Love's Crazy Twists (13 page)

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Authors: S. A. Johns

BOOK: Love's Crazy Twists
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              “Shane?”  she said weakly.

              “Yeah, Baby?”

              “That…was wonderful.”  She said as she pulled him to her and began kissing him deeply.  Suddenly she had regained all her strength and she rolled over and got on top of him, still kissing him.  She ran her hands along his chest and arms.  She tickled over his nipples and smiled when he released a small moan from an evident unknown pleasure spot.  She kissed and nuzzled  his neck and started her way down.  She left a trail of kisses on his chest and washboard stomach.  She made her way to his ‘happy trail’.  Her hand went right to his package, and he was oh so ready for action.  She reached her hand down inside the front of his silky black boxers, and took hold of him.  He moaned.  She stopped and pulled his boxers off of him so that she cold get a better look at his beautiful body.  His manhood stood at attention for her and she couldn’t resist its charm.  She took hold of it again and began rubbing it and fondling its two friends below.  She started stroking it up and down and with increasing vigor.  She old hear Shane’s breathing become shallow and breathless.  Then he started to moan and raise and lower his hips to her.  She leaned in and took him in her mouth and began sucking. 

              “Oh Julie!”  he said.  “You’re the best!”

              She kept pleasuring him and when she knew that he was ready to explode she moved and again took him in her hands, and finished the job.  He pulled her to him and began kissing her.  “You are so wonderful, Julie.”  He said in between kisses.  He held her in his arms in front of the fireplace for a while.  Julie was very pleased with herself and she dozed off.

              She awoke when Shane began kissing her on the neck.  She sleepily rolled over and looked at him with a big smile. “hi.” She said.  He began kissing her.  He pulled her on top of him and she put her arms around his neck and kept on kissing him.  She sat up a little and put his hands on her waiting breasts and again he felt them grow hard for him.  She smiled down at him.  He rolled her over and got on top of her.  He reached down between her legs to find that she was ready for him to enter her.  And he did.  As he inserted his large member into her love cave she let out a cry of joy.  Slowly at first, Shane began moving in and out and then increasing the pace as she instructed with her moans.  They went to sexual heights that neither of them had ever experienced before.  He rolled over and Julie was on top and she began moving her hips up and down and she could now get a good look at Shane’s face as she was making love to him.  There was sweat dripping off both of them, their bodies glistened in the glow of the firelight.  Their bodies went together perfectly and they continued on their sexual journey to the beyond.  Their pace quickened once more, faster and faster until they both exploded together and collapsed.  They lay there like that both panting with hearts racing.  Julie slid off and lay beside Shane.  He wrapped his arms around her and they both fell asleep.

              Julie slept very peacefully in Shane’s protective embrace.  She woke a few times to find that he was still cradling her close to him. 
This is how it’s supposed to be.
She kept thinking.  She snuggled in closer to him and went back to sleep knowing that her terrific night was not a dream, but a dream that came true.

              Julie woke early and got up.  She got dressed and went outside onto the back deck that overlooked the lake.  The sunrise was beautiful with the light shining on the late.  She sat down on a wooden chair and breathed in the fresh air.

              “There you are.” A voice chimed.

              “Good morning to you, too.” Julie sang.

              “How did you sleep?” Shane asked her.

              She smiled, “Very well, thank you.”

              She stood as he walked over to her and they hugged.  She pulled away a little and he put his had beneath her chin and tilted her face up towards him.  He leaned down a bit and kissed her.  They stood kissing for a few minutes and Julie heard her cell phone ringing from inside the open door.

              “I’d better get that.” She said as she ran in to find her face.  “Hello?” She said as she lifted it to her face.

              “Where are you?”

              “Matt, what do you want?”  She started.

              “I want to know where you are.” He demanded.

              “It isn’t really any of your business.  You don’t own me anymore.  Remember?”  She snapped.

              “Well I know that you aren’t home.  I’ve been sitting outside there all night!” He yelled into the phone.  “You’re still with Shane aren’t you?”

              “Matt, I’m not having this conversation with you now...or ever!”

              “I’m staying here until you get home.” He said matter-of-factually.

              “Matt, just go.  I don’t want to have you arrested for stalking.”  She said plainly.

              “Oh, OK.  I see.  You want to bring Shane home with you so you can sleep with him all day, and you know I’ll beat the shit out of him again!” He said.

              “What? You’re crazy!  You didn’t beat the shit out him before so what makes you think you will now?  And if I wanted to sleep with him who says it has to be at my place?”  She added that last part just to piss him off, and it worked.  He hung up on her.


              “Jules? Is everything OK?”  Shane asked.

              “Yeah, it’s fine.  That was Matt with the same shit I always put up with.” She told him.

              “About us again, huh?”  He wanted to know.

              “Basically, yeah.  He’s at my house now.”  She looked to Shane and noticed that his face had hardened a bit at the thought of Matt just being at her house...waiting.  “He’s said he’s been there all night waiting for me and he’s not leaving until I get home.”  She finished.

              “Is that so?  Maybe you’d better not go home for a while.”

              “What are you suggesting, Shane?” She asked rather cautiously.

              “I just thought that maybe we could spend the day together.” He told her.

              “Shane, I’d love to, I really would, but I don’t have any clothes to change into and I am in desperate need of a shower.”

              “There’s a shower here.” He winked.

              “I don’t have any clothes to put on.” She laughed.

              “Who says you need clothes for what we are going to do?”  He laughed back.

              Her mouth dropped open in mock shock.  “Shane!  You are awful!”  She teased.  “But, seriously, I should go home.  I do need to talk to Matt.”  She told him.

              “Well, OK, if that’s what you want.”

              “I do.” She nodded.

              “Do you want breakfast first?” He asked in a desperate attempt to keep her with him for as long as possible.

              “Sure.  What are we having?” She asked.

              “What would you like?”

              “How about you surprise me?”

              “OK.  You can wait here or go back out on the deck and I’ll bring it to you as soon as it’s ready.” He told her.

              “I’m going back outside.” She said as she started toward the back door.


              She sat down on the same chair as before and looked at her phone. 
What am I doing?  First I cheated on Matt, and then we broke up, now I’m sleeping with my best friend.  I saw Matt cheating on me.  Should I tell him about Shane or not?  It will only cause him grief and he’s end up hating me forever.  If I don’t it’ll only make me feel guilty for the rest of my life!  That’s it, I have to tell him, or at least I have to talk to him about it. 
She decided to call Matt and tell him that she wanted to talk to him, and that she’d call him when she got home.  That way he wouldn’t know that Shane was taking her home.

              She dialed the number and it began to ring.  He answered the phone.  “Matt?” She said.

              “Yeah, what do you want now?”  He asked.  “Do you want to tell me that you are sleeping with Shane right now?”  He snapped.

              “Matt, I just wanted to tell you that I would call you when I got home and that I wanted to talk to you about something.”  She said.

              “Oh, really?”  He asked.  “About what?”

              “Can I call you when I get home?”


              “OK, I’ll call you when I get home and you can come over or we can meet, we can decide later.  Right?”  She finished.

              “Yeah.  Call me.”  He said.

              “By the way, where are you?”  She asked trying to see if he was really at her house or not.

              “I’m at home.” He told her.

              “I thought you were at my place.” She said.

              “Nah, I just told you that to see if you were really there or not.” He told her.

              “That wasn’t nice.  Not nice at all.  I’ll call you when I get home.  Bye.”

              “Bye.” And they hung up.


              Julie sat in the morning sunlight waiting for breakfast recalling the details of the previous night.  The romantic fire and the goose down comforter they laid on.  It was all so perfect.  Wasn’t it?  It felt so right, so why did she suddenly feel a little bad about it?  Was she feeling bad about telling Matt?  About the pain it was going to cause him having to find out the truth?  Did she forget that he had cheated on her, too?  They had both picked the same night to cheat on each other.  She began to wonder if they could get past this and go on with their lives together.  Could they both forget about that night and go on?  Then she was brought back to the reality of it when Shane announced that breakfast would be served in just a few minutes.

              “Here you go, Jules.  Breakfast is served.”  Shane sang as he put the food on the table.

              “Thank you, it smells absolutely wonderful.” She told him. “And it looks just as good.”  She said as she looked at all the food he had prepared.  He made omelets, bacon, sausage, toast and juice and had fresh strawberries and kiwi.

              “Mmm, this is delicious.”  Julie told him as she took a bite of the omelet he gave her.

              “Thanks.”  He said.


              After breakfast they headed home.  When they arrived at Julie’s she sighed a sigh of relief that Matt wasn’t there waiting for her.  At least that was good, but she still had to see him later and tell him everything and that thought made her stomach do flips.

              “Thanks for the wonderful evening, and the great breakfast.” She said to Shane.

              “You’re welcome, It was my divine pleasure.”  He told her.

              “I’d invite you in, but I have to call Matt.”  She said trying to be polite.

              “That’s OK, I should probably get home anyway.  I’ll call you later though, all right?”

              “Yeah, I’ll talk to you later.”  She said as she got out of the car.

              When she got inside she checked her machine, there was a message from Jen wondering where she was and one from Matt just checking to see if she was home yet.  She thought about calling Jen then decided to get a shower before she did anything else.

              She was running the water getting ready for her shower, all kinds of things were running through her head.  Matt.  Shane.  The whole cheating thing and what she should tell Matt.  Her sexual escapades with Shane and all of his proposals kept running through her mind.  It was literally making her head spin.  She stepped into the shower and the hot water streamed down over her naked form.  She just stood there for a long time letting he water try to wash away her tension.  It didn’t work.  Finally she stepped out of the shower, and threw on some comfy clothes.  She certainly looked different from last night.  Last night she was sexy and beautiful, today she was just plain old Julie.  Nothing that spectacular.

              After running a comb through her wet hair she decided to call Matt.

              “Hello?”  He answered the phone.

              “Hi.” She chimed.  “What are you doing?”

              “Nothing, just waiting for you to call.”  He told her.

              “Well, here I am calling.”  She tried to laugh.

              “Yeah.  So what did you want to tell me?” He asked seriously.

              “I thought that you’d like to come here for a bit, we have a lot to talk about.”  She said, trying not to sound so serious and solemn.

              “Sure, I can come over.  When?”  He asked.

              “Whenever you are ready is fine.” She said.

              “OK, I can be there in half an hour.”

              “I’ll be here.”  She said. “Bye.” She hung up.

              She immediately began to pace the floor wondering what was going to happen when Matt arrived.  Was she crazy for wanting to tell him the truth about her and Shane?  Did he really need to know?  Did she really have to tell him?  She couldn’t decide now and it was torturing her.  Ultimately she decided that no matter what the cost she had to tell him about the first night she slept with Shane.  If he hated her forever than she’d have to live with it.  He had to forgive her, didn’t he?  Maybe if she forgave him, he’d forgive her.  Right? She could only hope for the best.

              She began making lunch; if Matt liked anything it was food.  She thought that she should start off with some food, to make him happy before she killed him with the truth.  She knew that he loved grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, so that’s what she was making  She had the  soup heating on the stove, she had the bread buttered and was just waiting for him to arrive before she made the sandwiches.  She had two glasses of iced tea, one for her and one for him.  Then she settled herself on the sofa and waited.

              There was a knock on the door, and she about jumped out of her skin!  It was Matt, finally.  She ran to the door and swung it open.

              “Hi,” she tried to smile, “Come in.”

              “Hi.” he said, “You look nice.”

              “Sure I do.”  She said disbelieving.

              “I’m serious.  You always look good to me.”

              He leaned in for a hug, and was quite surprised that she actually let him hug her, and she hugged him back!  She felt so good in his arms again.  His eyes welled up with a few tears.  He suddenly knew what he had risked by sleeping with Chelsea.

              Julie pulled away. “Are you hungry?  I was waiting for you to finish making lunch.”

              He smiled, “You know I can always eat.”

              “I know.”  She smiled back.  “That’s why I waited.  I’m making grilled cheese and tomato soup.”

              “Yummy.” He replied.

              She went back to making lunch.  When it was ready they sat at the table to eat.  They ate mostly in silence.  Julie was still trying to figure out an easy way to tell him about Shane.  By the time they had finished eating she figured out that there would be no easy way.  After clearing the table and cleaning up the kitchen they went to sit in the living room

              “So, how are you?” Matt finally asked.

              “I’m OK, and you?”  She replied.

              “OK.”  He nodded.

              “Matt?  Do you love me?” She started.

              “Of course I love you.”  He answered.  “I know that you are still mad about the whole Chelsea thing and...” He started.

              She cut him off mid-sentence.  “I don’t want to talk about that now, OK?”

              “OK.  What is it then?”  He asked nervously.

              “How much do you love me?”

              “Julie, you are scaring me.  I love you lots.  Why?  What’s going on?”  He said.

              “Matt, do you think that if I forgave you we could get on with our lives like nothing happened?”  She asked him.

              “I think it’s possible, yeah.”  He said.

              “What if it were the other way around?”  She looked at him looking at her confused, and then she continued, “What if I was the one who cheated?  Would you be able to forgive me and move on?”  She asked, her voice so serious that she thought for sure he had figured it out by now.

              “Julie? Are you telling me that
cheated on me?”  He asked rather annoyed that she didn’t just come out and say what she wanted to say.

              “Matt, please, answer the question.”

              “I-I don’t know.”  He paused, “What is this all about?”  He asked a little harshly.

              “I’m still trying to figure it out myself, and I wanted to know if you’d be as forgiving as I’d like to be.”  She looked away because she knew that at any minute her strength would dissolve and she would start crying.

              “Julie, look at me.”  He said.  And she did.  “Are you OK?  I’m sorry for hurting you, you know that, right?”

              “I know you are sorry, and...” she started sobbing.

              Matt slid over next to her and pulled her sobbing form into his arms and held her.  He hated to see her so upset, and he felt helpless and didn’t know what to do but hold her.  “Hey, it’s OK.  Let it out if that’s what you need.  I’m here now.”  He smoothed her hair and tried to soothe her.  She kept crying.

              “Matt, I still love you.”  She said between sobs.  She reached to the end stand for a tissue and blew her nose loudly.

              “Oh Baby, I knew you’d forgive me.”  He said almost crying himself.

              “There’s something...” She blew her nose, “you should know.”  She looked up at him.

              “Whatever it is, it’s OK.  We are going to be OK.”  He said optimistically.

              He held onto her a bit longer, until her sobbing began to quiet.  Then he looked at her beautiful face that was now covered with freshly flowing tears.  He lifted her face towards his and kissed her.  She was so used to him always being there that she automatically began kissing him back.  His kiss was different than usual.  It felt like he needed her and this was the first time they had ever kissed.  It was tender and loving.  It felt like he was exploring her mouth for the first time, and she explored his again, trying to see if it was still the same Matt.  This kiss wasn’t like any of the ones with Shane.  She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but it was nice.  He was still holding onto her and he was rubbing her back, still kissing her.  He had this habit that when they were kissing if he wanted more, he would start by rubbing her back and then head straight for her voluptuous breasts.  And that’s just what he had done next.  He began rubbing and gently squeezing her firm breasts.  He could feel her nipples grow taut beneath his roaming hands.  He moved his mouth down south and started nuzzling her neck.  She let a little moan escape her.  He leaned her back on the couch and slowly led one hand up underneath her over-sized t-shirt and his finger sought  out her nipples again.  She arched with pleasure to his hands.  He used the other hand to lift her shirt up and then off over her head.  This revealed a black leopard print bra with front hooks.  He took no time at all unhooking it, and letting her breasts free from their confinement.  He wanted to take her all in as his mouth went to one nipple and then the next, sucking, licking and biting down gently on each in turn.  Julie was getting so turned on that she could hardly stand it.  This was the first time since she caught him cheating that she wasn’t thinking about it.  She pulled him to her and kissed him full on the mouth again.  He pulled away; he wanted more of the rest of her.  He fiddled with the drawstring on her pants until he had it untied and then pulled her pants off.  This let him see that she was wearing a matching black leopard print thong.  He could feel the tightness in his jeans and he didn’t want to wait any longer to mount her.  He traced a path from her chin to her belly button and beyond.  he slid his hand down into private territory.  She instinctively spread her legs for him.  He inserted one finger then two into her wetness  She again began moaning as he started to bring her to great heights, but before he wold let her peak he stopped and took off his pants and entered her with lack of restraint.  She began to moan loudly as he moved in and out of her at a rapid pace.  He made a circular motion and combined it with the in and out ones, until finally he came with an explosion.  Then he held her for a minute and kissed her on the face.

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