Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6) (4 page)

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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The minute I walk through the door of his condo he kisses me passionately and then leads me straight to the bedroom. What, no dinner? I suppose he wants me to satisfy his other appetite first.

After another earth shattering session with my Sex God of a Professor, we snuggle and bask in the afterglow. My head is resting on his chest as he holds me in his arms. His fingertips lightly stroke my arm. I can hear his heart beating. I love being with him; he makes me feel like a woman. A sexy and wanton woman, a girl no longer, and that’s an exhilarating emotion for me.

“What are you thinking?” Grant asks softly.

“You make me feel like a woman, a girl no longer,” I whisper into the darkness as I slide my hand across his bare chest. His body arouses all of my senses. This pillow talk almost feels more intimate than the actual act itself.

“You’re every bit a sexy woman, Clarissa. I love that I’m the one responsible for your sexual awakening,” he murmurs kissing my forehead.

“How are your classes going?”

“Pretty well I think. I love the whole college experience.”

“I see Jason Bancroft swarming around you like a bee to honey. You know who he is, right?”

“Yes, my roommate Deena enlightened me. Bancroft Publishing heir, lucky sperm.” Grant chuckles at my assessment of the Bancroft boy.

“Has he asked you out yet?”

“Well, not exactly.”

“What does that mean?” Grant pulls away from me and props himself up on one elbow to look at my face.

“He just invited my roommates and I to his fraternity party Thursday night.”

“Are you going?”

“Yes, all four of us are planning on going.” Grant lies back down and just stares at the ceiling and says nothing more.

I slowly take his tempting nipple in my mouth wanting to taste the salt on his skin and then I gaze up at his face. He is stoic, with no expression. I pepper his chest with kisses and taste the other delicious nipple, his smooth, muscled chest is so enticing. I sit up, raking my hands over his incredibly sexy six pack abs and straddle him between my legs. Finally, his eyes travel to my breasts as his hands reach up and cup them, his thumbs skimming lightly over my pert nipples. His touch makes my core burn for him. I’m ready for round two as I reach over to retrieve another condom from his drawer. I want to ride him this time and be in control of my own pleasure. His eyes are watching my every move as I tear open the wrapper and roll it onto his shaft; it twitches on contact. Raising up I straddle him and stroke his bulbous tip along my sensitive nub, causing me to shudder and let out a throaty groan.

“Ride me,” Grant commands.

“With pleasure, Professor,” I say wickedly, looking at him through hooded eyes as I take him in inch by glorious inch until he can’t go any deeper. I let out a gasp as he’s deeper than I thought anyone could go.

“That’s it baby,” he encourages as he grips my cheeks, pulling me down onto his incredible length. I start to move, grinding down on him with my swollen bud and I tremble with each rub. I close my eyes and throw my head back, getting lost in the tantalizing sensation that is so Grant.

Our breathing is growing ragged as I continue to really ride him. Then with one fell swoop he rolls me over onto my back and is on top of me, still inside me and completely covering me with his magnificent body. He is thrusting into me at a lightning quick pace as we both anticipate our release. My hips arch into him as we both peak together, leaving us breathless. He holds my hands down on the bed and his handsome face is within inches of mine.

“Don’t let anyone else get in your panties, do I make myself clear?” he says with tension in his voice.

“Yes,” is all I manage to whisper out breathlessly as I come down from the most incredible sex of my life.

“Grant, are you upset with me?” 

“Only mad at myself,” he sighs out.

“Why are you mad at yourself?”

“I should have never started this,” he clips out.

“Hey, I tried to beg off from coming over again, but you were the one to press for it,” I say, feeling wounded by his words.

“I find myself wanting more with you,” he says. He is every bit as addictive as I suspected he would be. He’s amazing in the sack, too amazing. How am I ever going to move on after this has run its course? Guess I will have to cross that bridge when I come to it.

“I’m hungry. Are you going to feed me tonight and satisfy my appetite for food?” I tease.

“Let’s go in the kitchen and I’ll get dinner ready.”






Deena gets herself all dolled up for Jason’s frat party; I probably come in a close second in the dolled up department. Then there’s Kara and Lexi. I walk into their room and try to help them glam themselves up for a change.

“How do you expect to score in that shapeless sweater, Kara? You’ve got a hot body under there, show it off girl,” I encourage her.

“I don’t know if I’m cut out for this challenge Deena is putting us up to,” Kara speaks out, and Lexi nods her head in agreement. “I’m actually a little shocked that you went through with one
Close Encounter
already. Was it with your High School boyfriend?”

“I’m not at liberty to say. I’ve decided to protect the innocent, my
Close Encounters
shall remain nameless,” I say confidently so there is no argument.

“That’s probably a smart idea,” Kara sighs out.




By the time we finally walk into the party the Sigma Chi house is packed to the brim inside and out. They sure know how to throw a party.

I first catch a glimpse of Jason in the backyard over by the keg. They have a good DJ blaring dance tunes. I see Jason weaving his way through the crowd over to me. He comes up to us and I introduce him to all of my roommates.

“Come on, let’s dance,” he says, grabbing my hand. I give my red solo cup of beer to Kara to hold for me. Muse’s
Supermassive Black Hole
is blaring. This is one of my favorite dance songs with a great beat and I get into it as Jason grinds up behind me. He slowly slides his hand suggestively down the side of my body. This is getting to be oh-so-sexy; I’m heating up by the touch of his confident hands. Everybody is grinding on each other, typical frat party behavior. I now see Deena out here on the dance floor with some hunk worthy guy. The song ends and Jason and I part ways as he excuses himself to go and welcome some other party guests.

The next time I run into Jason is in the kitchen inside the house. He approaches me and asks if I want a ‘Tour’ of the house. I know it’s probably not a good idea, but after the few beers I’ve had my judgement isn’t the best, so I go along.

Once we get upstairs and walk down a long hallway with numerous bedrooms off it on both sides, we get to the end and he points and says this is his room. I pause at the doorway and comment on how messy it is. He steps in close to me and now I’m backed against the wall. He places his hand above my head and leans into me. He tilts my chin up and he goes in for a kiss. I’m not sure how I feel about this kiss as he starts searching with his tongue and I part my lips hesitantly. Then something makes me pull away and I clear my throat.

“What is it?” he whispers, in a sexy bedroom voice.

“Well, I kind of just started seeing someone,” I blurt out.

“Mmm, does he go to school here?” he asks. God, if that isn’t a loaded question.

“Sort of,” is all I can come up with.

“Oh, is he a part-time student?” he presses.

“You could say that,” I offer.

“Ok. I respect that,” Jason replies and lets it go. “We should head back downstairs.” As we walk back down the hall I see a girl going into one of the bedrooms with one of the guys and they close the door. I cringe inside; that could have been Jason and I. They all must have a different girl every other night. Hope they keep a large supply of condoms around here. Suddenly, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Grant: Remember what I said about your panties.

His timing couldn’t have been better if he tried I smirk to myself.

Me: Yes, I remember all too well.

Grant: No one must be in your panties at the moment if you’re able to text me. I can’t wait to see all of you again. Come over tonight?

Me: Sorry, I’m tired.

I slide my phone back in my pocket and go searching for my roommates. Knowing Deena, she’s upstairs in someone’s room by now. I spot Kara and Lexi in the backyard and they look like they’re ready to leave.

“Did you get yourself another souvenir?” Kara asks with a hint of sarcasm to her voice.

“No,” I reply, rolling my eyes. “Where’s Deena?”

“First guess doesn’t count,” Lexi answers.

“Just as I suspected….” From the looks of things so far, Deena is going to win this bet hands down.




Monday morning Jason and I arrive for English at the same time and we walk in together. I haven’t seen him since their party.

“Were you too hungover to come to class Friday?”

“I couldn’t get out of bed,” he sighs. I wonder if the reason he couldn’t get out of bed was because someone was in it with him.

“Were you hungover?”

“Big time,” he replies.

“You Sigma Chi’s sure know how to throw a party. It was fun,” I offer.

“But you and your roommates left kind of early. Well, one of your roommates stayed awhile,” he remarks raising his eyebrows.

“Oh yeah, Deena. She’s the party girl out of the bunch,” I say, a little embarrassed.

“She sure is,” he says as we get in the door of the classroom. Professor Montgomery is already there and sitting at his desk. We take our usual seats towards the back to allow Professor Montgomery’s fan club their front row seats. At the end of class he reminds us that our paper is due on Friday.

“Will you help me out and read over my rough draft? I need you to tell me what you think of what I’ve got so far. I have to get better than a ‘C’ from Professor Montgomery. Maybe if I sprouted some breasts I would be able to get an ‘A’ from him,” Jason laughs. I’m mortified by that comment. Does he know something? My face feels hot and I know I must be blushing beet red right now as I look down at my desk and squirm in my seat. Once Jason notices my discomfort he tries to back pedal.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that’s why you’re getting an ‘A’, just meant if I was a girl he may grade easier…” he trails off, making this even more awkward.

“Okay, I’ll be at Doheny Library after classes today around 3:00. I usually sit downstairs to the right,” I say, trying to change the subject away from my breasts.

“Sounds good, I’ll be there,” he replies, giving me his disarming smile. As I walk out of class Grant stares me down like he isn’t happy about something. I can only guess what it might be as I keep walking out the door.





I love Doheny Library. It’s a beautiful neoclassical brick building from the outside and once you step inside there are grandiose staircases leading up to the main level or down to the lower level. The intricately designed ceilings are at least two stories high. I head down the stairs to the lower level where it is quieter and cozier, but a little cool. I find a vacant big wood table towards the back and settle in opening my laptop to continue working on my English paper.

“Hey Clarissa,” Jason says, walking up and taking the seat across from me.

“Hi Jason,” I greet him with a smile. He actually is really cute and has a killer smile. I glance at his bicep’s bulge when he heaves his heavy backpack onto the table.

“Are you working on your paper?” he asks, nodding towards my laptop.

“Yes, I’m about half way done,” I reply.

“Here is my very rough draft, let me know what you think,” he says, handing me his paper. I take his paper and start reading it over, feeling a little self-conscious as he watches me expectantly.

“Do you have other stuff to work on?” I ask, I don’t like him staring at me.

“Oh yeah, I’ve got to study for a bio quiz I have tomorrow,” he says and then he starts digging around in his backpack. Honestly, how these guys get through school is a wonder. But I guess it doesn’t really matter all that much for someone like Jason Bancroft, whose grandfather is worth millions. I’m surprised they don’t have a building on campus named after them.

As I read through Jason’s paper it actually is pretty well-written. The topic is supposed to be about an event or experience that had a profound effect on you and how it has shaped your life so far. He chose to write about the year his cross country team made it to the State Finals and won the title.

“Jason, I actually like what you’ve written so far. It’s a good, solid paper,” I remark, handing it back to him.

“Really? That’s a relief. If you think it’s good then maybe Professor Montgomery will think so too,” he says with a hopeful sigh. I’m not sure how to take his comment. It’s innocent enough and I’m probably being paranoid thinking he knows or can sense something between me and our Professor. We’re going to have to be even more careful.

“What is your paper on?” Jason inquires.

“First love,” I reply blushing a little.

“Interesting… can I read it?” Jason asks with a mischievous grin playing across his face.

“I would rather not share,” I say coyly.

“Is it juicy?”

“I’m trying to keep it rated PG.”

“How old were you at the time of this ‘first love’?” he presses.

“Senior in High School,” I reply.

“Hmm, then it’s probably not rated PG,” he teases raising an eyebrow at me.

“Perhaps,” I say with a knowing smile.

“And you’re going to let Professor Montgomery read it? Man you will definitely get an ‘A’ on your paper. You’re a smart girl, I could tell the first time I met you,” Jason compliments me and I must admit, I eat it up. By now it’s almost five o’clock and my stomach is growling.  I didn’t have lunch today.

“Are you hungry? Do you want to grab some dinner?” Jason asks.

“Sure, I’m starved; I didn’t have time to eat lunch today.” We pack up our books and walk out together.

We walk over to the food court and decide to try the new Bar-B-Que place for dinner. Jason insists on paying since I helped review his paper and I let him. We get our food and find a table.

“So, how’s it going with the guy you’re seeing,” Jason asks.

“Good,” I reply, tucking my hair behind my ear, a nervous habit of mine.

“Is he a freshman too?” he presses.

“Yes,” is all I can offer as the lies continue. I desperately need to change the subject I think to myself as I look off into the distance.

“Hey Clarissa, I’m sorry. Too nosy?” he apologizes.

“What? Oh, no,” I stutter out. “So, what are you up to this weekend?” I ask him, changing the subject off of me.

“Probably just going to kick it with some friends at our family’s beach house. You should come hang out with us sometime. We have a house on the water in Laguna,” he says.

“Where in Laguna? I grew up in Corona Del Mar,” I ask.

“Emerald Bay.” Emerald Bay is an exclusive guarded enclave of homes along the coast in Laguna Beach. It figures the Bancroft family would have a home there. Heck, Warren Buffet does.

“We have some family friends who live there. They have a great firework show on the fourth of July,” I share with Jason. We’re just about finished eating when I get a text from Grant.

Grant: Will you come over tonight?

I see it light up on my phone that’s lying face up on the table. I pick it up to read it and then I place it face down on the table. Jason looks at me curiously and then back at my phone, but he doesn’t say anything. Boy, am I paranoid.

“I better get going,” I say.

“I’ll ride you home since its getting dark,” Jason offers and I accept. You can never be too careful around here.

“Ok. Thanks.” What a sweet guy he is.

We ride up to my building and he watches me walk in.

“Goodnight, see you in class tomorrow,” he says.

“Goodnight, thanks for seeing me home,” I say smiling back at him.

“Anytime, Clarissa,” he says as he rides off back towards The Row.

“Hi guys,” I say when I walk into my apartment and Lexi and Deena are sitting at the dining table doing homework.

“Hi Clarissa, where have you been?” Lexi asks.

“At the library and then I grabbed some dinner on campus,” I reply as I plop down on the sofa and toss my backpack on the coffee table. I pull out my phone to text Grant back.

Clarissa: Sorry, I’ve got an English paper to finish. I have this hard ass Professor, he’s hard to please.

Grant: I can think of something that would please him immensely and guarantee you an A+ on that paper.

Clarissa: Very tempting, but I really do have homework I need to get done with no distractions. And you sitting next to me would definitely be a distraction.

Grant: Ok, then plan on Friday night with me.

Clarissa: I will.

Grant: Sweet dreams.

“Who are you texting with that mischievous grin on your face, is it that guy from High School?” Deena asks.

“Maybe,” is all I say as I slide my phone back into the pocket of my jeans.

“You’re a coy one, aren’t you?” Deena teases with a laugh.

“To protect the innocent my
Close Encounters
shall remain nameless. I already told this to Kara and Lexi,” I state boldly. All Deena does is laugh at me, but I’m totally serious; you know I have my reasons.

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