Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6) (9 page)

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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Since I’ve made Song Girl, the guys have been paying more attention to me. The news traveled fast among the Greek community. Every frat boy seems to want to get in my panties more than usual. On this particular Thursday night, I am out with some of my sorority sisters and I get a little carried away at the Nine Six bar near campus and end up a wee bit drunk. Clay Atkins is a frat boy I’ve met a few times around campus and at one of our exchanges at his house. I must admit, I have a little crush on him. First of all, he’s drop dead gorgeous, he could be a model. In fact he was chosen to be in this year’s Men of USC Calendar. Need I say more about his looks and a body to match. We’re flirting mercilessly with each other at the Nine Six. It’s getting late and he is all over me. Seriously, we need to get a room.

“Let’s get out of here,” he whispers in my ear drawing me into him as my breasts are pressing hard against his chest. We need a place to go to fool around and I can score
Close Encounter
number three.

“Where to?” is all I ask.

“My roommate’s girlfriend is staying over tonight so we can’t go to my place,” he says.

“Let’s go to my place, hopefully my roommate will be at her mystery lovers,” I offer.

“What do you mean mystery lover?”

“Oh never mind, let’s get out of here,” I say, giving him a seductive look as I grab his hand. Somehow in our drunken stupor, we make it to my apartment. I have trouble with the key as Clay is groping me at the front door. We finally stumble into my dark bedroom and fall onto my bed before I notice Clarissa is actually home tonight in her bed and not spending the night with mystery lover boy after all. I’m sorry, but I’m too drunk to care about anything but getting some loving from this hunky Clay. We can’t seem to strip each other naked fast enough.




“Deena, I’m so pissed at you.” I wake up to Clarissa scolding me like a petulant child.

“What?” is all I can say, my head is throbbing and the sunlight coming into our room is too bright, I throw my covers over my head.

“That was gross, do you really think I want to be in the same room during your
Close Encounters
? That was beyond inconsiderate and rude!” Clarissa continues.

“Alright, I’m sorry. Please don’t yell, my head is killing me,” I beg her to stop.

“Well, it better not happen again, agreed?” she presses.

“Yes, I’m sorry. Agreed it won’t happen again,” I promise. Clarissa leaves the room and comes back with a glass of water and some Tylenol for my hangover.

“Here take these,” she says, handing me the glass of water and two Tylenols.

“Thanks Clarissa. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again,” I apologize again, feeling bad about my lapse in judgement.




I don’t get Jason. Why is he such an attentive friend? I see all the pretty sorority girls buzzing around him, why doesn’t he go for one of them? I suppose he probably does, I have no idea exactly what he does, or should I say who he does on the weekends. I’m waiting for Jason at lunch and I get a text from my Professor.

Grant: Are you coming over tonight?

Clarissa: Are you inviting me?

Grant: You my dear always have an open invitation.

Clarissa: Yes, I’ll be over around 5:00.

Grant: Look forward to seeing all of you.

Clarissa: I bet you are.

Jason shows up and we’re eating lunch when he asks if I can help him with his paper rewrite tonight.

“Sorry I can’t,” is all I say.

“Seeing your mystery man,” he remarks with sarcasm.

“Yes,” I reply, trying to ignore his sarcasm.

“How did your Bio test go?” Jason asks.

“I had to guess on half of it. I didn’t study enough,” I sigh.

“Don’t tell me that guy Alex is going to start studying with us.”

“Jason, he’s a nice guy. If he wants to study Bio with me, I am up for that, I need the help.” I reply and Jason just has a scowl on his face when Deena shows up and joins us for lunch.

“Hi guys, are you going to the Fiji party on Thursday?” Deena says perkily.

“I guess so, are you guys going?” Jason asks both of us but he’s looking at me.

“This is the first I have heard of it, sure I guess I’ll go.”





After Clarissa leaves, only Deena and I are left finishing our lunch.

“She’s seeing mystery man tonight,” I tell Deena.

“Should I follow her?” Deena asks.

“Do it, then text me later with what you find out.” I feel guilty but I can’t help myself, “does she spend all night with him?”

“Usually she comes home the next morning,” Deena replies. I’m jealous, plain and simple. Why, we’re not even dating or anything?

“Text me later and let me know what you find out or what you see,” I instruct Deena like I’m some private investigator. If Clarissa ever found out she would be livid with our invasion of her privacy and I can’t say I would blame her.



~~To Be Continued~~

~~In Close Encounters 4~~


Misery – Maroon 5

Sugar – Maroon 5

Let Me Love You - Mario

Close Encounters 4

New Adult and College Romance Series

Book 4



C.C. Cartwright







The truth is, I’m still a virgin. Don’t gasp in surprise. I intend to rectify this in the very near future. Being in college now, with this set of roommates, makes me feel like a freak, but I suppose I knew that would be the case. I need to get this over with, the whole losing your virginity thing. I’m going to suggest two months, sixty days to conquer four guys, I desperately need the extra time.

I’m an only child and grew up kind of sheltered you could say. I had a helicopter Mom and a Dad who worked all of the time and was hardly home.  Growing up, I’ve always been attracted to the bad boy types, at least the ones in the movies, LOL. I went to an exclusive private High School in LA. There actually were no real bad boys at my school, mostly brainy nerdy boys.

When my new roommates and I were sitting around having Pizza together the other night and Deena proposed that outrageous challenge I just about choked on my food. If they only knew I was a virgin, maybe I should have admitted it, I don’t know. I really could learn a thing or two from Deena and Clarissa. They’re both so pretty and confident with the guys. The guys gravitate towards them like bees to honey.

Anyway, one day after Song Girl tryouts, the boys or should I say hunks from Apartment 72 asked us over to hang and have dinner. Deena has already slept with Ken and I guess he wanted seconds. She has been going on and on about how all the roommates in Apartment 72 were hot, hunky and
Close Encounter
worthy. Let’s see if I agree with her, I agree with her on Ken, but let’s see about the others. When we arrive and Ken introduces me to Jake, wow was she right. Jake made me nervous from the start with his brooding bad boy good looks. Once we sat down at the table for dinner, he would not stop staring at me. Deena and Ken were too busy touching each other to notice. Jake had the whole bad boy package going on. I could see a tattoo peeking out from the arm of his     t-shirt, he smoked and rode a motorcycle. He had a killer dimple on his chin and a drop dead, panty melting smirk going on. Hmm, he seems like the perfect guy to lose my virginity to. Quick, convenient and definitely willing judging by the way he won’t take his eyes off me.

“So Kara, where are you from?” Jake asks.

“Pacific Palisades. How about you?” I reply.

“San Diego.”

“Seems like SC has mostly Californians, all my roommates are from somewhere in California,” I reply. He drums his fingers on the table and I stop and wonder how those fingers would feel raking up and down my body. God, I’m ready and willing right now.

“Can I get you a beer?” Jake offers.

“Sure, that sounds good.”

“Let’s watch some TV,” Jake suggests as Ken and Deena get up from the table and go to Ken’s bedroom. Deena is so easy, I should follow her lead and live a little. Jake walks to the kitchen and I can’t help but check him out in his snug fitting jeans and t-shirt. He has long, lean legs and his tush looks very delectable.

He comes into the living room and sits down right next to me so our thighs are touching and he hands me a beer. I take a big chug for courage. He flips through the channels and lands on
The Voice

“Hey, let’s watch this,” I suggest and am met with a shoulder shrug from Jake as he tosses the remote on the coffee table. He puts his arm around me. Jake has a broad chest and some biceps on him. He leans over and kisses me, gently at first. He’s not wasting any time getting down to business. I need to relax and go for it, I know I do. My lips part for him and he deepens the kiss as our tongues entwine. We start to seriously make out as he pushes me back onto the sofa and he is now covering my body with his. Things are starting to heat up inside me and Jake is pressing his hardness into my thigh.

“Let’s go to my room,” he whispers then stands up taking my hand and pulls me up from the sofa. We walk into his room and close the door.

“What about your roommate?” I ask nervously. Kara you can do this I tell myself.

“He went home for the weekend.” He pulls me to him as we fall into his bed. He moves on top of me and is devouring me with his kisses as his hand slips under my sweater and cups my breast. My nipples harden beneath his touch as he pinches my erect nipples through my bra. I arch into his hands showing him I want more of his touch. He pushes my sweater over my head and unhooks my bra. Then in one swift movement his t-shirt is off.

“I want to feel you skin to skin Kara,” he moans urgently. He rolls off me to slide his pants off and I follow his lead. Damn he’s sexy, in that bad boy way that I’m so attracted to. I close my eyes for a moment to gather my courage.

“What’s wrong?” Jake asks. Should I tell him why I’m so nervous? By the way I’m a virgin, that’s very seductive.

“Nothing,” I say, drawing him back down onto me. Oh my God, his rigid manhood is pressing into my most intimate place. I squeeze my eyes closed even tighter.

“Kara, look at me,” Jack beckons me to open my eyes. “Why are you so tense, don’t you want me?”

“Yes…it’s just that I’ve never done this before,” I stammer out cringing inside because I’m admitting the truth.

“You’re a virgin?” he says softly. All I can do is nod.

“Wow, I’m just a little surprised. You have one hot body and are so gorgeous, I thought for sure you probably had a boyfriend.” His compliment eases my discomfort.

“I grew up very sheltered and my Mom never let me out of her sight. I never had a chance to get into any trouble,” I confess. Jakes hand lightly caresses my cheek.

“If I had a daughter as pretty as you I wouldn’t let you out of my sight either,” he teases with a smile spreading across his face that I catch a glimpse of in his darkened bedroom. He tenderly kisses my lips and I deepen the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck.

“Are you sure?” he asks, pulling away from our kiss. He is going to break down my resolve of doing this, getting it over with once and for all.

“Yes,” I pant out before I lose my nerve.

“I don’t feel right about it. You’re not ready, you’re so tense,” he says. Damn, he can’t be serious, this can’t be happening. Am I ever going to lose it? I don’t believe this bad boy doesn’t want to take advantage of me. What’s wrong with me?

“Is something wrong with me?” I blurt out before I can stop myself.

“God no. You’re breathtakingly beautiful and so damn sexy. Didn’t you notice how I couldn’t stop staring at you? But your first time should be special you know?” Jake says tenderly. Wow, who knew behind the tattoo, smoking and the motorcycle lays a man with a heart. 

Around 3:00 in the morning I leave Jake’s apartment. We never did the dirty deed. He said he wanted to wait, can you believe that one? When am I going to lose my virginity? All I know is that I need to ask Deena to extend this bet, I need more time.




It’s Thursday night and Deena drags Lexi and I out to a Fiji party tonight. Lexi looks a little intimidated by the rowdy Fiji frat boys. They’re one of the wilder party houses, that’s for sure. I spot Jason across the room and he’s making his way over to me. Seems like he’s been here awhile and he’s been drinking, I can smell it on his breath.

“Let’s dance,” he says taking my hand and leading me to the dance floor.
It Was Always You
by Maroon 5 is blaring throughout the backyard. I love this song and get into it undulating hips and all. Then just my luck, a slow song plays next,
A Thousand Years
, by Christina Perri, her melodious voice permeates through the air. I start to walk off and Jason grabs my hand.

“Come on, dance with me,” he coaxes with that irresistible smile of his. This could be trouble, but I can’t be rude so I acquiesce into his arms as he pulls me in close to his warm hard body. That kiss he gave me a few weeks ago flashes through my mind…

“You know I want you Clarissa, the way you dance turns me on,” he whispers huskily in my ear.

“Jason, please don’t do this or I’m walking off this dance floor right now,” I say in a firm voice so he knows I mean business.

“Ok, ok, I’ll stop whispering sweet nothings in your ear,” he says jokingly. I pull away slightly, he’s had a little too much to drink, I can tell. He keeps pulling me tighter to his hard, hard body that’s becoming difficult to resist. I see Deena staring at us with a knowing smile. I can’t wait for this song to end. I’m afraid Jason may try and kiss me again in his inebriated state. The song finally ends and I break away from him and walk off the dance floor and try to find a place to seek refuge from temptation, but temptation is following me into the house.

“Clarissa, where are you going?” he calls after me, hot on my trail.

“Jason, I already told you, we can only be friends. I’m leaving,” I say as I keep walking out the front door of the Fiji Frat house.

“Are you going to your secret lover in Beverly Hills?”

“What?” I stop and turn around to see what he knows.

“Who is your secret boyfriend, Clarissa?” Jason asks loudly and a few people turn and look at us.

“Why do you care so much? Mind your own damn business. What, are you following me?”  

“Why is he such a secret?”

“Goodnight Jason, I’m out of here.”

“You can’t walk home alone,” he says, walking next to me. I don’t say a single word all the way home. Then I walk straight into my building leaving Jason standing there. Damn, he had someone follow me. I send him a text as soon as I get in and crash down on my bed.

Clarissa: Don’t you dare follow me again

I won’t let Jason intimidate me.

I want to warn Grant. I need to tell him, but he will be livid. What the hell am I going to do? I can’t risk anyone finding out. It could cost Grant his job and I don’t know what the University would do to me. Shit. Shit. Shit. Should I end it with Grant to protect him? We knew we were playing with fire, but can my heart and body walk away? I feel like crying tonight as I curl up tight into a little ball under my comforter. The thought of breaking it off with Grant depresses me to no end.


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