My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1) (2 page)

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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Chapter 2




I felt energized the next morning
. Heather worked out with me, and we talked about her going back to work. She was dreading the day. She knew she was going to pay for all the missed time off. Heather’s boyfriend had gotten her a job shortly after they started dating.  She was struggling getting any work without experience, so his job offer was taken without hesitation.  She worked separately from him, but everyone at the office knew she was the boss’s girlfriend.   Heather worked that much harder to prove to everyone else what an exceptional worker she was.

I made my way to the
coffeehouse, and there he was, Mr. Hot Coffee Guy. Today he wore a navy blue shirt. My heart started to thunder in my chest. I sat down across from him, and without thinking I said, “Hello.” My eyes got big as I started to chastise myself for talking. The calm I had over the last three months was about to come to a close. I knew, as soon as, he opened he beautifully largemouth he was going to chase me away. He would pressure me somehow and I never did well with pressure and expectations.

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “Well hello.”
He sounded just like he appeared, rugged, confident and masculine.

“So do you come here often?” Shit
, I was on a roll.
What the hell?

“I do
. Every day I sit and wait for this beautiful woman to talk to me.” He smiled at me with all his white teeth, his smile doing things to my stomach, and I glanced at the door; my nervous instinct kicked in. He must have seen me. He gently placed his hand on top of mine. It was warm and very comforting. He began to move his thumb in small circles on the back of my hand. I took in a deep breath and watched his hand on mine.

“Any luck?” I cleared my
throat because my voice came out squeaky.

“Let’s just say today is a good day to talk?”
His eyes were glued to mine. I was finding it hard to breathe.

“That depends on what we talk about
.” I was feeling the electricity from his hand all the way through my body.

“How about names
? I’m Jason.” His name fit him. It was masculine no way to frill it up, or make it sound girlie.

“My name is Katarina, but my friends call me Kat or Katie.” I was beginning to relax. He reached over the table and put a strand of hair behind my ear. I leaned into his
warm touch. Again, I yelled at myself, “what the hell?”

“Katarina, I like your name.”

The way he said my name made me tingle in areas I didn’t think could tingle. I looked at my watch and knew I had to leave, but for the first time, I didn’t want to.
I didn’t want to run; he was still my calm place.

“I have to go, but would like you to touch me again…I mean talk to me again.” I felt my face get red and hot.

He laughed a loud laugh. It was a great sound and it surprised me. His loud bellow was drawing attention to us and I still liked it. “OK, tonight I will pick you up at six and touch, talk to you over dinner.” He was so adorable with his humor.

l right, but more talking than touching. I am really not that kind of girl.” I winked. Oh shit, why did I wink? I looked down immediately
. Shit I was so awkward
. I scrambled to get my hands busy. I wrote down my number and address on a napkin that was sitting in front of him. I glanced at him as I handed him the napkin. “I don’t normally do this, but I feel good around you.”

His smile dropped
, making his face appear angry. “Good, I mean, I am glad you don’t give your number to everyone. Thank you for trusting me.” He touched my hand again as I got up. It was a kind gesture and I liked it.

“I have to go so I am not late
. Thank you for the talk.” I grinned, couldn’t help it, and started to walk away.

His face brightened when his teeth flashed me a
heart-stopping-grin in return. “See you tonight, Katrina.”

Just hearing him say
my name sent shivers up my spine. I glanced back to see if he noticed, and his smile grew smug. His eyes followed me to the door. I had to dodge the students as the bodies started to blur in front of me.

I got in my car
, my heart accelerated to the point where I was gasping for breath, and pulled out my phone to text Heather.


Katarina: OMG I have a date with a very hot coffeehouse guy.


I started to drive away, when my phone rang. I knew who it was and waited until I reached my work parking lot to call her back. Heather’s voice was a whisper, so I could tell she was at work and people were in her immediate area.

“Get home as soon as possible today after work
. I will have your outfit ready. He is going to fall in love with you at first sight. I am serious. I know what outfit you’re going to wear.”

was addicted to shopping and took on the role of my personal shopper. My closet oozed style and designer brands.  So I didn’t doubt that she really had my outfit picked out.  If dressing up and going out was an Olympic sport, Heather would be a gold medalist. I secretly think she has been waiting, and secretly preparing, for this moment since we met. This was the day I needed her more than she needed me.

“I have to go, but I will see you later.”
I whispered.

“I want you to tell me everything. I am already planning a double date.” She squeal
ed with delight. Ugh. I just hung up and went into my work.

The day went by lightning fast
. We were so busy we even worked through most of lunch. I helped the girls at the end of the day so we all left at the same time.

When I walked through the doors of the apartment, Heather was finishing a glass of wine. She looked at the clock. “Better hurry,” she filled her wine glass up and toasted to me as I ran past on the way to the bathroom.

When I finally emerged from the bathroom freshly showered and hair newly dried, Heather was still perched up on a stool in the kitchen and I watched as she filled her glass again. She looked at me and then the clock. “You’re going to be late Cinderella.  Want a glass?” She silently toasted to me again and I smiled.

“No, and don’t call me any Disney fantasy names.”

She giggled and stood up, her legs wobbly, which caused her to giggle more.  “You don’t have to be so… Grumpy.” Her little joke to herself had her laughing and wiping her eyes.

Heather followed behind me still drinking her wine. I dressed as she told me about her busy day, even intoxicated Heather could tell a great story. I took a seat in front of her and listened while she did my hair and make-up.  A couple times she had to stop and laugh because of her funny comments and tipsy state. 

When she finished I stood in front of the full length wardrobe mirror and examined myself.  I wore a tiny black dress with spaghetti straps.  I found it slightly sleazy, but Heather assured me I could pull it off.  The dress was short and went to my mid-thigh. I refused the stocking she laid out for me.  Even though it was the middle of September and a little chilly, I thought it might look too dressy.  She insisted on high heels and the ones she picked were very sexy. It went perfect with the sleazy dress.

“So why him?” I turned away from the mirror to look in her direction. She disappeared into the closet and came out with a black wrap for my shoulders.

“You want the basics.” She tilted her head to the side and I could see she was surprised I was going to answer that question.  She casually took a drink, but I knew she was hanging on my every word. Of the two of us I didn’t talk…ever, and she didn’t ask or she did and I avoided.

I held up my hand like she did the night before. “He’s hot.  He waited three months for me to speak, before jumping the gun and asking me within the first ten seconds, which means he’s patient. And he’s hot.” I let the smile slip across my face, showing her how funny I could be too. She let a long giggle slip out.

“Which reminds me.” She made her way to the living room.  I trailed making sounds on the hard wood floors with my heels.  Heather held up a tiny black clutch purse.  “I moved some things while you were showering.” She held up the items as she said them. “Your ID, cash, lip-stick, keys, and,” she paused her mouth tipping in the corner, making a naughty curl. “Condoms.  I have two sizes.” My face dropped and she went into another giggle fit.

My phone buzzed with a text.  It was Jason
. He was here.  I walked over to the phone and buzzed him up and then turned back to Heather.

“I won’t need those tonight.  I would
n’t mind kissing him, but that is definitely not my style.” Her smile brightened as she tossed them in my small purse.

“Just in case you have a,
'why the hell not?’ moment.” That comment made me laugh.  She skipped past me when the door echoed with a knock and handed me my purse.

I think Heather was a little more excited than I was
. She was giggling like a schoolgirl and opened the door by the second knock.

“Hi, come in
. You must be Jason. I am Heather.” She eyed him up and down, and I could tell she was pleased with what she was seeing. Her smile was plastered across her face, and a tinge of dark pink coated her cheeks, when she turned to me. “Your date is here.” Another giggle escaped her lips. She was giddy and probably drunk.

Jason wa
ndered in and gazed around, then returned his attention to Heather. “Nice to meet you Heather.” His eyes caught mine and then he pushed forward into the living room, where I stood, and stopped in his tracks. “You look beautiful.” He swallowed and I was mesmerized by the vision of his large Adams-apple falling and then rising. He moved closer toward me, inside my personal zone, causing my fight or fight to kick in. I was surprised, and he could tell by the look in my eyes. He stopped just short of where I was, but I could feel the heat from his body.

Heather started to
chatter about his plans for the evening, and as they talked, I studied Jason. He reminded me of a new toy in a package, one I couldn’t wait to open and touch. I still couldn’t believe I was going on a date with this amazingly handsome man. Tonight he wore a green, gray, and white striped button-up shirt with the top two buttons open. His muscular body pushed against the sleeves of the shirt, and the opening allowed me a tiny vision of his chest. He was wearing black dress pants and dress shoes. His dark brown hair was styled slightly wavy on top of his head and short on the sides. This was the most dressed up I had seen him. He was so close I could touch him, and I wanted to badly. I reached out to touch his hand, the only skin I could see. I watched my fingers as I reached for him slowly, then did a feather stroke over the back of his hand. His breathing stopped. My eyes shot to his face, and I watched as his eyes closed and he stopped what he was saying to Heather in midsentence. His eyes opened, and he looked down at me with the sides of his mouth curved up. I stepped back immediately and broke my eye contact. The way my body reacted to him startled me. It was like sensory overload. It was like his body called out to me to be touched and the thought that I needed to please him in that way, was terrifying. It was terrifying because I hated physical contact, avoided it, and was numb to it.

pivoted on his toes like he was leaving. “Ready? I have reservations.”

I followed him out the door and turned once to look at Heather. She was still beaming
from ear to ear and held up both of her thumbs. I inhaled a calming breath, before I stepped over the threshold of the door.
















Chapter 3



I scurried quickly behind Jason trying to keep up with his fast pace, which was difficult in the outfit I chose.  He stopped at his Jeep, and he walked around to open the door. I watched him shuffle his hands, as he avoided touching me. His hand snuck out to help me in, but I didn’t take it. The Jeep was more than a hurdle to get into and again my choice in attire made it awkward. He stepped back.

“I know my
Jeep is a little taller than most cars, so let me know if you need help getting in.” I reached up and grabbed the door armrest inside the door and lifted myself up. He circled around to his side, hopped in, and started the car. “Sometimes I use my Jeep for work—I need four-wheel drive—so my tires are a little bigger than normal.” His voice rattled on and I couldn’t help thinking he was nervous.
Why was he nervous? Was he regretting? Was he about to do something wrong?

“It’s good to know that you’re not compensating for something.” I smiled.
Holy shit, what was I saying?
“I mean, I have heard that said before, and it just came out. I don’t know why I said it. I really don’t even know what I am saying.” His nervousness attached to me like the freaking flu bug and now I was rattling on. Jason laughed as I continued to babble. I stopped talking, biting both my lips to shut myself up. The problem with never talking to people and pretending they don’t exist, was that when you are forced to talk or communicate with someone, you sound like an unsocial idiot, or a high school girl with a crush on a boy. I closed my eyes tightly clearing my thoughts. “For some reason I say the most awkward things around you. I am glad you find it entertaining.”

He stopped laughing and turned to me. “I find it adorable.”

His words made me want to say “ahh” they were so sweet and nobody has ever called me adorable before. He focused back on the road and continued driving, and I studied him. He was truly dreamy and extremely confident, what a very attractive combination.

“So, I need to tell you something
, and now that you can’t run, I thought it would be a good time.”

t took him a while before he spoke, contemplating the words he was going to use. “Just say it. I promise not to run…yet.” He turned to me, saw my teasing smile, and gave me a warm smile back. He made me feel so comfortable.

“OK, so I have friends, friends I play basketball with
, and we have this bet. They actually started it, and I went along with it.” He took a deep breath, contemplating his words carefully. “I hope I won’t offend you.”

’m a pretty good sport, and if there is anything I could do to help a friend out on a bet, I would be more than happy to. What do you get if you win this bet?” Just knowing he was feeling uncomfortable about this made me feel better about him.

it was more of a question. He raised his eyebrow, as though, he wasn’t sure he liked being called a friend.

“Yes, friend
, someone I have known for three months and whose company I enjoy…a friend.” I smiled overly proud of my description, and that fact that,
had a new friend. He continued.

“I get
fifty dollars if I win the bet.”

l right, what do we need to do to win?”

“We have already won the bet, but I need to send your picture to my friend Dave
, and he will need to talk with you to confirm who you are.”

, that’s easy. Are there more bets or just the one?” I probed. 
Is that what men do? Place crazy bets? Could I get in on it?

“There are more, but I am involved with
just this one. The other bets are among my friends. I have no interest in any of those.” I liked the idea of him having friends. It was comforting that other people saw what I saw, a man with a patient heart and trusting soul.

“I see
. Are these good bets? I mean, maybe I would like to put my own money down on something. I am pretty lucky.”
At least that’s what I told myself lately. I was lucky…to be alone.

He started laughing. “Y
eah, I will bet you something.”

“What? You know, it doesn’t matter
. I am in.”

He pulled into the parking lot at the restaurant and parked the
Jeep. “All right, I bet you run from me before the night is over.” It was a challenge.

“I will not.”
I defended.

He stuck out his hand. “I bet you will run from me by the end of the night.”

I reached over to shake his hand, but stopped just before and looked at him. “What do I get when I win this bet?” Because I
win once I set my mind to it I could accomplish anything.

He thought for a minute.
“What do you want?”

“I want a favor, any favor, no matter what it is. What do you want?”
I repeated his question to him, curious what he wanted from me.

“I want a second date
. No matter what happens tonight, I get a second chance.” He locked his green eyes with mine.
The challenge was on
. Then I put my hand in his, his hand engulfing mine.

“Deal,” I
confirmed, feeling the energy from his hand surge into my body, and I shivered again. He smiled a very smug and confident smile. “Is this what you do with all of your girls? Make them want to run, I mean.” His luscious lips tipped in the corner very playfully before he countered.

“So you’re saying you’re my girl?”

Before I could answer
, he hopped out of the Jeep and trekked around to my side. He opened the door and didn’t bother to avoid touching me. I slid over on the seat facing him, my dress pushed up a little. He grabbed my hips and lifted me from his oversized Jeep. He set me on the ground, and I took a minute to readjust my dress. He scrambled to take his phone out of his pocket to take my picture.

“Leave your dress like that,” he
rasped. “I’ll keep that picture for myself.”

ha, not funny, there is no chance you will see my panties on the first date.” I wasn’t ready to give myself to anyone. I was numb to touching and feeling. I had been numb for as long as I could remember.

He raised an eyebrow and smiled.
“This is not our first date.” He took a picture and then typed something in it before putting the phone back into his pocket. It rang as we entered the restaurant. He checked it and put it back in his pocket, then talked to the hostess.

I stayed back looking at the restaurant
. It was a very large, open steak house. Pictures of trees and canoes hung everywhere on the walls. I had never eaten here, but it was very clean, and the smell of delicious food wafted around me.

Jason walked up to me
, serious at first, but smiled as he caught me gazing at his tall, bulky, muscular body. “They are ready to seat us.” He put his hand on my lower back, and I stiffened slightly. He didn’t remove his hand as we walked to our table. It was a booth. I arched my brow at him, and he shrugged. The hostess saw our communication.

, you said you wanted a booth. Would you rather a table?”

“No, this is perfect
, thank you.” He smiled at her, and she blushed.

I laughed a little as I slid into the booth. I
peeked over at him, but he was busy sliding onto the bench seat next to me. I moved all the way to the wall, and he stopped short of touching me.

’m still not sure you won’t renege on our bet.” He took the menu from the server and ordered waters.

“Do you want something else to drink?” he asked me.

I shook my head no. I felt weird sitting in the corner with his focus on the server. His phone rang again, and he got it out and handed it to me. He gestured for me to take it, so I did.

I answered
, “Hello?”

“Um, hello
, I was trying to call Jason. Is this his phone?”

“Yes, he handed it to me; he is ordering dinner or something.”

“Are you Katie?”

I was surprised by the fact
that he knew my name. “Uh, yes, and you are Dave?” I could tell by his lack of comeback he was even more surprised by me guessing his name. “Uh, hello?”

“Where did you and Jason meet?”
I fought the urge to giggle at his interrogation.

“I have been staring at him for
three months in a coffeehouse.” It sounded silly, like I was in high school.

“Who talked first?”

“What? I am not sure it makes a difference.” The whole conversation was childish and I didn’t understand the relevance of any of it.

“Katie, it most certainly makes a difference. I am looking at your picture
, and I am not sure I could have waited one day to talk to you, let alone three months.”

“I talked first. I said
hello.” I could feel Jason staring at me, so I peered at him.

n.” Dave spat out.

, did you lose the bet?” He was quiet, so silent I thought he hung up the phone.

“You knew about the bet?” he finally

, I just heard about it on the way to the restaurant. I want to let you know I promised him I would do whatever he needed to win all the bets he has with you regarding me.”

n,” was all I heard him say as I handed the phone back over to Jason. Jason said a few things and then was off the phone.

“I have never made a girl run, so no is the answer to your question.” His voice loud and deliberate, it startled me. I saw his eyes drop from mine to my shoulder
, where the black shawl had fallen, exposing my skin. His look gave me goose bumps. I liked the way his face held so many unspoken words.

“What are we talking about?” I laughed
nervously, busing my hands around me. “Before we left the Jeep, you asked if I like to make my girls run. No, some I wanted to run, but you are not one of those girls.”

“That day at the
coffeehouse when you were yelling into your phone, was that one of those girls?” I asked out of morbid curiosity. I wanted to know what angered him. Why is he upset with her and always so calming to me?

“Yes, that was Bettina, my good friend’s sister. I dated her for a while
, and it didn’t end well.”

“Did you end it?”
I pried, wanting to know more. Wondering about his outburst for months and needing to find comfort that his anger was justified.

“I did
, and she is still unhappy about it. I have stopped speaking with my friend and have changed my numbers, but she still gets to me.”

“What do you mean, she gets to you?” I wasn’t sure if she physically reached him or reached him in his thoughts.
Either way I wasn’t sure I wanted my hot coffeehouse guy to have this girl under his skin.

“We dated for three years
. We had an angry and unhappy relationship. It was always a game with her. She would make me really mad…furious, and then I would say, and do things I normally wouldn’t. She still gets to me, meaning I get mad even talking about her. That day in the coffeehouse, she had stolen my wallet. When she called, she was laughing. She was putting my credit cards through a shredding machine. She liked the way we were; I was so tired of it. She required a unique style of relationship to complete her.” I could tell he was being very vague, but he was also being very honest. His choice of words piqued my interest, but who didn’t live a unique life style?

“So you don’t like her?”
I confirmed.


“Can I ask you something…personal?”
I watched men come and go from Heather’s bedroom door and some spoke the same way about her. My question would only confirm his commitment to the choice he made…it would dictate the man he was.

“Yes, anything.”
He brushed his hand over mine very softly. The gentle contact made me smile.

“How long has it been since you have been with her?”
I licked my lips nervous about his answer. An answer that would tell me so much about the quality of man he was.

‘been with her’ I assume you are talking about sex?”

I just nodded my head
, not really sure why I was asking this personal question to a man I barely knew. Even more, what would I do with the information, bad or good? I was lying to myself I knew exactly what I would do with the information. I would take it and run.

He looked strained at the question
. “About three months ago, we agreed to be friends. Her brother was one of my best friends, and I wanted to remain his friend. Later I knew I couldn’t have one without the other. I saw her at his club the night before the incident in the coffee place. She was under the influence of something, maybe just alcohol, and I saw other men circling her. I got protective, and took her home with me. She was very appreciative, if you know what I mean. When I turned her down, she began breaking things, throwing things. I called her brother, he came and got her, we said our good-byes, and that was it.” His eyes darted away from me, not wanting to go further about his ex-girlfriend, I could tell.

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