Primal Elements (2 page)

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Authors: Christine D'Abo

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Primal Elements
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“To help the program find a compatible mate, please answer the following questions honestly,” the computer’s voice was hushed, as if it recognized the sensitive nature of the material.

Okay, I can do this.
Jenna tapped the screen.

“You are lying naked on a large bed. Your eyes are closed but you know your lover is in the room with you. What part of your body does he touch first?”

“Oh.” Jenna’s mouth grew dry and she had to lick her lips to bring some relief.

Images whizzed through her head, a thousand different faces of men she’d seen over the years. She gave her head a shake. Gods, none of them. She needed her fantasy lover and concentrated on that alone. Reality had proven to be too much of a disappointment over the years. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and tried to relax.

The girls’ description of the dark-haired lover floated to the surface of her mind.

She grabbed hold of his image. He was tall, muscular without the bulk of having spent too much time in the gym. He stood before her, his untucked white linen shirt unbuttoned down to his navel. She could see the light dusting of dark hair that covered his flat stomach.

As he walked towards the bed that she was lying on, he smiled gently.

“Close your eyes, Jenna.”

She did. Lying back on the bed, she waited, anticipating his touch. The tips of his warm fingers drew a line from her stomach up to between her breasts. Shivers ran through her body, dragging a sigh from her lips.

The sound of her voice startled her. She opened her eyes and found the computer screen still patiently waiting for her response. Instinctively, she gave her hands a shake to stop the trembling so she could type.

He touches my stomach.
She touched next on the screen.

The screen went blank for a moment before a new question blinked up.

“After touching you, your lover whispers in your ear that he wants to try something kinky. What does he do to you next?”

Jenna closed her eyes again. Her fantasy lover placed a kiss on her stomach. He 9


licked around her navel as he slid his large hands along the sides of her rib cage.

“I want to do something for you.” His words were soft against her skin.


“Look at me.”

She opened her eyes and fixated on his ruffled hair. She reached over to touch the soft strands. He looked up with his deep hazel eyes.

“I want you to come with me and sit over by the fire,” he said as he teased the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.

“In the chair?”


In a blink she was there. He was standing before her naked and in his hands were four black silk scarves.

“I’m going to tie you to the chair. Is that okay?”

Her throat was dry, but she managed to whisper. “Yes.”

Barely opening her eyes, Jenna’s fingers found the keypad.
I am sitting in a chair by a
fireplace. My lover has bound me to it with silk scarves. He proceeds to touch my skin, my
breasts, my thighs. He teases me until he finally goes down on me, licking my pussy until I

Her body responded to the fantasy. It would only take a few minutes to relieve the pressure that had built in her pussy. It would be so easy. She clicked next instead.

“It’s now your lover’s turn. He is standing naked in the room. What do you do to him?”

Jenna couldn’t move. She’d never thought about what she would want to do to her lover.
Fundamental flaw in my thinking. No wonder I’m still single.
She didn’t need to close her eyes this time for the fantasy to come to life.

He stood there, his ridged cock jutting straight up in the air. Now freed from her chair, Jenna picked up one of the silk scarves.

“Let me put this over your eyes.”

He gave her a questioning look, but nodded his agreement. Being taller than she was, Jenna was forced to get up on her tiptoes to tie the blindfold in place.

“Now what?” he asked.

“Don’t move.”

She found the other scarves and selected one from the pile. Firmly holding the silk length in both hands making it taut, Jenna stepped closer to him. Slowly, she slid the silk over the head of his cock.

“Oh gods,” he gasped.

“You like?”

“Don’t stop.”



Over and over she kissed his bulging head with the scarf. She watched as his body twitched from the contact. The silk was dampened from the pre-cum leaking from his shaft and the sweat from her hands.

“I can’t take much more of this.” His voice sounded ragged as his breath came out in labored gasps.

Jenna dropped the silk to the floor and stepped in to place a kiss in the middle of his chest. In a heartbeat, his arms were around her, lifting her in the air. Instinctively, he made his way over to the bed, not needing to see where he was going to get her there.

Jenna loved the feel of his large frame pressing down on her. She groaned as she wrapped her legs around his waist, giving him access to her cunt.

Locked in the throes of her fantasy, unable to stop herself, Jenna moved her hand down slowly to touch herself. It’d been so long since she’d been with a man she’d forgotten how they felt. She kept the pressure hard, rubbing her pussy through the damp fabric of her pants. Air filled her lungs as she sucked in a breath. The pressure and her own fantasies brought her to the brink of orgasm quickly.

“You only have a few minutes left, Jenna.”

Ruby’s voice jerked her back to reality. Quickly, she sat up in the chair and fixed her clothing. What the hell did she think she was doing anyway? She was sure that masturbating in public wasn’t entirely legal. Even on Mars.

“I’m not quite done. Give me a minute.”

“Hurry up, I want to sit down.” Michelle poked her head in.


Jenna tried to relax, her body still vibrating with her arousal. To actually have a man under her control like that would be intoxicating. If she could actually get up the confidence to take control, she wouldn’t know what to do with it. That wasn’t her, even if she wished it were. Reaching over, she hit the keypad to send the report of her fantasies off to the computer database. Jenna stood and straightened her clothing. No need to give her friends more ammunition for their crusade to get her laid.

“Please press next when you are ready to continue,” the computer announced from behind her.

“I’m done,” Jenna announced, her voice surprisingly steady.

Michelle threw open the curtains. “Thank gods, I thought you were going to take all day.”

“Did you fill it in?” Ruby clapped her hands excitedly.

“Yes. Completed, verified, and away it went.”

Rhonda took up her position in the chair by the keypad. “Should we look at what she wrote?”

Jenna felt the blood drain from her face. “Do that, and I’m out of here.”

“From the look on her face, I believe she actually filled it out.” Rhonda patted Jenna’s hand as she spoke.



“Not funny.”

“It’s all good. I’d never hurt you that way.” Rhonda gave Jenna’s hand a quick squeeze before facing the screen. “Okay, we’re ready.”

Rhonda dramatically hit the next button and the computer frantically went into a working mode. No one said a word until the screen flashed that it had finished its calculations.

“Click here to see your perfect match!” The computer’s voice was far too cheery.

Jenna’s stomach flipped. This wasn’t going to go well, she knew it.

“Are you ready?”

“It probably didn’t find anyone.” She closed her eyes.

Despite her words, Jenna clutched the back of Rhonda’s chair.
Please let it have come
up with someone.

“Now, Jenna, here’s the deal. You have to go on a date with this person, regardless of who it is, for a minimum of thirty minutes.”

“What?” Jenna couldn’t believe it. “That wasn’t a part of what I agreed to.”

“Happy Birthday!” they all cheered.

“No way. That has bad idea all over it. What if he’s hideous, or a jerk, or boring? Or worse, he thinks I’m all those things.”

The last blind date the girls had set her up on had turned out to be a disaster. She swore then she’d never do it again. Dating had never been a priority for her. Well, not until the last month. Once again the idea of growing old alone tugged at the back of her brain. It was the reason she’d agreed to come on this little excursion in the first place.

Being thirty and single on a space colony, even one as prosperous as Mars, wasn’t a pleasant experience.

Rhonda knew her dilemma. Growing up together they used to feel sorry for the colonists who would come into her father’s store to check the singles ads. Some had even gone the route of mail-order spouses from Earth—sight unseen. She never understood how desperate someone had to be to do something like that—until recently.

Ruby patted Jenna’s hand, interrupting her thoughts. “Too bad, Professor. The lucky man behind this screen is the winner of a date with you for at least thirty minutes.”

“Push it,” Michelle said.

Rhonda clicked the screen. The header screen blinked away to reveal the name of her date.

Ben Hawthorn.

“Is he famous? Shit, I was hoping for someone famous,” Michelle sighed.

Jenna froze.
No, my luck can’t be this bad.

“Pictures, we need pictures,” Rhonda muttered and began to click different links.

“There won’t be any,” Jenna said, her voice barely a whisper.



Within a few seconds Rhonda managed to pull up an image. The quality was poor but that didn’t matter. Jenna’s world bottomed out when she saw him. The blurry image showed a man in his late thirties. He had dark hair, and from the picture she couldn’t tell the color of his eyes, but knew full well they were hazel. Jenna shivered. He wasn’t smiling, but it looked like he had that same small smirk he got whenever he thought he was right. There was something in the way he held his body that caught her attention—while still the same overconfident Ben, there was something different, changed. Not that any of that mattered because he was the last man on Mars who she wanted fulfilling her fantasies.

“He doesn’t look too bad, but this picture does suck. If nothing else you’ll have a good story to tell us when you get back,” said Ruby.

“Press yes if you are interested in arranging a date with this person. Press next if you would like to make another match,” the computer spoke smoothly.

Rhonda laughed and clicked yes.

“Oh shit, wait!” Jenna tried to stop her, but couldn’t reach her.

“Too late,” Ruby laughed.

“What’s wrong, Jen?”

Jenna groaned. “Gods, why did it have to be Ben?”

The three women looked at each other, and then Jenna.

Michelle spoke first, “I’m sorry, I’m obviously missing something. Who is this guy?”

She knew her friends weren’t going to care once she told them. But it was worth a shot.

“Mr. Hawthorn is the CEO of CalCorp, the company that has just partnered with the university for the Rebuild project.”

“That’s the new committee they stuck you on?” Ruby asked.

This wasn’t going to work. “Yes. Mr. Hawthorn is the financial backer and the university is supposed to conduct the research to determine if old Mars is able to be reconstructed.”

“So why the bad picture if he’s rich? Is he hideous or something?” Michelle poked the vid screen with her finger.

Jenna shook her head, “No, Ben’s quite good-looking.” Unbelievably fucking hot to be precise. But with his good looks came a stubborn, uncompromising streak that made her life a living hell seven years ago. He was oil to her water in every way. “He is, for the most part, a total recluse. And one of the biggest assholes on the planet.”

“Ben? You sound like you really do know him,” Michelle said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Is this cheating? It feels like cheating.”

“Wait a minute, I remember him,” Rhonda smiled. “He was the one who wouldn’t let you continue your research or something.”



Jenna crossed her arms across her chest. “Seven years ago. The impact of transplanting genetically modified food from Earth onto Mars soil.”

Michelle rolled her eyes. “Riveting.”

“If memory serves you liked him quite a bit, up until he squashed your project. I believe you even thought he was hot. Correct?” asked Rhonda, a smirk playing on her lips.

Jenna ground her teeth, knowing there was no point in denying what Rhonda knew as truth. “So?”

“So…I think you need to relax. Assume what he did was for business reasons and let it go. Face the facts. You, my dear, are going on a date with Mr. Ben Hawthorn,”

Rhonda said and leaned back into the seat with a smug smile on her face.

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