Passion And Fire (Passion #4) (23 page)

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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“No but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.” He ground out.

“They can fuck really well. Look at him Damien, see how he moves.”

Damien ground his teeth together. He didn’t want to think about the young man dancing with Flame. He didn’t want the images of him lying between her parted thighs filling his head. The thought of another man holding her, kissing her and burying his cock in her, filled him with rage. He didn’t want another man’s arms around her, he didn’t want another man’s lips on hers, and just the thought of another man’s cock inside that tight little cunt of hers made his hands fist at his sides and a growl, like some sort of wild animal squeezed past his clenched teeth.

“Calm down brother dearest.” Francesca warned him and began to kiss him, finally turning his head from the sight of Flame and the man she was dancing with. She kissed him, pushing her tongue into his mouth and he responded momentarily, before finally pulling away from her. He knew what she was doing and it wasn’t going to work. It was a diversionary tactic.

“Nice try Fran but I need to go and speak to her.” His gaze shifted back to Flame who was watching him still. As she danced, her eyes on him, she suddenly reached back and began to run her hands up and down the thighs of the young man she was with, and that was it for Damien. He felt a tide of red cloud his vision, and with his hands clenched into fists by his side, he stormed across the dance floor towards the stunning red headed woman who was slowly but surely driving him insane.

“Calm down son.” Fabian called to him but Damien didn’t stop, and when he got up to Flame he glared at the younger man who was hanging onto her way too intimately, as far as he was concerned.

“Fuck off.” He told him quietly, and Flame’s little friend let go of her pulling himself up to his full height, which still left him a few inches shorter than him.

“Who the hell are you; telling me to fuck off?” He pushed into Damien’s face, ready to fight for her obviously, but Damien wasn’t in the mood for any shit with some pathetic human male.

“I’m the man who's been fucking her, now piss off.  You don’t want to make me angry.” He warned through gritted teeth. His eyes locked on the hazel coloured eyes of Flame’s date and all he said was. “Now go.” Watching as the younger man continued with the mental challenge for a few more moments. When his shoulders dropped and he turned, walking away, Damien watched him go with a sense of satisfaction.

“What the fuck do you…” Was all he managed before a hand hit hard across his face. It was Flame hitting him; the crack of her palm on his cheek surprisingly loud in the noisy club. “Ow dammit, what the hell was that for?” He roared, rubbing his cheek where she’d hit him.

“Why the hell did you do that to Jeff? He was with me you stupid great buffoon and now you’ve chased him off?” She snapped, her eyes flashing with anger.

He grinned despite her rage. “Jeff, that pathetic excuse for a man was called Jeff? You were letting him touch you, you were touching him. Do you always let men touch you intimately that you don’t know?”

“I let you didn’t I?” She came back just as snappily.

“That was different and it wasn’t on the first fucking night. Were you seriously going to fuck that…that…?” He couldn’t even finish the question.

“What’s it got to do with you? Now why don’t you get back to your fuck for the night?” She tipped her head towards where Fran stood watching them; obviously waiting to see what would happen next.

At her words he began to laugh until he noticed her expression getting more and more pissed off. He half expected to find some large object flung at his head but nothing. “Come.” He held out his hand to her. “I want you to meet someone.”

“Oh hell no Damien, I’m not meeting your food fuck. You can forget it. Where are Cassie and Chloe? I’m going home.” She went to turn away from him, but he grabbed her arm and dragged her off the dance floor towards Francesca.

She didn’t exactly go willingly, hitting his arm and trying to kick him but after dodging her heels several times, he finally got her in front of his sister.

“Francesca, I’d like you to meet Flame and Flame, this is my sister. She’s…” He didn’t get to finish as Flame interrupted him.

“She’s vampire.” She said staring into Francesca’s face.

“Well, well, so you’re the famous Flame?” She drawled in her usual mocking tone. “I see brother dearest rode in on his charger and dispensed with the unwanted competition.”

“Shut up Fran.” He warned her. Suddenly realising having Flame in front of Francesca wasn’t a good idea. She had no filter on her mouth and could say something completely inappropriate.

“Well you should have kept better control of your brother.” Flame ground out. “I didn’t need his macho bullshit driving away the man I was with.”

Francesca stared at Flame in surprise at her sudden outburst, before throwing her head back and laughing. “Oh my god Damien, this woman is a classic. I do believe you’ve met your match in her. So now you’ve fucked up her night for her, what are you going to do to fix it?” She asked.

“Nothing, he’s going to do nothing. In fact he’s going to fuck off and leave me alone.” Flame spat angrily. “Where are Chloe and Cassie? I’m going. My night’s been fucked up for me now anyway.” She shot an angry look at Damien which immediately got his back up.

It was Fabian who answered calmly, in an attempt to defuse the potentially very public argument that was flaring up. “Cassie and Chloe are dancing as you can see.” He waved a hand towards the dance floor. “Don’t you think you are perhaps over reacting a little? Yes my son over stepped the boundary by driving the young man you were dancing with away, but is it really necessary for this to escalate here?”

“Please don’t tell me what I can and can’t do in a public place Fabian.” Flame snapped, struggling to control herself. Damien was surprised she’d even make an effort, but then no one ever really wanted to anger his sire, and it seemed Flame didn’t want that either.

“Dance with me.” He said suddenly, surprising her and surprising himself too with his request. He held out a hand to her, ignoring the snort of amusement he heard from Francesca.

Flame eyed his hand off, like it was a nasty bug or something and refused to respond in any way.

“Please.” He said. “A dance Flame, just a fucking dance. I’m not asking for your hand in marriage; I just want to dance.” He snapped, his patience beginning to wear thin with this frustrating woman.

“Well, since you asked so fucking nicely, fine.” She slapped her hand down on his, and his fingers closed around hers tightly, so she couldn’t change her mind and run off.

With the sound of Francesca’s soft chuckle in his ear and the amused look from his sire, he dragged Flame after him onto the dance floor.

As luck would have it, it was a slower song; more sexy and sensual. Damien hauled her into his arms, one hand holding hers while the other curled around her waist as he began to move in time to the music. After a moment’s hesitation, he was pleased when Flame began to move too, her body perfectly in sync with his. Slowly they danced together, their hips moving as one, their bodies brushing against one another. Feeling her pressed to him, he couldn’t control his body’s response at their close proximity. His cock began to swell and lengthen until it was hard, its rigid length sandwiched between them.   

“So if Francesca’s your sister why was she kissing you?” She asked, breaking the silence between them.

“She’s not my blood sister. Fabian turned us all so we’re brothers and sister for that reason. Sometimes if we don’t have someone else to fuck, we will fuck one another. Everyone is finding partners so there’s only Fran, Adrian and I left who are single.”

“So you two came here tonight although you intend fucking later?”

“We came out together for the company. The intention was to hunt for blood and sex, but if neither of us found anyone to have sex with, we might have fucked one another. I wasn’t really interested in fucking Fran anyway. It was her idea to come together tonight. So why are you and the girls here? You’re all hunting too are you?” He smiled, trying to act casual, but he hadn’t liked seeing her rubbing up against that young human at all.

Flame laughed. “We don’t hunt. We’re human. We don’t need blood.”

“It’s still hunting. You’re all out for sex aren’t you?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “That’s still hunting. Not that far off what Fran and I do, but without the need for the blood.”

“Well you fucked up my chances of getting laid tonight anyway Damien. You chased Jeff away.”

“You didn’t need him. He’s too young, probably doesn’t know how to fuck a woman properly.” He said dismissively.

“Oh and I suppose you do?” She said challengingly.

He looked into her beautiful green eyes. “You know I do babe.” He said, sliding his hands down her back, cupping her ass and dragging her against him so he could grind his erection into her stomach.

Instantly heat flared between them. Damn her for making him want her, but he did. He wasn’t sure what it was about her, but something kept drawing him back to Flame over and over again.

As he looked into her eyes and their bodies moved together, their hips rolling and gyrating as if they were fucking, Damien watched as something flared in hers. It was hot, intense and suddenly he wanted her desperately. He needed to fuck her and he couldn’t wait.

“Damn I want you so badly.” He whispered in her ear. “I want you now, I need to fuck you right here, right now. I want the rush of fucking you while we’re surrounded by all these people. I want inside that tight hot little cunt of yours. I want to lose myself for however long it takes for us to come. I dare you babe; I dare you to let me fuck you, right under the noses of all these people on the dance floor.” He trailed his lips down her neck, feeling her shiver under his touch. He knew, no matter what she said in response, if she got angry with him, if she insulted him or tried to deny her desire for him, he would know she was lying. She could lie to everyone else; she could lie to herself, but she couldn’t lie to him, not when her heart was beating so rapidly. It was thundering hard in her chest; he could feel it against his body and he could feel the frantic fluttering of her pulse under his lips as he kissed her.

“Are you going to deny you want me too babe? Will you let me fuck you? We can move to the back of the room, the darkest point on this dance floor but I want to fuck you here, now, with everyone around us dancing. I want to shove my cock inside you and make you come in front of all these people. I want to see if you can control yourself and not scream as you come. Can you do that babe? Will you let me make you come, right here, right now, while these people dance around us?” He felt her tremble with every huskily spoken word he whispered in her ear.

She cleared her throat, raising her eyes to his and he waited, watching a range of emotions cross her face. He could see rebellion; she looked like she was preparing for a fight with him, but underneath he saw it, that look she couldn’t hide from him, lust. She might hate him and want to fight him, but just as he couldn’t control his desire for her, she was powerless to control her need for him too.

As he gazed down into her stunningly beautiful face, he waited for her response; waited for the sarcasm to begin. When her lips parted he braced himself for the insults to start flowing but she surprised him by merely uttering one word. All she said to him was. “Yes.”


Chapter Fourteen



As I stared up into Damien’s insanely gorgeous face I wondered if I was losing my mind. Had I really just agreed to let him fuck me again? Not only agreed to let him fuck me but to let him fuck me here, in the club, on the dance floor, surrounded by the other dancers. There were a lot of dancers which potentially gave us less chance of detection, but in some ways, more chance of detection since everyone was forced into closer proximity.

I knew it was wrong, crazy even, to consider having sex so publically. I knew it was crazy to agree to have sex with this handsome vampire again. Every time I let his cock into my body, I ran the risk of letting him into my heart just that little bit more. I couldn’t risk heartache, not when I moved around all the time. Yet as I stared into his face, I felt that huge beautiful cock of his pressing against me. Knowing what it could do to me, I felt the answering pull of my attraction for him low in my stomach and my pussy. It clenched with need, wanting him to fill it and I knew I couldn’t deny him or myself.  

“Do you seriously think we can do this in such a public area?” I asked him, even as I swivelled my hips in time to the music, rubbing up hard against him. I could feel a dull ache between my legs and I tried to get some relief by straddling his leg and riding his muscled thigh. The denim of his jeans created a delicious friction but it wasn’t enough, I needed more.

“It will be fine, just let me take care of you. Let me worry about it ok?” He said and I saw him look over my shoulder and give a barely discernible nod of his head. When I turned to see who he was gesturing too, Fabian was watching us, his strange eyes studying us closely. I saw him nod back before turning away, bending to speak to Francesca.

“Come with me, follow my lead.” Damien drew my attention back to him.

Slowly, we gyrated and swayed across the dance floor, working our way through the crowds until he had us at the darkest area in the whole room. There were still people all around us dancing; locked in one another’s arms. Some were kissing and so passionately, they were close to putting on their own show; maybe some were, it was certainly dark enough where we were to conceal it.

Once Damien had found the most secluded area he could find, he pulled me into his arms, his lips coming down on mine, parting them; his tongue invading my mouth. He kissed me, passionately, his tongue thrusting and retreating, mimicking the action of fucking, his hips grinding against mine. I could feel myself getting wet with every thrust and grind of his body and I realised I wanted him too much to care anymore, that we were on a crowded dance floor in the middle of a packed nightclub.

The music stopped for a moment and I suddenly panicked, thinking Sirene was taking another break, although it didn’t seem like she’d been back on stage that long, but the music started up again and I breathed a sigh of relief into Damien’s mouth. He groaned and lost his rhythm a little as his hips moved restlessly against me.

Breaking free of his lips and arms, I rotated until I had my back to him before beginning to dance again. I felt him close the gap between us, his arms coming around me and he quickly fell into my rhythm, our bodies moving as one.

I reached behind me as I’d done with Jeff and began to run my hands up and down Damien’s thighs, reaching around to cup his tight ass and drag him closer. With every move, with every dance step, I could feel his cock rubbing against me and it was driving me crazy with the need to have him inside me.

I groped for his zip, trying to be subtle; finally getting a hold of it and dragging it down as subtly as I could, in the nearly dark room. As soon as I lowered it, I felt Damien’s cock, surge forward ready to fall out through the opening. His hands lowered to my hips and on down to my thighs, his palms caressing me as his lips found my neck and began to leave a trail of kisses towards my collar bone.

He shifted his hands to my dress, slowly, inch by inch, raising the hem at the back of my thighs, uncovering just enough of my ass so he could access me, without revealing too much to the people still dancing around us. It was exciting feeling the cool area over my buttocks and knowing that he was touching me; that he was going to be fucking me right under the noses of those dancing nearby.  

I felt his fingers touch between my legs, pushing my panties to the side, before brushing through my swollen pussy lips to dip just inside me. I groaned, my head falling back against Damien’s shoulder as he held me, touching me, caressing me, making me hungry for him, hungry for that huge cock of his.  

The hand between my legs disappeared and I felt him doing something behind me. When the hard length of his massive dick suddenly pushed between my thighs, I knew what he’d been doing. He’d been freeing it from his jeans and now as I felt the broad head rubbing through my folds, I knew I would not have long to wait before he was inside me, relieving the ache deep within my body.

Amazingly he was just at the right height due to my heels which were high enough to align our bodies perfectly for sex. I shifted my hands back to his thighs and closed my eyes, still swaying gently to the music, but when he suddenly pushed his way inside me I moaned, a soft moan that was lost to all but Damien over the noise of the music.

It was probably the most sensual, erotic sex I’d ever had in my entire life, right here, right now in this club, surrounded by people oblivious to what we were doing. He couldn’t thrust as that would have been too obvious so we moved, swaying, rotating our hips, gyrating which created just enough friction to begin building us towards our mutual release. It was a slow climb with every move of our hips against one another, but I’d never felt so turned on in all my life. Maybe it was the man, the sex or perhaps the risk of being caught added to the pleasure and excitement?

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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