Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6) (3 page)

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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“What are you looking for? Come back to bed,” Grant calls out to me as I stumble around his dark bedroom.

“I need to get going,” I say, the clock on the nightstand glowing 12 midnight.

“You are NOT driving back to that USC neighborhood at this hour. You’re sleeping here tonight,” he commands a little heatedly, and I know there will be no argument. I crawl under the covers and he wraps his arms around me as I rest my head on his chest.

“You smell so sweet,” he says softly.

“Thank you.” It feels good lying in his arms, but I remind myself not to get too comfortable. This may be the only time I’m in his bed. No, I take that back, this WILL be the only time I’m in this bed, be realistic Clarissa.

“And you taste even better,” he taunts.

“Stop it, you embarrass me,” I scold.

“I told you, you’ll have to get used to it. I say it like it is, I don’t mince words,” he replies matter of factly. I don’t understand why he keeps saying get used to it. Who is he fooling? When I walk out that door tomorrow morning, we will most likely go back to being Professor Montgomery and Miss Clarkson, as if this night never happened. No more words are said as we both drift off to sleep.




Sunlight fills my eyes in the morning and I breathe in the aroma of coffee. I startle awake not remembering where I am. Once I do remember my palms go to cover my eyes from the harsh sunlight and the harsh reality of what I did last night. Sleeping over was a bad, bad idea.

“Good morning,” I hear a very male voice say. Looking towards the doorway of Grant’s bedroom, there he appears looking sexy as all get out in just boxers. Will we be going for round two? Uh oh, where is that wrapper? I panic as my eyes scan the bedroom floor along the side of the bed.

“Good morning,” I say back as he sits on the bed next to me. I sit up, holding the sheets up to cover my chest. He tugs the sheet out of my hands and it drops down exposing my breasts. “Why are you so shy about those bodacious breasts of yours? They are magnificent perfection.”

“Stop it, please,” I blush, “I don’t like all of the attention they bring me.”

“Yes, I’m sure they do. Girls pay thousands of dollars to have breasts as beautiful as yours,” he compliments, staring at them.

“Enough already, let’s change the subject and quit staring at them! I’m hungry,” I say. He stands up and goes over to his large dresser on the other side of the room.

“Here, put this on and come on out to the kitchen and I will make you breakfast. Do you want pancakes or bacon and eggs?” he asks. I could really get used to all of this pampering…

We enjoy a filling breakfast together and I get dressed and am at the door ready to leave.

“When can I see you again?” Grant asks, wrapping his arms around me.

“Tomorrow in class,” is all I offer.

“When can you come over again?” he presses.

“Oh, I have lots of homework.”

“You can do your homework here,” he says encouragingly.

“Look Professor, you don’t have to do this. I’m a big girl, I understand if it was just this once.”

“Miss Clarkson, once is not enough for me. I want to see all of you again. Do I make myself clear?” He goes all Alpha Male on me.

“I will text you,” is all I commit to.

“Fair enough, see you in class tomorrow. Let me remind you that I always get what I want,” he clips out.

“Oh, I’m sure you do, Professor,” I say suggestively. As I walk out he pats my behind and closes the door.

When I walk into our apartment, Deena is having a bowl of cereal at the dining room table and Kara is on the sofa doing some homework.

“Hey girl, doing the walk of shame this morning?” Deena quips out.

“Haha, very funny. Are you jealous?” I retort.

“How do you know I didn’t get lucky last night too?”

“Knowing you, you did with Ken upstairs.”

“Did you really have a
Close Encounter
last night?” Kara asks.

“Yes,” I say calmly. Kara’s eyes go wide with surprise. I guess she didn’t think I had it in me. To be honest, I didn’t think I had it in me either. Not sure how I feel about it all.

“Who was it with?” Kara asks.

“That High School friend,” Deena chimes in, and I don’t correct her.

“Did you get your souvenir?” Kara inquires. I pull the wrapper from my purse and hold it gingerly between my fingers and both girls shriek.

“Where’s yours, Deena?” I challenge. She gets up and comes back from the bedroom with her proof.

“Was Ken from upstairs the lucky guy?” I ask.

“Maybe,” is all Deena cryptically offers.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe you two,” Kara cries as she puts her face in her hands.

“See this calendar hanging here, I will write our names here and make tally marks as we go along,” Deena tells us. Guilt clouds my face. I’m cheapening last night with Grant. He was absolutely charming, and pampered me by cooking for me. If he knew about this bet we have going, I don’t think he would approve. With my head hung low I walk into my bedroom, undress and get in the shower. Maybe soap and a hot shower will wash off the sins of last night.

Chapter 6



Monday morning as I’m walking into class, my gut tightens and my heart starts racing at the thought of seeing Grant again.  He hasn’t arrived yet and I take a seat towards the back as usual. I take in my surroundings and the usual girls are sitting up front, jockeying for position to be Professor Montgomery’s next conquest, no doubt. Been there, done that. Next...

“Hey, how are you doing?” a friendly and hunky guy plops down in the seat next to me.

“Oh, hey, good. How about you?” I say politely. I recognize him from the last couple of classes. I think his name was Jason something.

“Barely got my rough draft done for today,” he shares.

“Are you a last minute homework kind of guy?” I tease with a smile.

“You could say that,” he says, smiling back at me. Just then Professor Montgomery walks into the room. My stomach does a flip at the sight of him; damn he is sexy. He paces back and forth across the classroom as he gives today’s lesson and I can barely concentrate on what he is saying. My mind keeps replaying our night together. I still can’t believe he has touched me in my most intimate places. I become aroused at the thought. In the midst of my daydreaming the class is starting to pack up their books and class is dismissed. As I’m heading out the door I hear Professor Montgomery call out to me.

“Miss Clarkson, may I have a word with you?” So much for being discreet! I turn around and Jason raises his eyebrows at me. Great.

“Yes, Professor,” I say, as I walk up to him. Most of the class has now filed out.

“I wanted to go over your paper with you,” he says, stalling for time as the last student walks out.

“So much for being discreet,” I say softly.

“Come over tonight,” he commands.

“I better not, we could get in trouble,” I offer cautiously.

“It’s too late for that,” he presses.

“Maybe tomorrow night, I have a biology test tomorrow,” I say, and it’s the truth.

“Well I don’t want to get in the way of your studies,” he says, raking a hand through his hair.

“I need to go and get to my next class,” I say turning on my heel and I can feel his eyes boring into my backside as I walk out of the classroom without a glance back.

At lunchtime, I meet up with Deena in the food court. We’re seated and eating our lunch when Jason from English saunters by with a couple of other hunky looking guys. They’re a little rowdy.

“Hey Clarissa,” he says, waving as he walks on by.

“Hey Jason,” I wave back with a smile.

“Do you know who that is?” Deena says, gawking at him.

“I think his name is Jason something, he’s in my English class. Why do you ask, do you think he’s hot? He seems friendly enough, in a frat boy kind of way,” I trail off.

“That’s Jason Bancroft,” is all she offers at first.

“Okay, so…am I supposed to know who he is?”

“Hello, heir to the Bancroft Fortune. Bancroft Publishing House publishes all of the fashion magazines we read, amongst other things,” she gushes.

“Hmm, I had no idea,” I say, shrugging my shoulders like it’s no big deal because it isn’t.

“He’s a big fish, if you could hook him you would be set for life girl,” Deena dreams on.

“Well, perhaps for a
Close Encounter
,” I tease her.

“No more than that, how about a ‘Relationship’?” Deena says in all seriousness.

“Listen to you. Aren’t you getting way ahead of yourself?” I chastise her.

“Hey, we need to find husbands eventually,” she says nonchalantly.

“I don’t believe my ears Deena. You’re the one who is corrupting us all with this
Close Encounter
challenge. You encourage no strings fun, which isn’t working too well for me by the way. My Saturday guy wants to see me again,” I confide in her, which could come back to bite me later.

“What are you going to do? Was he good, are you going back for more?” she giggles.

“You are so bad. Yes, it was earth shattering,” I admit, waggling my eyebrows.

“Well, you could go for seconds, but it may set you back on your goal to reach four encounters this month. It’s up to you girl. I gotta run to my next class now. See you back at the apartment later,” Deena chirps as she grabs her backpack and heads off. I have some time to kill until my next class and check my cell phone for any emails or text messages.

“Hey Clarissa,” I hear a male voice come up behind me. It’s Jason Bancroft again.

“Oh, hi Jason,” I say looking up at him. He pulls the chair out that Deena was sitting in and takes a seat. He rests his arms on the table, interlocks his hands and leans in towards me.

“What are you up to Thursday night?” he asks in a low, sexy voice.

“Nothing that I know of.” I told Grant I would go over tomorrow, Tuesday, I remind myself.

“Well, my fraternity is having a party. Why don’t you come by and bring your roommates?” he says with a captivating smile as his eyes crinkle at the corners.

“That sounds like fun. I’m sure a couple of them would be up for it,” I reply.

“Great, see you around,” he says as he gets up and walks away. He’s a little cocky, but I like a confident guy. This party will be perfect for the girls to find someone to start getting their tally marks. My cell phone bings, alerting me to a text. I glance down at it.

Grant: I will be expecting you tomorrow evening.

A smile spreads across my face. I do like him, a lot. More than I care to admit. But he is trouble with a capital “T”, in more ways than one.




When I get home from school everyone is home, which is unusual with our crazy class schedules.

“I got an invitation to a frat party this Thursday and we are all going,” I command over dinner.

“Who invited us?” Deena asks.

“None other than ‘THE’ Jason Bancroft himself,” I say teasingly.

“I’m so there,” Deena says, and she can barely contain her excitement.

“I knew you would be. What about you two?” I ask, looking at Kara and Lexi.

“I guess I will go,” Kara says unenthusiastically.

“I’ve never been to a frat party. Are they rowdy?” Lexi asks timidly. Oh brother, she will definitely be cleaning the apartment for the next three months!

“They can be, and you are going. We will protect you if you want protecting. This will be a great opportunity to find a guy for a
Close Encounter,”
I tease as Deena and I give each other a high five.

~~To Be Continued~~

~~In Close Encounters 2~~

Close Encounters 2

New Adult and College Romance Series

Book 2




C.C. Cartwright






It’s Tuesday and Grant is expecting me to come over tonight. I’ve been getting aroused all day just thinking about it. Sex with him is off the charts sizzling hot. I knew he would ruin me for anyone else. I can’t resist him, his body, his bedroom skills and his culinary skills. Not only does he satisfy my sexual appetite, he also satisfies my appetite for food! He leaves my body humming and my stomach full, what more could a girl ask for? Not to mention he’s great eye candy. He is definitely swoon worthy; all I have to do is sit in class and watch all the girls in the front row, desperate for a taste of him. They are so freaking obvious, it’s quite a nauseating spectacle to witness. When I get to class this morning Jason calls me over to come and sit next to him.

“Do you see how all the girls in here drool over this guy? I don’t know what he’s got that I don’t,” Jason teases me. God, I swallow hard at that one.

“Yeah, I know it’s nauseating how obvious these girls up front are. They make a spectacle out of themselves,” I scoff.

“Don’t I know it,” Jason agrees. Professor Montgomery walks to the front of the class and starts to hand back our initial writing assignment. Wonder what grade he gave me on my paper.
A- Unique Voice, look forward to reading more of your work

“How did you do? He gave me a C,” Jason says, peering over at my paper.

“I hear he can be tough grader,” I say softly.

“He gave you an A, maybe he gives all the girls an A,” Jason says, winking at me just as Grant is passing by our row. I know he saw that and will give me a hard time tonight. I hope he gives me a hard time tonight. I laugh to myself at my own dirty thoughts.

As soon as I get home from school I get in the shower and work on getting sexy and smelling sweet for my Professor tonight. I want to be simply irresistible.

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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