Primal Elements (5 page)

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Authors: Christine D'Abo

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Primal Elements
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“I hope you like it,” Ben said next to her. He gave her hip a light squeeze before moving away.

She tried to ignore the implication of the chair by the fire and instead focused on the window.

“The view is amazing. I don’t think I’ve seen a better one without actually being outside the dome.”

“Yes, a beautiful view indeed.”

She turned to face him, but he had ducked behind a large bar that took up most of the side wall. Jenna took a deep breath to try to calm her nerves. She’d have to be an idiot to have missed his compliment. Or else she
an idiot for thinking he’d implied one. What the hell did she think she was doing here tonight?

I can’t do this. Not with Ben.

“Would you like a drink? I have some wine, or if you’re feeling adventurous, I have a bottle of twenty-five-year-old Scotch straight from Earth.”

She was Jenna Marie Robins. Professor of Environmental Issues at the University of Mars. Not a socialite who jetted about society dating powerful men. Especially with a man who’d sabotaged her research, her dreams. It felt like she was betraying something very important. But was she?

“Or I think I have another bottle of the champagne if you’d prefer.”

“I need to leave,” the words came out as a whisper.




“I think I need to go,” she said louder, pausing for a moment before she made her way back to the door.

With her hand on the knob, Jenna turned around to face him. He hadn’t moved from the bar. He was watching her intently, but made no effort to stop her. She opened her mouth to say something, but the words didn’t come. Instead, she took another look at her perfect match.

Sometime in the last ten minutes he’d taken off his jacket and stood there in his crisp white shirt. The buttons were now undone at the collar and sleeves, exposing the promise of a well-defined chest. He looked completely relaxed, as if her uncertainty meant nothing to him. If she walked out that door, he’d simply pop back online to find his next date.

It wasn’t until she looked at his hands that she realized he was just as tense. His fingers clenched the bottle of Scotch so tightly his knuckles had turned white.

Something about the fact that he stood there, waiting for her to make a decision, trying not to influence her, let her relax.

“I’m sorry. I guess I’m more nervous than I wanted to admit to myself,” she said, darting a glance towards where he stood.

“Why? You know me.”


Ben didn’t say anything at first. He released the bottle and walked in long, determined strides across the room to her. He stopped within a few inches of her, reached out and placed his hand on top of hers on the doorknob.

“Stay for supper at least. If you want to leave after that, then I’ll call for Matt to come get you and take you home.”

Warmth from his hand enveloped hers. Tiny jolts of energy seemed to pulse from the spot where their skin contacted up her arm and into the core of her body. She’d never been so turned-on in her life, never responded to any man this way before. All from the simple touch of their hands. Jenna’s body was screaming at her to take him up on the offer. That’s why she was here after all. And if she was reading his signals correctly, he was genuinely interested in her. But that silly professor side of her, the logical, practical and, most importantly, safe part of her was waving a very large red flag in her mind.

“If it would make you feel better, simply consider this a business dinner. Things won’t go any further than you want them to.”

Was that what she wanted? Something safe? All of the feelings of loneliness came rushing back. All of her fears of growing old alone. No, she wasn’t going to be like that.

Not when she had a chance to grab a little excitement for herself.

Jenna stood a little straighter. “I’ll agree to stay on one condition.”

Ben cocked an eyebrow, but nodded for her to continue.



“You are a very powerful and obviously influential man. I am, well, just me. To be honest this date is by far the riskiest thing I’ve ever done in my life. The last thing I want to do is turn tonight into something…”



Jenna took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She wanted this, didn’t she? No, being with Ben would mess everything up. She’d finally gotten back on track, everything was great. Then why the hell couldn’t she think with him looking at her that way! Jenna looked back at him and sighed. Why was she cowarding out? She wanted him, didn’t she?
I can’t believe I’m about to propose this.

“I’ll agree to stay if you kiss me first. But I have to like it.”



Chapter Three

For some crazy reason Jenna knew he would say no. It was moving too fast for him.

Hell, things were moving too fast for her. This was the first time they’d seen each other in seven years and she was pushing his buttons, trying to get him to kiss her. The last time she’d pushed against his control, she’d lost her project. What would she lose this time if she continued down this path?

She wasn’t a match for Ben, at least not in the bedroom. Jenna sucked in a shaky breath and looked into his eyes. She couldn’t read the emotion in his hooded eyes, but was surprised at the intensity of his look.

Jenna jumped when he leaned in and cupped her cheek with his hand.
Easy now.

She couldn’t take her eyes from his, drawing her in like a moth to his bright light.

Everything about him seemed larger than life. A pulse of desire flowed through her, reaching every nerve ending in her body. She licked her bottom lip before lightly biting down on it.

Ben’s lips turned up in a faint smile. “I’ll agree to your terms if you answer a question.”

Jenna’s throat was tight, thick to the point of blocking her speech. Not trusting herself, she nodded.

Ben moved his face closer, stopping inches from hers. “How will I know if you like it?”

Her hand automatically moved to his chest, a feeble attempt to protect her sensibilities and to put a small barrier between them for her protection. It didn’t matter.

Ben took another half step closer, increasing the contact between them. His words were hot against her skin.

“How will I know? I hate performing below expectations, Jenna. And after you took the time to look so absolutely,” his eyes traveled down her body, “stunning, I don’t want to be a disappointment to you.”

Her brain already screamed her approval, but a mysteriously wicked streak suddenly emerged in her. He was as affected as she was. Ben’s heart pounded in his chest under her hand, the muscles tightened as she flexed her fingers against him.

“I’ll let you know,” she said with a confidence she never quite felt around him. “I would hate for you to work blind.”

Ben’s wide grin seemed to fill his perfect face. “Aren’t you full of surprises? I forgot that little detail about you. I think you’ll find that I have a few of my own.”

With another half step forward, Jenna’s back was pressed against the door she was trying to exit a few moments earlier. Thighs against thighs. The hand that had been 28


caressing her cheek now pressed against the door. His scent surrounded her, intensified by his body heat.

“Close your eyes,” he said in a low voice.

Unable to resist such an invitation, her lids fluttered shut. Every nerve in her body was stretched in a vain attempt to anticipate what Ben would do. So when he whispered in her ear, she jumped.

“Now I have a dilemma,” his hot breath swirled around her ear. “You didn’t tell me where you wanted me to kiss you.”

She tried to speak, but he squeezed her hand still held captive on the doorknob.

“Now, now. It’s more fun when I have to figure things out on my own.”

Jenna’s heart couldn’t possibly beat any faster than it was at that moment. His hand slid from hers and brushed the neckline of her dress.

“Personally, I would love to place a kiss right here.” He brushed his fingertips above her cleavage. “But I don’t think that’s what you had in mind with your request.”

His fingers traced a slow path up her chest to stop at her collarbone. She shivered, goose bumps rising on her skin.

“This looks like it has potential, but I think you would prefer something closer to here.”

Again his fingertips journeyed higher, this time stopping at the hollow below her earlobe. Jenna sucked in a small breath.

“Here? Is this the spot, Professor? Should I test my hypothesis?”

Without another word, Ben lowered his lips to her neck. His tongue found her overly sensitive skin, caressed her neck and suckled her earlobe. Jenna flexed her fingers against Ben’s chest, encouraging him on. She almost opened her eyes in protest when he pulled back.

“Hmm, I don’t think that was quite right. Will you give me another chance?”

“Yes,” her voice was almost desperate.

“Thank you. I promise I’ll get it right this time. Now I think I was close last time. I was close, wasn’t I?”

She couldn’t help it. Jenna opened her eyes to look at her tormentor. His hazel eyes were almost swallowed by the blacks of his pupils. His lips were wet, parted slightly, poised for further contact.

“Yes, you were close.”

“I see.” Reaching up he brushed her lips with his thumb. “I wouldn’t want to be accused of being traditional, but I would very much like to kiss your lips. Would you like that?”

As if on cue, her eyes closed and she tilted her face towards his. If he
kiss her soon she was going to scream.

Ben chuckled, “I see I’ve found the spot.”



Her body couldn’t handle any more and she began to tremble. Her breasts ached, her skin burned, and her cunt was wet and ready for him. She gasped when finally his lips brushed against hers. Too light. She needed more and she needed it now.

Jenna opened her lips, inviting him closer. His growl rumbled against her as he pressed his body hard to hers. His tongue entered her mouth to seek out its mate. She tried to taste him by sucking his bottom lip and performing her own explorations of his mouth. It wasn’t enough for her. She wanted everything.

His hand moved from her neck to slowly caress the side of her breast through the thin barrier of her dress. Jenna gasped when his forefinger and thumb captured her nipple, squeezing lightly.

“Do you like that?” He spoke the words against her lips.

“Ben,” she managed to say as she sighed.

He didn’t release her nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger, stoking her passion higher and higher. Her hips bucked against his groin, the length of his cock straining against his pants pushed hard against her.

Jenna reached up and raked her fingers into his hair, pulling him closer for another kiss. Refusing to release his lips, she increased their contact. Her hand on his chest pulled at his buttons, sending one flying as she uncovered his tanned skin underneath.

No longer able to breathe, Jenna pulled back from their kiss. Panting, they stood locked together in a half embrace. Jenna’s gaze searched his face looking for a sign that he was leading her on. What she saw was pure animal desire, barely contained within a shell of self-control.

He was perfect. Her fantasy lover, willing to let her play with his body. Wanting her. Jenna began to feel overwhelmed by the sudden turn of playfulness to intensity.

She refocused her attention on his chest.

“I see you work out, Mr. Hawthorn.”

“All eccentric recluse millionaires do. Part of belonging to the club.”

She cocked an eyebrow as she brushed the newly revealed crinkly hair that covered his skin, causing him to chuckle.

“I’m kidding.”

“Well, as you are the only eccentric millionaire I’ve ever met, I wasn’t sure,” she said, smiling.

“Do you approve of my kiss? Will you stay?”

Jenna looked up in time to watch Ben’s emotions, the passion he’d so clearly displayed a moment ago, slip beneath a mask. The sudden change shocked her.

“Are you okay?”

He smiled the same half grin he gave her in the limo earlier. “Yes. But we had a bargain. I want to make sure I’ve lived up to my end of the deal.”

Jenna broke eye contact. “I think you’ve more than lived up to your end. However, 30


there is one small problem.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m not interested in supper anymore.”

Ben took advantage of the access to her earlobe and nipped her skin lightly. “Oh?

What are you interested in then?”


“Tell me,” he said with a degree of urgent seriousness in his voice.

Her hand found his arm and slowly she ran her fingers over his sleeve.

“I want you to take this damn shirt off.”

He licked her neck lightly before placing kisses over the damp spot. “And then?”

“This is too fast.” She slid her hand over his shoulder to his neck.

“And then.”

She shook her head. “Ben.”

His lips found her collarbone, placing kisses along it.

“I want you to fuck me. Right here against the wall,” Jenna blurted out.

Ben stopped moving. After a few seconds, Jenna began to panic.

“Ben? Did I say something wrong?”

He took a deep breath and rested his forehead on her shoulder.

“Nothing’s wrong. I needed a minute to get control of myself. That particular image was quite potent.”

Jenna lightly brushed his hair with her hand. The pressure from the door against her back reminded her that she was blocking her escape route. Not that she was sure she even wanted to escape anymore. She tried to get her logical side of her brain working again.

“I think we may want to slow down. All we know of each other are a few tidbits of information from a dating service and a not-so-pleasant run-in seven years ago. Shit, for all you know I’m a sex-crazy psycho who will stalk you after this and try and get money out of you.”

“Are you?”

She gave her head a slight shake. “Am I what?”

Ben lifted his head, “A crazy psycho who is going to screw me then take my money.”

“No!” she laughed.

“Then I don’t see a problem.”

Jenna pushed him off her and walked across the floor to the middle of the room.

Her body was vibrating from her aroused state, but she desperately tried to ignore it.

She didn’t want to screw things up again. Last time Ben had been in her life she’d lost out on an important project. And the last relationship she’d been in had been a disaster.



She didn’t need complications right now.

“Be serious. Despite what you think, you don’t know me at all. Shit, the parts of you I
know, I’m not sure I like.” Jenna stopped moving and closed her eyes. “I don’t believe I’m doing this.”

“I like that.”


“That you want me so badly you’re not acting like yourself,” Ben said as he turned around and rested his back against the door.

“Doesn’t that happen to you all the time?”

He laughed. Not like before, but a deep rich belly laugh. He leaned forward and rested his hands on his legs.


“I’m sorry. You don’t realize how different you are.”

“I’m hoping you mean different as a good thing.”

“The very best thing. You’re so unbelievably hot.”

They held their positions for several minutes, staring at each other. Jenna fought back her sexual impulses by squeezing her fists. Again she recognized the fact that there was something about Ben that was different. Whether he really was her perfect match or if it was simply the idea that he could be no longer seemed to matter to her. This was her opportunity to let go. Her shot at living out a fantasy she never thought would come true.

“You look like you’ve made a decision.” He held her eye contact.

She swallowed hard. “I think I did.”

“And can I know what it is?”

“If you promise me something.”

He straightened and made his way over to her. When he was a foot away he stopped, crossed his arms across his chest and waited.

“Whatever happens here tonight, I don’t want it to go beyond here and now.”

Ben didn’t answer, but simply waited for her to continue.

Jenna sighed, “I have to admit, I’m incredibly attracted to you. And I’d like nothing more than to strip every stitch of clothing off you this second. But I need to know that after tonight, things will go back to normal.”

“I’m your perfect match but only for one night?”

“Yes.” She cringed.

Ben nodded, reached out for her hands and pulled her close. “I’ll agree to your terms, if you agree to one of mine.”

As she moved into his arms, she stayed silent.

“I’ll agree to forget everything that happens here tonight, if you grant me the option 32


of courting you in a more traditional manner. After.”

Court her? After? The idea was as bizarre as Mars rejoining the Earth coalition. But with Ben standing so close to her and her desire ramped up into overdrive there was only one possible answer she could give.

She held her breath and looked up. “Agreed.”

Without another word Ben brought his lips down to hers. He hesitated for a moment before leaning in to nibble her bottom lip. Gently, he brushed his lips over hers before claiming her mouth. The air rushed from her lungs as she drank him in. Jenna pulled his shirt edge out of his pants and began to undo the rest of the buttons. A moan escaped her lips when she was finally able to pull his shirt free from his arms. His arms and chest were firm, the well-formed muscles tensed as she ran her hands over his skin.

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