Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series)
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Chapter 20

Eric wasted no time the
moment she opened the door he gathered her up into his arms, kicked the door
shut and went straight to her bedroom. With her bedroom set in place there
wasn’t much room on the floor, but her mattress wouldn’t be delivered till
tomorrow. So back on the comforters they went. As if he was a magician he made
their clothes disappear in a matter of seconds. Pulling the rubber band from
her hair he ran his fingers through her hair loosening her silky locks. Before
they got too carried away he reached for his jeans to pull out the condom he
had in his pocket. Once he had put on the condom he pulled her up to sit on his
lap. He grabbed handfuls of her hair and pulled her close to capture her mouth
and not just to kiss her but to dominate and show who was in charge.
Her body was hot pressed against
his, her harden peaks pressed against his chest; he could feel the heat coming
off her in waves; she was hot, she was wet, she was ready. Not being able to
wait another minute needing to be buried deep inside her. He grabbed her round
her waist lifted her up, grabbed hold of his cock placed himself under her wet
slit and slammed her down on to him.

She cried out at the stab of his quick onslaught.

Oh god
baby you feel so good, so tight, I love being buried deep inside you.” Eric

With her arms wrapped
around his neck he grabbed her hips and started her moving up and down on his
swollen shaft.
Their mingled breaths and moans of pleasure excited them
more enhancing the intensity of their lovemaking. Sara started tightening
around him it was the tell tell sign she was close to her climax.
Without breaking
their precious connection he laid her on her back, grabbing both her wrists in
one hand, he held them above her head. With his other hand he grabbed her leg
by her thigh and lifted it up and held it there. Her knee was almost pressed
against her chest making each thrust deeper and harder. Sara started mewling
and panting so close to climax. “Tell me” He demanded his voice roughened with

“Please, please, Eric
please.” She begged

But that wasn't what he
wanted to hear he asked again. “Tell me.” Becoming more voracious, he began to
slam into her, when she only cried out and didn't answer him he growled at her.
“Tell me”

Her mind fogged up with
pleasure she didn't understand what he wanted to hear then when demanded her to
tell him the third time it clicked and she knew what he wanted to hear.

“I'm yours” she breathed

“Again” He commended

“I'm yours” she repeated

“Mine?” He asked

“Yes” She answered

“Mine” He repeated

she agreed

Happy with her answer he
kissed her ravenously and he released her hands and let down her thigh.

Sarah didn't know what
happened all of a sudden she was on her belly and he was pulling her back end up
onto her knees then he crashed into her.

“Fuck!” she screamed

A hand on each hip he
began to pull her toward him at the same moment he would slam into her making
each thrust that much stronger. He let go of one of her thighs only to grab a
hand full of her
hair pulling her head back he demanded

“Tell me”




Sara was on the edge he was working her
harder than the previous times they had been together; so hard she knew she’d
be sore if not bruised in the morning and then he grabbed her hair pulling her
head back just enough to where it wasn't too painful. Demanding “Tell me”

She moaned out her
answer “I'm yours”


“I'm yours”


“I'm...” She couldn't
even finish her answer because her orgasm
sky rocketed. Her climax was so
intense it robbed her of her speech capabilities, she screamed out some garbled
curses and something close to
Eric's name. Hearing her over and over again say she was his increased his
arousal, when he heard her scream in her climax and her hot cunt squeezed around
him it triggered his own release.

“Shit, Fuck, Sara” he

He pulled out and
collapsed next to her as she dropped to
her belly. They were both out of
air panting and trying to catch their breath.
Once Eric’s breathing settled he turned on his side and placed a gentle kiss on
the spine of Sara’s back; he got up and went to the bathroom to take care of
necessities when he came back into the room Sarah was peacefully sleeping. He
climbed back in to their makeshift bed wrapped his arm around her and fell into
a deep sleep with her tucked in the circle of his embrace.
Ding ding ding ding, ding ding ding ding

The musical sound of Sara's alarm woke her up,
she reached around searching the floor for her cell phone and came up empty. Sitting
up she saw that her purse was in the corner, so she crawled over to it; fished
out her cell phone and hit the off button. She looked behind her and saw that
Eric was awoken by her alarm too; he sat up and asked what the time was.

“Its 7:30 I have to leave no later than 8:30
to get to work on time.” Sara answered plainly.

“I don't have to work the first shift; I can
come in at lunch and work the second.” Eric easily replied

“Well, I need to get a shower”

Sara went to her stacks of cloths; she never
did get a chance to put them inside her new five-drawer chest. She picked out a
nice comfortable outfit for work, beige kakis and a powder blue button up top.
She had a really cute necklace and earring set of multiple blue colors that
would just add a nice pop to her outfit. Eric made to get up to join her in the
shower but she put her hands up in a stopping motion and emphatically told him

“No no no no if you come with me I will be in
that shower forever and then I will be late for work.”
With a siliceous smile on his face Eric agreed “All right then baby I'll make
you some breakfast.”

Taking her bundle with her Sara went to the
bathroom for her morning routine and shower. With Sara out of the room and
taking a shower Eric got up, put on his boxers and jeans and went to the
kitchen to start breakfast for her. When Sara came out of the bathroom and walked
down the hall she immediately smelled the mouthwatering aroma of sausages and
eggs. Their morning was very domesticated as he served them their breakfast and
they sat at her new table to eat.

With breakfast done and dishes rinsed and
put into the washer Eric went back to the bedroom to finish getting dressed.
When he returned Eric saw that Sara was gathering everything she needed to
take with her work; a messenger style kind of
bag that she was stuffing an iPad into and her wallet and she had her keys in

“What time are you done with work tonight?”

Sarah stopped loading her bag to look at him
as she answered.

“Well it's Monday so I’ll probably stay until
6:30, Monday seems to usually be paperwork day.” She answered with a shrug of
her shoulder as if to say that’s life.

“Good, I'll pick you up at 7 o'clock and take
you to dinner.” Eric flatly stated as thou it was a done deal.

Sarah looked a little uneasy her eyebrows
were doing that scrunch thing again and she was fidgeting with her purse.

“Well actually Jo Ann and I made plans to go
to dinner tonight since we’re staying so late.”

Eric was not happy and his whole body was
screaming it, his stance widened, his arms crossed on his substantial chest,
his face taut and lips thinned. He looked very foreboding when he asked “What
time will you be back from dinner?”

“I don't know 9 o'clock maybe 9:30 Jo
Ann and I usually talk the night away at dinner.”

“Well if you're going to be gone all day
who's gonna be here when your mattresses is delivered”

“Well when I paid, I paid him a little extra
to make sure he was here during my lunch hour. What time do you get off?”

“Baby I own the stores, I go in when I want
to, do my paperwork and leave when I want, every now and again I have to step in
for an employee who is sick but other than that I make my own schedule.” He was
a bit arrogant when he answered.

Sara smiled at his cockiness. “Well I wish I
could do the same but I'm just a lowly assistant so I need to go to work when
they tell me to.” She rebutted with a sarcastic edge to her voice. She looked
at her watch then looked back to Eric

“I need to leave in five minutes or I'll be

“Okay I'm not gonna hold you up but I want to
see you tonight so text me when you get home.” Eric was a bit frustrated, not
at Sara but at himself, he was never clingy or needy but here he was trying to
stick to her like glue.

“Okay I'll make sure to text you the minute I
walk in the door.” Sara said trying to placate him.
As she
put her purse strap on her shoulder and headed toward the front door, with a
pouting Eric behind her.

Chapter 21

arrived at work a few minutes early and that’s the way she liked it. It gave
her a chance to settle in and get her chi tea and after such a vigorous weekend
she needed caffeinated tea. After all the trade shows and fashion shows they
went to last week today it was time to do the paperwork. Contracts needed to be
drawn and signed, orders sent, invoices checked, everyone needed their own copy
and then everything needed to be put in the computer and filed. As usual Jo Ann
came in right at 9:00. Without bothering to look up from her monitor as she was
typing, her voice a little buoyant wearing a smile that just didn’t seem to go
away Sara greeted Jo Ann.

Jo Ann, have a nice weekend?”

through her incoming mail, not having seen Sara yet Jo Ann returned Sara’s

Sara how was OH MY GOD!” at that moment Jo Ann had looked up from her mail and
saw the big purple hickie on Sara’s neck. “Were you attacked by a blood sucking

reached up and touch the spot on her neck were Eric had marked her.
“Shit I forgot to cover it up”
looked around making sure Jo Ann’s outburst had not grabbed the attention of
the whole office. Jo Ann was about to open her mouth again but Sara put her
finger to her mouth and shushed her.

geez Jo Ann.”

Ann rebuffed her shushing “You can’t just shush me, you need to tell me what
you did this weekend to have gotten that.” She pointed at Sara’s love bite.

a hushed tone Sara explained to Jo Ann “I was gonna tell you everything at
dinner tonight.”

her head Jo Ann replied. “Oh no no no no no you can’t come in here with a
hickie from Count Dracula and expect me to wait till tonight for you to tell
me.” Jo Ann out stretched her arm with mail in hand pointed at the door to her
office. “In my office, I can’t wait 9 hours.”

an exaggerated sigh Sara conceded. “Fine” She pushed back her office chair, got
up and followed Jo Ann into her office.

they were both inside Jo Ann shut her door, walked around her desk, dropped her
mail and leaning on her hands that were placed on top of her desk with a
deadpan look said.

out with it.”

flopped down into the leather chair in front of Jo Ann’s desk. She leaned
forward and rested her elbows on her knees. Taking in a steadying breath she
spilled the beans. “Ok so you remember Mr. Hot, Eric from the auction?”

my God you didn’t!” Jo Ann cutting Sara off, she covered her mouth with her
hand in total shock. Then she began waving her hand toward herself demanding.
“Details, details, I need details, was he good? Was he big? How long did he
last?” Jo Ann’s eyes were big and bright as she asked her salacious questions.
Now sitting at her desk she scootched in as far as she could leaning forward
toward Sara as if that would help her to hear better. Impatiently she started
to tap on her desk and whine.

me Tell me Tell me.”

her hands up in surrender Sara caved. “Ok, I’ll tell you everything but you
have to promise to not interrupt till I’m finished.” Sara waited till Jo Ann
nodded in agreement and began to recount her weekend.

after I dropped you off I went and got dinner for myself, I was in the middle
of a Game of Thrones re-run when he texted me...”Sara broke it all down, the
first kiss, on the counter, in the shower, everything and she didn’t leave out
a single detail. She smiled every time Jo Ann gasped in surprise or blushed and
fanned herself.

he wants to come over again tonight, I’m supposed to text him when I get home.”
Sara finished with a big cleansing breath.

Ann leaned back into her chair when Sara finished. She was physically exhausted
just from listening. She had so many questions she didn’t know where to begin.
So she just decided to start with the simplest.

are you two an exclusive couple now?”

nodded as she answered. “He didn’t come out and say it in those words but
everything we did and what he did say means exclusive to me.”

Ann trying not to sound like she was second guessing Sara broached her next
question carefully. “Sara, honey you seem to have fallen for him really fast, I
mean the way you’re talking about him you sound like you’re in love with him. I
know I encouraged you to go on a date with him, and even thou you’ve been
divorced over a year you’re still on the rebound. I just don’t want you getting
hurt. Are you sure these intense feelings are real feelings and not just
infatuation, excitement, loneliness and great sex?” Jo Ann was trying to keep
her voice calm and soothing, she didn’t want Sara thinking she was attacking
her or mocking her. “You told me yourself, you never flirted, dated or been
with anyone but your ex.”

Sara’s good mood plummeted as she
listened to Jo Ann voicing her concerns. She knew Jo Ann was only worried about
her and didn’t want her to get hurt. But Sara knew how she felt; this wasn’t
infatuation, her feelings for Michael weren’t even a tenth of the strength of
her feelings for Eric. Jo Ann was a good friend to worry about her. Sara wanted
to put her at ease, so she tried to explain her feelings better.

know what you’re saying and you’re a good friend for being worried about me.
But it’s not infatuation I don’t know how to explain it in a way that doesn’t
sound cheesy. With Michael I was happy, comfortable; I loved how well we went
together. But with Eric it feels like he’s a part of me. I feel whole; he has
shown me parts of myself that I didn’t even know was there.”

Ann watched Sara very closely as she went on to explain and what she saw was absolute
sincerity. When she spoke of Eric her lips curl up as she spoke, her body
relaxed and her eyes sparkled. Jo Ann now believed that Sara was in love with
him, she just hoped that he felt the same way. Jo Ann wanted Sara to know she
was not against her and that she understood.

I wasn’t trying to play down your feelings I just wanted to make sure you were
sure.” Jo Ann continued thoughtfully “Love at first sight, that’s amazing.” She
smiled at Sara. “I’m happy your happy, now let’s get to work so we can finish
go to dinner and you can repeat all the steamy parts to me.”

laughed at Jo Ann’s last comment; she had said it in a conspiratorial teenage
girl kinda way, like they were planning a slumber party to exchange gossip.
Sara pushed herself up out of the chair and went back to her desk. Between her
talk with Jo Ann this morning and trying to fix a few invoices that did not
match the corresponding orders she was late leaving for lunch and almost missed
her mattress delivery. The second they were done bringing in the mattress she
had to high tale it back to work. On her drive back to the office she couldn’t
control her lusty thoughts, she kept replaying in her head what Eric had
whispered in her ear about breaking in the mattress and how he was gonna take
her. She had the devilish thought of cancelling her dinner plans with Jo Ann so
she could be with Eric sooner. Riding up the elevator her cell phone chimed
with a text.

Eric Morales

after noon, was your mattress delivered?

his text made Sara bubble with joy. He was thinking the same thing she was. She
was feeling frisky something new for her, she decided to play with him a little

Eric Morales


giggled like a five year old when she hit send. He replied instantly.

Eric Morales

trying to play with me?

knew she was playing. So she continued her little taunt.

Eric Morales


responding text made her body temperature rise.

Eric Morales

like to play to, especially with my tongue I’ll show you tonight.

elevator doors opened on her floor, time to work so she put her cell on vibrate
and stuck it in her purse so she wouldn’t be tempted to text him every five minutes
like a love obsessed teenager. She was so happy and excited anticipating her
night with Eric that even the loads of paperwork she had to get done didn’t put
a dent in her mood. Before she knew it the stack of paperwork had dwindled and
time flew by. She was finishing her last invoice in the pile when she looked
up. Jo Ann was standing next to her desk tapping on her watch.

Sara I’m calling it it’s 6:45 let’s go I’m starving.”

just need to shut my computer down and we can head out, where do you want to

I’m feeling like Italian tonight that good with you?”

that’s fine.” As Sara answered Jo Ann she was pulling out her cell phone to
check her messages. She had six texts all from Eric.

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