Passion And Fire (Passion #4) (24 page)

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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Damien bent towards me and I turned my face to him, dropping my head on his shoulder, as his lips trailed over my cheek, until he reached the corner of my mouth. I lifted one hand to rake my fingers through his hair as we swayed to the beat of the music; finally clasping the back of his head, pulling him closer when his lips covered mine. I could feel the delicious brush of his cock inside me, the rubbing of his piercings against my highly sensitised flesh as we moved. The music thumped away in the club still; the people danced around us still, and all the time, unbeknown to them, we fucked, right under their noses. To anyone who might have looked, we would have appeared to be doing some highly erotic dirty dancing, but no one would be able to see, just how dirty we were being.  

Damien lifted his head and I sucked some much needed air into my lungs, until he began to kiss his way down my neck and I felt the sharp points of his fangs against my skin. I gasped, before holding my breath; surely he wouldn’t bite me here, in such a public place, despite the dark and my hair? When he suddenly bit down, I nearly screamed, just managing to rein in my response; mindful of where we were. As he drank from me, I could feel the initial stab of pain fading and being replaced with the familiar burst of pleasure. With his cock inside me, we stood, moving gently to the music, surrounded by people; with his fangs buried in my neck as he fed, I came, squeezing him, holding him in my intimate, feminine embrace.

I felt Damien’s fangs leave my neck, but he didn’t lift his head, he merely licked over my skin and I realised he was healing me and waiting for his fangs to retract before he straightened.

“You are fucking amazing babe. So fucking hot and I can feel your cum soaking my dick. You’re making me want to come. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on.” His voice was husky in my ear and I shivered not only from his words, but the sound of his voice, the desire I could hear in his tone.

Fuelled on by his need and my sudden desire to give him pleasure, I began to rotate my hips, grinding my ass against him, feeling him shift and slide inside me. Under the cover of dance and the darkness of the club, I used my body to build him up towards his own release. I felt his hands tighten on me, digging into my thighs and he groaned the sound raw and passionate in my ear.

With another groan, this one low and ragged sounding as it was ripped from his throat, I felt him jerk in me, just before he began to come. The feel of him coming, the excitement of fucking in a public place and sensing that Damien only just had the animal in him under control, was enough to trigger another orgasm in me. I bit down hard on my bottom lip nearly breaking the skin as I rode it out as well as I could without reacting and potentially drawing attention to us.

My legs were trembling from my climax and I thought for a moment I wouldn’t be able to stay upright, but Damien’s arms tightened around me, making sure I wouldn’t fall. We stood, barely pretending to dance anymore; my body trembling, Damien still coming, when suddenly the music stopped and the lights came up a little. I froze; he tensed, swearing next to my ear, but he didn’t try to pull out of me. He couldn’t really. I could still feel his cock jerking and twitching as he emptied the last of his load into me.

Quickly he shifted his hands to my dress, smoothing his palms over me, hitching the fabric as low as he could in an attempt to help conceal our connection. Somehow he managed to get the dress so it was decent at the front and sides and with him being so close behind me, his body hid the fact the skirt was up at the back and that he was still inside me.

“Was that the end of Sirene’s performance?” I whispered hoping desperately that it wasn’t, otherwise this was going to be difficult. How the hell he was going to pull out of me while it was light enough for people to see, I had no idea.

Damien didn’t answer me and when I turned to him he was looking ahead at someone. I turned to see who and nearly groaned when I saw Fabian and Francesca approaching.

Fabian turned to me as soon as they reached us. “Cassie is not feeling well so I have offered to drive her and Chloe home. I need to know if you wish to come with them or whether you will be staying with my son.”

Francesca, who was eyeing us off with no attempt to be subtle about it, immediately burst out laughing. “I don’t think they’re going anywhere right now sire. How do you get yourself into these situations brother dear? You had to fuck her on the dance floor; in front of everyone?”

“Shut up Fran.” He snapped glancing around to be sure no one had heard what she’d said. “Why has Sirene stopped?” He turned on Fabian.

“It’s her break again my son. See, she is coming now.” He turned and I followed his gaze as the petite woman approached us. Fuck this was getting worse and worse. How the hell was Damien ever going to remove his cock from me, tuck it back in his jeans and give the illusion that everything was normal? I silently groaned. Why did I let him talk me into this? Why did he have so much control over me? It’s was his fucking cock of course. The promise of that damn thing in me and I was nearly gagging for it. Why couldn’t he have had a small cock and no piercings?

“Cassie is not well Flame.” Sirene said dragging my attention back to her. “It would seem she’s picked up a stomach bug or something. Will you be staying with Damien or coming with your housemates?”

Francesca burst out laughing again. “Well she’s not going anywhere right now, not unless she takes brother dear here with her.” She leaned in and cupped her hand over her mouth like she was about to reveal a deep secret. “You’ve heard of that saying...joined at the hip? Well in their case, it’s joined at the dick.”

I saw Sirene’s eyes drop to our bodies and I found myself blushing which wasn’t characteristic of me, but this was getting ridiculous now. I was beginning to wonder why I’d let Damien talk me into fucking on the dance floor in the first place. Now we’d being caught in this awkward position and I wasn’t sure how the fuck we were going to get out of it.  

“Well are you just going to stand like that all night?” Sirene asked.

“We can’t move, the lights have gone up.” Damien ground out.

Francesca erupted into another round of laughter and I was tempted to hit her for getting so much enjoyment out of our discomfort. She was pissing me off with her constant amusement over the situation I’d allowed Damien to get me into, and when she made one more joke at our expense, I saw red. I mentally snatched up a beer can I saw sitting on a table to the side of the dance floor and threw it at her.

Before it hit her, Fabian reached up with blindingly fast reflexes and grabbed it. “Not the wisest thing to do oh fiery one; we are in a very public place and you are in a quite compromising position. Perhaps not the best time to potentially draw attention to yourself.” He warned.

“What the fuck was that?” Fran snapped. “You threw that at me?” She looked both surprised and annoyed when she turned to me. “Don’t piss me off. You’re a mere human, I’m vampire and ask anyone here, I don’t have any problem causing others embarrassment. I’m well known for not having a filter on my mouth. I will always say whatever the hell I want to say. I’m sure you wouldn’t like me to let everyone here, know you’ve been having sex on the dance floor.” She deliberately raised her voice and I cringed, my eyes darting around to the people near us but no one appeared to have heard anything.

“Enough Francesca.” Fabian warned. “Come, we will position ourselves strategically around you and give you a chance to remove yourselves from this situation you are in.” His voice was serious but I could see the humour in his eyes. Well at least someone found this funny. I ground my teeth together for being stupid enough to let Damien talk me into sex on the dance floor.  Damn man and his damn sex appeal, and that fucking cock of his that could always turn me to putty when he brought the thing anywhere near me.

“Are you going to be much longer Fabian because Cassie’s really not feeling too well?” I groaned when Chloe suddenly turned up; I was beginning to wish the floor would just open up and swallow me. Why had I let him talk me into this? This was getting beyond a joke now.

“Oh for fuck sakes, how about we sell tickets.” I snapped and Chloe gaped at me, her eyes filled with shock at my outburst.

“Flame, what’s wrong?” She asked. “Are you coming with us? Cassie’s not well and Fabian’s offered to drive us home but he needed to…” Her voice trailed off as it finally registered with her that Damien was standing behind me, his arms circling my waist.

“Oh so you two are back together then?” She asked.

Francesca burst out laughing again and I glared at her. “Yeah, they’re back together alright, in fact you might say they’re attached to one another.” She just managed to get the words out before dissolving into another round of laughter.

“Francesca.” Damien warned her. I could feel the vibration of his voice through me since he was practically glued to my back. He just about was too, with us still joined together, although he was softening a little. The man wasn’t fazed by much obviously but it was more than that, I remembered that he’d said being vampire meant he would need to come more than once to lose his erection.

“I have to go.” Sirene suddenly announced. “It’s time for my last set.” She turned to Fabian. “You will be ok and get the girls home?” She asked him and he smiled down at her.

“We will all be fine my beauty.” He bent and kissed her, his lips moving gently over hers for a moment before he straightened. “Don’t worry about us. I shall sort this situation out.”

When Sirene got back on stage, as the first strains of the music started, the lights were blessedly lowered again, plunging us back into near darkness.

“I trust you two will be able to sort yourselves out now?” Fabian asked. “I wish to get the ladies home and I will take Francesca with me.” He gave her his penetrating stare when she went to protest. “I think you have stirred things up enough. You are coming with me.”

She shot another glance at us. “Have fun you two.” She said before laughing softly. “Oh wait a minute. You’ve already had your fun. That’s what got you into this position in the first place. Might I suggest a less public place, next time you two feel the need to fuck?” She gave that sardonic smile of hers and followed Fabian off the dance floor and from the club.

As soon as they were gone, I twisted my head around to look up at Damien. “For fuck sakes, get out of me now.” I snapped. “I can’t believe how this night has gone. Why, why do I let you talk me into these things? Fucking on a dance floor? Was I fucking nuts? Could that have gotten any more embarrassing? Bloody hell; your sire, Sirene, that bitch sister of yours and Chloe, damn Chloe, she’s going to give me hell about this. She’s a true romantic. She’s going to turn this into us being so overcome with our desire for one another that we gave into our urges and fucked here. Not what it really was, more a dare, a thrill to have sex in public and risk being caught. Well we got caught, by damn near all of your fucking family.” I groaned. “Why, why do I keep letting you in?”

His arms tightened around me, not quite the response I’d expected. “Don’t do this Flame. Don’t turn this into a reason for you to run again. The sex was incredible; sex with you is incredible. I have little control around you; I wanted you, and yes the thrill of potentially being caught added to the intensity of it, but it’s not just that, it’s you. You turn me on like no other woman ever has; I can’t pretend that isn’t so. Don’t shit on this now, and don’t fucking run from me, or I won’t ever remove my cock from your cunt.”

I wiggled defiantly at his words but that didn’t help at all when I felt him harden inside me again. The brush of his piercings made me clamp down around him and my heart rate picked up as a wave of excitement coursed through me.  Dammit, just like that, despite the embarrassment I’d just suffered through, I wanted him again. What was it with him? Why did all rational thought go and the demands of my body take over?

“Oh fuck babe. You’re so tight and wet and fuck it, I want you so much.” He began to lazily move his hips again in time to the music and I gasped, my gasp turning into a whimper when the movement rubbed the metal in his cock against my highly sensitised flesh. “I want to fuck you, I want to fuck you until you come, I want to make you scream and I can’t do that here.” He murmured in my ear.

Abruptly he pulled out of me and hastily zipped his hard cock back into his jeans. I felt our cum start to run down my legs, but there was no time to worry or think about it, before Damien took my hand and began to pull me off the dance floor.

His stride was long and he seemed to be in a hurry, making me have to run a few steps to keep up with him. Even when we were off the dance floor he didn’t stop, continuing to drag me towards the doors that led to the club’s car park.

When we finally stepped outside, he hesitated for the first time and his gaze was wary when he looked down at me.

“I want you to come home with me babe. I want you to do it without regret, without freaking out, flipping out or running off like you always do. I’m tired of fighting this attraction I have for you. I know you feel it too. You have fought it every bit as hard as I have; but for me I’m done fighting it. Wanting you to come home with me does not mean I’m going to try and control you or hold you back. When you want to leave town, I will not stop you.” His bright green eyes searched mine. “Will you come home with me, please Flame?”

I stared up at him, and my immediate thought was to throw some flippant, sarcastic comment at him, like I always did when in a situation I couldn’t control.  I opened my mouth, ready to say something to piss him off, before doing exactly as he was accusing me of, running. Before the words could pass my lips though, I stopped.

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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