More Than Forever (Providence Series Book 2) (38 page)

BOOK: More Than Forever (Providence Series Book 2)
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I knew he worried about having a daughter because he felt she would be more vulnerable than if we had sons, plus he’d turn into a raving overprotective psychodad. “Honey, we spoke about this. It’s too late, remember, and we have no control over what they are.” 

“Well, just do your best to make it a boy, okay?” 

I think my husband had lost his mind, and I think he was going to lose it even more because I had the strongest feeling that Thing Two was a girl. So strong that I’d bought some baby girl things that I could exchange
it turned out that my hunch was wrong.  

Deciding to put him out of his misery, I led him out of the room and over to the last door at the very end of the hallway. 

“I take it that this is the master bedroom, Mr. Montgomery?” I opened the door and walked over to the biggest comfiest looking bed that I’d ever seen. “Wanna test the springs with me?” 

“It’s a
,” he mumbled walking toward me. 

“Well then, wanna see what shapes we can make in the foam?” I crawled backwards onto it and holy hell it was the most comfortable bed I’d ever been on in my life. 

“You’re on,” he growled as he crawled over me and leaned down to give me a kiss.  

“By the way, there’s waterproof sheets on just in case your waters break.”  

Holding his head to me so that he didn’t ruin the mood with anymore talk of waterproof sheets or splash guards or whatever else he’d bought, we set about making some interesting shapes in the foam. Thank God Tempurpedic bounced back quickly! 








Four weeks later…

was now thirty-six weeks pregnant
and I was so uncomfortable that sleeping was becoming impossible. We’d moved into the new house last week after Baz had set up the added security measures and the small house in the back garden, that I’d only noticed as we were leaving was finished, for the guards to stay in. 

I’d been a bit emotional lately because of the lack of sleep, and Luke had a meeting that he had to go to today that was two hours away, so he’d dropped me off to spend the day with Maya. She’d bought a birthing DVD and we were sitting watching it in horrified silence. 

“Oh my God, why are we watching this?” I whispered, grabbing her hand and squeezing as the woman on the television in front of us screamed and her stomach visibly tightened. There were three women giving birth on the DVD; one with no drugs, one in a small pool in her room, and one with an epidural. The cameras would move from room to room with each new development and listening to her scream, I’d decided that the woman who wasn’t having any drugs was fucking nuts! 

“Why isn’t she taking the drugs?” Maya cried and biting her fist. 

I was just about to answer when Cole walked in and threw himself onto the couch with us. 


“What we watch…oh fucking hell, what the
fuck is happening
?” He yelled, picking up a pillow and hiding behind it. “Why the shit would you watch this?” 

Neither of us answered as we watched the woman in the pool start panting and bearing down. Maya squeezed my hand harder as the woman made groaning noises and screamed. Just as Cole looked up over the top of the cushion, something floated to the surface of the pool and all of us squinted and moved forward. 

“Is that her…” Maya started and was interrupted by Cole yelling, “Fuck me, is that a shit? Did she take a fucking shit? You didn’t say anything about y’all shitting when you had the babies. That’s disgusting!”  

His Mom had been in the kitchen making us a salad and walked back through with the tray at that moment. “I don’t know what you’re yelling about Cole, when you were born, I went poop at the same time!” Maya and I sniggered at her ‘went poop’ comment and then burst out laughing at Cole’s face. 

Standing up, he put his hands on his hips and walked over to his Mom. “Are you telling me that I was born on a pile of

Nodding, she walked past him and passed us each a bowl off the tray and a fork. 

“You were, and you also had issues pooping in a toilet until you were six. The mess that your little boxers were in was just unreal.” 

We sniggered as we ate our salads. I’d discovered that pregnant women would eat regardless when they were hungry, so the topic of conversation didn’t put us off. 

I looked over to see Cole staring at her and opening and closing his mouth before storming to the front door and slamming it behind him. We’d just burst out laughing when he opened it again and yelled, “You’re all sick!” and slammed it again. It opened five seconds later and yelled, “I’m telling Dad!” By this point, I had tears streaming down my face and my stomach was hurting because I was laughing that hard. When the door opened again, I moved my bowl to where the side table was and hoped for dear life that I hit the target because I couldn’t see through the tears. “Screw you guys! Shitting on your babies.” 

It took a while to calm down, but we’d just settled back and had resumed the DVD after finishing lunch because apparently, there was something that would put a pregnant woman off of her food - birth. 

The woman who’d had the epidural was bearing down as hard as she could and panting as they held her legs in the air and I covered my face with my hands, only peeking through a tiny gap between my fingers. Just as the camera moved down towards the business end and you saw the baby’s head starting to crown, Tony walked in and took the seat that Cole had vacated. 

“Hey chica’s, what’s jiggling, apart from Maya’s as…
oh my fucking God. What’s happening to her beef curtains?
” he screamed, jumping up from the couch and then jumping up and down pointing. “What the fuck is that? Why is this happening? Why are you watching it?” 

Even Colette was crying she was laughing that hard. His face was worse than Cole’s with the disgust at watching the baby coming out of her and he was biting his hand and squealing. 

“Her vagoo is wrecked, it’s ruined. There’s just no coming…oh sweet Jesus, why does that baby hate her?” He went back to biting his hand and squealing. 

“It…goes…back…” Maya tried to get out in between her laughs. I was glad that she was answering him because I was gone. I was holding my stomach because it was so painful and I was starting to panic that I was going to pee myself because I was laughing that hard.  

“You’re lying,” he glared at Maya as the screams started getting louder as the woman gave birth to the baby’s shoulders. “Her cooter is going to be like an abyss, look at it! Oh God, she’s going to have a baby canon, they’ll just shoot out of her!” 

The screams stopped on the screen and were replaced with the cries of the very angry newborn baby, and I looked just in time to see the baby being placed on her mother’s chest.
It was so beautiful

“Isla, shame on you,” Tony said, pointing at the puddle forming on the floor. “Just because you’re pregnant, it doesn’t give you the right to just pee where you want to.” 


I was mortified, I couldn’t believe that I’d peed myself and on Maya’s couch and floor in front of everyone. I was trying to get off the couch to apologize when a stabbing pain hit me in my stomach, it was like the other ones that I’d had when I was laughing but it felt like I was being split in two. 

“Oh shit,” I gasped, holding my stomach.  

“Ahhh, that’s lovely,” Colette said, standing up and walking towards me. “She’s in labor, Maya, can you phone your cousin please and let him know?” 

“I can’t be in labor,” I panted as another pain hit me. “Luke isn’t here! He said he’d be here. And the woman did a shit and I have two babies to push out so I’m going to…” 

Shouting out the door for Graham to bring the car around, Colette ignored my crazy verbal vomiting and helped me up off of the ruined couch and toward the car.  

“I’ll replace your couch,” I said to Maya who was following behind me with Tony. 

I didn’t get to hear what she said because Graham was in front of me and helping me into the SUV with Colette sitting in the front while I lay out in the back. Maya and Tony were following in her security’s vehicle. 

Graham had been practicing the drive to the hospital and got there in eight minutes. I’d ended up having to brace my feet against the door and hold onto the handle of the door at my head. Every time I’d screamed or made a noise, he’d gone that bit faster and going around corners had become pretty scary. 

He pulled up to the doors and jumped out yelling for help as Colette got calmly out of the car and walked around to get my bag out of the trunk where we’d been keeping it for the last two weeks. I heard wheels and looked down to see two women in scrubs wheeling a bed toward me as Graham reached in and gently lifted me out of the car. 

“Sorry about your car,” I panted because fuck me these things were painful. 

“It’s cool, it’s Coleman’s,” Graham sniggered placing me on the gurney. 

“Her contractions are slowing a bit,” Colette said in a business tone. “They were coming every three and a half minutes, and now they’re at five. She’s thirty-six weeks and three days pregnant with twins and her water has broken.” 

Graham followed, leaving Maya’s security guard to move his car away from the entrance. “You got this, kiddo,” he said as we got off the elevator onto the floor, where I was going to push two watermelons out of my cooch. 

Tony decided to stay outside while Maya came in with Colette. “I’ve called Luke and he wasn’t answering,” she said. “But I sent a message to everyone to tell them where we were and left a message with Luke’s secretary and also on his phone.” 

“I can’t do this without him.” Yes, I was crying, yes, I felt hysterical, but I was in fucking agony. “Can I have the drugs now?” 

The nurse who was getting me into the bed after helping me into the gown laughed. “Let’s check you out first.” 

My legs were put in stirrups and I grabbed onto Maya and Colette’s hands as the nurse checked me over. “Okay, I’m gonna get Dr. Conlan here. You are six centimeters dilated and the contractions seem to be speeding up to three and a half minutes again, so I’d say you were about ready to have these little people you’ve been looking after in there.” 

“But Luke’s not here.” He had to be here. It was his penis that got me into this shit! 

“I’ll get the anesthesiologist to come through, too,” the nurse said, patting my leg and standing. “I won’t be long. We’re understaffed just now, otherwise, I’d call someone in to stay here while I went and paged both of them. Give me five minutes.” 

I missed her leaving as the most awful pain ripped through me and I almost broke my teeth clenching my jaw.  

“Get…Luke,” I croaked through the constant panting that I seemed to be doing.  

“I’ll call again,” Maya said followed by Colette saying, “I’ll call George. He’ll be able to get him back.” 

“Oh shit, don’t both of you leave me!” 

They looked at each other and then at the door as Tony stuck his head through. “All clear?” 

“Can you stay with her for a minute Tony?” Maya asked. “We need to go and make some phone calls to get Luke here or he’s gonna miss his babies coming into the world.” 

“Do I have to?” He whined. Oh my God, what a little bitch. 

“GET LUKE!” I screamed as another contraction hit.  

When I opened my eyes, Tony was standing there looking nervous and fidgeting so I reached out and grabbed his hand to hold onto. After five minutes, they still hadn’t come back and the nurse had stuck her head around the door to say that Dr. 

Conlan was on her way and she was waiting for the epidural God to come out of surgery, and then she’d fucking left! 

The pains were almost constant now, and with every contraction, I’d scream and Tony would scream, too, as I crushed his hand. 

“Tony,” I ground out. “Something feels strange.” 

“Uh huh!” 

“No, down there; it feels strange.” 

“What do you want me to do about it?” He looked scared and tried to back away, but I had a good grip on his hand. 

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