Legion of Shadow (68 page)

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Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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All around you, the battle continues to rage. Turn to


You step over the gargoyles’ shattered remains and approach the nearest chest. The runes have stopped glowing, so you assume that they are now safe to open.

If you are a rogue, turn to
. If you are a mage, turn to
. If you are a warrior, turn to


The guards close in quickly on both sides. One backhands you, knocking you to the floor, while the second drags you back to your feet, wrenching one of your arms behind your
back. Roughly, you are pushed down on the table, while your head is pulled backwards.

‘Oh, I do wish they wouldn’t struggle,’ says Raolin. ‘It just makes it so much more difficult.’

Sahna steps forward and lifts up your chin. There is genuine remorse in her eyes as she fishes out one of the black, wriggling worms. ‘I promise, this will be real quick,’ she says.
‘Now open your mouth.’

You breathe out a curse. One of the guards, you don’t see which, punches you in the side of the gut. You cry out in pain – and as you do so, Sahna stuffs her fingers in your mouth,
holding it open. With her other hand, she pushes the black, squirming worm into your mouth. You try and bite down, gagging – but the thing is already slipping down your throat, moving with
such speed that Sahna can barely maintain a grip on it.

You kick and thrash to free yourself, knocking maps from the table. Then a white-hot shooting pain explodes behind your eyes. Your head is released and you slump forward onto the table, spitting
and coughing.

‘Oh, not over the maps,’ tuts the mage. ‘Help him up will you?’

You feel yourself being lifted again, your legs dragging uselessly along the ground. Raolin moves to stand in front of you, stroking his beard. ‘Now, that was just a precaution,’ he
explains. ‘That is a lamprey worm, native to the rivers of the Terrall jungle. They allow you to breathe underwater – a rather crucial ability for your upcoming task, wouldn’t you
say?’ He gives you a smug and self-satisfied smile. ‘There is a drawback, however. In twenty-four hours it will begin to react to the digestive fluids in your stomach. That is when it
will try and eat its way out. Nasty, but there you go.’

Rage swells in you like a mountainous wave. You wrestle and buck against the guards that are holding you, but there is no longer any strength left in you. The movement leaves you feeling sick
and nauseous.

‘Let’s call this a bond of trust,’ smiles Raolin, folding his arms across his flabby chest. ‘You bring me the crown and I’ll remove your little guest. If you find
the crown, but decide to keep it for yourself . . . well, then in twenty-four hours you will be in a lot of pain. And I do mean that, most fervently.’ The mage gives a greasy-sounding laugh
before turning and leaving the tent.

‘I’m sorry,’ says Sahna, once the mage is out of earshot. ‘He made them all swallow one of those things. They’re his way of making sure you keep to the bargain. He
wants that crown – I mean, really wants it. So, just do your job and then we all go home, OK?’

You nod your head weakly and then black out. Turn to


‘Good to do battle with you,’ grins Hal. ‘That healing tonic sure set my leg to rights.’ He hops up and down, beaming through his beard.

All of a sudden there is a shriek, followed by a rush of feet. ‘Oh my hero!’ Belinda throws her arms around a surprised Hal, lifting him off his feet as she squeezes him tightly.

‘Why . . . er . . . thank you,’ he grins meekly, his cheeks glowing red. ‘It was really nothing. This one did all the hard work,’ he nods in your direction. ‘All I
had to do was follow the smoking trail of destruction.’

If you have Hal’s
clockwork camera
then turn to
. Otherwise, Hal rewards you with a purse of gold from his pack. (You have gained 30 gold crowns). Then
together, you head out of the seared scar.

‘It was an honour,’ says Hal, as you prepare to part company. He rubs his teary eyes, sniffling into his beard. ‘Bah! Look at me, blubbering like a fool!’

Belinda kisses you on the cheek. ‘Yes, I owe you my life, stranger. I’ll certainly be more careful where I fly in the future. And don’t worry, I’ll keep a close eye on
this one.’ She pinches Hal, giggling.

You wish both the explorers the best of luck, before heading back into Mistwood. Return to the quest


In the wall facing you, are a number of plain square tiles forming a grid. As you touch one, it slides into the wall then slides back out again. You wonder if this is some form
of puzzle.

Above you, there is another blast hole in the ceiling. It leads through into a narrow tunnel that winds away into the innards of the building.

If you have a Dwarven
stone tablet
on you, then you will also have a number associated with it written on your hero sheet. Add this number to 574 and turn to the resulting entry number.
Otherwise, unable to decode the puzzle you have no option but to leave the room via the blast hole. Turn to


Quest: The warning

As the dull grey light darkens towards evening, you notice a gathering of guards at the southern tip of the camp. You hurry over to join them, wondering what it is that has
caught their attention. Then you see it for yourself – a green halo of light flickering over the horizon. Every now and again there is a distant boom, as if of thunder, and for an instant the
light flares brighter.

‘What is happening?’ you ask to the guard next to you. He is young, little more than a boy. His hand rests on the pommel of his short sword, and you notice it is shaking.

‘That’s . . . that’s the shield . . . the mage shield over Talanost. It’s what keeps the legion from breaking out of the city.’ He jumps as another thunderous boom
echoes across the plains. ‘It’s the legion. They’re trying to break through . . . testing the defences.’

Suddenly, there is the piercing clamour of a bell. You all leap to attention, turning towards the source of the sound. One of the guards on the eastern wall is waving a lit torch in the air.

‘Oh no,’ sighs the young guard next to you. ‘That can’t be good.’

When you reach the wall, a number of guards have already assembled there, led by Captain Redguard. You spot Nyms and Caeleb amongst their ranks, still hastily strapping on their armour.

‘Tell me again what you saw,’ demands Redguard, speaking to the guard that raised the alarm.

‘It was a flare: a . . . a yellow light that shot up into the sky,’ he says nervously.

Redguard nods. ‘It’s my ranger. She’s in trouble.’

There is a disgruntled murmur from the guards as a tall, burly man barrels his way to the front. He is dressed in white and gold armour, the thick shoulder plates almost a man wide. His hair is
like a lion’s mane, thick and golden, held back from his eyes by a silver band. Redguard snaps to attention, saluting the man, who you assume is his superior.

‘Inquisitor Mathis,’ he says, with an obvious trace of resentment in his voice.

‘What is this? What is going on?’ the plated warrior demands gruffly.

Redguard gives a heavy sigh. ‘I was given information . . . rumour sir, that there may be an army gathering out in the bone fields.’ His eyes flick to you for a second.

The inquisitor raises an eyebrow. ‘Go on.’

‘So I sent Janna out to scout. She was a ranger before she joined the garrison, sir. It appears she may be in trouble . . . my guard saw her signal flare.’

The inquisitor snorts. ‘Of course she will be in trouble. The bone fields are a dangerous place.’

‘Then what are we waiting for,’ scowls Nyms, adjusting his sword belt. ‘We better get out there.’

Redguard nods and looks about to assign orders, but stops when the inquisitor raises his hand. ‘No, I forbid it,’ he declares loudly. Turn to


When you come round, you find yourself lying on a set of stairs. You head is still banging with pain. With a groan, you clamber to your feet and attempt to get your bearings.
Ahead of you is a flooded high-ceilinged chamber and behind you is the king’s armoury. The old man has brought you back to where you started.

Entering the flooded chamber once again, you see that the kelp ladder has been drawn up, stopping you from reaching the ledge. You now have only one option left – to cross the room and
take the flooded passageway, heading deeper into the king’s halls. Turn to


Searching the necromancer’s body, you find a purse containing 40 gold crowns. You may also take one of the following rewards:

Pot of mending (1 use)


Witchwood thorn


Seven stars






Use any time in combat to restore 12


+1 brawn


+2 brawn





All around you, the battle continues to rage. Turn to


A defiant battle cry echoes around the ridge. ‘Behold my wrath, you fiend!’ There is a blur of grey hair and leather, as Hal charges past you, a pen knife held in
each hand. ‘No one threatens my lassie!’

Belinda goes to grab him but it is too late. ‘Wait! Don’t Hal, it’s too dangerous!’

The ragged explorer and the knight collide – sparks and flame flying in all directions. Quickly, you draw your own weapons and charge into the fray:

Special abilities

Crazy Hal: When you roll for damage, Hal adds one extra point to your damage score.

Blazing armour: Your opponent is immune to
fire aura

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