Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6) (13 page)

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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We’ve got front row seats tonight and I don’t know if it’s the music with the sexy lyrics or if it’s the alcohol, but I want Jason’s hands on me. I let him rub his hands down my thighs suggestively and his fingers almost skim over my most intimate area. He has his other hand pressed against my rib cage inches from my breast. A stray finger is gently nudging upwards to my breast. I’m dancing and singing every single word along with Adam Levine and getting lost in the music. Jason’s hands are on me, touching me, heating me up. My back is to him, he can’t see my face and I can’t see his. My eyes are closed as he presses his hardness against my backside and my girl below clenches involuntarily with desire.

Once Maroon 5 starts singing
I go crazy with my sexually suggestive moves and gyrate and writhe into Jason’s hard manhood with a devilish smile spread wide across my face.

‘Though we get along when I’m inside you…I can hear you making that sound…I’m preying on you tonight.” The lyrics are so hot, that’s Jason alright I think to myself.

“You’re so damn sexy when you dance,” he says pressing into me. I throw my head back and laugh. I twirl around and face him.

“You can’t deny that beast inside you,” I sing to Jason with lust in my eyes. He looks down at me and bends down and kisses me, pulling me into his arms. I kiss him back before I break away and continue to dance and sing my little heart out.

When the most amazing concert ever is over, we find our way back to Jason’s Mercedes G-Wagon and pile in. We head back to The Row and Jason parks behind the Sigma Chi house and kills the engine. Mike and his girlfriend Nikki get out and say their goodnights. Jason turns and faces me with a look of pure lust that I most definitely feel between my legs. He’s like a wolf ready for his next meal. He reaches over and gently turns my face so I am looking directly at him. Then he captures my lips with his and gently probes with his tongue as I part my lips for him. He leans onto me and his hands roam my body.

“Come inside,” he growls.

“I won’t do the walk of shame in the morning,” I say remembering Nicole.

“Clarissa, I want you,” he whispers. I’m panting and writhing beneath his touch and his car windows are steaming up. He pulls off me and starts the car.

“Where are we going?”

“To a hotel,” he says putting the car in reverse.

“Jason, No,” I say as I reach and put my hand on his arm. I come out of my lust filled haze. I know I’ve got to end it with Grant before I can be with Jason, I owe both of then that. He turns off the engine and rests his head on the steering wheel in frustration, sexual frustration judging by the tenting of his jeans.

“Clarissa, you can’t tease me with no release,” he pouts.

“Spoken like a true frat bad boy. Thank you for a lively evening Mr. Bancroft. Goodnight,” I say and I start to get out of the car.

“Wait, Clarissa,” he takes my hand in his, “you teased me relentlessly tonight.”

“I know, I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself. I had THE absolute best time. Really, thank you for the awesome experience.” He drives me home and before I get out he asks, “Can I see you this weekend?”

“I’ll see you in class tomorrow.” I lean over and give him a peck on the lips.

“Tease,” Jason says with a smile.

“Sorry,” I pout.

I’m on a high when I try to fall asleep tonight. Is this a Maroon 5 high or a Jason Bancroft high? What the hell am I going to do?!




I wake up to Deena calling my name and the sun is streaming into my eyes.

“What time is it?” I ask groggily.

“Nine fifteen sleepyhead. You got in late last night. Did you have a good time?” Deena asks.

“An awesome time! Damn, I slept through my alarm,” I say, scurrying out of bed. I get dressed lightning quick and pedal off to campus. I missed English, what’s Grant going to think? By lunch time I manage to wake myself up after some coffee. I see Jason at our usual table and I throw my backpack down and sit across from him.

“I missed English this morning,” I tell Jason.

“So did I,” he says. Great, this will look so incriminating, Grant will jump to conclusions. Deena comes along and joins us and we’re all laughing as I’m talking excitedly about seeing Maroon 5. Just then I see my Professor man walk by. Our eyes lock for a brief moment and I freeze mid-sentence. He starts walking towards our table and I swallow hard trying to get rid of the lump that’s forming in the back of my throat. Jason finally sees Professor Montgomery once he gets to our table and he greets him.

“Hi Professor Montgomery,” Jason smiles and says in a friendly tone.

“Mr. Bancroft, Miss Clarkson,” Grant says, nodding coldly at each of us, “I see you were able to make it to campus for lunch, but not to my class this morning,” he continues with raised eyebrows. My heart is racing, my palms are sweating and my nipples harden when I think of how I saw him last. What the hell is Grant thinking approaching us like this? I can’t meet his eyes, I’m afraid they will give something away to my friends and I can’t risk it all. I let Jason speak for us, which I know is a mistake.

“Sorry Professor, we had a late night, it won’t happen again,” I cringe inside at Jason’s cocky answer. He will never get an A from Professor Montgomery now.

“See that it doesn’t,” Grant clips out and strolls off.

“That guy, what’s his deal?” Jason questions, looking across the table at me. All I do is shrug.

“You’re Professor is an absolute hunk, you could get lost in those blue eyes of his,” Deena says dreamily as she rests her chin on her hand. She watches Professor Montgomery walk away. I just continue eating without a word and Jason looks at me curiously. Deena is oblivious as she’s still swooning over my Professor.

“You should see the girls perk up the minute that guy walks into the classroom,” Jason complains to Deena.

“Heck I would too. My English Professor is an old crabby lady. Why didn’t I know to get Professor Montgomery? I would really pay attention instead of falling asleep like I do now,” Deena sighs.

“I need to get to class.” I grab my backpack and head outside, I need to get some air. I go and sit down on the grass by my next class and I text Grant.

Clarissa: I’m sorry I missed class today, I slept through my alarm this morning.

Grant: Were you alone?

Clarissa: Of course, Deena had to wake me up.

Grant: Tomorrow night then.

Clarissa: Yes. 5:00

Grant: See you then.

I leave it at that and slide my phone into my pocket and walk to Bio so I can fall asleep during the lecture. I walk in and sit next to my friend Alex.

“Let’s study together tonight for the test,” Alex says.

“Sure, sounds good. I’ll be at Doheny, downstairs to the right in the back after 3:00,” I tell Alex. Jason will pout about Alex joining us, but I need a study partner for Bio, I’m struggling in that class. Plus this will keep Jason at arm’s length until I figure out what I am going to do.

Jason joins us briefly then he has to leave. His frat is having an exchange tonight with Deena’s sorority. Alex and I keep studying and he sees me home safely.

The next morning as I’m getting ready for class Deena tells me about her exchange last night with the Sigma Chi house.

“So did you have a
Close Encounter
last night?” I ask teasingly.

“No, I wasn’t in the mood believe it or not. I’ve slowed my pace since I now have 60 days,” she laughs. “Do you know my house President, Tabitha Flowers?”

“Is she a beautiful busty blonde?” I ask.

“Yeah, that’s her. She and Jason were really flirting with each other last night,” she tells me.

“He must have a thing for blondes. Do you think they hooked up?” I try to ask nonchalantly.

“No, I saw him leave alone with his frat brothers. Why are you jealous?” Deena asks.

“Of course not,” I reply as I finish putting on my lip gloss.

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Clarissa. I remember how upset you were when he hooked up with your pledge sister, what was her name, Nicole?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, I’m not jealous. I need to get to English. See you later,” I say, walking out the door.

I’m one of the first students to arrive in class this morning and Grant is leaning against his desk, sleeves rolled up and looking damn sexy today.

“Miss Clarkson,” he says, acknowledging my presence.

“Good Morning, Professor Montgomery,” I reply brightly and friendly, making sure there is no familiarity present in my tone of voice. Let’s see if Jason keeps his promise to the Professor that he will not be missing class again.



~~ To Be Continued~~

~~In Close Encounters 5~~

Close Encounters 5

New Adult and College Romance Series

Book 5


C.C. Cartwright




This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2015 by C. C. Cartwright

Cover Design by Louisa Maggio of LM Creations






I have let Deena corrupt me, at least in my mind. First of all, I’m going home to San Clemente this weekend to meet up with Luke Morton, or should I say hook up with? Luke and I were serious during our senior year in High School.  We’re pretty much over and done with in my opinion. I think he cheated on me. I don’t have any solid proof, it’s not like I walked in on him and caught him in the act. I just saw some incriminating evidence on his phone. Suggestive texts from some girl named Kat. Luke has been calling and texting me, begging me to give him another chance and come home to see him.

I do miss him, being separated by the distance and being in different colleges, we’re in different worlds now. It’s probably best to sever all ties. Then I can do what I want and he can too.

However, this weekend I have every intention of sleeping with him one last time and getting a souvenir to take back to the girls as proof. This will be an easy
Close Encounter
, as long as my heart doesn’t get in the way. You know how hearts can be, it’s like they have a mind of their own.

I have met a couple of interesting guys at the frat parties I’ve been to. The Sigma Chi house had the hottest guys and the bodies on them! The Fiji party was wild with mass quantities of alcohol being consumed. I can see why they call it the Animal House. Two guys asked me for my number and if they call me, I can have two more
Close Encounters
after Luke. 

I came home this weekend because Luke wouldn’t let up on the texts and phone calls until I agreed. I will love him and leave him this weekend, give him a dose of his own medicine. Luke goes to the University of San Diego and we both grew up in San Clemente, a beautiful coastal city in sunny Southern California.

It’s Saturday night and Luke brought me to my favorite restaurant in town, Nick’s. Luke is pulling out all of the stops to get me back by bringing me here; we have a lot of memories together at Nick’s.

“How’s school going for you?” Luke asks.

“Really good, I love USC,” I reply.

“How do you like San Diego?”

“It’s alright, the campus is a little remote and quiet. Not much partying going on. How are your roommates, you share an apartment with three girls right?” he asks.

“They’re great, we all get along which is a relief. Clarissa and Deena are in sororities. Deena is the partier and a little wild, but she keeps things lively to say the least,” I say with a small smile.

“Have you been going to any parties?”

“I have been to a couple of frat parties with Clarissa and Deena.”

“How were they?” Luke asks with a hint of jealousy in his voice. As if he owns me anymore.

“The Sigma Chi party was fun, they had good music. The Fiji party was much wilder, lots of alcohol consumption. They’re known to be the Animal House of the Row.”

“Did guys bother you?”

“What do you think?”

“They better not have.”

“Look Luke, even if they had, you have no say in the matter anymore.”

“Lexi, I want us to get back together.” When hell freezes over I think to myself. I don’t think I’m going to be able to go through with sleeping with him tonight. It will give him false hopes.

“Luke, I think it’s time we both moved on and enjoyed college life.”

“Why is there someone else you want to start dating?” he asks in a sarcastic tone of voice.

“No, not really. We can still be friends, but not lovers,” I reply. He looks down at his hands that are playing with his water glass.

“Then why did you agree to come home for the weekend if you didn’t want to get back together?”

“You were relentless with the texting and phone calls, I had to come and tell you in person.”

“You still don’t believe that nothing happened between me and that girl Kat,” he says, still brooding.

“Luke, honestly it doesn’t even matter to me anymore whether you did or you didn’t. I just don’t think we were meant to be,” I say, hoping that doesn’t sound too harsh, but it’s the truth.







BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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