she was
Sara’s maid of honor. They had to walk down the isle together, sit next to each
other at dinner and for photos. He just didn’t like it, there was something
about Jo Ann that had his internal sensors screaming DANGER DANGER. Ever since
that Friday night when they had all gone out together things were just
different. It drove me crazy thinking that she thought he was a lying bastard.
Why he didn’t know, never cared before. All he knew was he just need to stay


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