Read Learning to Be Little Again Online

Authors: Meredith O'Reilly

Learning to Be Little Again (7 page)

BOOK: Learning to Be Little Again
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“It’s okay, baby girl. You’re forgiven now. Come here,” he said, pulling me up and turning me so I was sitting in his lap. He reached for the blanket I kept on my couch and wrapped me up in it.

“I’m… so… sorry!” I heaved, grabbing a fistful of his shirt to pull him closer to me.

“It’s okay, baby girl. Everything is forgiven.” He kept cooing to me as he rubbed my back. I snuggled closer to him, just wanting to be close.

After several minutes of more teary sorrys, I finally shed my last tear and looked up at Robert. This spanking was nothing like how Boyle’s had been. It had hurt a lot, but it had been bearable. Granted, even though it was bearable, that didn’t mean that I would be going out of my way to get another one again.

“Thank you for doing that,” I whimpered.

“Do you want to tell me why you wanted a spanking? Earlier you said you hated spankings.”

I looked down at my fingers in my lap, not sure if I was ready to admit why I wanted him to spank me. I didn’t want him to be angry that I thought he would act like Boyle while he was punishing me.

“Juliana, in a relationship like this, both partners have to be completely honest with one another or else problems are bound to pop up.”

“You’re right. I… I wanted you to spank me so… so I knew that you weren’t like… him.”


I nodded, still staring at my fingers.
He’s going to leave me now.


“And what?” I asked, glancing up at him.
Why isn’t he leaving?

“And am I anything like him when I spank you?”

“No! He always used his belt when he spanked me, and it was always long and hard and terrible. That’s why I wanted to try it with you. If you were going to do that, then I would never go out with you again. Your spanking did hurt, but it wasn’t too much for me to handle. Plus, you didn’t lock me up afterward. This was the best spanking I’ve ever had,” I said quickly. I
him to understand that.

“Juliana, what did I tell you before? What Boyle did to you was not how a good age play relationship is.”

“I know, I just… I just still had to see for myself.”

He sighed and said, “I get it. Thank you for trusting me enough to show you that getting punishments hurt, but they aren’t the end of the world.”

I nodded, starting to get increasingly tired from all of the crying.

“Now that you’ve experienced your first spanking, I think the big question is, do you still want to try role playing with me?” He looked at me nervously and I almost wanted to laugh. I had just told him that he’d given me the best spanking I’d ever had and he was still nervous that I would leave him.

“Yes, please!”

He smiled and asked, “When do you want to start?”

“Next Friday night?”

“That works great for me. I can bring you over to my house and you could spend the night.”

“No!” I quickly said. I didn’t want to be in a strange place when we started role playing. Even though Robert was a really sweet guy, I was still afraid that he could do the same stuff that Boyle did to me. I looked at his face and felt horrible that I’d put that look in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, Robert. Can we just do it here? I would feel a lot more comfortable.”

“Of course we can, baby girl. I’ll be here at six again?”

“That sounds perfect,” I said, letting out a loud yawn. Since I began to date Robert, I had started to sleep better, but I still had a lot of nightmares. He said talking about them would make me feel better, but I didn’t want to talk to him about my past. I wanted him to see me as a normal girl, not one who constantly woke up crying.

“Want me to help you get ready for bed?”

“It’s only like 9:30. It’s not bedtime yet,” I said, letting out another yawn.

“I think it is. You’re exhausted. Come on, I’ll at the very least help you change into your jammies.”

“Okay,” I said as he picked me up and carried me into my bedroom and placed me on my feet. He looked around my room and I could tell that he didn’t know where anything was. So I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some black sweat pants and a big red pajama top that I liked to wear to bed and with his help, I changed into the clothes.

“Alright, time to brush your teeth and go to the bathroom before bed!” he said, taking my hand and leading me into my bathroom. He helped me brush my teeth and then left to let me go to the bathroom.

Once I was done and my hands were washed, he held my hand and we walked back into my bedroom. He went over to my bed, pulled back my covers. “Hop in.”

I did and then he pulled the covers up to my chin and said, “Goodnight, Juliana. I’ll make sure to lock up once I leave. I’ll see you Friday night.”

He turned around and started to walk away, but stopped when I asked, “What, no goodnight kiss?” I had grown to enjoy our goodnight kisses very much. Especially since last night that had led to us making out on my couch for a solid twenty minutes.

“How could I forget?” he joked, turning around and sitting on the side of my bed. He leaned down and our lips met.

At first, it was a chaste kiss, but my arms looped around him, pulling him closer to me and the kiss deepened. His tongue dove into the depths of my mouth and I moaned, pulling him even closer.

I could feel myself start to get a little wet and I wished Robert could relieve the throbbing that settled between my thighs. His hands roamed up and down my torso until one of them slipped underneath my shirt and bra and began to fondle my breast. I pushed up trying to give him better access.

Just as things were starting to heat up, he broke the kiss and removed his hand from my breast. I groaned, falling back down on my bed.

“I love our goodnight kisses,” I said, breathlessly.

“I’m quite fond of them as well,” he said with a huge grin on his face.

“Stay then and we’ll make them even more fun,” I said, sitting up and giving him my best come hither look.
I know… cheesy. But if it works, who cares.

“Juliana…” he groaned.

Seeing my chance, I launched at him, pushing him down onto the bed. I scurried on top of him and held his wrists down to the bed.

He looked up at me in shock and then his eyes changed, revealing an animalistic desire. “Are you sure about this? Once we start, it’ll kill me to stop.

“I’m sure,” I said leaning down and giving him a kiss. When I pulled back, black curls were tickling his face.

“Alright then.”

I had no clue what he was doing until he flipped us over and now I was the one on my back and he had both of my wrists held down.

“You’re sure?” he asked again.

I ground my pelvis into his hard shaft as my answer.

He growled and attacked my mouth. I’d had sex before, but not like this, not this aggressive. He let go of my hands and before I could believe it, we were both naked. He moved me so I was in the center of the bed and then he kissed a line down my neck, stomach, and right to my heated core.

“You don’t wait long,” I panted, slightly embarrassed about what he was going to do, but I wanted it so much.

He looked up. “I’ve been waiting to do this since the beginning of December. We can do slow later.” With that, his mouth settled between my thighs. My hands pulled at the sheets as his tongue dove in and out of my channel. I couldn’t think as his tongue licked the outline of my pussy and then alternated between diving into my channel and sucking on my clit.

“Robert!” I panted as my entire body began to tingle.

He moved his mouth and started sucking on my clit with a new vigor. Before I knew it, I was screaming out my release.

Holy crap! This man knows how to use his mouth well
! Then I heard the telltale rip of a condom. As I was coming down from the best orgasm I’d ever had, I looked up to see his shaft at my slick entrance. I couldn’t help the grin that crossed my face. The man was hung like a god. He must have been about nine inches long. That was about triple the length of what Boyle was.


I just nodded my head to tell him I was okay, and not missing a beat, he slammed his cock into me.

“Oh!” I squealed. It felt amazing. I was so full and focused only on him.

He captured my lips in his again as he thrust in and out of me. I just hung onto his shoulders. His hand snuck in between our bodies and he began playing with my sensitive clit and within another minute, we both gasped as we came hard together.

Before we collapsed, he rolled over and fell against the bed as I fell on him. We just laid there, trying to catch our breaths.

Sweet Jesus,
was the only coherent thought I had. I laid there for a few minutes, stunned. This man was fantastic in bed.


“Hmmm?” I turned my head so our eyes were meeting.

“You okay?”


“Give me a few minutes and we’ll do this again. I’ll go nice and slow and worship your body the way it deserves.”

I looked at him as if we were crazy. I could hardly move and he was talking about another round of sex? I couldn’t help but begin to laugh. We were going to have fun together.

Chapter Eight



Tonight was the night. It was our first age play session together and I needed everything to go perfectly. If it didn’t, we’d probably never do this again, and I knew that she needed it. On the past four dates we’d been on, she responded well with the subtle age play things I did. I’ll admit that I was shocked that on our last date she had asked me to spank her. At the time, I couldn’t fathom why she’d wanted me to, but I did, and she’d still agreed to try role playing.
That was a good sign,
I thought to myself as I tried to think about what else I would have to bring tonight.

I knew that she thought age play was supposed to be about being punished and doing chores. Tonight I wanted to show her that age play could be as simple as watching a children’s movie or just coloring with her daddy.

Granted, if she acted like a brat, which I hoped she wouldn’t, then I would punish her. I was thinking about that too. A bare bottom spanking worked wonders to teach a little not to make the same mistake, but I didn’t want to push her too far tonight. She let me spank her last time because she’d been willing. I wasn’t sure what would happen the next time if she wasn’t.

I could think about that later, I decided as I packed my two bags. One was a small suitcase for me, since I was spending the night, and the other was a baby bag. I wished I knew what age Juliana associated with when she was acting little. There were times where I thought she might like being six or seven, but then there were others when it seemed she liked being two or three. Since I didn’t know, I ended up packing much more than I would probably use. I wanted to be prepared for any situation.

I couldn’t wait for her to feel comfortable about coming to my home and I’d just finished decorating the nursery for her. It had been painted a lovely shade of yellow and it had cream colored furniture to match. There was a canopy bed pushed against the wall and a dresser across from it. There was a nightstand next to the bed, which would always have a cup of water on it, waiting for her if she needed it in the middle of the night, and of course, I’d added a huge toy chest filled with toys. Next to it was a rocking chair, where she and I could snuggle when we wanted. The last part of her nursery would be coming soon, and I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she saw it.

I finished packing and looked at the clock on my nightstand. It was five thirty.
Better get going
, I thought as I grabbed my bags and headed towards the garage.


* * *


I arrived at Juliana’s apartment about fifteen minutes early and decided that I would just go up. I got out of my car, headed into her apartment building, took the elevator to her floor, and then knocked on her door. I heard a bustle and the door swung open. She was standing there in her robe with her hair up in a towel.

I had to bite back my groan as my cock instantly got hard. This woman was a temptresses that was for sure.
But tonight is about her and her little self. No having sex when she is in her little headspace

“Hi, Robert. You’re early!” she said, clearly flustered.

“I know, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t wait to see you.”

A blush flittered across her face. She looked so adorable when she did that. “Come in please. Let me just finish getting dressed.”

I walked in and closed the door behind myself. “Juliana, why don’t you let me help you finish getting dressed? That way you won’t have to change again in a few minutes.”

“O-okay,” she stuttered and looked at the ground.

I dropped my bags on the ground and hurried over to her. I lifted her small chin in my hands until we were looking at one another.

“Hey, there is nothing at all for you to be embarrassed about. Besides, I’ll be changing too, if that helps you relax.”

She nodded and I let go of her chin and went over and picked my bags up from the ground and headed towards her bedroom. I heard her following me as I set the two bags on her bed. I first pulled out my pajamas—a pair of black flannel pants and a long sleeve dark blue t-shirt. Then I opened up the baby bag and pulled out a pair of yellow footie pajamas for Juliana.

“What do you think of these?” I asked, holding them up for her to see.

She slowly walked towards me and with a trembling hand she felt the material. She had a confused look on her face. “It’s soft.”

A smile spread across my face. “Yes. I want my baby girl to be as comfortable as possible. Also, they’re extra warm. I wouldn’t want you to get cold.”

A shy smile crossed her features.

“Let’s get you changed, then I’ll change into my pajamas, and you can help me decide what we’re going to have for dinner.”


I reached for the sash of her robe and she grabbed my wrists tightly.

“Sweetie, what’s the matter?” I asked, looking down at her.

“I… I can change myself.”

BOOK: Learning to Be Little Again
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