
BOOK: WingsOfDesire-AriannaSkye
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2011 Booksellers’ Best Erotic Romance Winner

Cerne caught her hand in his and gave her a heated gaze. "I didn't want to resort to this,” he said, his voice thick and heady. "But I've run out of options.” He pulled her against his hard-muscled body. With his thumb and forefinger, he lifted her chin.

Clenching her fists, she bit her lip. Tingling numbness filled her every pore. She attempted to pull herself from his embrace, but her body wouldn’t cooperate.

"Let me go! You're frightening me."

"It's for your own good and the good of your people, my sweet.” He traced a finger lightly over her lips. "Soon you'll understand.” He lowered his lips to hers and gently nibbled. Coaxing her mouth open, his tongue swirled with hungry strokes along hers.

She moaned softly as her traitorous tongue danced with his. Lessening his grip on her arm, he allowed her to press closer and rub her bikini-clad breasts against the hard ridges of his chest. Her nipples pebbled against the spandex of her swim top.

Stupid nipples.

She twisted her fingers in his dark mane, pulling him closer. Heedless of what she knew was right, she intensified the kiss. He hoisted her up onto his lap, letting her straddle the rock-hard erection that filled his trousers. Grinding her hips against his, she reached down to unfasten and untie the garment.

He pulled her hands away. "No,
. I just want to kiss. The joining must occur at Beltane—in Fey.”

"I'm not going to Fey—”

He reclaimed her lips. Intoxicating warmth spread throughout her body while he licked, sucked and nibbled. She gasped in pleasure and let his tongue probe the cavern of her mouth again. Light as a feather, she sighed in deep contentment. By God, was she floating? Closing her eyes, Rhiannon allowed him have his way with her.

"I'm sorry,” he breathed against her lips. "It was the only way.”

"What—” Her eyes flickered as spots danced before them until darkness took over.

Wings of Desire

Praise for Wings of Desire:

“Arianna Skye pleases with this treasure of a story!”

–Denisse Alicea, The Pen and Muse

“It's hard to believe Wings of Desire is a first novel"... "The wit leaps from the pages.”

–Becca D, Manic Readers

“With wondrous magic, colorful characters and more than a touch of action, this book should not be missed.”

–Gabrielle, You Gotta Read Reviews

“Possible sequel? I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to one. This is the first novel for this author and already she shows much promise. I would be happy to read any of the rest of her future work.”

– Yadkny, Happily Ever After reviews

Wings of Desire

A Fey Chronicles Novel


Arianna Skye


Copyright 2012 by Arianna Skye

Digital Edition

ISBN: 978-0-9852036-0-3


Copyright 2012 by Kimberly Killion, Megan Jordan

Hot Damn Designs

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the author, except in the use of brief quotes for review purposes only.

The names, characters, and incidents in this book are purely fictional or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

Originally published February, 2010


This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it wasn’t purchased for your use only, then please consider purchasing your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


Many thanks to the multitude of people who have helped read, edit, and critique this book from
its inception to its publication. Your help and guidance is much appreciated. And big thanks to
everyone who gave me guidance and support as I chose the do it yourself route to republish my
very first book.


To Mom. You introduced me to the world of romance novels and never stopped encouraging
me when I decided I wanted to pursue my own writing career. Thank you for standing by me,
even when my sanity was fleeting. I love you!

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

About The Author

Chapter One

“Oh, boy! I can increase my erection by twenty percent.” Rhiannon Kinsley shook her head and chuckled. “Stupid spam,” she muttered, clicking the delete key.

Stifling a yawn, she watched a rivulet of water trickle down her shoulder to her naked breast and over her stomach to pool on the black leather chair where she lounged at her desk. Allowing the towel to slip from her just-showered body, she stretched. She didn’t even bother putting on a nightgown. One of the few comforts of living alone.

Boredom pounded its way through her body. She couldn't even work on her design project because Sanders, her boss, had ordered her to keep her work in the office. He'd even threatened to send her to Workaholic's Anonymous meetings. Was there even such an organization?

“Imagine that. An employer chastising an employee for —” A sarcastic gasp escaped her mouth. “Working?” Go figure
Didn't he realize she had nothing better to do? Now she was stuck here, at home—alone—with nothing to occupy her time.

No one interesting was logged into chat tonight either—not even Cernunnos, the cyber-sex maniac. Not that she really cared. He was the king of cheesy cyber pick-up lines.

She couldn't help but laugh. Almost everyone who logged into Otherworld Chat had some sort of deity for a screen name. As luck would have it, her real name just happened to belong to a mythological deity. She could thank her Fleetwood Mac-loving parents for that. Then again, they had always been good to her. Rhiannon glanced over at the picture taken with her parents at her college graduation. Even two years after their death, she still missed them.

She minimized the chat screen to check her email and highlighted the next unread message.

A mass of garbled words and symbols filled the screen. What the hell was that crap?
Probably some ancient language or something.

She laughed. Yeah right, a virus was more like it. Her finger hovered over the delete key, ready to vanquish the unsolicited mail.

An annoying buzz reverberated from the speakers, startling her. She minimized her email and went back to the instant messenger program. Cernunnos had sent a chat alert and waited for a reply.

Wassup, you sexy goddess? Where u at?

Shaking her head with mirth, she typed back:
Sexy goddess? You must have me
with another deity. Perhaps Aphrodite or Venus?

I’m talkin’ ‘bout my Mother Goddess—Rhiannon.
Another message bleeped across the screen.
N-E-thing fun goin’ on 2nite?

God, how she hated those abbreviated chat words. “Apparently not,” she said and typed at the same time.

So, whatcha wearin’, hottie?

Yay! Cernunnos was horny. Then again, when wasn't he? Every time she logged in, he was eager to jump her net-bones. Not to say she never got horny, but she needed a little more than a steamy cyber-sex session to get off. It wasn’t like she’d never taken part in such an adventure, it just wasn't high up in her list of cyber-priorities. She figured a real cock beat out a virtual one any day. Unfortunately for her, three years ago she and her best friend Lara had taken a vow of abstinence until they met the right man. Definitely not Cernunnos, the wannabe Celtic Horned God.

Jeans and a t-shirt
. Rhiannon fibbed about her attire. No need to egg on the ever-insatiable Cernunnos.

Wut kinda sexy goddess doesn’t want 2 have sum fun?

“The kind that's tired and wants to go to bed.” Jeez, would this guy ever give up?

I’m bushed. I had a long day at work
. It wasn't a complete lie. She'd had a horrid day at work. Three servers went down, three people called in, and three others were fired. The rule of threes was definitely in effect today—if there even was such a rule.

Cernunnos shot back.
It’s time.

Oh great, Cernunnos really needed some release.

Umm… Time for what? A cyber-hummer?
Rolling her eyes, she clicked the send button.

I am serious, my sweet. Time is drawing near.

Serious? She doubted there was one serious bone in this bozo's body.

Dude, you’re weirding me out,
she replied, alarmed with his abrupt change in tone. It was like he'd logged off and let someone else use his screen name.

Beltane is upon us, my sweet.
There was a pause, and the message continued.
Our souls must
join together to overcome the darkness that threatens. You must return. Your people need you.

Really, C. You need to lighten up with this chat stuff. You’re taking this role-playing a little
too seriously for me.

Wonderful. Everyone had warned her about psychos on the Internet. Now it looked like she'd found the biggest one.

It is very serious, mo cridhe

My love?
How did she know what that meant?

he typed in a strange language, similar to the one in the email she tried reading earlier.
, he repeated.

“Come to me? What the fuck?” Yep, it was official! Cernunnos had left the building.

What the heck?
She responded.
Are you okay

“Come to me.” She heard a faint voice in her ear. The sexy Scottish lilt sent a shiver up her spine, and her breath caught in her throat. An odd heat spread throughout her body and her heart raced—not in fear, but something more exciting and primal. She craned her head and scanned the room. What the hell? It was only her and her overly expensive computer.

A deafening crack of thunder shook the house. Damn! Where'd that come from?

Sorry, C. It’s storming here. I gotta go.

Have no fear,
Cernunnos messaged back.
The thunder and lightning will help activate the
portal that will bring you back home.

I think you need to call a psych—

Another loud blast boomed, and a flash of light streaked through the open window. The lightning whizzed past Rhiannon and a blinding flash surrounded her.

“What the hell?”

She flew from the chair and crumpled into a ball on the floor. Sparks flared and sizzled around her. Heart pumping in her chest, she looked up at the desk. Thick, dark smoke billowed from beneath her brand new, state-of-the-art laptop.

“Well, there goes one thousand dollars down the drain.” She let out a deep breath, her heart still thumping a wild beat. Thank God, Sanders had her on lockdown. Otherwise, she'd be up the river without a paddle.

As if responding to her voice, the laptop's monitor flickered and glowed. The strange words from the email she received earlier and Cernunnos’s cryptic messages flashed randomly on the screen. She stared, hypnotized by the ancient symbols swirling around.

“Come to me,” a haunting voice called out.
“Trobhad, mo cridhe.
” She crawled up to the desk and examined the laptop. Smoke rolled from under the keyboard.

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