My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1) (6 page)

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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He sighed and pulled his door shut.

“Besides, I always have a gun at arm’s reach if I need it.” I patted my purse.

“Now I hope you kidding.”

I leaned over the seat and grabbed my bags, and he stopped me.

“Leave it
. I will pick you up after work and take you home.” The pleading look in his eyes made me drop the bags.

K, I will text you later.”

He nodded as I exited the
Jeep and let myself into the office.


* * * *


I slipped into my maroon work scrubs and put my hair up in a clean ponytail. My cell phone buzzed again in my purse so I answered it.  I already knew it was Heather. There had been texts from her and missed phone calls.

, Heather, I can’t talk for long, but I am at work and still alive.” She was quiet. I could tell she was upset.

“You left without a note
. I was worried.”

“I am sorry
. Jason came and got me last night after I fell asleep, it kind of happened fast. He texted me asking me to go home with him, I think he was a little freaked with the lying we did last night.  He said he couldn’t sleep. He wanted to straighten things out between us. I hate that you worried.”

“I thought maybe you went to his house
. Then I saw your car out front and thought something happened. I have been waiting at the coffeehouse for you since six forty-five. I am sorry about last night.”

He just dropped me off at work.  You and I are good, Heather. I know you’re worried, but don’t be. I hate it when you’re worried about me. I should have called sooner.”

We got off the phone after that. I was feeling so out of sorts with my emotions. I wanted to defend this man I had been talking to for
only a day.

Before work
I was reminded that today was an easy day. We just recently started half day Fridays, so I would be done at 1:00 p.m. I sent a quick text to Jason.

Hey, J I get off earlier than expected today. My friend will drop me off where you work if that’s ok? I could bring lunch?

Yes that will work lunch sounds great. Don’t think I don’t notice that you are calling me a letter.

It’s my favorite letter in the alphabet. I think it matches you perfectly. I have to work now no more flirting.

R U flirting? I hardly think telling me your favorite anything is flirting

I just mean you have all of my favorite parts. You might as well have my favorite letter to go with

I like to know you like my ‘parts.’ I didn’t think you noticed.

Seriously, no more ‘parts’ talk. I have to go…send me your work address and I will bring lunch

I was blushing and smiling. I was actually saying things again
that I didn’t mean to say. I shoved the phone in my bag and went to work.

Chapter 5
Dr. Riggs




My morning went by fast. The office manager told me my last patient had canceled. Normally I would just leave, but I kept busy cleaning and putting things away. My boss called me to room four, and I went quickly. I liked my job and respected my boss. When he needed me, I literally dropped everything.

He walked out in
to the hall and met me with a chart in his hand. “Will you give the man in room four a prophy?” He didn’t look up, just made a move to go around me. He was deep in thought.

I shrugged
. “Absolutely, I would love to.”  I would rather spend my time cleaning teeth than moving around to stay busy.

I walked into the room right away and washed my hands. I glanced at the patient
, already reclined. He looked like a businessman dressed in a nice suit. I couldn’t tell if he was sleeping because his eyes were covered in protective sunglasses. I sat down and moved quietly by his side. I didn’t mind a sleeping patient, just needed an open mouth and a willing body. I lightly touched his chin, and he opened. He looked like he had fallen into a grinder. His teeth were broken in the front, his lip fat, and cut on the left side. I moved quickly, cleaning fast and efficiently, trying not to touch the sore-looking parts of his mouth. He moved his hand, and I watched it come up to grab mine.

“That’s not a good idea, sir
. These are very sharp, and I could hurt you.”

He took off the safety glasses so I could see his eyes. My eyes took a second to adjust to his face.
What the hell, it was Jared. His left eye was filled with blood, almost closed because of the swelling.

“What are you doing here?” I tried to act professional, but felt my hand start to shake. I began looking around the office for someone. Fridays were slow
, and I knew everyone was up front.

“I want to apologize
,” he said.

I watch
ed my hand go back into his mouth, trying hard not to shake. I reached my pinkie out to fulcrum, but couldn’t stop the shaking.

“I am not going to harm you
, Katarina. I have looked for you for a long time. After I did what I did and you kept silent, I just wanted to say I am sorry, and thank you.”

I grabbed for my handpiece to polish
. I wanted to be finished.

“What does your family think of your…job?”
I felt anger rise inside me. He was pushing his luck.

I shoved the handpiece in
to his mouth and started to polish. I didn’t stop until I was finished. Then I pushed the button for his chair to come up, filled a cup of water, and held it up.

“Rinse as much as you want
. I will leave floss out for you to floss.” I took off my gloves and mask and threw them in the garbage. I was still shaking. “I really don’t want to talk to you. I don’t care to see you again. You are my best friend’s boyfriend, that is all. You make her happy, and I like to see my friend happy. I don’t feel any need to bond with you. I don’t even have to like you. When you see me in passing, most definitely
ask me about my family.”

He looked
furious. I could feel his fierce, cold stare roaming my body. I left before he could respond. I saw him grab the water and swish, but I ran and grabbed my purse. Shannon was ready, and I motioned for her to leave fast. I got in her car still shaking.

. Please drive,” I said to her questioning look. She did, and I began to calm myself, breathing slowly.

“Are we going to talk about that?”

Shannon was one of my most favorite people, but I didn’t want to talk to anyone about it, not even a little. The thought that my past was haunting me was too real.

,” I said and gave her a “sorry, please don’t hate me look,” and she dropped it. I pulled my phone out and relayed the address that Jason had given me. His text was so cute—he told me to have a good day and added a smiley face. My mood changed quickly as the immediate grin took over my face.

“You want to talk about that
?” Shannon was pointing to my goofy grin.

I told her about the very handsome hot coffee guy
who had sat across from me for months. We pulled into the sandwich place, and I texted Jason.

Do you like everything on your sandwich?


Would anyone else you work with enjoy a sandwich?

One more sandwich would be really nice, like mine, everything

Got it, two sandwiches with EVERYTHING. You sound hungry

YES very

Shannon and I got the sandwiches and were on our way. We talked about baby names
. She was pregnant and liked to talk about amusing names for her baby. I found her humor very funny.

“Mike Hunt, get it?”
she finished as we pulled in front of an office building.

I gave her a very concerned look
. “I get it, and that’s not funny. It’s disgusting.”

“It would be funny
. In school, first day, the teacher says, ‘Mike Hunt are you here?’”

e both began laughing loudly as we walked into the building. We made our way to the counter. I looked around and noticed a lady carrying a cat in a cage. Another man had a dog on a leash. I looked at the lady across from the counter.

“Is Jason here?”

“Junior or Senior?”

t occurred to me that I didn’t know what Jason did for a living.  I was caught off guard by her question.  She was insinuating that Jason worked with his father. I thought about my father and felt a shiver run up and down my spine.  My father was strict and extremely passionate about being the best. The combination of stringent rules and demanding perfection was expositive at times.  I hoped Jason’s father was different. The lady across the counter waited patiently while I processed what she was asking. “Uh, Junior, I think.”

She picked up the phone and said something into it. She had short black hair and dark eyes
and looked happy and relaxed. I could tell she liked her job. She put the phone down and looked at me again. “He is on his way out.”

Shannon waited with me
, as she was still carrying my drinks. “I am sure you can set those down, Jason will get them when he comes out.” Her eyes shot open wide, and I looked over to see Jason heading straight for us.

.” He smiled at her, sticking his hands out. “I’m Jason, and I’ll take the drinks.”

he handed them over and started to giggle. “Thanks, Jason,” she said, looking at him with dreamy eyes.

I hit her arm with my elbow
. “Don’t be so weird.”

“Right, I am pleased to meet you
.” She broke her eyes away from him.

“I am pleased to meet you…
What is that?” I looked at her, and she was gushing. “This is my very pregnant friend Shannon. She is in a committed relationship. Even though I think she might drop her panties for you, she loves her husband.”

She hit my arm at the same time Jason started laughing.

“Ouch, you hit me hard. That hurt. You should feel lucky my hands are full.”

She leaned in to give me a hug and whispered, “He is stunning
. Don’t blow this.”

I looked at her
. “I think you’re kind of a bitch right now, you know that?”

he laughed, then turned to leave.

“Thanks for the ride
!” I yelled after her.

I followed Jason to his office in the back. He opened the door
, and Bo came out to greet me.

, Bo, how are you?”

“He has been sleeping all day
. You wore him out this morning.”

I set the lunch on his desk and started to pull the sandwiches out.
“I want to say something about my earlier text. I want to clarify some things.” I gave him a pointed stare. “I like your parts meaning your eyes, arms, hair, your legs, and your chest.” My eyes lingered on all the parts as I talked about them. “But I do not mean anything sexual. I am far from sexual with my thoughts when it comes to you.” I felt myself starting to blush. “Not just you, everyone. I am not interested in anything sexual.”

?” he said, adjusting himself in his seat. “Can you please stop saying ‘sexual’?”

From behind me
, I heard a man clear his throat and walk in.

, Dad, this is Katarina.”

“I am pleased to meet you, Katarina.” He offered his hand.

I was so embarrassed I felt light-headed. My face was hot, no longer warm, and my hands sweaty, so reluctantly I put my hand in his and smiled.

“You know that kind of talk will only get him to chase you?”
he said as he reached over and grabbed a sandwich.

“Well, I am new to this…game. How do I get him to not want to chase me?”

“You don’t. My son only does what he wants when he wants.” I watched as the man took the seat next to the one I was sitting in.

“Is this a family trait, like a defect?”

He laughed and smiled. He was an older version of Jason. He seemed very likable, and I liked him immediately. He looked at Jason and I saw a light in his eyes.  He loved his son. He beamed from it.

“His mother has that trait
. He got that from her.”

l right, Dad, stop trying to schmooze my girlfriend.” Jason was shaking his head.

“I am not sure if you heard, but she is not interested in a ‘sexual’ relationship with you
.” He used his fingers as quotes around the word “sexual.”

“I am sure she will change her mind
. I can be patient. I do have all her favorite parts.”

Bo got up
, walked over to me, and lay down so I could scratch his belly, so I did.

“I feel a little competition with my dog over her. I think he just stuck his tongue out at me.”

“There is no competition. I would rub your belly, too, if you lay down in front of me like he does.”

Jason’s eyes shot up. “See
, Dad? This is the kind of torture I put up with. She has no idea how her words get to me.”

I looked over at Jason’s dad, confused
, then at Jason. “How can that do anything for you? I mean, rubbing your belly might make you less grumpy. It is not sexual at all.”

“No more with that word.” Jason’s dad laughed. He stood up and winked at me
. “Good luck to you, Katarina.”

I stood too.

“I find it brave of you to be so friendly with Bo. He scares a lot of people.” Jason’s father was watching the way Bo stood up by my side as he talked.

“Bo has only been friendly to me
.” I looked at him and smiled. “He doesn’t look scary at all. In fact, he is so big and lovable, I kind of want to hug him.” Bo looked at me, and I think he smiled. “If he’s so scary, why do you bring him here?”

Jason spoke up from behind us
. “He was a gift to someone, and he was…rejected. I couldn’t have him home alone all day.”

My heart warmed for him at the love he had for his dog.

I turned back to Jason’s dad as he was leaving. “Please, call me Katie. I don’t mean to torture him.” I motioned to Jason. “I know he’s been through a lot.”

He smiled at me and turned to his son before leaving. “A little torture is just what Jason needs.”

“Thanks, Dad, I knew you had my back.” His words screamed of sarcasm.

When his dad left
, I began to look around his office. “So let me guess what you do. I see animals in your waiting room, some in cages and some on leashes. You have a very nice secretary. She could be brainwashed. I am not sure people are that happy normally.”

He raised his eyebrow.

I put a finger on my lips looking like I was really thinking about it.“Shh…let me finish. You called me a rabbit and make random animal references, which means you know animals or watch a lot of Animal Planet. I am going to guess that you work in a lab doing experiments on animals. You know, like drug testing on animals. Am I close?”

“No. You should never get a job as a detective in law enforcement.”

I wrinkled my nose. “I couldn’t anyway. I don’t like to chase bad people, don’t even like to be around them, and doughnuts are not my favorite breakfast.”

He laughed and got out of his chair,
then nodded at the lady wearing scrubs that appeared at the door. “Come on. I’ll show you.”

We both followed the lady wearing scrubs. Jason slipped on a
white lab jacket. He took the chart she was holding and opened the door. There was a little boy and a dog on the table in the center of the room, and a man in the corner. I stood back. Jason looked at the chart and approached the boy.

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