More Than Forever (Providence Series Book 2) (40 page)

BOOK: More Than Forever (Providence Series Book 2)
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Isla’s shoulders were shuddering in front of me as she laughed quietly, but I had to admit he had a point. Flashes of the future and Dewi kissing boys and jumping from bed to bed went through my mind and I started to panic. 

“Shall we sing
Let It Go
again one more time? Oh if you insist!” He said, standing up and holding her in one arm as he danced around the room singing and not getting one word wrong.
What the fuck

Ren stood beside me watching in horrified fascination as his brother basically kicked
ass, and then pointed the remote at the TV and put on
Bippity-Boppity Boo.
Dewi let out a noise like she was giggling and I swear my babies were more advanced than any other ever had been by their age because they totally giggled and smiled even though people said that it was just wind. 

He was just doing a pirouette thing and I was getting ready to storm in and yell at him for not holding my child properly when the most horrendous wet sounding fart sounded and we watched as my beautiful little girl started out of the sides of her diaper all over her Uncle’s stomach. 

Maya was gagging beside us and Isla was full out laughing while Cole slowly turned toward us and stood stiffly with the confusing amount of baby crap sliding down his tee;
she was tiny, where the hell did it come from

Ren backed away from the door as he slowly walked toward us and passed Dewi to Isla and then ran out of the front door and vomited over the edge of the porch. “Scissors! Get the scissors!” He yelled in between gags as Isla walked up to the nursery. I don’t know how she did it, I needed my nose pegged and my t-shirt over it when I changed their diapers. I also had a box of disposable gloves at every diaper station after a sticky shit incident. That stuff was adamant that it wasn’t coming off. 

Maya walked into the kitchen and walked back and out the front door just as Cole’s yells changed to screams of “get it off me! get it off!” 

Ren turned to look at me with pity in his eyes. “That was fucking disgusting man, sucks that you’ve got that times two!” 

Watching Cole roll around the grass screaming, I replied, “Yeah, but you’ve got
too!” And turned to go and get my son, who was making waking sounds. 

I know what I’d rather have! 



This cover was absolutely amazing to create with SK Designs. I wanted there to be symbolism and sentimentality all over it and that’s what we got.


Out of the window, you can see the skyline of Singapore which was my home away from home for 7 years. I love that place dearly. However, as Montgomery Co is an architectural firm,it shows their success by the fact they're taking on contracts in Singla. It's prestigious, wealthy, the government are rigid about who builds there and what is built too so it proves the success of the Montgomerys and kinda why Luke did what he did in book one.


The black and white/gray and the one color showing through resembles that not everything is black and white, a lot like Luke's supposed infidelity to Isla in book one. There's color there- but only some of it is showing a lot like the truth.......


I have this thing about symbolism and sentimentality so to put the two together on the cover is like Christmas for me! It's like the micro pig proposal in book one and people thinking wtf? Where is she going with this? And then Ren justifies it the way he does (no spoilers in case you haven’t read book one) and it becomes something beautiful yet unique and memorable. Better than a "will you marry me?" And it turned him from an alpha-alpha into a romantic, deeper thinking guy than people gave him credit for. Up until that point I wanted him to be the strong guy, but by doing that if you read back over when Maya gets hurt you appreciate his feelings more. 


You’ll also notice the mention of Neil and Seal Security throughout the book. These characters come from S Van Horne’s book One More Time available at:


More of her characters will start to appear in my books as we head towards our joint book that will be published next year. I’m delighted to say, Neil and his guys find the bad guys that Coleman, Baz and Mace couldn’t….mwahahahaha!!!


I hope you enjoy this book as much as I loved writing it!


M xoxo 




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Taking Whatever He Wants

Copyright ©2016


The sky was starting
to darken and it was only four in the afternoon. A quick storm was on its way in. I was going to be in some serious trouble if I didn’t get to my destination in before the skies rained down on me. I was starting a new job in a new town. I’d done that type of job for the past year, but I needed to make a change, a massive change in scenery. So far it this trip was definitely that. I thought about college, but it wasn’t in the cards at the moment. Saving money was what I needed to do. Living in a big city made that very difficult. Everything was three times the price including the rent. So hopefully I could make some extra cash to save with a lot more hours. 

I hated the way the sky was looking. It was getting uglier by the second. I turned up my music louder, rocking out to some Zeppelin on the radio to shake my nervousness. I had the wire for the car thing, but I left in the apartment I shared with a roommate, a man I’d soon rather forget. There was no way in hell I was going back to get it. Fucking creep. 

Thankfully my boss was my cousin. I knew I could trust him to have my back. Brent wasn’t too picky about what time I got there as long as I got there. I came from the plain states with its flat roads. Hell if I was accustomed to the winding roads or the uneven terrains. It was like death wish central up in this area. He had been on the money; I was over my head because my driving skills weren’t up to par. My old dark blue Chevy Malibu was taking a beating. It was a long drive, but my only way of traveling with my things. I didn’t know if I could make it all the way to his place before my car crapped out. Fingers crossed that nothing else would need to be fixed before I got to the destination. I stopped halfway because my gas gauge had been broken and I ran out of gas. It had been through years and years of car rental abuse before I got it and I sure as hell didn’t have the funds to repair the car like it should have been. 

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