Read Panther Protection Online

Authors: Gracie Meadows

Panther Protection (7 page)

BOOK: Panther Protection
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“Umm, I’m confused. Don’t you know?” she said.

“Trust me, Millie, I want nothing more than to sink deep inside you, but if I do, my fangs will come out and claim you and I want us to talk before we do that. It’s not a no, it’s a not right now. Plus I’m sure Gage would like to play too,” he said as he brought her hand up, kissing the inner side of her wrist.

“Um…sure. I guess we can talk first. I feel like I should thank you or something,” she giggled.

“Oh, baby, no thanking me for anything, the pleasure was all mine, plus it was the best breakfast I could have asked for.” He winked at her before kissing her one more time and rolling off her. She noticed his cock stood at attention through his boxers and the man was huge, she didn’t know if he would fit. Her mouth went dry and he laughed.

“I promise we will, let’s talk first okay.”

She nodded and he left her room, giving her a moment to breathe. Realizing she was in bed all day yesterday, she really needed a shower. Well if Axel wanted to talk before he claimed her, and the same with Gage, she better clean up now. Grabbing clean panties and clothes, she headed into the bathroom to shower.


Chapter Eight


Gage had woken early the next morning wanting to make something nice for Millie as it was her last free day before she started work tomorrow. He knew she was excited, and thought that maybe a small breakfast and then they could head into town to her get her some things she might need for work, such as clothes, or whatever a personal assistant needed. He knew she was a fan of French toast, so he set about his task. It wasn’t long before he heard what could only be her and Axel having some fun. He smiled and felt no jealously toward them, and was actually happy they both had moved on and decided to give the mating a chance. He would love to change places with them right now, but he knew they needed this time together. Mixing the eggs, he added the cinnamon, sugar, and a touch of vanilla as the base. He pulled out the bread and waited for the griddle to get hot. As he laid the first piece of bread on the griddle Axel came down the stairs whistling as water still clung to his hair. He knew they didn’t shower together because the water was still running upstairs.

“Morning. Hey we need to sit down and talk with her this morning.”

“Okay,” he responded. What else did he want him to say?

“Dude, we were playing this morning, and my panther was clawing at me to claim her. I want to make sure she knows what she is going to be getting when we claim her and I want to claim her together.” Oh so this is what Axel was thinking, now it made sense.

“Works for me,” Gage agreed as he flipped another slice of French toast over. He was almost done when Millie came down the stairs and into the kitchen to join them. He smiled because she had braided her hair into pigtails and had simple blue jeans and a tank top on. She looked cute again, and he was happy to see the bags under her eyes had disappeared.

“Morning, boys. Wow, breakfast?” He nodded and pointed to a seat to indicate it was time to eat. Setting the food down on the table, he noticed it was too small, he remembered Axel had mumbled about it not having enough room, maybe they could surprise her and get her a new one for the empty dining room.

“So what’s on the agenda today, beside me acting like a spaz, and throwing food?” she said between bites of her breakfast.

“Thought we could take you out to get things for work. Since you will start tomorrow, don’t know what you might need for clothes, and such?”

“Umm…well, I might need some new skirts and such. I have some things, but since this is more business, some of my summer dresses won’t work.” Gage watched her as she thought over various items and things she might need. “So I guess we could head into town.”

“After,” he responded.

“After, after what Gage?” she asked looking at him in confusion. He needed to tell her his past, they all needed to tell their past so they all could move forward.

“We need to talk about our past,” he said simply. She looked at him dumbfounded.

“Umm, okay, let’s talk,” she said swallowing.

Axel cleared his throat and took another drink of his coffee. “Well, Gage and I share a past that most don’t know about. People just thought of him as my brother, or cousin because his mother died from childbirth, but that’s not true. You see his parents were killed when he was young.” She gasped and looked at him.

“How old were you?”

“Five, and Axel was seven,” Gage responded.

“You were just a baby. What happened to your parents?” This time is was him who spoke because he needed to say it, not Axel. She deserved to hear it all.

“They came for my parents because they thought they could convince them to come over and help the Coven grow. My dad was a strong Alpha, and my mom was gifted with healing. So between the two, they were a fantastic combination for panthers. When they came, Axel and I were playing cars and we heard the commotion and soon we were under the floor boards. They were screaming and yelling for them to leave.” His vision clouded at the memory, and she must have felt his discomfort and grabbed his hand holding it, calming his panther and the man.

“They killed my mom, I was crying and trying to cried for them, and Axel held his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet, but it didn’t matter, they found us and Axel went after them. I ran away, but Axel was trying to keep them away from me. He was thrown into a wall and didn’t wake up.” He kept his eyes downcast as he spoke not wanting to look at her. “When Axel didn’t get up, they came for me, cornered me, and something in me snapped and I shifted. You see panthers don’t shift that early and I attacked. I don’t remember much after that, but Axel’s parents came and took care of them. They didn’t think Axel would wake up. It was my fault, because I cried out. I vowed to never put anyone in harm again, so I don’t talk. I’m so afraid that I will say something, and my words will cause pain or suffering for someone.”

Millie sat there, feeling the tears run down her cheek as she felt the pain radiating off Gage and run through her. He was just as baby, a child that needed to be loved and protected. He didn’t need to watch his parents die. He didn’t know that crying for is mom would hurt his cousin. She couldn’t stop herself and stood, walking over to him, lifting his head so his eyes looked at her.

“I understand, and I am so sorry, Gage. No one should have to go through something like that, especially a child. Thank you for telling me, and please know that whatever you do say to me, I will be honored to hear it. I love it when you talk, and your voice is like smooth chocolate to me.” He looked at her before running his thumb along the stray tear, wiping it away. Millie bent and kissed him softly on the lips making him smile. Without a second thought she climbed onto his lap and he wrapped his arms around her burring his nose in her neck.

“So now I understand your story, it is the same with Axel?” she said, looking over to where he sat drinking his coffee, seemly lost in the thought as well.

“Yes, and no,” he responded. She waited for him to go on further not wanting to push him, but she would if she needed to.

“After I woke, my parents were right there. I was unconscious for a long time. When I woke I found out what happened and it pissed me off. Everyone was babying me, treating me like I was made of glass. It made me mad, and I turned angry. I guess they said that my inner aggression had taken over since I couldn’t stop any of the shit from happening and I couldn’t keep Gage safe. Well, that is what my shrink said when I was a kid. I stopped as soon as I could. I didn’t need anyone to tell me I was right or wrong for feeling that way. So I worked hard for everything I have and I take nothing for granted. I try to keep people away, that way I don’t open my mouth and piss them off. My mom used to joke that I don’t have brain to mouth filters. Maybe she is right. I’m just tired of being so damn angry all the time. The kids used to pick on me and call me momma’s boy and so on.” Gage had let her go and she went over to him.

“Don’t, don’t look at me with pity. I didn’t tell you for you to feel sorry for me, or for Gage. I just wanted you to know. But, Millie, hear this, I will try to watch what I say, but I will piss you off. I will work hard not to, but it will happen.” She nodded and slid onto his lap next. She could understand why he was mad. Hell, she would be mad too. After she got back from being held against her will, everyone was afraid to talk to her and tried to make her feel like everything was okay, but in truth she was mad, she felt so weak. Now she needed to be strong and tell them her story. They knew what was told, but nothing else.

“I guess it’s my turn.” Axel shifted her so her legs were on Gage’s lap and he held her touching her feet while he rubbed his hand up and down her arm.

“Baby, you don’t have to tell us anything. We know ours is bad, but yours, hell, it is so much worse,” Axel offered.

“No, no I need to say what happened. I need to say it out loud. If I keep it in, it will eat at me more and more.” Taking a deep breath, she started. “I was just leaving from the coffee shop when this all happened. I saw a cute guy and he started to talk to me, and he asked me if I wanted to go for a cup of coffee. I laughed and said I had one and then headed down the road to go home. It was nice out and I wanted the fresh air. Needless to say when I turned the corner I was blocked by him. I went to turn and walk away from him, but he came behind me and grabbed me. I kicked and screamed, but he covered my mouth and nose. I couldn’t breathe. He had something, I think it was a rag of sorts that started to make me feel funny. I kept fighting, but the more I did the more he laughed. I managed to kick him enough to let me go and I started to run, but he grabbed me by my hair making me fall back. I hit the ground, and landed on my hip funny. It hurt pretty badly, but I was running on adrenaline, ya know.” She stopped to take a breath. Axel and Gage never said anything just sat there holding her as she talked.

“He started to kick me over and over again in various spots. I remember getting bad, but after what seemed like hours, but was no more than a minute, whatever he gave me started to make my head spin and I blacked out. I woke up to him drinking and talking to someone on the phone. They were talking about Becky and I knew right then and there they were using me to get to her. I didn’t want to be a victim, but it seemed I wasn’t supposed to live. Anyway he started to make comments about how he wanted me and what he and his friend would do to me. He tore my shirt and started to…” she trailed off, not sure if she could finish.

“It's okay, baby, we got you,” Axel reassured her.

“Okay, well he started to touch me, trying to kiss me and you know play with me. I remember his smell the most. A stench of alcohol, dirt, and sweat. It was sickening. He was licking me, and at one point he said he would mark me so everyone knew I was his. When I started to fight back and call him names, well, he hit me and I went flying and everything blacked out as I hit my head again. When I woke I still had most of my clothes on, but he had…” she started to gag from that memory the most.

“What did he do, Millie?” Gage asked her as rubbed her legs.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and just said it, “It seemed he couldn’t fuck me since I was unconscious, but he had played with me enough that I had his come all over my chest, and stomach.” Just saying it to someone, she felt dirty. She hadn’t been raped, which she knew would be worse, but she still could feel everything he did to her. Axel held her tighter as she growled and swore.

“I swear if Becky hadn’t fried his ass I would have gutted him for what he did to you. I am so sorry, baby. I wish I could have stopped all this before he even got to you. But we are here now. We all are a little broken, and according to your fairy mother, we are to help each other heal.” She thought about what he said, and he had a lot of logic backing it. He was right, they could all move forward and put the past behind them. It would be the three of them against the world. She didn’t know how long the three of them sat there when Gage finally got up.

“Enough talk, time to shop.” She smiled and held a hand out for him to help her up. The three of them finished cleaning up and soon headed into town to get her some work clothes.


Chapter Nine


Gage watched as Axel walked around the store getting small things for Millie to buy. She kept trying to push him off, while he sat on the small seat waiting for her to come out. She had picked out a few dress suits and he was eager to see what she looked like. Not waiting too much longer, she came out. She was smiling as she walked to him in a fitted black pencil shirt, red top, and black jacket. She looked amazing, but she always did, no matter what she did or didn’t wear.

“So do I look professional?” she asked.

“You look amazing,” Axel said, coming from behind him. He nodded and smiled. This little game went on for another three outfits until she was happy she had enough to mix and match. She went to pay, but he had stopped her as he pulled out his credit card. If she needed something, he was going to pay for it, well him or Axel.

“I could have gotten them,” she said as he put his wallet away.

“We know, baby, but we want to spoil you some, and we have the money,” Axel responded as he signed the receipt handing it back to the cashier. He grabbed the bags and the three of them headed out of the store. He made a small run to the truck to put her bags inside. Suddenly his panther stood and his ears perked up. He had a feeling of being watched. He looked around, and smelled the air not picking anything up. Not wanting to be away from his mate, he jogged over to the furniture store that somehow Axel had pulled her into.

“But, Axel, I told you we don’t need a table. We have the one in the kitchen and that works just fine.”

“Yeah, it does if you only want a bowl of cereal and our feet touching everyone. It's too small, Millie. We can keep it for small things, but if we get a bigger one we could have more room, and we could even have people over for dinner some night. Maybe you can do one of those dinner parties you girls talk about.” He saw Millie glower at Axel. Not wanting a fight to break out, Gage walked over to the two of them to see if he could help.

BOOK: Panther Protection
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