Love's Crazy Twists (16 page)

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Authors: S. A. Johns

BOOK: Love's Crazy Twists
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              They started kissing again and they never even noticed that a fast song had begun to play, they were in their own little world out on the middle of the dance floor.  Huddled together for the entire world to see.

              Finally,  after what seemed like an eternity, they broke their embrace and left the bar.  Once they got to their cars Shane turned Julie to look at him.  “Do you mean it?” He asked.

              “Oh, Shane, yes I mean it.  I love you.”  She smiled as she saw his eyes light up a little more, “I just realized tonight how much I did.”

              “Julie, I have to be the luckiest man in the world.” He wrapped is arms around her again.

              She gave him a sly look and said, “So what do you say we get out of here?”

              “Good idea.”

              They left The Stomping Ground and headed to Julie’s place. Once they got there and went inside they headed straight to the bedroom.  Julie was amazed that she was so nervous to make love to Shane even though they had done it several times before.  Tonight just seemed more special than the other times.  It had to be because she had finally allowed herself to feel with her heart and not her head when it came to Shane and she had confessed the love she had for him.  So why did that make her nervous?  It was going to be perfect.

              She went to Shane and kissed him on the mouth.  Then she placed kissed down his neck.  She was delighted to hear him moan.  She unbuttoned his shirt slowly and with each button she placed a light kiss on his soft skin.  When she had the last button undone, she removed his shirt and looked with new eyes at his muscular chest and washboard stomach.  She ran her hands up and down over his biceps that were as hard as rocks and she became very turned on.  “I love to feel your strong arms.”  She said.  “It really turns me on.”

              She helped him out of his jeans and his boxers.  He sprang to life and she couldn’t have been happier.  She kneeled on the floor in front of him and ran her hands down and then up his legs.  As she placed her hand on his manhood he reached down and took her by the hands and pulled her to her feet.  Then it was his turn  to undress her.  He started by lifting her shirt up over head to reveal a red lacy bra that barely covered her beautiful breasts.  His mouth went to her as he kissed her neck and collar he fumbled with the hooks on her bra.  When he finally had it undone he released her breasts.  His mouth went to them.  Suckling them each in turn, and he could feel her nipples grow firm beneath his touch.  He continued with his travels on her body.  He placed kisses down over her belly and stopped to remove her pants.  Then he slowly removed her black panties, reveling in the sight of her.  He stood and kissed her again.  His mouth prying hers open as he explored what he already knew.  He lifted her into his arms and laid her on the bed.

              She reached out to him, she wanted him in her arms.  He kept his restrain and stood looking at her beautiful body.  Her thin waist and voluptuous breasts, the way her back arched as she reached for him.  He looked at the way her hair lay around her head on the pillow.  She truly was an angel, a goddess even.  He still couldn’t believe that she loved him.  He lost all restraint when she spoke.

              “Shane, I want you.  I need you.  Please.” She pleaded.

              He climbed into the bed with her and they began kissing.  She rolled over on top of him and they continued kissing.  She could feel his manhood rise beneath her and her sex throbbed to have him fill her again.  Her nipples were hard again and her desire grew.  She reached over to the end stand and grabbed a condom.  She quickly ripped open the wrapper and rolled it down over his tip until it was in place.  Then she climbed back on top of him and slid herself onto him.  She let out a moan of pleasure as he filled her completely.  She began rocking herself forward and back.  She watched his face as she moved her body with his, keeping eye contact as long as possible.  She loved the way that he felt inside her, the thickness of his member was unbelievable.  Their bodies moved together faster and faster until they both exploded like the grand finale of the Fourth of July celebration.  She leaned down and each sought out the others mouth and kissed.

              Exhausted, they both collapsed.  “Julie, I love you.”

              “I love you, too, Shane.”

              The next morning Julie woke to the sound of Shane breathing on her neck and smiled because she realized that last night wasn’t a dream.  It was really real.  She snuggled closer to him and he held her tighter.  She was delighted to now that this was really happening.

              “You awake, Sunshine?”  Shane whispered.

              “Uh huh.”  She said dreamily.  “But if I’m not don’t wake me because this is the best dream of my life.”  She rolled over to face him and smiled.  She didn’t think that it was possible but he looked even better this morning than he ever had.  His eyes shined and his face glowed.  The look of love was on his face and it id him good.

              “You aren’t dreaming, this is the real thing.”  He drew his face closer to hers and for the first time ever in her life she didn’t even think about the dreaded morning breath, and she kissed him.  When she tried to pull back he held her close.  “Good morning, Sunshine.”

              “I don’t ever want to leave this bed, as long as you are here with me.”  She said and snuggled down under the covers and closer to him.

              “Then let’s stay here all day.”  He grinned as he rolled over on top of her and started kissing her again.

              They shared another earth shattering lovemaking session before they finally left the bedroom.


              “I really have to go.”  Shane told her.  “I’m sorry, but I’ll call you later.”

              “OK.  I know you have to go to work.  But wouldn’t you rather stay here with me?”  She pleaded.

              “You know I would, but I have to go find out where my next delivery is going.  You know that.”

              “Yes, I know.  Have a good day and hurry back to me.”  She told him.

              “I’ll see you as soon as possible.”  He smiled.  “I promise.”

              Julie lifted up on her tip-toes to kiss him full on the mouth.  Shane put his arms around her and lifted her up off the floor to kiss her back.

              “I love you, I’ll see you soon.”  he told her.

              “I love you, too.”  She said as he walked away.


              She went back inside and closed the door. After all these years she spent with Matt she had never known it could be like this. And it was wonderful. She went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. As the steam filled the room she couldn't help but remember the morning that Shane had snuck in with her. All of her memories now were about Shane. He was the most wonderful man in the whole wide world. She had never known that you could love somebody so much. She reminisced about Shane and the previous nights escapades the whole time she showered. After she got out of the shower and dressed, she sat down to watch a little TV. Then phone ring.


              "Hello?" She asked, hopeful that it was Shane.

              "Hi. What are you doing?" The voice asked.

              "Oh, hi Matt. I was just watching the tube." she said.

              "I haven't talked to you for a few days and I wanted to see how you were doing."

              "I'm all right. How are you holding up?" She asked.

              "Well, to be honest, I've been better.". He sighed.

              "It's for the best. You know that, right?"

              "Yeah, I know. But it still hurts." he paused. "A lot."

              "I know it does. But we never get along anymore. We always fight and you always accuse me of..." she trailed off. "Never mind."

              "I know. It still doesn't change the fact that we were engaged to be married. I thought that I was going to spend the rest of my life with you. I thought that we would have babies together and I had always that we would like happily a ever after.". He rambled.

              "I know that, Matt, and believe me I wanted all of those things too. I really did. But we both changed and it wouldn't work out. You know that as well as I do." She said suddenly feeling a little bad about the break up.

              "Julie, if you ever change your mind, I'll still take you back." he said sullenly.

              "What?" She asked in disbelief.

              "Yes, that's right. I said that I'd take you back."

              "Even after...?" She stopped.

              "Yeah, even after...Shane." He admitted.

              Julie didn't say a word, she was stunned by what Matt was saying. After all of the fighting and heartache and after Matt saying that he'd never ever take back someone that cheated on him and after he was cheated on, he now said that he'd take her back? Was he serious?

              "Who are you and what have you done with Matt?" She asked jokingly.

              "Come on, Babe. You know that I still love you and even though we both did wrong I'd still marry you if you'd have me." He said.

              "I can't believe that you are saying this. This really doesn't sound like you." She admitted.

              "I know, but I've been doing some thinking. We've been together for a really long time, and I really do love you. So if there's a chance, I'd still like to have it."

              "Matt, come on. Be reasonable." She started. "You know that we fight like cats and dogs. Our breakup really was for the best. Even if we're not getting married, we're still going to be friends, right?"

              "Yeah, I guess so." He said rather sadly.

              "Hey, Matt hold on. I have another call." She said as she pushed down the receiver to answer her call waiting. "Hello?" She said into the phone.

              "Hello, Sunshine!" Chirped Shane.

              "Hi. where are you?" She asked him enthusiastically.

              "I'm still at work. I have to pull out at seven to get to Phoenix by Wednesday. So I probably won't make it home until Friday or Saturday."

              "So I won't see you for a whole week?" She asked, her heart sinking lower.

              "Yes, Baby, that's right. but I thought that if you wanted me to, I could come over in a bit and we could spend the night together. I could leave from there in the morning."

              "OK, that sounds great. When can you be here?"

              "About an hour."

              "All right, see you in a bit." Then she clicked back over to Matt. "Matt, you still here?" She asked.

              "Oh yeah I'm here. Was beginning to wonder if you were coming back or not."

              "Sorry, it was Shane." She told him, and she knew as soon as the words were out of her mouth that she shouldn't have said anything about it.

              "Oh." he paused. "I see. So you still screwing him?" He asked sarcastically.

              "That is no way to talk to me. I thought that we were having a good conversation."

              "Up until your
called. What now, is he coming over so you can suck his dick?"

              "Matt! Stop it! Why do you do this every time?"

              "Every time what?"

              "Every time things don't go your way!"

              "I don't do anything!" Matt yelled.

              "Yes you do. You start acting like an asshole! Yelling and without so much as saying it, you accuse me of being a whore!"

              "I would never accuse you of being a whore. that would have to imply that someone would actually pay you for sleeping with them." He said with a voice that Julie had grown to know and hate. Matt would only use that voice when he really wanted to piss her off because he knew that she hated it.

              "Have it your way, Matt. I thought we were going to
to be friends. Guess not!" She hung up the phone. "What a jerk!" She yelled out through her house.


              Shane pulled up to the florists and went inside. He wanted to get some flowers for Julie. He had always thought that roses were the most romantic, but Julie loved daisies. He walked up to the clerk, "Hello, Miss.”

              “Hi, can I help you with something?" The young girl asked.

              "Yes, I'd like an arrangement of roses and daisies. Red roses."

              "OK. How many roses would you like in your arrangement? Long or short stem?"

              "Give me a dozen long stem, thank you." he said.

              "Give me a few minutes and I'll be right back." the clerk said.

              He watched as the girl walked way into another room. She was a petite little thing, about 5 foot tall and no more than 95 pounds. She has short brown hair and had to have only been about 17. He waited a few minutes and then the girl return with the most beautiful flowers he thought he had ever seen. A dozen red roses with a bunch of daisies intermingled in and some baby's breath.

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