Read Legion of Shadow Online

Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

Legion of Shadow (73 page)

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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Ambidextrous (pa)
: You can equip main-hand swords in your left hand, and vice versa.

Once you have updated your hero sheet, turn to
to leave the training yard and return to the camp.


Nyms and Caeleb charge into the monstrous bone constructs, agilely dodging their raking claws. However, they are outnumbered two to one; you wonder how long they will be able to
fend off the creatures’ savage attacks.

Meanwhile, Janna is firing arrow after arrow into the flock of wyverns. As each arrow takes flight, they burst into magical flames – slamming into the wyverns and sending them reeling back
through the air. Yet, despite the ranger’s best efforts, one of the wyverns has peeled away from the group and is swooping in to attack.

Will you:

Help Nyms and Caeleb? —

Help defend Janna? —


Quest: Battle of the bone fields

‘Orders have come through,’ announces a soldier as he races into the barracks. You recognise him as Tulcas, one of the more promising young warriors under
Redguard’s charge. ‘Assemble outside the tower – five minutes!’

This is the news you have been waiting for. For the last two days, the mood in the camp has been tense. With no word from Ravenwing, there has been little to keep you and the rest of the
garrison occupied. Instead, your thoughts have been increasingly turning to Jenlar and the warning he gave you about Avian Dale.

Avian is in grave danger. He thinks he can close the gate. But he can’t . . .

Every night, you have stood at the edge of the camp and listened to the thunderous barrage of the legion’s spells, as they break against the magical barrier that keeps them imprisoned. If
that barrier should fall . . . would Avian finally make his bid to enter the city and destroy the gate?

‘Hey, wake up!’

You snap out of your reverie to see Nyms grinning at you – his rakish smile has been a rare sight these last few days. ‘What’re you waiting for, Ravenwing to come in person and
deliver his orders with fireworks and a troupe of minstrels?’

You slip off the bed and begin strapping on your belt and weapons ‘What’s the orders, do you know?’

Nyms shrugs. ‘I suspect, my good friend, we’re going to war.’ Turn to


You step through the runes and grab the crown. As you do so, there is a rumbling sound from behind you. Turning, you watch as a black stone slab drops down across the exit,
sealing you in.

The moment the stone slab falls into place, the ground begins to tremble and shake. There is a thunderous cracking sound as the stone giant rises up off its throne, its crowned head almost
touching the ceiling of the vast chamber. Behind it, the throne begins to break up into spinning shards, which quickly rearrange themselves into humanoid shapes. With ground-trembling steps, the
stone giant advances towards you, with its golem army marching at its heels. Holding the fuse wire in your hand, you light the end using a tinder box from your pack. Then you quickly back away, as
the flame eats its way along the wire towards the borehole charge.

If you planted the charge on the giant statue, turn to
. If you planted it on the throne, turn to
. If you chose to plant it on one of
the walls, turn to


The flesh golem lumbers forward, its hulking mass almost filling the chamber. Janna looses arrow after arrow at its sinuous hide, but the golden bursts of magic appear to only
enrage it further. The golem sweeps its clawed hands through the air, one of which hits Caeleb, launching him across the room. He slams into the far wall, where he slumps to the ground,

With Nyms busy fending off the ghouls, you realise it is now up to you and Janna to defeat this fearsome undead monster:

Special abilities

Distraction: Janna is firing a barrage of arrows into the creature. If you lose a combat round to the golem,
roll a die. On a roll of
the golem doesn’t roll for
damage, having been forced back by Janna’s magical arrows. Instead, the combat round ends.

If you manage to overcome this deadly adversary, turn to


The beast stares at you dumbly, its slow-brain struggling to register that most of its vital organs are spilling out onto the cold, stone floor. Then, with a baby-like whimper,
the monstrous zombie topples backwards, smashing the stone slab to smithereens as it crashes to the ground.

You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:

Rumble thumpers


Belching bludger



(main hand: mace)

+1 speed +3 brawn

+1 speed +4 armour

+2 speed +4 brawn


kick start


(requirement: warrior)

When you have updated your hero sheet, turn to


You finally manage to pierce the knight’s armour. There is a roar of pain from beneath the helm as the armoured warrior drops to its knees, the sword and shield clattering
noisily to the ground.

Caeleb starts forward, intending to finish the task with the point of his blade. However, he draws back when the knight raises its gauntleted hands. It places them either side of its helm and
lifts it free. You find yourself looking down at the ghostly face of a young man, his hair hanging in tangled strands over his translucent skin. He smiles up at you and whispers something. You lean
in, struggling to catch his last words as he slowly fades to nothingness . . .

‘I rest in peace. Thank you.’

The armour then rattles to the floor, empty and lifeless. If you are a rogue or a mage, then turn to
. Otherwise, you may now help yourself to one of the following

Tor shield

Gauntlets of the fallen

Herald’s spurs

(left hand: shield)



+2 speed +2 armour

+3 brawn +2 armour

+2 speed +1 brawn


finery of the fallen


You glance over to see Nyms standing over the body of the defeated necromancer. ‘That’ll put an end to his tricks,’ he mutters. Turn to


Quest: Against all odds

(Note: You must have participated in the quest
Winter’s hill
before starting this quest.)

The warning bell sounds before dawn. You hastily pull on your clothes and grab your weapons. All around you, the soldiers are doing the same – moving with the speed and
efficiency of drilled army men. No words are spoken as you race from the barracks, following the soldiers out into the yard.

Redguard is already there, fastening his sword belt around his waist as he hurries towards the southern entrance of the camp. Lansbury emerges from the infirmary tent, looking around with a
concerned expression.

‘What’s happening?’ she asks, catching your eye. ‘Is it an attack?’

‘No! Reinforcements, I think,’ interjects a guard, pointing to the dust cloud that is fast approaching the camp.

When you reach the southern entrance, you see three horsemen and several riderless horses, hurtling out of the grey dust. Their leader is clearly an inquisitor, dressed in the white and gold
armour of his order. At his right hand is a thin man with pointed features. A broad-brimmed hat is pulled down low over his face, his white lacy shirt spilling out from a high-collared black coat.
Behind them is a younger man, swathed in red-and-black robes. An ornate staff rests across his saddle.

‘Hail!’ Redguard salutes the riders as they pull up in a swirl of dust. ‘Inquisitor Laine, glad you could make it.’ He peers behind the rider, his brow wrinkling at the
sight of the riderless horses.

‘What . . . where are the reinforcements?’ asks Redguard.

Inquisitor Laine removes his helm, revealing a weathered face framed by grey hair and stubble. ‘We were attacked on the road. Undead. They have slain five of our number, including Artorius
and Bale.’

‘Laine!’ Everyone turns at the thunderous boom of Mathis’ voice. The sour-faced inquisitor shoves past the soldiers in his way, grumbling. ‘Report. Where are the men that
I asked for?’

The mounted inquisitor bows his head to Mathis, but you notice a muscle twitching in his jaw as he clenches his teeth. ‘Mathis. A pleasure as always.’ By his tone, it is evident that
there is no love lost between the two. ‘This is Witchfinder Gull,’ Laine gestures to the man in the black coat and hat, ‘and this is Klaret Pace, a pyromancer of the fifth
order.’ The red-robed youth nods in greeting.

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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