Read Protecting His Forever Online

Authors: LeAnn Ashers

Tags: #General Fiction

Protecting His Forever (8 page)

BOOK: Protecting His Forever
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Stepping inside the bathroom, I lock the dead bolt on the door. Braelyn looks at me with tears filling her eyes. Shock is evident all over her face. Her face crumples as she collapses onto the ground.

Taking my phone out of my purse, I call Kane. He answers on the third ring. All my thoughts are focused on my Kane being here.

“Kane,” I choke out.

“What happened?”

Rubbing my hand over my face, I don’t take my eyes off Braelyn who is sobbing loudly.

“Braelyn’s attacker is here. He tried to take her, but I got him in the neck with my Taser. We ran into the bathroom and locked the dead bolt,” I answer quickly as I walk over to Braelyn.

“On my way. Stay there, baby. I’m going to call Ethan. I will be there soon, baby.”


Sydney’s call all but stops my heart. Imagining her in danger and not being able to do anything about it kills me. I didn’t want her to fucking go. Fuck. Jumping off the couch, I run to the truck.

I spin gravel as I drive down my driveway. I call Ethan who picks up instantly.

“Kane, something has happened, hasn’t it?” There’s a hitch to his voice.

“Yeah, man, be waiting; I’m picking you up. The girls are fine.” Hanging up, I concentrate on getting to Ethan and to my girl.

Ethan is standing at the end of his driveway pacing. He sees me and runs over, throwing the door open and jumping in.

he roars at me.

Understanding his feeling, I floor it.

“Tell me what happened.” His voice shows no emotion.

“Braelyn’s attacker slash rapist tried to get her tonight.”

“Fuck!” Ethan grounds out, punching my dashboard.

“Syd got him in the neck with her Taser and ran to the bathroom. Locked the door and is hiding out.” I see him nod his head out of the corner of my eye.

Sydney. My brave woman.
She put herself in danger doing that, but she did it to save her friend. If something had happened to her… My hand tightens on the steering wheel enough at the thought that I hear it crack.

My body stiffens as we pull up to the club. I know she is close, and my body is begging to be close to her. Hold her in my arms to make sure she is okay.


Sliding down the wall, I pull Brae into my arms. She sobs into my chest. Heart breaking sobs. I do the only thing I can: I hold her.

What the hell does that guy want? He’s been following her for years. Did unspeakable things to her and then torments her for years. I was attacked by some random guy, but then… maybe it’s not so random.

There was that letter on my car as I was leaving the mall. The guy is in jail so it could have been a prank or meant for someone else. I actually forgot about it until now.


Bracing myself against the wall, I push myself to my feet. Kane is here. Unlocking the dead bolt, Kane charges in and takes me into his arms. My body sags against him. Relief. He lifts me off the ground and my head goes to the crook of his neck. My arms around his neck.

“Baby, are you hurt?” He sets me down on the counter. My arms fall to my lap. His eyes search my body for injuries.

Touching his face with my hand, I reassure him. “I’m fine, Kane.”

“Baby…” he trails off, his eyes full of torment. Shaking my head, I pull him to me again and rest my chin on his shoulder.

Ethan has Brae in his arms. A hand on the back of her head and the other hugging her tightly to him. Her body shakes from the sobs. Ethan’s eyes are shut tight with his jaw set. He’s mad.

My hands roam Kane’s back and arms. Just being close to him makes me feel safe.

“Let’s go home.”

Nodding my head, I slide off the counter and down to my feet. Braelyn is holding onto Ethan for dear life.

“What if that man is still outside?” Brae asks against Ethan’s neck.

“Baby, he’s long gone. We know the owner, so we’re checking the cameras. The man will be caught. He fucked up big when he decided to mess with my girl.”

My eyes widen. Brae just got claimed. She has a smile tugging on her lips, but I’m the only one that can see it.

“Let’s go.” Ethan tells us and walks out of the bathroom with Brae in his arms.

Kane wraps an arm around me and pulls me into his side. We follow after Ethan. People don’t notice us as we walk pass. People bump into Kane, but he is a man on a mission to get out of here.

Once outside I take a deep breath, finally feeling like I can actually
. Kane’s truck is parked right by the door. Ethan’s already in the backseat with Brae sitting in his lap. Kane pulls me toward the passenger door.

Opening the door, he picks me off the ground and up into my seat. He buckles me in and walks over to the driver’s side. Slamming the door, he starts the truck and takes off, tires spinning.

The truck is silent except for the rumble of the engine. I watch as the lights of the town pass by in a blur. My mind is reeling from what happened.
I tased a man in the neck and squashed his balls. He wanted to kidnap Brae.
The shock of what’s happened is wearing off.

A warm hand touches mine. Opening my hand, Kane laces our fingers together. Unbuckling my seat belt, I move over to the middle seat. My head resting on his shoulder, he kisses the top of my head. Closing my eyes, I try to keep the tears at bay. Brae’s crying in the backseat breaks my heart. I can hear Ethan whispering to her. Kane squeezes my hand and lays our joined hands in his lap.


As soon as we get to my house, I walk straight upstairs. Kane sheds his shirt and hands it to me; I wear one of his shirts to bed every night. He climbs into bed and opens his arms for me. I lie on Kane’s chest with his arms wrapped around me as he trails his fingers down my arm. Goosebumps break out across my skin and I snuggle deeper letting out a deep breath.

The house is quiet. Too quiet. My mind won’t shut off from everything that happened. “Kane, tell me something about you.”

His hand stills. “Baby, there isn’t anything to know about me. My life growing up was hell and then I went to war.”

Sighing, I say, “Yes, there is more to you, Kane. Growing up like that doesn’t define you. It doesn’t change the way I see you.” Propping myself up on one elbow, I look him directly in the face. “We all have demons, Kane. Some are deeper than others. You can’t let those demons dictate your life. You
someone. You are someone to
. You make me happier than I have ever been in my whole entire life. Since being with you, you put me above everything else. You want to protect and care for me.”

Kane eyes never leave mine. His face is full of raw emotion. “Baby…” he starts, but I stop him with my mouth on his.

This kiss changes everything. This kiss is so much more than a kiss. I have fallen for him. Hard. I know he feels the same. You don’t need the words to know someone loves you. You can tell by the way they look at you. When Kane holds me, it’s like I’m his world, and I’m the only thing holding him together.

His hand sinks into my hair, and he lays me gently down onto the bed without breaking our lips. His body lying on top of mine, his other hand framing my face gently, he leans up so he is looking down at me. His eyes are full of emotion. Mine are showing him the same.

He lays his head at the crook of my neck. Wrapping my arms and legs around him, I let out a deep breath and close my eyes.

I drift off into a deep sleep. Kane’s body never leaves mine the entire night.

Chapter Eight



Today is my mom’s birthday. We’re all getting together for dinner. Grabbing her gift off the counter, I hurry out the door and into my car. My mom is turning forty-five-years-old, but she doesn’t look her age. Most people think we’re sisters.

Smiling, I turn up the radio and sing along when “Yours” by Elle Henderson comes over the radio. It’s been two weeks since the incident at the club. Braelyn is doing better, but she’s closed into herself again.

Kane and I have become closer. That night changed everything. Everything is intensified. I love him. I’ve never been in love before and this happening is so fast it’s overwhelming.

Pulling in front of my mother’s house a few minutes later, I see I’m the only one that’s here. Chase is bringing the guys’ Sergeant.

Walking into the house, I see my mother cooking; I offered to cook, but she wouldn’t let me. Pulling her into a hug, I tell her, “Happy birthday!”

“Thanks, baby.” She pats my back before turning back to the stove.

Laying her gift on the island, I ask, “Do you need me to do anything?”

“You bring the food to the table?” She motions to the food across the room.

“You should have let me cook, Mom.” I huff as I pick up the first huge dish of food. She waves her spatula at me.

“Pish posh. Do as I say.”

Setting the plates on the table, I go back to the kitchen to spend some time with Mom.

“How are you and Kane?” She gives me a sly smile.

Not able to keep the grin off my face, I say, “Everything is great.”

She laughs under her breath. “I knew everything would turn out, honey. The way that man looks at you…”

“Mom, I love him,” I answer honestly. She turns around to look at me.

“I know you do, honey. He loves you too.” She grins.

The roar of a truck coming up the driveway has me running out of the house. I haven’t seen Kane in two days. Too long in my opinion.

The screen door smacks against the siding as I go onto the porch. He steps out of his truck. His black t-shirt is tight around his broad shoulders, bulging at his arms, and loose around his waist. The tattoos on his arms are bright and glowing in the sun.

Running down the steps, I tackle him in a hug. My legs go around his waist, and his hands go to my butt to hold me up.

“Hi, sweetheart.” His breath tickles my ear. Shuddering, I raise up to meet his gaze.

“Hi,” I whisper back before sealing my lips to his. He growls low in his throat as he bites my bottom lip. Gasping, I press him harder to me while his hand flexes on my ass and pulls me closer, if that’s even possible.

“Get a room!” someone yells from behind us.

Pulling back, I look behind Kane’s shoulder. Chase is leaning against his truck laughing at us, an older man standing beside him. Smirking, I flip him the bird. Tapping Kane’s arm, I motion for him to put me down on the ground.

Getting a good look at my brother and Kane’s Military Sergeant. He’s freaking hot for an older guy. He even has tattoos.

Kane sets me down but doesn’t let go of me. Instead, he tucks me close to his side.

“Holy hell. I just came.” A woman’s voice says from behind me.

My eyes widen. Who the heck is that? My head shoots around like the exorcist.

A very pregnant woman and Brae are standing by a car. Brae looks down at the ground, blushing.

“I’m Jessica.” She smiles and walks over to me.

Returning the smile, I shake her hand.

“I invited Jessica, if that’s okay. She’s new to town,” Brae pipes in.

My mom pops her head out of the door. “Let’s eat, everyone.”

“Damn. There must be something in the water,” I hear Jessica mutter under her breath, and Chase chuckles. Shaking my head, I make my way to the dining room. Kane pinches my butt hard. Jumping, I smack him equally as hard in the chest. He winks.

My mom puts more plates on the table. It’s like freaking thanksgiving with the amount of food this woman made.

“Mom,” I call her.

She looks up at me. I point over at Jessica. “This is Jessica.” I then point at the Sergeant who is standing toward the back. “This is Ethan’s and the guys’ Sergeant.”

I watch as she looks at him with a blush on her face. The Sergeant walks toward her. “Nice to meet you, I’m Dave.” He extends her hand for her to shake.

Blushing deeper, she shakes his hand. “Nice to meet you too.”

Looking at Ethan wondering if he’s witnessing the same thing, I see that he’s scowling at them both. Laughing silently, I pull out my seat to sit down.

My mom giggles and sits down too. My mom has never reacted this way toward a man. She never even dated to my knowledge.

We all sit down and eat together. Chase and Jessica have us laughing so hard I’m crying. Jessica is like a more pervy Chase.

The Sergeant, who I now know as Dave, has had his undivided attention on my mom. I really hope that something comes out of this for her. She deserves to be happy. More than anyone else I know.

Kane has his hand on my leg. My body is noticing all too much at how close his hand is. Sucking in my bottom lip, I squirm in my seat. If only his hand would slide a little bit closer.

“Everyone want to go out on the back patio?” my mom interrupts my thoughts. Everyone gets up and follows her outside.

“I could watch that man’s ass all day every day.” Jessica grunts and tilts her head to the side to look at Chase’s butt.

Laughing at Chase’s stunned expression, my face runs into a hard back. Grabbing my stinging nose, I back up. “What the fuck?” Kane growls at Ethan.

“What are you doing?” I ask Mom, who is standing stoic on the porch blocking the door. Her face is pale and looks scared.

“Kane,” I stutter out worried about my mom.

“Mom, what is it?” Ethan pushes her to the side so he can see what’s wrong.

“No. No. No, no, no.” She shakes her head in disbelief backing up. She swings around to look at me with wide eyes. Something is seriously wrong.

“I finally found you, bitch,” a deep voice says from outside.

My mom gasps but only just shakes her head in disbelief. Everyone pushes their way outside. Kane holds me tightly to him. Seeing the man, my eyes widen. He looks a lot like Ethan. This man is evil; you can see it on his face and the way he’s leering at my mom. Kane is stiff beside me. He moves so he is in front of me and the other half of my body is hidden by Chase so I’m only able to peek out slightly.

The man is staring at my mother evilly before his eyes glance over the rest of us. He can’t see me. His gaze snaps back to my mother who has tears rolling down her face.
Who is this man? How does he know my mom?
Pushing away from Kane, I start to go to my mom.

BOOK: Protecting His Forever
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