More Than Forever (Providence Series Book 2) (39 page)

BOOK: More Than Forever (Providence Series Book 2)
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“Look!” It was hard to talk because I was focusing on the breathing that we’d been taught at the classes I’d gone to with Luke. 

“No, no way!” He replied shaking his head furiously. “I’ll call Maya; I’ll call anyone just please, no!” 

“Look at my
goddamn vagina
!” I yelled the last bit as the pain got worse and I felt pressure and the urge to push. 

“You’re paying for my therapy,” he snapped as he walked down and lifted the sheet up. I had my feet planted in the bed and my legs bent far apart so he could pretty much see my tonsils if he got the right angle. “Oh god, am I shitting?” 

He got closer and a look of horror came onto his face. “What the fuck is that? Oh sweet Jesus, it’s like a black hole!” 

“Did I shit?” I couldn’t stop yelling now as I tried not to bear down, but my body decided it wanted to anyway. 

“Stop it! Make it stop!” He screamed, taking a step back from the bed and trying to cover his eyes with his hands. 

What’s going on?
” I bellowed. I’d had enough; I was in agony, my asshole, dickface husband was MIA. 

“Your cooter is going to swallow the room is what’s fucking happening,” he yelled. “There’s something coming out.
Oh my God it’s like a horror movie
! Poor Luke is never gonna hit the sides again!” He stood up pulling at his hair and moved back again shaking his head furiously. “Oh no, oh no,
make it stop

I couldn’t stop myself from bearing down and pushing as hard as I could. The pain in my jayjay was worse than anything I’d ever felt in my life and my stomach felt like I had an electric current passing around a wire on it. I sat up and gave one last push and heard Tony scream as the pain left my body and I lay back sweaty and panting. The sound of a baby crying had me lifting my head to see Tony standing back from the bed, holding a tiny baby in his arms. 

“It was like a canon,” he mumbled, looking a gray color. “It shot out at me,” he started to sway. “It was going to go through the wall!” 

He was really swaying just as the door opened and Dr. Conlan and my bitch of a nurse walked in smiling until they saw the baby in Tony’s arms. 

“Oh, Isla, I’m so sorry. The elevators stopped working and we got stuck in them and couldn’t call anyone.” Dr. Conlan looked genuinely upset as she put gloves on and a gown over her scrubs.  

The nurse walked up to Tony and was reaching for the angry little baby in his arms as she said, “You don’t look very good sweetie. Why don’t you take a seat?” 

“It shout out at me,” he repeated, swaying again. “Canon,” he mumbled.  

“Sit down, sweetie,” the nurse encouraged, pushing him toward a chair. 

He walked over to where she was pushing him and just as he went to sit he looked at his white shirt and started gagging. “Vagina juice…vagina juice!” 

We all looked over at his ruined shirt and winced. I have no idea what a majority of it was, but if it was on me, I’d be gagging, too. 

Just as he was building up to a Tony style episode and ripping his shirt off, Luke walked in. “I’m so sorry, Angel, we had to get David’s helicopter to bring me back…” he looked towards the crying baby in the corner of the room, the actual baby, not the crying big baby who had ripped his shirt off.  “Is that…” 

Dr. Conlan turned around holding a wrapped up screaming bundle. “You missed cutting the cord Daddy, but we’ve still got one more to go! You have a beautiful healthy daughter, though. Do you want to hold her while we work on number two?” 

Luke shook his head rapidly as the baby was passed to him, taking her automatically from the doctor as he continued to shake his head and then turned to look at me accusingly. “You promised!” 

“Get over it, you asshole!” I yelled, shocking everyone in the room, including Tony who was creeping towards the door. “
I just shot your child out of my taco and you weren’t fucking here!

“I’ll never be able to blink again without seeing it,” Tony whispered from the door. “It was like a canon…I had vagina juice on me!” 

“And you get over it, too! Oh my God, I haven’t had any drugs, I didn’t have any doctors, I shot a baby out of my glovebox and you’re,” I flung my arm in Luke’s direction, “whining because you have a
, and you,” I pointed a shaking hand at a terrified looking Tony, “whining about vagina fucking juice.
What about my bajingo
?” I screamed the last bit as the pains got closer together again. “Oh no, I’ve changed my mind!” I wailed just as Colette came running back in and Tony took the opportunity to run out of it.  

“Give me the…ooo a pink hat! You have
,” she cooed at the now quiet bundle in her arms. “Go stand by Isla.” She instructed to Luke. 

“I’m not sure I want to?”  

“Get your ass over here, Montgomery, or I swear that I’ll tear your nuts off and shove them up your aargh!”  

“Oh, here comes the head. Okay Isla, do your breathing and don’t push until I tell you,” Dr. Conlan instructed as Luke walked slowly toward me and held out a shaky hand for me to grab onto. 

Just out of spite, I gripped it as hard as I could and then added my other hand for good measure. Screaming at the pain, I pushed when she told me to and squeezed Luke’s hand as hard as I could which ended up with his upper body on the bed and him begging me to stop. 


“We have a breaker,” the nurse murmured to Dr. Conlan who snorted. 

“Okay Isla, start pushing.” 

After six hard pushes and a lot of Luke’s screaming, baby boy Montgomery was born screaming his head off to join his daddy.  


I was lying next to Isla
on the bed with Dewi’s head resting in the crook of my arm, just missing the cast that I’d had to go and get put on after Isla gave birth to Matius. She had broken two of my metacarpals and I’m sure some of it was out of spite, they were worth it, though. 

Isla was feeding Matius and looked beautiful with flushed cheeks as she looked down and watched him. It was hard to believe that she’d turned into a screaming evil version of the Hulk, only an hour before. 

Leaning over, I kissed the side of her head and she turned to look at me. “Thank you, Angel,” I whispered. I’d been adamant I wasn’t going to turn into a crying pussy, but my babies were gorgeous and the love I felt for them was so extreme that I couldn’t help it. “I love you!” 

Giving me the sweet smile that was all Isla, she leaned over and whispered, “I still haven’t forgiven you and you’re paying Tony’s therapy bill. But thank you for giving me the most perfect and beautiful babies in the world.” 








itting by the lake,
I slugged back some more Jameson’s and looked out over the water. Luke and Isla had had their twins yesterday and when I’d visited today it cut me deep. Today was the anniversary of the worst day of my life and I could hear her saying the words on repeat through my mind. “It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone!” 

I drained the bottle and put it on the ground next to me and lifted up the new one.  Every year, I did this same thing, and every year, I swore I’d never do it again.  

Stripping off, I walked down to the water and took a final slug before screwing the cap on and tossing the bottle behind me hearing it thud somewhere on the grass. 

Walking into the water, I let it cool me down and floated on my back staring up at the blurry stars above me. 

It’s gone








wonder how he got on?”
Ren snorted as we walked up to the front door of our house. We’d agreed to let Cole watch the babies while we took the women for their appointments with Doctor Conlan. The babies were two weeks old and the doctor had wanted to give Isla a checkup just to see how she was healing after giving birth to two babies over six pounds. Maya was thirty-three weeks and doing well, after hearing Isla giving birth, though, I think she was a bit more nervous. I’d also replaced their couch, even though she’d sworn that it wasn’t necessary, but it seemed like the fairest thing to do. 

As we opened the door we heard the sounds of
Frozen’s Let It Go
playing from the family room with Cole singing along and all tip toed in its direction.  

“This is where Disney went wrong, Dewi,” Cole spoke in a baby voice, and I looked around the door to see him lying on his back with Dewi lying on his chest as Matius slept in his swinging chair beside them. He liked his space while he was sleeping, whereas Dewi was the one who wanted contact a majority of the time and let it be known - loudly. “They’ll tell you about a princess who lived with seven men, but that’s not okay. And you definitely don’t go around kissing guys who say they’re princes either! Then there’s the jumping from bed to bed,” he shifted her as she wiggled on his chest. “That Goldilocks was a dirty little girl! You listen to Uncle Cole; he’ll keep you on the right track.” 

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