Passion And Fire (Passion #4) (26 page)

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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When I returned, he had removed his shirt and popped the button on his jeans. He was barefoot and pacing the room, looking sexy as hell. I stood in the doorway of his bathroom for a few moments simply watching him, his grace, and the play of light over his muscles. He was such a stunning looking man but it was a vampire thing obviously. They were all damn good looking, and for a brief moment I wondered if I would be incredibly beautiful too if I was one.

He looked up suddenly and saw me watching him and his eyes drifted down my body, lingering on my breasts and legs.

“You’re going to have to undo me. I had to get Cassie to do me up and I’m going to need you to undo the back. I’m kind of laced up here like Sunday’s roast.” I said. “Unless of course you just intend fucking me fully dressed?”

“Babe, that dress does not make you fully dressed. That dress makes you hotter than hell, and although I was never a boy scout and didn’t learn to tie a knot, I can sure as fuck undo one, and I can damn well undo a woman’s dress.” He crooked his finger at me. “Come here my beautiful Firebird.”

“Firebird?” I quirked an eyebrow as I walked towards him. Once I was in front of him, I turned around so he could begin the process of unlacing my dress.

“You’ve got the most amazing hair babe, so bright, so much of it. I love it and you remind me of a bird. You’re always trying to fly free, never wanting to be contained, never wanting to be caged. Well I’m not stupid enough to try and cage you or contain you, but just for a little while, will you let me clip your wings?” He asked and I shivered when I felt his cool lips against my bare shoulder.

“I suppose I can agree to that.” I whispered and stood, head bowed while he began the process of unlacing me. When I felt the dress loosen, I pulled away, turning to face him and slowly pushed it down my body. I watched his face as my breasts popped free, then over my waist, my hips until I could release it where it pooled around my feet. I stepped free of it, standing before him in nothing but my panties and high heels.  

I lifted my gaze to his again, waiting for his reaction. I wasn’t shy about being nearly naked before him. It would be hard to be a pole dancer who shed her bra ever night I performed, if I was the shy type, plus Damien had seen me naked before. I watched his eyes move down the front of me, until he got to my feet and when he locked his gaze on mine again, I felt my knees grow weak; this man could break me with one look. I was definitely not the delicate little wall flower type. Still with those stunning eyes trailing over me, his gaze heating my skin with the intensity of his desire, I could feel myself softening, turning to marshmallow before him.

As I stared at him, my eyes dropped to his groin and I could see he was still hard as a rock behind the zip. Damn, he could stay erect for hours; he was impressive, and so was that cock. Suddenly I wanted to see it again and all its piercings. I also wanted to do something for him; it would be my first unselfish act when it came to this man. Hell, for once I was going to be nice to him and not the bitch he tended to unleash within me.

I stepped up close to him and leaned forward, my nostrils filling with his beautiful scent and gently I brushed my lips against his. I felt him try and capture mine so he could control the kiss, so he could dominate me, but I pulled back before dropping to my knees.

I had trouble containing my smile when I heard him groan, a soft, ragged sound, torn from his throat like he was in pain, and I shot a look up at him through my lashes. He was staring down at me his eyes bright with desire and a hint of what looked a bit like nervous tension or maybe fear? Was he scared of what I was going to do to him? Now that nearly made me laugh out loud. I guess I hadn’t been very nice to him at all, so maybe he worried I might bite him or something?

I reached out, slipping one hand down his jeans, feeling his stomach tighten from my touch. Since he never wore underwear, my fingers found him, hard, huge and sandwiched firmly by the tight denim. Resisting the desire to caress him, I held my hand over the length of his cock to protect it, while I slowly lowered his zip with my other hand. I wanted this to be seductive, teasing, not to turn into a potential ‘There’s Something About Mary,’ moment.

As soon as his jeans were open, the heavy weight of his dick fell out and I was confronted by it, in all its pierced glory right in front of my face. Holy hell, he was impressive and up close like this, he was amazing. Long, thick, nicely veined, but not that creepy kind of too veiny thing happening. His balls were a nice size and shape and then those piercings, fuck those piercings were spectacular; evenly spaced studs all around the base of the head and that one solid bar of metal like a dumbbell right through towards the tip. They must have hurt like hell getting all those done, but they were a work of art on a man who was art himself.

Slowly I touched him, flicking the metal bar and heard him gasp. With one eye on his expression, I grabbed the bar and tugged on it which not only made his hips twitch in reaction but a bead of pre cum welled up and sat there glistening under the bedroom lights. I rubbed my thumb through it, sweeping it up before sticking it in my mouth, sucking the evidence of his failing control from my skin, savouring the taste that was all him.

I crawled closer on my knees until his cock stood proudly near my lips and with one hand supporting the huge length of him, I opened my mouth wide, taking him inside. The piercings felt strange against my tongue as I licked over them. Damn, he was big, and I couldn’t take much more than the head inside before he was pushing me to the limit of my gag reflex.

I tried to relax my throat, taking him deeper before sliding my lips back up his length. I licked him, running my tongue from root to tip, tasting him like I was savouring my favourite ice cream, and I suppose I was, because the taste of Damien was delicious. I sucked on the pierced head, flicking my tongue over the metal, before kissing my way down him again. Over and over I repeated it, occasionally sucking on his balls before licking up him and flicking my tongue over the little slit in the large swollen head. My hand followed my mouth, gripping him firmly, running up and down the length of him too, as I tasted him, drawing him closer to his release.

I could feel it building in him as I lavished all my attention on his beautiful cock. It seemed to swell, growing bigger still under my lips and tongue. I could feel him trembling, his hands gripping my hair, restlessly clenching and releasing it, twisting and tugging on the strands, occasionally hurting me. I didn’t protest; his hands raking through my hair excited me, because I knew it meant, he was losing control.

“Babe.” His voice was tense, rough sounding. “Babe, I’m going to come. If you don’t want me coming in your mouth and trust me, I’m going to fill that talented mouth of yours right up; I suggest you stop what you’re doing.”

I shivered at his warning but I didn’t let up, licking and sucking on him, relentlessly, determined to push him over the edge. His fingers curled hard in my hair, nearly making me wince; his balls tucked up and I felt the pulse under my fingers, just as the first shot of cum hit the back of my throat. The fact that it was cool and not warm like I was used to was a bit of a shock. The taste was incredible; nothing like the taste from a human man. It had to be a vampire thing. It was like everything about them was designed to make them irresistible, unbelievably tempting and tantalising. I swallowed, savouring him, enjoying my victory over him as he did as he had predicted, filled my mouth with his release.

When he finally stopped coming, I was blinking back tears from struggling with the sheer size of him in my mouth. It wasn’t just the size of him though, it was how much he’d come. When vampires came, they really came; spectacularly, magnificently. He’d almost overwhelmed me, but I still felt pleased with myself. I’d taken his control away, I’d made him come, and with a tiny smug smile to myself, I gave his cock one final lick and sat back on my heels to look up at him.

He met my eyes, not saying anything and I could see the satisfaction in those brilliant green irises of his. There was something else, something I couldn’t read though, as he stared down at me for what felt like an eternity. Before I could react, he’d bent down, hauling me to my feet and into his arms. I barely had time to gasp before his lips crashed down on mine. He kissed me wildly, passionately, his tongue plundering my mouth, his scent, his taste invading my senses and as he kissed me turning me on, making my body needy for him, he lifted me into his arms.

I curled my arms around his neck, gasping against his lips when I felt the head of his still erect cock brush my pussy. I waited, desperate for him, wanting him inside me, but he didn’t make any attempt to take possession of my body, instead walking to his bed and dropping me onto it.

I bounced once, twice on the soft mattress before looking up into Damien’s gorgeous face. He reached down, grabbing my legs and dragged me towards the edge of the bed as he stood alongside of it. He was rough, impatient and it was intensely exciting to see the animal in him coming out; the animal that seemed to lurk just under the surface. He hadn’t even bothered to remove his jeans; they still sat on his thighs which excited me even more to see him too out of control to remove them first.

With a firm grip on each thigh and my body tilted up to him, he dragged me forward abruptly, and I found myself suddenly impaled on that wonderful big cock of his. Despite having just come, he was hard as steel and I groaned at the feel of him filling me, his piercings grazing me as he pushed his way inside. He was so damn big and he stretched me to the point where I could feel my pussy stinging, as I tried to accommodate him.  Despite his size, he still felt so good and when he finally butted up against my womb, I groaned, tightening around him. Fuck he felt amazing; I arched my hips, wanting him to move, needing him to fuck me. He stood still, not moving though. Was he teasing me or waiting for me to get used to the feel of him inside me? I wasn’t sure; but laying there, my ass off the bed, where he had me tilted up to him, full of him, stretched by his huge cock, I just wanted him to fuck me.

“Damien, please.” I gasped.

“What babe? Do you want this?” He thrust hard, slamming into me again and I cried out. “Or perhaps this?” He slowly pushed inside me, inch by beautiful pierced inch, letting me feel every one of those metal studs as they rubbed against me, making me shiver with excitement.

“More.” I moaned and he stopped, not moving, his bright gaze watching me intently.

“What do you want? Was it this?” He slammed into me again. “Or was it this?” He repeated the agonisingly slow invasion of my body. “Do you want me to fuck this cunt hard and fast or slow and easy? Which is it babe? How do you want to be fucked? I know you want my cock, you’re so fucking wet, I can feel how wet you are. So tell me, what do you want?”

“Shut up Damien and just fuck me. Fuck me hard, fuck me fast. You said you’d make me scream, so put your money where your fucking mouth is.” I snapped and he laughed.

“Well since you asked me so nicely babe, how can I refuse?” He flashed a sexy smile at me, and I almost came, just from how good looking he was. “Plus, from your words I suspect you’re daring me, and I do love a challenge.” He winked.

He straightened, his fingers digging hard into my thighs and with his eyes locked on mine, he began to move. He didn’t just move, he gave me exactly what I’d asked for. He drove hard into me over and over again, every thrust of his hips, threatening to catapult me up the bed, if it wasn’t for the death grip he had on my legs.

I felt full, violated, fucked and owned; it was amazing, he was amazing. My orgasm was rising fast and I moaned, knowing it was going to be intense. With Damien it was always intense; the man was in a league of his own when it came to fucking. As he thrust, each thrust hard, almost violent, the room filled with the sound of my moans, his grunts and the impact of our bodies as we slammed against one another.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck.” I cried. Those words becoming my mantra and with one more stroke of his large cock, my orgasm exploded through me. I screamed, I cried and I screamed again as the pleasure grew in intensity, before peaking and radiating through me; my whole body alive with sensation.

It kept rolling through me and I screamed again, I screamed fit to wake the dead, all while Damien fucked me, pushing towards his own release. When my screams finally died, I began to cry; big uncontrollable, noisy sobs, the tears streaming down my face and soaking into my hair.

I dimly heard over my sobs and the thundering of my heart, the guttural cry from Damien, just before I felt the flood of his release, and the rhythmic jerking of his cock as he came hard in me.

When he had finished he lowered my legs to the bed, coming down on top of me, our bodies still joined. I couldn’t seem to stop sobbing, my sobs loud, hiccupping and I wasn’t sure what had pushed me to this release of not just a sexual one, but an emotional one. Damien remained silent through my tears, simply holding me in his arms, his lips brushing softly over my cheeks. He held me until my sobs finally ended, and once I fell silent, he began to move, gently, slowly inside me.

Gradually he built our desire back up until with a soft cry from me and a low, throaty groan from him; we peaked together, shuddering through our mutual release. He buried his fangs in my neck, drinking from me as my body trembled through my climax, and as he fed the pleasure triggered yet another orgasm, dragging a husky cry from me.

When our bodies relaxed, both of us exhausted, I rolled over onto my side desperate for sleep. I felt the mattress dip as Damien tucked up against my back, his arms around me and one leg thrown over mine in a possessive gesture. It was there, in his bed, in a tangle of arms and legs, finally we both slept.

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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