Read Panther Protection Online

Authors: Gracie Meadows

Panther Protection (8 page)

BOOK: Panther Protection
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“How about we look. We might need it one day if we have kids.” He watched as her face flushed and then he turned to look at the tables.

“Fine, we can look, but I am not promising anything more than that right now,” she said as she headed to the table section. Wanting to tell Axel what he felt at the truck, he kept an eye on Millie as he pulled Axel to the side.

“I had a feeling someone was watching me outside.”

“Wait, what, really. Shit. Could this be because of Millie?” Axel asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Okay, well, we'll keep an extra eye on her, okay.” Gage nodded and both of them followed Millie into the table section.

By the time they had left, Millie had picked out not only a new table and chairs, but a hutch that could house plates and such. For someone who didn’t want anything new, she sure warmed to the idea quickly once she found a solid oak one with very delicate flowers carved in it. Axel even offered to make one for her, but she said he could work on other things around the house, and the conversation continued throughout lunch. They had picked up some fried chicken and other items before heading down to a small part of the lake they found while running. Spreading out the blanket, they all kicked off their shoes and sat down.

“So what do you think about maybe once we finish our mating that we turn the master bedroom into our room?” Axel suggested, which caused Millie to turn a beautiful scarlet color.

“Umm, well, can we take it one room at a time right now? Maybe talk about the master bedroom later?” she countered.

“Sure, baby, we can do that. But we wanted to talk to you about something.” Gage knew what they were going to bring up.

“We were thinking about opening a shop, would you be okay with that? I was talking to a couple of the guys and it seems the current owner of the shop here isn’t too into cars. We were thinking about seeing if we could offer him a deal.”

“We would be home every night,” Gage added on top of it. They really wanted this shop, and it would be great if they all worked, plus if they had cubs they would be able to adjust the schedule to the needs of their family.

“It’s up to you guys. If you want to open a shop, then I’m cool with that. This morning I have a whole different outlook. I don’t know, but it feels like…”

“You helped put the past behind you,” Gage finished her sentence.

“Yeah, exactly. I feel, for the need of a better word, happy. I’m happy and I don’t fear the future, with either of you.”

Millie went to finish eating some of the food they had picked up and then laid with her head on Gage’s lap while he played with her hair. Axel was lost in thought as she absentmindedly started to hum a song that popped in her head. The sweet melody of “Safe and Sound

ran through her as the words played over and over. She was safe and sound in their presence.

“You have an amazing voice, Millie,” Axel said, breaking her from her trance. Blushing, she thanked him. She knew she could sing, and had no problem singing for a crowd, but singing in front of them seemed to be more intimate.

“Umm, thanks. I have always sang, it’s just kinda my thing, now I guess personal assistant is my thing.” No one said anything, just laid there in comfortable silence. She must have started to go to sleep because the food was picked up and Gage had her in his arms putting her inside the truck. She apologized but they just kissed her hands and soon they were off and on the way home.

When they pulled up to the house, Axel jumped out but froze instantly. Someone had been to the house. The smell wasn’t something he knew. It wasn’t a shifter, but not human either. He held up his hand to hold Millie in the truck, she was safer there right now. Gage had jumped out and told her to lock the door and not move for anything. Both of them went to the front of the house and it grew stronger. Axel nodded to Gage and together they both split. He went inside, while Gage ran around the back of the house to see if he could see or smell anything. Axel went inside to make sure whatever or whoever it was wasn’t in the house. The door was still locked, which was a good sign, but then again it didn’t take much if someone really wanted in. As he checked around the house he really wished he had a gun. As a panther he could take out most of his prey, but even then it would be nice to have one just to scare whoever it was away.

He was happy the smell didn’t go into the house and was only on the outside. He walked outside to see Gage waiting for him. “Anything?” Gage shook his head indicating nothing else. So someone was outside, but he couldn’t tell if it was friend or foe, but either way he wasn’t taking that chance with Millie. They would make sure she was never left alone at any given time. They went over to the truck and she unlocked the door looking a little shaken.

“What, what is it guys?” He could tell she was a little scared, which was normal with everything that had happened to her recently.

“I caught a weird scent I didn’t recognize. I wanted to make sure no one was in the house and nothing was messed up,” he explained. She nodded as Gage helped her out of the truck. Reaching in the back, he pulled her clothes and the box that housed the leftover food. He would have loved to have a nice dinner tonight on their new table, and her for desert, but it wasn’t going to come until tomorrow.


As soon as they stepped inside, Millie’s body seemed to wake up with the reminder of the night that Axel had given her. She was excited and before both men could say anything, she said she wanted to take a hot bath.
Well that and text Becky
. She knew wolves and panthers were different, but did that go for the whole mating process. Did it hurt when they bit her, would she change into a panther once they did bite her? So many small things she didn’t know and wanted to get some reassurances from someone who was just recently mated and well knocked up. Both men agreed and said they would just watch a movie while she relaxed.

Closing the door behind her, she quickly went into her drawer and pulled out her sexiest pair of panties and bra. A dark green with black lace trim. The bra actually made her boobs look bigger than they were, and the panties were a simple thong that left nothing to the imagination. Happy with her choice she grabbed her robe and panty set and headed for her bath for some special attention to certain areas of her body.

The water was hot and filled with steam making it so perfect. She sank below the water and closed her eyes relaxing for a bit. She knew a lot had happened today and she felt like the three of them had come over leaps and bounds. She wished they could all just forget their past, but she did find they all had a common thread. They all didn’t want to be victims again. The need to live and not have anyone dictate their lives made them who they were today. It was something she would embrace and give the mating a chance. Sitting up, she pulled her phone out and started to text Becky.


Millie: ?? for ya

Becky: k-shoot.

Millie: mating bite do I turn furry and need a litter box?

Becky: snort laugh no dork. U stay U.

Millie: u sure, ur wolf, me fairy, them kitties.

Becky: Im sure. Let me double check w/ men


Millie waited for Becky to respond and while she did she checked her email. She had one from Mr. Mayweather, it was instructions to meet Harry from security to get her badge and then come upstairs to her office. She smiled at the thought of working and supporting herself, and the three of them being a working family while she reread what Becky had responded.


Becky: Yup, no litter box for U. Ur good.

Millie: Cool beans. Does it hurt?

Becky: What hurt?

Millie: The bite.

Becky: OH NO. Bite GOOD. VERY GOOD ;)

Millie: Really?!?

Becky: hehehe, yup. Me likey bite!

Millie: k thx.

Becky. OMG ur gonna do it. WOOHOO about time!

Millie: shut up. Don’t know. Just want options. Shhh keep quiet.

Becky: eeekkk.. so happy. Have fun… J

Millie: whatever. 3 ya

Becky: backatcha!


Smiling at the texts, Millie made up her mind. Pulling out her trusty razor, she was going to make herself as desirable to her would be mates as she could.


Chapter Ten


Gage and Axel sat and watched the newest Fast and Furious movie, loving the cars and all the work detail that went into making the cars. It was their thing. They enjoyed working with their hands and fixing cars. Which reminded him to work on Millie’s tomorrow if they got a chance. She hadn’t taken her car for a while and it just sat in the garage, and he wanted to make sure she had it in case she needed to go somewhere for work, but even then, he wasn’t comfortable with her being out by herself. He felt like someone was watching them today, and then someone was roaming around the house. He heard her coming down the stairs as he took another drink of his beer. Axel must have as well as he called her over to come sit with them. As she came around and stood in front of them, they saw her just standing in a robe smirking at them.

“So is this something I should expect to be normal with you two. Car shows and things blowing up?”

“Well, baby, if you just stand right there in front of the TV, we would just stare at you all day, and I would have no problem with that,” Axel quipped as he finished the rest of his beer then reached his hand out for her. She shook her head at them.

“What do you have planned, love?” Gage had to know, because she had this secret smile as if she was hiding something from them. She looked at him batting her eyes before putting her hand on her chest.

“Who me? Why would I have something planned, Gage?” Again she batted her lashes trying to play cute.

“Oh, baby, you are starting to play with fire. You are standing in front of us smelling so good, and that robe you have on is doing nothing for my blue balls I have right now. So tell me, sweetheart, what are you up to?” Axel asked as he shifted in his seat.

“Oh, well you see, I had a chat with Becky while I took my bath.”

“You did?” Gage asked, he was now more interested in what she had talked about than dying to see what was under that damn robe. He looked at it and it was hideous, and he made a vow to get her some new ones tomorrow. It was old and ratty with stupid blue bunnies on it. She might have been playing sexy with them, and she could do it, even with that thing on.

“I did, I had some questions.” She took that moment to come and sit in front of them on the coffee table covering as much of her legs as she could.

“What questions. Maybe we could have helped with some of them,” Axel responded.

“Umm, well just questions, anyway that’s not the point.” Gage raised his eyebrow in surprise, she was blushing, so it must have been a text about sex, and suddenly his semi hard cock stood up and was ready to charge. Shifting in his seat, he had to know where she was going with this.

“So what was the point?”

“I have decided that I want to be your mate, fully.” She lowered her head, blushing more than he thought was possible.

“Really?” he asked. But instead of her answering she kept her head down and nodded her response.

Axel was already on edge as he got to play with her some this morning, and had a permanent hard-on since then. It didn’t matter that he took a cold ass shower and jacked off thinking about her. Trying to control his lust, he knew what she was talking about. “Baby, right now I’m a panther on edge and I have already had your cream, and I can smell your arousal too. Just make sure this is something you want. Once we mark you it will be forever, no going back.”

“I understand, Axel, and I want you, and I want Gage. I can’t say it's love, and I’m sure we will get there, but I have such a pull to you both, and my Gran always told me I miss things that are right in front of my face. I don’t want to miss this. Please, make me your mate.” She stood slowly and started to untie her robe. Axel could hear her heart beat as its pace picked up, the rhythm seemed to match his own as right now his soon to be mate was going to do a little show for them. She did a half smile and then turned around lowering the robe so they could see her shoulder strap of her bra. She lowered it again so her back was fully exposed allowing them to see her beautiful skin. Lost in the slow tease she turned to reveal a bra that pushed her breast up and out. In that small instant he knew he would have a mark on his dick from his zipper. She started to sway her hips slowly as she hummed to some tune in her head. Gage reached over and switched off the TV at some point. And soon she dropped the robe and stood there in only a pair of very small panties, that he'd bet was a thong, and a bra that would make even any gay man stand up and take notice.

“Oh, baby, you better come over here because you know what they say about teasing cats. They will bite in the end.” He grinned widely as her eyes lighted up. Slowly she walked over to them until each leg was touching one of theirs. She didn’t know who to go to, and he knew she had never been with two men. It also made him wonder if she had ever had anal before as well. He reached out and ran his hand up her thigh, feeling her silky soft skin as goose bumps started to break out against her skin, she closed her eyes. Gage was mirroring his actions, and soon with soft touches they moved from her legs to her ass, to her breasts and back down. A small mewling noise escaped from her as they continued their ministrations. He nodded to Gage who reached up and unclasped her bra allowing her breasts to spring free. She wasn’t overly large like women today, but she fit perfectly in his hands. Her cream colored skin blended with her darker brown nipples as they lengthened from their touch. He had removed his shirt and pants only leaving his boxers on, and Gage followed him as they sucked and nipped at her nipples and skin. Reaching her hip, he slid the small material down her body to revile that she had shaven. She had a small patch this morning and for some reason the thought of her cleaning her pussy and body to prepare for them to love her, turned him on more.

BOOK: Panther Protection
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