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Authors: Gracie Meadows

Panther Protection (10 page)

BOOK: Panther Protection
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“That would be dinner, baby. Why don’t you head upstairs and change while I finish and when you’re done, we will be able to eat.” She smiled and practically ran upstairs to change.

“Hey, man, can you finish the table?” Axel asked him. Without a word he headed in there and set the candle out and the small thing of flowers. She was big into wild flowers of all colors, so they made sure she had them at all times. He took the new napkins out and set the silverware out and it was done. He was happy with his handy work and went into the kitchen to pop the top of the wine. It was only five minutes, then Millie was back, but she came down and stopped to look at their handy work.

“You guys did all this?” she asked, looking at them both as Axel started to pull out bowls of salad and then plates of food.

“Only the best for you, love,” he said and they both meant it. Sitting down the three of them enjoyed dinner, and then dessert—her.


Chapter Twelve


It had been two weeks since Millie started to work at Mayweather industries and both he and Gage had signed the paperwork for the shop to be turned over to them. They had contacted his parents and asked if the manager of the last shop wanted to continue on as manager there. Both he and Gage had considered selling it, but Millie said it would be a good investment and it would give them an excuse to go visit family and check in on the shop.

New equipment had been ordered since the stuff this guy had sucked and was rusty as hell. They didn’t need everything new, just stuff to make the shop run more efficiently. They had even spoken with Cece who was going to help set up a system to help maintain prices and parts for inventory to help keep them on track. Things couldn’t be better for all of them. Becky was starting to grow, and growl, because both of her men wouldn’t leave her unattended. No new shifters had come into town, but something still felt off. Things were just too quiet and cookie cutter for them all.

Gage had said the smell of their visitor from a few weeks ago was back again, but they couldn’t seem to get a hold of whoever the hell it was. It was as if they popped in and out. Getting back to his task at hand, he promised Millie a better porch, one she could walk on without shoes and stub her toes. It was coming along and between him and Gage it should be done by tonight, which was good because it was steak night. As he hammered the nail the smell came back again. It was a mix of dirt and moss. Spinning around, ready for just about anything he was shocked to see a man standing there in a dark suite.

“Hello, gentlemen. I would like to introduce myself. I’m Razi Malak.”

“Yeah, so?” Axel asked as he held the hammer in his right hand.

“Well, I am sure you haven’t heard of me. I know your sweet Amelia from work.”

“Okay…” Axel was starting to get impatient with this guy, and Gage was doing his best to rein in his panther.

“I am here to offer you a trade. You see, I know more than you think. So you can control your panther, and I won’t have to hurt you.” He was shocked the man was standing there totally controlled and seemingly annoyed with them. “I want Amelia, and if you give her to me free and clear, one, you get to live, and two, I will release all the missing shifters.” He smiled a crooked smile, but it was more of a 'Fuck You' type than anything else.

“I don’t think so, fucker. You can’t have her. She is our mate, and we will protect her from the likes of you.” Gage went to lunge at him, but the fucker held his hand out and flung Gage backwards and through the front door. He went and attacked him in human form with his hammer, but as he smacked him, the man grabbed him around the throat.

“You don’t know who you’re dealing with, kitty.”

“No, but I do. Leave now, Malak, or you will regret it.” He let go of Axel and Xandria appeared out of nowhere once again.

“Xandria, I will leave for now, but hear this, she will be mine.” And just like Xandria he too disappeared.

“What the hell,” Gage said walking back out the door while he picked pieces of wood out of his arm.

“It seems that we have a lot to talk about. But first you need to get Millie now, before he gets her.” Without a second glace Axel jumped into the truck and headed to get his mate.

Millie sat at her desk typing up the last of her notes for Mr. Mayweather’s meeting before he left town tomorrow. She was almost done when she heard some type of commotion coming from down the hall.

“I don’t need your help, I just need to get to her and then I will be fine. No, I don’t have a fucking appointment.” She gasped, she knew that voice, and not sure what to do other than run to him and calm him down, or would it make things worse. But that choice was taken away when Mr. Mayweather came out growling.
Yes, growling
. It shocked her, and suddenly she wondered if he too was a shifter, or something.

Axel appeared shortly after and started charging for her. “Millie, come on, baby, we need to leave.”

“Axel, what are you doing here? I’m working. I’ll be home later tonight.”

“Millie, who is this?” Mr. Mayweather asked as he stood in front of her.

“Umm, I’m so sorry this is my boy...”

“I’m her mate,” Axel blurted out to him.
Shit on a shingle, what the hell is he doing?

“Mate, huh, well, I did smell panther on her.” Axel seemed to push his words away as he looked right at her.

“Baby, we need to go, it’s not safe now.” Panic started to rise in her throat. Damn it, things were starting to get better for them all and now this. What shocked her was that Mr. Mayweather growled at his statement.

“I think we need to talk real quick, and then you can have your mate.” Not sure what was to be said, she turned to follow but Axel reached out and grabbed her hand pulling her instantly behind him. As soon as they were in the office Mr. Mayweather took a seat the edge of the desk before waiting for the door to close.

“Umm, I hate to ask and seem rude, but can I ask how you knew he was a panther.” She needed to know, and then she needed to know if she still had a job.

“Aw, Millie, I am sorry to have not said anything, but I wasn’t sure, but the smell of panther, two if I’m not mistaken, is all over you. I know who Axel is, and I know who Gage is as well. But it seems my identity has remained a secret and for that I am grateful. But to answer your question I am a lion shifter. The last of my kind. I have had help to keep my scent hidden from others.” He smiled and instantly she understood more about his actions.

“Oh wow, that’s umm, amazing, isn’t it, Axel. Axel, say something.” Axel was growling and she felt his claws lengthen in her hand. “Axel, you need to calm down, he’s not going to hurt me, are you?” She turned to face Mr. Mayweather and he shook his head.

“No, Millie, I am not, but I would like to help if I can. I have been trying to locate some of our kind, and when I do, I have been keeping them hidden.”

“See, Axel, friend not foe. Now please tell me what’s going on.”

“I don’t know all the details, but Xandria showed up as some prick tried to tell us he was taking Millie as his mate. He said his name was Razi…”

“Malak. Shit, I knew something was off with him. Who is Xandria?” Mr. Mayweather asked.

“It’s a long story. Are you serious about keeping her safe?”

“With my life. She has a gift within her, but I can’t put my finger on it. I promise to always protect your mate.” Axel agreed because he pulled out his phone and told Gage to take out two more steaks for dinner.

“Well, welcome to the crazy that is all of us. Why don’t you follow us and we can tell you all about it when we get there.” He had agreed and soon the three of them headed out the building to Axel’s truck, which happened to be near Mr. Mayweather’s car. They parted ways and headed home.

“Axel, you going to tell me what this is about and why you almost attacked my boss.”

“Baby, I’m sorry, okay? I’m on edge right now. Both Gage and I were attacked at home and your mother dearest showed up and saved the day. She said she needed to talk to us, but wouldn’t tell us any more. Razi seemed to know who you were, and now I know about that by the way.” He glanced over at her with a small scowl.

She wanted to yell at him and tell him he hadn’t shown up more than twice, the first day she worked there, and then a few days later, but that had been it. It didn’t seem like something she had to tell them.

“Anyway, your boss is a fucking lion. How did I not smell him on you?” She really was getting tired of people saying they smelled things on her. She didn’t smell like anyone but herself and if one more person said she smelled like this or that she was going to punch them in the nose.

She shrugged her shoulders right as they pulled into the driveway. She saw the porch was unfinished, but what bothered her was the front door was being fixed and Gage had scratches all over him. Without thinking, she climbed out of the truck and went to him.

“Oh God, what happened? Are you okay? Let me look at you.” She was fussing over him but all he did was hold her, making her rest her head on his chest as he took slow, deep breaths.

“I’m okay. Your mom’s inside. Go change.” Again with small words, but she knew what he meant. Looking behind her, she saw Mr. Mayweather had removed his tie and was walking up the steps with Axel. Both were talking so she quickly ran upstairs to change. Not even five minute later, she was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt ready to take on whatever it was they were going to do.

“Amelia, I’m glad you're home and safe.” Turning she found Xandria grasping her in a hug. It was still awkward for her, and she patted her back waiting for it to end.

“I’m good, can you tell me what this is all about?”

“I think it is best if we sit,” she responded and right now she was so happy she had a large table because Gage had brought out cups of coffee for everyone as they all sat.

“Hey, I know you,” Mr. Mayweather said as he stared at her mother.

“Yes, you do. Let me introduce myself. I am Xandria, Queen of the Fairies, and Amelia’s mother.”

“Holy shit,” Mr. Mayweather spat. “But you came to me in dreams, told me where to find people. I have used all my power and knowledge to destroy the rest of the Coven.”

“My dear, Travis, it is time you unite with those of the prophecy, but right now I need your help with keeping Amelia safe.”

“We can keep her safe,” Axel quipped.

“Yes you can, but this is bigger than I feared. You see, Razi Malak isn’t just some shifter who is after Amelia, he is the Troll King.”

“Fuck a duck,” she said as the room went silent.


Chapter Thirteen


Millie was reeling from all the information that was given to them and just needed to lay down. It seemed her power was small to most people, but it was one she needed to harness. Gage watched as Axel, Travis, and Xandria went over plans on helping her with her power and how to protect herself.

“So her power is what again? I’m still trying to figure this all out.”

“Axel, it’s a simple power, but one of the most powerful, and she does it without even realizing it. You and Gage are immune to it. But her power is persuasion. She can bend someone’s will and make them do as she asks or suggests. It can’t be done all the time, but if she really wants something it will happen. I’m not talking about her asking for money and it appearing. If she were to ask for a loan at a bank with zero interest and she willed it hard enough, it would happen and no one would question it. She is gifted, and it is the reason the Troll King wants her so much. Since he is now able to cross worlds he wants to control those around him and give himself the upper hand. If he had her as a mate there is no telling what he would do.”

“Well, how do we help her with this?” Axel was determined to help her and make sure their mate was safe. Gage listened intently as did Travis. It seemed he was working on the side of good and until recently didn’t know about half of what was going on. He had started having dreams a couple of years ago and since he was in the business that focused on companies that work in communications and help develop products that are more friendly to the environment, it provided him with the power to travel and help save some of the people whom Xandria told him about. She was also providing the very witch, whom was actually Lilly’s aunt, the needs for his lion to remain a secret. It was all very heavy, and even he needed to get a drink and wrap his head around it.

“There is nothing you can do to help her, she must work it out on her own. She is stubborn and since the mating, her powers now expand further than a simple child wanting a cookie. With Rebecca getting ready for her own challenge it is best not to say anything to her. She must remain calm and focus on her task.”

Again Gage groaned inward. So many damn things happening to everyone around them. Ever since magic was release those who carried shifter blood but were unable to shift now possessed enough magic to do so. However, they were unsure of what to do, or how to even change back. Tiny had left to go help the Alpha with this so not to stress Becky more. She worked with some people who offered to protect her and their pups if harm should come, but again he had his own mess of problems to deal with right now. Night had come and soon Xandria deemed it was safe for her to return to work, but only if Travis was to remain there. If he was not, she was not to be without them. Currently she was trying to figure out a way to ward off the Troll king, but she didn’t know if it worked until he showed up again.

Everyone had left for the night and he personally couldn’t wait to crawl into bed with his mate and just put the craziness away from them. Axel offered to lock up while he went in search of their mate.

Walking into their bedroom, he found her asleep in the middle of the bed. She hadn’t undressed and he knew she would complain in the morning. Without trying to wake her he took her socks, pants, shirt, and bra off before pulling the blanket down and crawling in next to her. “Did they all leave?” she mumbled as she snuggled in close to him.

“Yes, love, they did,” he responded.

BOOK: Panther Protection
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