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Authors: LeAnn Ashers

Tags: #General Fiction

Protecting His Forever (16 page)

BOOK: Protecting His Forever
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Walking over to the refrigerator, I open it and pull out ingredients for French toast.

“What you thinkin’?”

“About how much I love you and Daddy.”

“Wuv you too, Momma,” she says in her sweet baby voice. My heart melts as I set stuff on the counter. Kissing the top of her head, I begin putting all the ingredients into the bowl. Taking out some French bread, I begin cutting it in half.

Arabella dips the bread in the mixture, and I put it on the stove. I enjoy our special time together every morning.

Kane comes up behind me. I smell him before anything else. His arms wrap around me from behind. “Smells good,” he tells me and runs his nose along my neck and cheek. Shivering, I flip the French toast.

He lets me go and turns to Arabella. “Good morning, beautiful.” He kisses her cheek and picks her off the bar stool tickling her. Her giggling fills the room. It never gets old hearing her sweet giggles.

Kane sets her in her seat and helps me carry breakfast over to the table. Kane cuts up her food and pours some syrup on it for her. I melt every single time I see him take care of her.

Smiling, I dig into my food. Arabella slowly eats. Any creak or sudden movement still frightens her and she still tries to hide the food. When she looks around her and at us she relaxes.

Once everyone has finished eating I put everything in the dishwasher. Kane goes up stairs to fix our headboard. He may or may not have broken it last night. I heard it crack, but hey, I was in another world. I had a Bella and Edward moment.

An idea pops into my head. Grinning evilly, I turn to Arabella. “Let’s play a trick on Daddy.”

She starts jumping up and down. Taking her hand, I lead her up to her bedroom. Her top shelf in her closet is a stash of water balloons and guns. Grabbing the water gun, we sneak to her bathroom. I peek in on Kane; he’s screwing something back onto the wall.

“Sweetheart, when Daddy comes in you have to spray him in the face with the water, okay?”

She giggles and nods her head. Turning around, I go to the hair dryer. Plugging it in, I take the baby powder and pour a good amount into the hair dryer.

Turning back to Arabella, I instruct, “When I say now you spray him in the face, okay?”

“Otay, Mommy.”

“Ready?” She nods with a big grin on her face. She sets her face and stares straight ahead, ready for business. It takes all my willpower to keep from laughing at her. “Kane, come here! The hair dryer won’t work.”

I can hear him move something around before I hear his footsteps heading in this direction. Making sure I’m standing by the plug so I can press the button, he steps into the room.

He takes the hairdryer from me and asks, “What’s wrong with it?” Shrugging my shoulders, he looks down into the dryer. “Now,” I tell Arabella.

She absolutely soaks him and he looks at her shocked. She giggles. Clicking the reset button on the plug, the dryer starts and covers him in baby powder. All you see is a white puff of powder that coats his face and neck. Only thing showing is his eyes open and his nostrils. Clutching my belly, I roll around on the ground. Arabella is lying beside me laughing.

“I’m giving you a thirty second head start! You better run before I catch ya.” He then starts counting. “One!”

Arabella looks at me in panic. Taking her hand, I lift her off the ground. We run down to the steps as fast as we can. She giggles the whole way. We head straight outside. I can hear him yelling from inside the house just as we get to the barn. Taking a horse out of the stall, I lift Arabella onto it and then I step on a stool and jump on bareback. Kicking the house in the side gently, he takes off.


Kane walks in the barn just as we head out the other side. He laughs, and I can hear another set of horse hooves on the ground a few seconds later.

“Hurry, Mommy, he gonna get us,” Arabella whispers while looking over my shoulder.

She’s sitting so her belly is against mine, her legs on top of my legs. She has her arms wrapped around my waist. My arm is wrapped around her to keep her steady.

“We got this, love bug.” We go as fast as I will dare with Arabella riding with me. Looking back, I see Kane is coming up fast behind us.

“Oh, shit!” I whisper to myself. I know we are caught. Kane cleaned the baby powder off his face and has a new shirt on. He comes up beside us. Slowing down to a trot, Kane pretends to be mad at us both. Arabella knows this considering she has him wrapped around her little fingers.

“Hey, Daddy,” she says in the sweetest little voice. Giving her an approving look, she giggles quietly.

“Hey, sweetheart.” His face softens.

“I wike your white hair.” She gives him a sweet smile.

I laugh silently at his facial expression.

“I bet you do,” he grunts out.

“Can I wide with you, Daddy?”
She’s got him.

“You sure can, baby girl.”

I stop the horse and lift her off mine as Kane reaches for her. He leans over and whispers in my ear. “I’m going to spank your ass for that shit tonight.” He bites my earlobe and turns back to Arabella. My whole body shivers. Maybe I should do this more often.


We take our time riding back to the barn, enjoying the morning sun. Closing my eyes, I smile because I’m incredibly happy. One hundred percent happy for the first time in my life. Life can only get better from here on out.

Leading my horse to Kane, I go straight into the house with Arabella. Kane comes in a few minutes later. SMACK! “Ouch!” I yelp and turn around to glare at Kane.

He’s giving me a shit-eating grin. Rolling my eyes, I open the fridge to get a bottle of water and immediately gag. Putting my hand over my mouth, I run to the bathroom. Slamming the door behind me, I fall down to my knees, vomiting my breakfast into the toilet.

Hands pull my hair away from my face. A cold washcloth is placed on the back of my neck a second later. Letting out a ragged breath, I try to control my nausea. I feel immensely better, but still feel sick.

“Are you okay, baby?” Kane asks while rubbing my back soothingly.

I nod my head. I’m not ready to answer with words because I’m still queasy.

“Do you want me to carry you to bed?”

I shake my head no, but he doesn’t listen. He lifts me off the cold floor and up into his arms. Laying my head against his chest, he carries me up to our room and gently lays me down onto the bed.

He smooths my hair away from my face lovingly, then leans down and grabs a throw blanket and tucks it under my chin.

“Rest,” he tells me sternly.

“Okay,” I whisper and close my eyes. Nothing is worse than having an upset stomach and throwing up.

I was fine until I opened the refrigerator. The smell of different meats hit me in the face. I can gag at the thought. That’s never happened to me before. Closing my eyes, I try to relax.

Then it hits me like a freight train. My mom told me when she was pregnant that opening the refrigerator made her get sick every single time. She would have to plug her nose. I

can’t be pregnant, right?
No way. I’m on the shot.
I must be getting the stomach flu.
But what if I am? What will Kane say? Arabella? Oh God, Arabella.
My poor baby girl.
What will she say? Will she be jealous?
I will love her just as much as any of my own kids. I’m scared.

Pushing off the bed, I walk to the night stand. My nausea long forgotten. I’m going to have Brae and Jessica pick me up and take me to get some pregnancy tests. I want Kane there, but I want to be alone to confirm it.

Grabbing my phone. I type out in a group message.

Me: Holy shit.

Brae: What's the matter? O.o

Jessica: Did you get a condom stuck up your vagina?

Brae: What the hell. Is that even possible?

Jessica: Oh it is! Hey, Sydney, are you okay?

Me: I need you guys to come pick me up.

Brae: What’s the matter? Did Kane do something?

Jessica: Do I need my Taser? Because that bitch can fry dick.

Me: No, no, no. Nothing like that. I think I’m pregnant…

Brae: OH MY GOD! REALLY? I will be there thirty.

Jessica: I hope so, bitch. I won’t be alone anymore. Brae pick my ass up first.

Brae: Be there soon, bitches.

Taking a shaky breath, I go in the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I go back downstairs my whole body shakes with nervousness and anticipation. I know Kane will be happy, but I’m worried about how Arabella will take it. I don’t want her to think that I will abandon her or feel left out. That will
be the case.

Walking into the kitchen, I see Kane has Arabella up on the counter. Walking over to her, I pull her into tight hug. “You know how much I love you, don’t you?”

“Wuv you, too.” She lays her head on my shoulder. Feeling eyes on me, I look up to see Kane looking at me strangely.

“You’re supposed to be in bed.” He gives me the stink eye.

“I feel better. Brae and Jessica will be here in thirty. We’re having a girls’ day,” I tell him nervously.

He nods but keeps looking at me strangely. I manage a reassuring smile, but on the inside I’m so nervous. Beyond nervous. A nervous breakdown would be more accurate.

“I’ll keep Arabella with me. I’m going on a horse ride.”

Nodding my head, I give him a kiss on the cheek. “Arabella, let's give you a bath.” She nods, and I set her down on the floor. She takes off toward her room to get some toys to bath with. Before I can take one step, Kane grabs my hand.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” He looks down at me concerned.

“Yes, love. I’m fine.” I pat his cheek, and he gives me that smile. That perfect sideways grin.

Twenty minutes later, Arabella is bathed, and I’m slipping on some pants. I just straightened my hair slightly and brushed on some mascara. Looking in the mirror, I turn sideways to look at my belly. I know it’s not possible to be showing, but it’s very possible I could be pregnant. It’s been over two months since Kane and I first had sex.
Thinking back, when was the last time I had a period? Wait. It’s been before Kane and me had sex. Holy shit. How did I not know this?
Arabella came into my life, and I was consumed by her and Kane. It never crossed my mind.

I see a small bump. It’s barely noticeable, but it’s there.
Holy crap.
My hands go to my mouth at the sight. I have to be pregnant.

The doorbell rings, and I can hear Arabella's footsteps running to the door. Walking down the steps, Brae and Jessica look up at me with excitement. Rolling my eyes, I walk over to Kane who is watching me also.

“Love, if something is wrong, you can tell me.” He looks at me really concerned, and I hate that look on his face. I just can’t tell him unless I know for sure.

“I’m fine, baby. I love you.” I stand up on my tippy-toes to kiss him. He meets me the rest of the way. He kisses me, but it’s not a light peck like I originally thought it would be. No, he mauls me, pulling at my hair and ass grabbing.

“Okay, guys, break it up. I don’t mind the live porn, but your daughter might,” Jessica interrupts us.

Pulling away, I look over at Arabella who is staring at us. Embarrassed, I look away. Kane rubs my rosy cheeks. “I will see you later, love.” He presses a kiss on my forehead.

Turning to Arabella, I say, “I will be back later. I love you.” I give her a quick hug.

“Wuv you too, mama.”

“All right, bitches, let's get the show on the road,” Jessica says while clapping her hands together.

“My daughter is over there. Can it.” I point over my shoulder at Arabella as I pull my bag up higher on my shoulder.

She looks over at Arabella. “Sorry, Arabella.”

“It’s tay. I know not to say bitches.” Her eyes widen.

That sets everyone off laughing. Kane picks her up off the ground and she wraps one arm around his neck.

Telling Kane bye again, we walk out to the car. As soon as we are all seated the first thing out of Jessica’s mouth is, “Holy hell that was hot!” She fans herself. Laughing under my breath, I look out of the window at my house already missing Arabella. I haven’t left her much over the past two days.

“That was pretty frigging hot. Now let’s go see if you have a bun in the oven.”

Nodding, I suddenly feel nauseous again. Placing my hand on my belly, I wonder:
Is there a baby in there?
The drive to the pharmacy flies by because I am so lost in my thoughts. I love Arabella and being her mom. I always wanted to be a mother.

Walking inside I grab five different pregnancy tests. After paying for them, I hurry to the bathroom. I try to get in alone, but my friends push their way in. Brae has a plastic cup.

Yeah, because I’m peeing in that.

“You’re not going to watch me pee, are you?” I ask them, exasperated.

“Are you sick? We are going outside while you pee.” Jessica gags and turns around while holding her belly.

Brae hands me the cup and walks outside while I pee. After I pee in the cup, I place the pregnancy tests in the cup. After lining them on the sink, I go to open the door.

The next five minutes are the longest five minutes ever. My phone timer goes off, and I look at Brae and Jessica. They both have anxious looks on their faces. Finally getting my legs to move to the sink, I grab the first one. Positive. The next. Positive. Every single one is positive. The last one is digital. Pregnant.

Handing them the digital one, I lean against the wall letting it all sink in. I have a baby in my stomach right now. A baby that Kane and I created together. Placing my hand on my belly, the tears start to fall. I always wanted to be a mother. Now I will be to two kids. I am so incredibly happy that I’m pregnant, but my worry is Arabella.

“Congratulations,” Brae says. Jessica starts squealing.

“How are you going to tell Kane?”

“I don’t even know.”

“Do you want to go to a doctor to get an ultrasound?”

I nod my head and call my gynecologist’s office. They can see me in an hour because of a cancellation.

Walking into the doctor’s office, I fill out all the necessary forms. They make me pee in a cup again. The nurse comes in and confirms what I already knew. They draw my blood, check my blood pressure. Finally, the gynecologist comes in.

BOOK: Protecting His Forever
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