Primal Elements (4 page)

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Authors: Christine D'Abo

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Primal Elements
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“Despite your popular perceptions, I happen to like to spend time with interesting, attractive women.”

Jenna’s mouth opened to respond, but nothing came out. Not that it stopped Ben.

“To be honest, I was curious to see if time had changed you into a kowtowing scientist, tempered your spirit any,” he said and reached up to tuck the loose strand of her hair behind her ear. “I’m glad it hasn’t.”

With a snap she shut her mouth. That was the last thing she was expecting him to say. Hard to come up with a snappy comeback when he’d basically paid her a compliment. So she did what she always did when she was nervous, she laughed.

“I’m surprised you just didn’t run a background check on me. Who knows, I could have changed into a crazy woman since you last saw me.”

“I did.”

Jenna blinked. “Pardon?”

Ben cleared his throat and moved his hand out of biting distance. “I ran a 20


background check. I wanted to make sure you were the same Jenna Robins.”

“Did you find out anything interesting about me?”

He looked steadily into her eyes and smirked. “A few things.”

Jenna had to force her lungs to work. She should be outraged that he would look into her life like you would check on a criminal. But when the logical side caught up with the rest of her brain, she realized that a man in Ben’s position would have to check out her background thoroughly. Especially after their history and the fact that they were now sitting thigh to thigh in the back of his limo.

“Anything I should be aware of?” her voice was shaky as she spoke.

He inched closer to her, “You’re still obsessed with work. You haven’t seriously dated for the past five years. And you like seafood.”

Without thinking, Jenna reached up and brushed a piece of lint from Ben’s jacket. “I think that was all in my profile. Learn anything else?”

Ben captured her hand as she brought it down, turned it over so the palm was facing up and brought her wrist to his mouth. Jenna’s heart pounded and her nipples hardened when his lips made contact with her sensitive skin. But when his tongue licked a slow circle over her pulse point, she thought she would burst.

“I learned that you like that,” he said against her wrist, his breath heating and cooling the damp skin.

He licked once more before pulling back. Her heart pounded in her chest, throat and ears from the intensity of his touch. The skin tingled long past the warmth of contact.

“Well, that definitely wasn’t in my profile,” she managed to squeak out. Had she been thinking straight she would have read

Heat from his body warmed her and she had to fight against the temptation to lean in and get close. Without pulling back or releasing her hand, Ben moved his face to within inches of her. “Our destination is a short distance away. But would you like something to eat?”

From seemingly out of nowhere, Ben produced a strawberry and brought it to her lips. She gasped, fleeting thoughts about the cost of the berry quickly disappearing when he placed the juicy flesh of the berry to her lips. She closed her eyes as her mouth exploded with flavor.

“I’ve haven’t had one of those since I was a kid,” she managed between bites.

“The university hydroponics lab sent me a pint shortly after we partnered with them. It seems only fitting that you get to share them with me.”

Ben finally released her hand and brought the small bowl of berries to rest between them. Jenna stared at them and couldn’t stop the grin that slowly spread across her lips.

“I forgive you. For whatever past transgressions you did to me, totally forgiven.”

Jenna pulled back slightly to give her head time to clear. Things were moving so quickly, she’d almost forgotten that this was Ben—the man who’d tried to put an end to 21


her research and her plans to help Mars.

“Would you like another?”

He held the bowl out to her. Jenna really looked at him then, trying to read any hidden meaning behind this date. All she saw was a handsome man holding a bowl of strawberries. Maybe there wasn’t anything more to this date than what he said.
Take a
chance, Jen.
She nodded and they slowly ate the berries in silence until there were none left.

The alcohol started to make her head spin. Jenna had to give it a shake to help her focus. The silence and movement of the car started to act like a sedative.

She needed to get him talking.

“Okay,” she said as she shifted in her seat, “I have a question and I’d like you to answer honestly. Why are you, Ben-the-richest-man-on-Mars-Hawthorn subscribed to a dating service?”

“For the same reason as you, I imagine.”

Jenna laughed at the thought of Ben shoved in the room with her friends. “I doubt that. I was set up as a birthday present.”


“Well? Why would a well-known, rich and attractive man need a dating service to find a woman?”

“Attractive?” he smiled.

Jenna groaned. “I’m sorry, Mr. Hawthorn—”

“Miss Robins,” he drawled.

“I so suck at small talk,” she said with a sigh, thumping her head lightly against the headrest.

“You know me well enough to be able to answer that yourself. I don’t have the patience to wade through the dating scene to find a woman who would be interested in me.”

She took a moment to absorb his words. “And not your money?”


Ben turned his head to look out the back window. “Other than Matt, I don’t have a lot of close friends. I was hoping to find someone who could understand.”

“Understand what?”


Jenna had to take another hard look at Ben. Maybe Rhonda was right and he had been so focused on the business seven years ago, he couldn’t see what he was doing to people. He’d changed.

She looked at him and reached up to touch his scar. “Thank you.”

He turned to face her again and frowned. “For what?”

“For being honest.”



On impulse, she leaned in and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Ben stiffened at the contact, the muscle in his jaw flexing for a moment before she pulled back. Jenna cringed.
Damn, I crossed a line.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Jenna apologizing? That’s something I didn’t think I’d ever hear.”

The limo slowed down and came to a stop outside what looked to be a large warehouse. Jenna was thankful for the distraction. Their conversation had gotten too serious and she was feeling a little drunk from the champagne, berries and excitement.

They’d better arrive soon so she could get some real food into her.

Static from the intercom preceded Matt’s voice.

“We’re here, sir.”

“Thank you, Matt.”

“Matt calls you sir? And where’s here?” Jenna said and took a closer look out the window, trying to get a feel for what was inside the building.

“Matt only calls me sir when he’s trying to be formal. And one of my homes.”

“I thought you lived in Red Beach?” She took another quick look out the window.

“This looks pretty run-down.”

Ben’s gaze traveled over her body. “Give it a chance.”

She nodded.
In for a penny.
Her stomach growled loudly in the limo. She was so hungry right now she probably would have agreed to have eaten outside the dome if he’d asked her.

“I’m sure it’s lovely. I can’t wait to see it.”

“You’ll be surprised by what you find inside.”

Before she had a chance to respond, Matt opened her door. Light flooded their private cocoon, shattering the intimacy. Jenna quickly inched away from Ben and hoped she didn’t look as aroused as she felt. The exaggerated red glow of the sun through the dome made her squint, so she didn’t see Matt’s hand.

“Do you need some help?”

“Oh, yes please.”

Her legs were shaky as she stepped out onto the hard road. She took a few steps to get some distance between her and Matt. This was worse than before. Ben was somehow able to arouse her faster than any other man. Either she was completely desperate for sex, or the Perfect Match program wasn’t a complete fraud after all.

From outside the limo, Jenna was better able to see the large building. Or at least part of it. One entire side appeared to be against the dome barrier that kept the breathable atmosphere contained. She couldn’t believe they’d let someone build this close to the dome. The facing wall of the building was constructed from a combination of old Mars stone and black silicate glass. It was large for a building on Mars, and surprisingly, there weren’t very many other buildings close by.



She didn’t hear Ben get out of the car. When he placed his large hand on her waist she shivered but didn’t turn to face him. She had to keep her head about her if she was going to survive this date without looking like a fool.

“I bought it because of its location. Do you like?” he spoke the words near her ear.

Jenna swallowed hard and turned slightly into his half embrace. “I don’t think I’ve been this close to the dome in years. You never see structures within a thirty-meter radius anymore.”

“The government wanted to tear it down. Claimed that it was a target for terrorists who’d want to take out the dome. I made a small donation to the president’s campaign fund and then bought the building under the condition that I would install a security detail. I have hidden security officers, cameras and sensors around the perimeter and inside the building. It’s probably the safest place on Mars. I’m surprised you haven’t been out on the surface recently.”

“I’ve tried to get permission. But you know how strict this administration is.”

“Incompetent group, our leaders.”

Jenna was shocked. That was dangerously close to treason. When she looked at Ben this time, she noted that the man of the shadows was gone. The light showed a slightly harder edge to him. He was still the most handsome man she’d ever met. But for the first time she clearly saw his social mask, something she’d only guessed existed before.

This was clearly the businessman, Mr. Hawthorn. She surprised herself when she realized she was more interested in seeing Ben.

Oblivious to her revelation, Ben motioned to the building. “Would you like to go inside? I’d asked Matt to prepare a supper for us earlier. I was hoping we could spend some time talking.”

“Of course, I’d love to,” she said, her heart racing.

He guided her with his hand resting lightly on her hip. The constant contact kept her senses charged. Matt was already at the entrance holding the door open for them.

As Jenna entered the building he smiled.

“Have a wonderful time, Jenna.”

“You’re not coming in?” She faked surprise.

“No, I have the night off.”

She smiled back at him. A small part of her was pleased she would have Ben all to herself. The other part was terrified.

Jenna moved into the dark room as far as she dared and tried to make out some of the features. Ben was speaking softly to Matt, the content of their conversation not quite reaching her ears. Then Matt was gone and Ben made his way over.

“I love Matt like a brother and I trust him with my life. But even I don’t want my bodyguard hanging around when I’m on a date. Computer, low lights.”

High above her head, the lights clicked on and flooded everything with a soft glow.

The hallway was refinished and modernized. Computer panels were built into the wall, 24


creating a smooth surface. She couldn’t immediately see any doors, their smooth surfaces blending in magically with the wall. At the end of the hall stood a large sculpture of an angel with a sword. The angel’s eyes seemed to follow them as they walked.


“She was a present from a friend. Someone to watch over me.”

Jenna turned to face him. “I have friends like that. Always trying to keep me out of trouble.”

He smiled. “Dinner is in the observation room. This way.”

Ben held out his arm and Jenna instinctively took it. His body heat seeped through his jacket and was absorbed by her skin. He led her down the short hallway to another door. When he opened it, he paused for a moment to let her take in the details.

The far wall was fitted with large windows, swallowing up most of where the outer wall should be. She could tell it was tinted with a one-way coating, preventing any prying eyes from peeking in. The view of the red sand of the planet’s surface and the orange sky was stunning. She almost forgot to look around the rest of the room.

Her eyes were drawn next to a large fireplace. A shiver ran through her when she saw two chairs flanking a large table. Her stomach bottomed out on her. She’d forgotten that he would have read her fantasies.
Shit, shit, shit.
Why hadn’t she taken the time to read his?

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