Read Protecting His Forever Online

Authors: LeAnn Ashers

Tags: #General Fiction

Protecting His Forever (3 page)

BOOK: Protecting His Forever
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From the corner of my eye, I watch as she shakily peels the banana back and eats half of it with one bite. Tears fall down my face that I don’t try to hide.
Braelyn, what has happened to you?

Fixing her two sandwiches, I place the plate in front of her. She takes one sandwich off the plate and crams it in. If she doesn’t slow down, she will get sick. “Slowly,” I tell her softly, my hand resting on her arm.

She nods and slowly takes a bite. My heart is breaking for this girl. She finishes the first one and then before she can get to the second she jumps up and runs to the bathroom. Her body is reacting to not having food for a long time.

I follow behind her. Taking a washcloth out of the linen closet, I wet it and hand it to her. Her eyes search my face. Reluctantly, she takes the cloth from me to clean herself up.

“I was starving, Sydney,” she says with a hitch in her voice.

“I know, Braelyn,” I confirm and hand her an unopened tooth brush from under the sink. “I will be in the kitchen. I think we need to talk.”

She nods her head, and I rub her back soothingly. Walking to the living room, I sit down on the couch.

She comes in a few minutes later and stops at the end of the couch, twisting the bottom of her shirt nervously.

“Come sit down, Braelyn.” I pat the seat beside me.

She walks over and sits down, tucking her feet under her. Before I can say anything, she starts to talk, “Remember the party we went to at the end of finals?” Nodding my head, she continues, “I was hanging with this guy. He was sweet—too sweet. He offered to get me a drink, and I immediately agreed. Never once did I think that he could have put something in it. Thirty minutes or so later, I was getting dizzy, and my vision was blurred. I ran off into the woods.

I remember falling down, and I could feel footsteps coming toward me. I couldn’t move, my arms and legs felt like lead. Then I heard a rip and my clothes were torn off my body.”

She stops and looks directly at me. “He raped me and took the only thing I had left of my innocence. This man destroyed me. I ran and never looked back. I’ve been homeless.” Her face crumples, and I take her into my arms as she sobs into my neck.

“Honey, everything is going to be okay now. You will stay here with me.” I rub her back and hold her closer to me. She is my sister. We may not be blood, but I love her just the same. Tears fall down my face, hurting for her.

“That’s not all,” she says into my neck. Rearing back, I wait for her to finish. “Two days ago the same man that raped me found me.” She pauses and wipes the tears from her face with her sleeve. Sucking in a sharp breath, I hold her tighter.

“He tried to again, but I fought him off and ran. I knew the only place I could go is here. I’m afraid that I’ve put you in danger.” Her bottom lip trembles.

“Let me call my brother, he is a cop,” I tell her and grab my phone. Standing, I walk into the kitchen, leaving Brae alone in the living room.

Dialing my brother, he picks up on the fifth ring. “Sydney?”

“Hey, Ethan, can you come over? I need to talk to you; I have a situation…” I trail off biting my lip nervously. I’m scared for Brae and for myself. How could I not be? The man that has hurt her is crazy.

“What?” he hisses.

Sighing, I say, “Just come over.” I hang up and walk over to Brae who is clutching a pillow to herself.

“My brother will be here soon,” I reassure her. She nods and stares blankly at the wall. Not knowing what to do, I slowly walk over to her wanting somehow to take away her pain. Seeing this man, no doubt brought everything that happened to her back to the surface.

“You want to take a shower?” I ask her hesitantly not wanting her to get embarrassed. She nods and stands up. Leading her to the shower in my room, I give her a fresh razor and tell her she can use my products. Turning around, I start to leave but her hand on my arm stops me.

“Thank you, Sydney.” She gives me a small smile. Nodding my head, I grin at her.

“Go shower. I’ll be downstairs,” I tell her as I set some clothes on the counter. Ethan will be here any minute.

I pace in front of the door impatiently. Two loud trucks roar up my driveway. Ethan is obviously in the red truck, but there’s a black truck I don’t recognize. My brother gets out and turns to the man in the black truck as the door opens.
My eyes widen in confusion.

Stepping out onto the porch, I close the door behind me. Ethan and Kane are speaking in lower whispers and when Kane realizes I’m close by he pauses and cocks a brow up at my brother. He stalks towards me and my breath catches in my throat as my eyes connect with his icy blues.

The closer he gets, the more his face hardens. Confused, I look over at my brother who is staring at Kane like he has grown two heads. He climbs up the steps and goes to stand directly in front of me.

“You’ve been crying,” he says bluntly, looking down at me.

“I-I-” I stutter and look at my brother who has now joined us.

“Sydney, what happened?” Ethan says, concerned and places a hand on my shoulder.

“My friend is in danger.”

“Your friend?” Kane asks and looks at Ethan.

“She will explain,” I tell them and walk into the house knowing they will follow.

“What are you doing here?” Ethan asks Kane behind me. Kane doesn’t answer. I’m curious myself.

he here?
I haven’t seen him since I left the hospital. Kane saved me and that is something I will never ever forget. That day still haunts me. I got away from that man, but he was close behind. I know that he would have gotten me one way or another. Police would have been too far away. That man obviously didn’t care about an audience or getting caught because he beat me and tried to kidnap me in broad daylight.

A creak of a floorboard on the steps brings me out of my thoughts. Glancing up, I see Brae slowly walking down the stairs looking down at us all. Stepping forward, I hope my face expresses that everything will be okay.

She timidly walks beside me. She looks at the ground, her whole body shaking. Kane and Ethan are a little scary—they’re really tall, tattooed, and intimidating.

“Braelyn, this is Ethan, my brother.” I motion to Ethan to step forward. He doesn’t take his eyes off of her. He searches her over, assessing. Looking up at Kane, I find him staring at me. Blushing, I look away quickly.

“And this is Kane, my brother’s best friend.” Her eyes shoot up to look at him and then back to the ground. She is so freaking scared. Ethan looks at me and gives me a desperate look. My brother, raised by a single mom, has a soft spot for women. “She’s scared,” I mouth to him.

Taking her hand, I lead her to the couch and sit directly beside her. Feeling a presence sitting on the couch arm, I look up. Kane is sitting there just watching me like before. Shuddering, I turn my attention back to Brae. My brother sits right beside her, and Braelyn sinks into herself a little more.

“Braelyn, honey, I know this hard, but you have to tell him. He is a police officer,” I tell her softly while putting my arm around her.

Braelyn sighs sharply as she looks at Ethan. He inhales a large puff of air and repositions himself on the couch, looking in my direction. Braelyn flinches at his sudden movement and drops her eyes to the floor. Their exchange is different, and I notice Ethan is studying her face closely.

Then it clicks. Brae has the most beautiful eyes. They aren’t one color—one minute they look blue, but they rapidly change with her mood. Braelyn is absolutely beautiful, like beyond super model pretty. She used to tell me that her beauty held a curse and it made her life hell.

Ethan shoots me a questioning look, and I shake my head, silently dismissing him for now. He nods, then turns back to Braelyn and places his finger under her chin lifting her face up to meet his. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he tells her intently. She nods slightly and she tells him everything.

It’s not easier hearing it a second time. I’m just as horrified.

A familiar, warm hand touches my back then trails down my arm, linking our fingers together. I look up at Kane and notice the tortured look in his eyes. Giving him a small smile, I turn back to Brae and Ethan.

Ethan looks horrified, pissed even. His jaw is clenched and his hands are hard in fists against his legs. Brae is getting to the part about the man finding her again. My brother’s eyes widen and his gaze shoots to mine, understanding.

Kane squeezes my hand, his palm warm. I look down at our interlocked hands, and I can’t help but notice how his hand dwarfs my small one.

The room quiets and I look at Brae who is staring at the ground again. Ethan jumps off the couch pacing the floor. Letting out a deep breath he turns to her. “Why didn’t you tell the police about him the first time?”

She shakes her head before answering, “I was scared and humiliated. I didn’t want anyone to know what happened to me. I just ran. I ran away from it all. What good it did me.”

“Sydney could be in danger because of this,” he tells her.

“I know…” she trails off before getting off the couch and turning to me. “I’m so sorry, Sydney. I’m leaving now. Putting you in danger wasn’t my intent. I just didn’t know what to do.” A sob escapes as she heads for the door.

Shocked, I turn to Ethan ready to kill his ass. He watches me, his face full of guilt and regret.
. Jerking my hand free from Kane’s, I get up to stop her.

“Braelyn, my brother is a dick. You’re staying here with me,” I tell her while glaring at Ethan.

“No,” Kane grounds out behind me. Shocked, I turn around ready to smack the shit out of him too.

“No?” I hiss.

“Yes, no. You’ll be in danger.” He stands and crosses his arms. My mouth falls down to the floor.

“Stay with me,” I hear Ethan say.

What the heck?
Brae looks just as confused as I am and also a little scared.

“You can stay in the apartment in the basement,” he elaborates.

She turns to me, pleading with her eyes.

Sighing, I tell her, “You will be safer there. Ethan will protect you.”

Ethan gives her a winning smile when she sighs and agrees.

“Okay—” I start, but Ethan cuts me off.

“I’ll protect you with my life.” He takes a step toward her.

Braelyn hesitates, then as if she senses a safety with Ethan, she nods and smiles sweetly at him.


I stand in my doorway as Ethan drives off with Braelyn after Kane parks in a different place so Ethan can leave. Once they are out of sight, I step back into the house and close the door. It bounces off something and I hear a grunt. My eyes widen and I gasp as I pull the door open. Kane is standing there holding his hand. Grimacing I move closer to get a better look at his hand.

“Are you okay?” I hesitantly touch his hand. Turning it over I inspect his fingers. Running my finger over his, he winces and jerks back.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry. Do you need me to take you to the doctor?” I rush out quickly. Kane grimaces dramatically and clutches his hand to his chest. Way to go Syd. You broke the man’s hand.

“What do you need me to do?” I plead with him. Guilt swarms through me after all he did for you. You repay him back by breaking his hand in the door.

“You can go on a date with me this Friday night.” His voice void of emotion but his eyes show his amusement.

“Huh?” I stare at him like he’s grown two heads.

His injured
thumb brushes over my cheek bone, and butterflies swarm my belly. Shuttering I bite my lip to control my reaction. “This Friday night, be ready. I’ll be here to pick you up at 7,” he tells me in a low voice and then steps away from me and down the steps.

I stand frozen in shock for a few seconds. Did he just play me? He just fucking played me!

“I’m going to kill you!” I yell after him.

He gives me a smirk and chuckles slightly. “You heard me, baby. Dress casual.” He winks and climbs into his truck. My mouth opens and closes many times not knowing what to say. He starts his truck and is gone before I can refuse.
Holy hell.
Slapping my hand against my face, I walk into my house and collapse against my door.


Chapter Four



Climbing out of my car, I hear my mother yell, “Oh, my baby!

"Hey, Mom.” I walk up the steps. She all but runs toward me and tackles me into a hug. My mom is a hugger—big time. She grabs my cheeks and squishes them together. “You look so cute!”

“Thanks, but I’m still mad about the whole hospital incident,” I huff and walk in the house. I catch her grin from the corner of my eye. I haven’t left the house since I left the hospital. I wanted to be alone and my mom respected that.

My mom is unbelievably beautiful. She has dark brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, and freckles covering her nose and cheeks. My mom could pass as my sister. She had kids young—just barely eighteen when she had Ethan. We never knew our dad, and she won’t talk about him no matter how much I beg. We didn’t have much growing up, but we had each other and moved every six months until I was a freshman in high school when we finally made Raleigh, Texas our home.

She laughs as she leads me into the kitchen.

“Ha-ha, laugh it up, Mom.”

“Oh come on, baby. That was a good prank.” She gives me a huge smile before wiping her tears away.

“Yes, it was, Mom. Especially since Kane was the one that handed me my clothes.” I scowl at her. She presses her lips together hard, and her whole face turns red trying to hold in her laugh.

“Just laugh, Mom, and get it over with.” I sigh and sit down at the island.

The smell of fried food hits me. My belly growls in anticipation.

“Kane saw your Pooh Bear panties!” She points at me and bends over laughing.

“That sure didn’t faze him, considering,” I mutter under my breath.

“What?” she whispers and walks over to me.

“Nothing, Mom.” I sigh and bang my head against the top of the island.

“Oh my God! Did Kane come see you? Come on, tell me!” she squeals and shakes my shoulder.

Raising up, I look up at her. “Yes, Mom. He asked me on a date. Wait, no. He
me to be ready at a certain time, and that was that.”

BOOK: Protecting His Forever
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