Read Legion of Shadow Online

Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

Legion of Shadow (75 page)

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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Special abilities

Disease: Once you have taken health damage from the Lord of Pain, at the end of every combat round you must
automatically lose 2

If you win the combat you may restore your
, then turn to
. If you are defeated, then you must begin this boss encounter from an
earlier point (although you cannot choose rewards from enemies that you have already defeated). Restore your
, then turn to


‘You fight for us?’ asks the woman in astonishment, as you both stand side-by-side, striking down the endless surge of ghouls. You give her a cursory glance. Up
close, she is older than you expected, her bobbed blond hair streaked with grey. A green tabard hangs over her white robes, displaying the gold insignia of a crouching dragon.

At last, the ghouls lie dead, smoking in a crumpled heap around you. Likewise, the two warriors have dispatched their own enemies. The tall swordsman bares his teeth as he strides over the
corpses towards you.

‘No wait!’

Before the woman can intervene, the man barrels into you, knocking you to the ground. ‘Shadow spawn,’ he growls, his cold blue eyes flicking to your exposed mark. You begin to
protest your innocence, but the man is already bringing the pommel of one of his blades across your forehead. You feel a hot burning flash of pain, then there is blackness. Turn to


You emerge from the lake, shivering in the cold evening light. As you pull yourself up onto the banks of the lake, you feel another painful twinge in your stomach. It must be
the lamprey worm, you grimace with disgust.

If you have the
jar of night creep
s turn to
. Otherwise turn to


Nyms races towards the wall of thorns, as one of the ghouls breaks through. His swords whip through the snarling creature, severing it in two. Already, more of the ghouls are
clawing at each other to be next through the breach. Nyms angles his swords, scraping one against the other and sending a flurry of sparks towards the thorns. Within seconds, the sparks have lit
the dry weed, sending flames marching along its wiry limbs.

The creatures screech and recoil as the whole wall of thorns finally bursts into flame, burning those ghouls still struggling to get past. Nyms retreats down the tunnel, putting distance between
himself and the blinding, black smoke.

Back in the chamber, there is a sound like thunder, as dirt and stone rain down from the ceiling. Your eyes are drawn upwards, as a pair of serrated claws break through the soil, raking through
the earth and cracking stone.

‘What is it?’ you gasp, readying your weapons.

‘I’m not sure,’ replies Caeleb, raising his shield to cover himself from the flying fragments. ‘But it’s big!’

There is another thunderous crack and then part of the ceiling gives way, opening up a jagged hole. You move back around the tomb, as grey light spills into the chamber, framing an immense
hulking creature. Its body is without skin – just a grisly mass of muscle and sinew, stretched tight over a frame of bone. As it hunches forward, the creature’s beady eyes rove back and
forth. Then it proceeds to slide its wickedly-clawed hands through the hole. They find purchase and with a bellowing roar, the giant hurls itself into the chamber, splintering the stone beneath its
feet as it lands.

‘A flesh golem,’ calls Caeleb. ‘Back . . . get back!’

‘Yeah, they
want us dead,’ growls Nyms, turning to face the pack of ghouls, which are now scampering down the tunnel.

Will you:

Help Nyms fight the ghouls? —

Help Caeleb and Janna fight the flesh golem? —


The monstrous creation collapses to the ground, its clawed appendages making a last effort to grab you. With skilled ease you sidestep the raking talons and sever them with your
weapons. Black poison oozes onto the ground as the monster finally lies still, its mouth hanging open in a rictus snarl. You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:

Blood crescent


Mages’ tears


Shadow bindings

(main hand: sword)





+3 speed +5 brawn


+1 armour


+2 speed +3 brawn






(requirement: warrior)


(requirement: rogue)

Checking the line, you see that fresh mages have arrived to replace their fallen comrades. With arms outstretched, they each stand in a magical trance as they work fast to
repair the faltering shield. Behind you, the defenders have now broken through the ranks of shadow spawn and are starting to outflank them. As your hopes of victory begin to rise, you feel the
ground tremble beneath your feet. Turn to


Your progress through the city is swift. The tentacled monsters and other abominations that you come across are more intent on scavenging through the rubble than showing you any
interest. A few regiments of mages and shadowstalkers pass you by, their faces hidden beneath dark cowls. With your shadow mark openly exposed, you go unchallenged.

At last you come to the centre of the city, where the University of Magic stands in a circle of walled gardens – or at least, what is left of it. Only two large cylindrical buildings
remain standing. The rest of the university has been reduced to ash and rubble.

Of the remaining two buildings, the one nearest to you has had its entire northern face seared off. As you approach, you see that some kind of explosion from below ground level was responsible
for the damage, ripping open the promenade and exposing an underground chamber. From it you can hear an incessant rumble, accompanied by a screeching, grinding sound.

You clamber down a slope of rubble into the blast hole. At its bottom, you find yourself in what was once an elegant hall. One of its walls has been blown away entirely to reveal an expansive
chamber beyond. The rumbling, grating sound is coming from somewhere up ahead – its thunderous beat shaking the very walls. Drawing your weapons, you make your way past the scorched rubble
and enter the chamber. Turn to


‘Perfect place for a scavenger like me,’ he smiles, unhooking one of the silverbacks. ‘This lake goes all the way out into the ocean, if you follow the valleys
and channels to the west. All kinds of flotsam and jetsam finds its way into this lake – and yes, some big critters too, which is why I got this place. Safe as a fortress.’

He draws a knife from his belt and then sets about skinning the fish. ‘I found some borehole charges in the wreck of an old schooner. I think it may even have been one of the king’s
own. Anyway, those little beauties will blast their way through anything. Allowed me to burrow my way in here, safely away from any danger I can’t handle.’

Flipping over the fish, he proceeds to skilfully ease the back bone from out of the soft pink flesh. ‘I spend my days fishing and scavenging. It’s what I always done – and what
I do best. There’s no end to the things you can find around here. Like this.’ He holds up the fillet of fish with a satisfied smile. ‘Hope you’re hungry!’

Will you:

Ask if he has any borehole charges left? —

Ask him another question? —


‘Your shield is a weapon,’ explains Caeleb. ‘As cavaliers we make a few modifications to the grip. It allows us to do this . . .’ He spins his shield,
making cuts and slashes with its tapered end, as if it was a blade. Coupled with the quick thrusts of his own sword, the two move in perfect harmony. Rather than being a piece of metal to block
with, the shield has become a versatile weapon, as deadly as any sword.

Caeleb hands you his shield, allowing you to practise the complex hand movements that allow you to spin, reverse and then strike with the shield, mimicking the fatal efficiency of a blade.

The cavalier has the following abilities:

Shield spin (pa)
: (requires a shield in the left hand) Each time your opponent gets a
when rolling for
attack speed, they are hit by your shield, taking 1 damage dice, ignoring
They cannot use a re-roll to avoid this.

Shield wall (co)
: (requires a shield in the left hand) Use this ability to double your
score and inflict 1 damage dice to your opponent, ignoring their
You can only use this ability once per combat.

Once you have updated your hero sheet, turn to
to leave the training yard and return to the camp.


Boss: The Legion of Shadow

(Note: You must have taken part in the previous quest,
The battle of the bone fields
, before continuing with this encounter.)

You make your way through Ravenwing’s camp, your eyes scanning the endless rows of white tents. Soldiers scamper out of your way, muttering under their breath as you
march past. You pay them no heed, having grown tired of their whispered comments and distrustful glares.

Lansbury appears at your side, struggling to keep pace. ‘What do you think you are doing?’ she asks breathlessly, her tone carrying a hint of annoyance. ‘I thought we had
decided it was best for . . .’

‘You decided,’ you cut in, changing course down another avenue of tents. ‘You and all the others decided that it was best I stay hidden.’ Your eyes catch the stares of
the surrounding soldiers. All are looking to your arm, where your mark is vividly on display.

‘But some of the men . . . Ravenwing’s . . . they don’t understand,’ protests Lansbury. ‘I think that you should stay with Nyms, at least until . . .’

You come to a halt, your fists clenched at your side. ‘Where is Avian Dale? Have you seen him?’

Lansbury shakes her head. ‘No . . . I haven’t, but I . . .’

You continue walking, forcing the medic to hurry to catch up. ‘I need to find him,’ you insist. ‘It’s important.’ For a moment, you turn your gaze to the immense
green shield, surrounding the ruined city of Talanost. ‘I have a message for him.’

‘Perhaps the command tent,’ sighs Lansbury. She takes your arm, drawing your attention to a circle of pavilion tents at the centre of the camp. ‘Although, I should warn you
that . . .’

You are already making for the circle, both hands going to your weapons as you approach the largest tent, surrounded by armed guards. Turn to

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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