Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6) (14 page)

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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While I’m getting ready to go over to Grant’s tonight I receive a text from him.

Grant: Bring stuff for the weekend. We’re going to Montecito.

This text causes me to pause. I honestly had no idea what to expect from him tonight. For all I know he was having me over just to tell me we’re through. It would be easier for me if he broke it off, I don’t know if I will ever have the courage to give up my addiction.  So this text catches me by surprise, he actually still wants to take me away for the weekend? That must mean he has no intention of giving up on me yet. I actually thought he was going to be pissed and break things off tonight, because of what he thinks happened between Jason and I. Maybe I’m wrong if he wants to go up to Montecito for the weekend, I’m so unsure of what I will say, if anything. I may lose my courage to be open with him once I am in his arms and in his bed. I pack up enough for the weekend just as he requested.

Clarissa: Will do, see you soon.

Then no sooner I send off my text to Grant, I receive a text from Jason.

Jason: Can I see you this weekend?

I toss my phone on my bed and let out an exasperated sigh.

“What’s up, trouble in paradise?” Deena says with sarcasm.

“Decisions, decisions,” is all I say.

“Where are you headed?”

“I think I will be gone till Sunday,”

“Are you going to mystery lover’s place or is he taking you out of town for the weekend?” Deena gets a little nosy.

“He’s taking me to Montecito,” I divulge, it can’t hurt to give her that detail.

“Oh how hoity-toity. That’s an exclusive area to live in. All of the rich and famous have homes there.”

“It’s pretty amazing, I have to admit. What are you doing this weekend?”

“Ken’s taking me out to dinner and then we’re meeting some friends at a club afterwards,” Deena replies.

“Sounds like fun,” I say, envious that they can go out together in town and not have to hide. Deena isn’t someone’s dirty little secret. I feel a pang of sadness and jealousy. If I was dating Jason this is how my life would be, free and easy, sure seems tempting.

Driving over to Grants, I get lost in my thoughts of being torn between my secret life and my campus life. Would I be a fool to give up what I have with Grant for a good time with Jason Bancroft? This is the million-dollar question. As much as I love being with Grant, I must admit I’m starting to feel tied down. Conflicted about this secret life we have together.

Jason, on the other hand, has become so much a part of my daily campus life. I realize if I choose Jason it may be a short-lived flash in the pan for him. If I go into it knowing that I should be fine right? Once Jason gets me in bed will he move on like he did with Nicole? Somehow I think I can hold his attention, for a while at least. I’m not looking for a boyfriend. Why can’t I have a good time like Deena? It’s because of the old double standard. Not only that but I’m wired differently than she is. My heart gets involved; I can’t operate like she does. She seems to manage and not let her heart get involved. At least that’s how it seems on the outside. One night after she had too much to drink she admitted that her heart was crushed by a boyfriend in High School. She swears she won’t let a guy into her heart again. Makes sense to me.

Before I get to Grant’s door I take a calming breath in and exhale. What does he have in store for me this weekend? He’s capable of being tender at times, but then he can turn Alpha Male on me. I can’t help but wonder which Grant will greet me tonight.

“Hi Miss Clarkson.” Calling me Miss Clarkson reveals his Alpha Male side.

“Hello Professor.”

“Won’t you come in,” he says, scanning my body lustfully with his piercing, blue eyes. I walk across the threshold into his condo and I remember how he took me the last time I was standing in this spot. It was the hottest, panty melting moment. Once the door closes his hands are on me and I drop my bags on the floor and wrap my arms around him. He holds me tight against his body.

“I’ve missed you this week,” he confesses.

“I’ve missed you too.”

“Are you in the mood to go up to Montecito for the weekend?”

“Are you sure you want to take me?” I ask, looking up into his eyes and he hasn’t even kissed me with those luscious lips of his yet.

“I still want you Clarissa.” Once his confession leaves his lips they’re on me kissing me as only he can.


While driving up in the car a text message lights up the screen on my phone.

Jason: Can I see you, where are you?

Clarissa: Sorry, I’ll be out of town until Sunday.

Jason: Where to?

Should I say or just not answer him?

“Who are you texting?” Grant asks. He interrupts my thoughts.

“Oh, Deena,” I lie. Then I send one last text off to Jason.

Clarissa: Montecito

Now I toss my phone back in my purse.

“What’s your roommate up to this weekend? Is Deena the blonde I see you with at lunch?” Grant asks.

“Yes, that’s my beautiful roommate. She has a date tonight with Ken. He lives upstairs. They’re going to dinner and hitting a club afterwards.”

“How do you like your roommates?”

“They’re all good, I got lucky. Deena’s a little wild, but I’ve gotten used to her ways.”

“What kind of ‘wild’?”

“Ummm, well let’s just say she likes variety…and to party,” I say with a smirk.

“Really, she sounds like a typical sorority girl.”

“Hey, I’m a sorority girl! I take offense to that,” I huff out half joking, half serious.

“So are you saying you wouldn’t want a little variety, as you call it?” I have to stop before I answer that incriminating question. He’s trying to bait me, but honestly, would I like variety?

“Let me ask you Professor, when you were in college, did you indulge in variety?” He doesn’t answer me right away.

“Alright, fair enough, you don’t have to answer my question, we won’t go there.”

“Have you ever had a serious girlfriend? You know all about my one serious relationship, which I wrote about in my ‘First Love’ essay. What about you?” I have always wanted to ask this.

“I’d rather not talk about it,” he says with a clenched jaw, and he reaches for my hand. Wow, it must have ended badly. This must be why he has these walls built up.

We’re turning into his parent’s neighborhood and when we get there dinner is ready and waiting. He had a chef come and make us dinner tonight.

“Grant you think of everything, I’m blown away, this is so very romantic,” I gush and give him a kiss. As I’m admiring his handsomeness over dinner, I’m ready and willing to take him to the bedroom right now. When I’ve finished satisfying my appetite for food, I place my napkin down on the table and get up from my chair and walk over to my sexy Professor. He watches me, wipes the corners of his mouth and places his napkin down on the table and scoots his chair back, making room for me to straddle him.

“Dinner was delicious, now I want you to satisfy my appetite for you Professor,” I say lustfully. At the mere mention of those words I can feel him growing hard between my legs. His hands grip my ass pulling me harder into him and our lips lock in a sizzling hot kiss. He breaks away and buries his face in my breasts.

“Let’s take this to the bedroom,” he commands, his voice strained with lust.

“You read my mind,” I taunt.

Once we hit the bed, I need his hands on me now. He practically rips my clothes off and I do the same to him. I want to feel all of him everywhere, on me, inside me. He is like a drug or a fever I can’t shake. I literally forget the world when I’m with him.

We’re kissing each other now as if we can’t get enough air, this is more frenzied than usual. He’s practically biting my nipples now and it leaves me moaning out in pleasure. Now his lips are kissing my sweet spot and sucking my swollen bud into his mouth. It’s the sweetest torture as I swivel my hips up into his mouth. He slides two fingers into me and I just about die as I twitch and shudder.

“Grant stop,” I say breathlessly, I can’t take it much longer. He crawls up my body, kisses my neck and I spread my legs inviting him in as he pulls one leg high and rests it on his shoulder as he slowly slides his crown into me pressing in further until I’m purring. I feel so close to Grant when our bodies are joined so intimately. I enjoy pleasing this delicious man.

“Oh baby, you feel so good, so tight,” he says and I can hear the pleasure in his voice. I love knowing I make him feel good.

At this moment, this feels so right with him, but maybe the timing isn’t right, does that make sense?

The way he holds me, looks at me and makes love to me, makes me feel so special, so cherished, so womanly and so alive.




“Hey,” Jason says, sitting down next to me in English this morning.

“Hi,” I say back offering him a small smile.

“How was your weekend,” he says with a snarky tone to his voice.

“Good,” I reply looking away. I feel a little sheepish running off this weekend when I teased and flirted with him so much at the concert and then afterwards.  Professor Montgomery starts class and all talking ceases, but there’s tension existing between us. Grant makes eye contact with me twice during class, which is unlike him. I hope nobody notices. What is with him? He needs to be more careful.

Once class is over Jason walks with me to where my bike is parked. I bend down to remove my lock.

“You went away with HIM this weekend didn’t you?” he asks pointedly.

“Yes,” I reply. Jason doesn’t say anything but just let’s out an exasperated sigh and looks away from me. I won’t even look at him as I busy myself putting my lock into my basket.

“See ya, Clarissa,” he says, and with that he walks off clearly not happy about it.

Jason doesn’t show up at lunch today and I’m fine with that. No sign of Deena either, but Lexi joins me.

“Hi Clarissa,” she says perkily.

“Hi Lexi, I haven’t seen you for a while.”

“I know, funny huh? Considering we live together,” Lexi says and we both laugh.

“We’re like ships that pass in the night,” I quip.

“Yeah, you’re hardly around. Spending time with a special someone or is it several
Close Encounter
worthy guys?” Lexi asks.

“No, it’s just been one special guy so far,” I admit.

“Really? I thought you were on at least number two by this time,” Lexi says, looking perplexed.

“My heart got involved so it’s just been the one so far,” I confess.

“You’re doing better than me. I saw my ex this weekend and I had every intention of having a
Close Encounter
with him, but then I came to my senses. I was afraid it would give him false hope of us getting back together. Plus, I thought maybe my heart would get involved too and that was a risk I didn’t want to take,” Lexi admits candidly.

“Hearts are funny aren’t they, very unpredictable,” I say thoughtfully.

“We can’t seem to be as carefree as Deena,” Lexi says.

“She’s a rare breed.”

“I feel like we’re the rare ones around campus. It seems like a lot of the girls are good doing the occasional hook up here and there. The guys seem to have no problems finding a ready and willing girl at those frat parties.”

“I know, I think it’s kind of gross how they all hook up like that. I honestly don’t think I can go through with four.”

“Well that’s a relief to hear. We are similar, we’ve only been with our High School sweethearts.  We’re good girls who have some sense of morals,” Lexi says. I just nod and offer a tight smile because I’m still not sure what I’m doing with Grant. The way I went over there the first night wasn’t a girl with high morals. I never expected us to still be seeing each other at this point, but I can’t bring myself to let him go. It would be easier if he did it, but he doesn’t seem to want it to end either. I see Jason lurking around the food court with some of his friends getting some lunch. He looks mighty fine today. Stop ogling Clarissa! I usually try not to notice what a hunk of male hotness he is. Lexi follows my eyes to see what I’m staring at.

“Oh, Jason Bancroft, now he is definitely
Close Encounter
worthy. I would put aside my morals for that guy anytime,” Lexi laughs.

“You and practically every other girl on campus, look at the guy.”

“Yes, I’m looking. Didn’t you go to see Maroon 5 with him?”

“We went together last week and we had an absolute blast!”


“And then he wanted to see me this weekend, but I ended up going away with my someone special.”

“So does that mean you’re passing on Jason?”

“I honestly don’t know what I’m doing Lexi. I do know this much, guys are distracting me from my school work and that has to stop.”

“Good luck with that. You’ve got a lot going on girl. I would definitely think twice before passing on Jason. He has it all and every girl on campus would kill to be in your shoes. Who is this special someone, does he go to school here?”

“He’s older,” I confess.

“Ooo, the older man. How old is he?”

“Twenty-seven,” I reply.

“Gosh that does sound old, but it really isn’t. I bet he’s a real man, not a boy like half the guys around here. With the exception of Jason,” she adds widening her eyes at me.

“He’s definitely a man,” I say blushing because I’m thinking about my sexy Professor naked!

“Look at you blushing, you have it bad for this guy,” Lexi teases.

“I admit, I do have it bad for him. Though the timing is wrong, I don’t really want to be tied down right now. Is that a terrible thing to say?” I ask.

“Not if that’s how you really feel, I agree I didn’t want to get back together with Luke and be tied down either. Now is the time for us to be free to do what we want, go out with who we want and not feel guilty about it. I don’t want to answer to anyone. A couple of guys at those frat parties asked for my number and I want to be able to say yes and go out with whoever I want.”

“Exactly,” I say in total agreement.

“We’re college freshman, the world is our oyster. This is definitely the time to live a little, you know what I mean?” Lexi asks.

“Yeah, I know,” I say letting out a long sigh because of the predicament I’m in.

“Got to run, it was great catching up with you roomie,” Lexi says with a wink and she’s off. 

“See you at home later then.” Lexi is such a sweetheart. We need to hang out more together. Lexi leaves me to my own thoughts when I suddenly hear Jason toss his backpack on the table and he sits down across from me. He startles me at first.

“Why do I want you?” he asks looking deep into my eyes.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“You flirted and teased me mercilessly the other night and still went away for the weekend with your mystery man. So tell me, why do I still want you?”

“Jason look I…,”

“End it with him. You and I should be together,” he says. I look into his eyes and then look down at my hands resting on the table.

“It’s not that simple,” I say softly.

“Why not?”

“It just isn’t. Look Jason there are tons of girls who would love to date you.”

“I am aware, but most of them are after my money and my name. It makes me sick, but I know you don’t seem to care about any of that,” he says thoughtfully.

“True. I don’t. I know money doesn’t buy happiness,” I remark.

“My thoughts exactly.”

“I need to get to class,” I say, gathering my things.

“Alright, but I’m not giving up that easily,” Jason says.

“So I’ve noticed. What am I going to do with you?” I say, giving him a genuine smile. There’s so much to like about Jason.

“You know what I’m thinking,” Jason says, giving me the most panty melting, devilishly sexy look that leaves me weak in the knees. How am I going to continue resisting him?

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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