Infinite Desire (9 page)

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Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

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don’t have to ask me twice.” Jumping off of the bed, Kayden runs up behind me
and wraps his arms around my waist. Playfully nibbling on my neck, he lifts me
effortlessly off of the ground and with long strides, carries me into the

an animal!” I giggle, as he sets me down beside the tub and gets to work
filling it.

at me, he lets out a deep sexy chuckle, “That I am baby, and it’s all because
of you. You bring out the animal in me as soon as I see that sweet little pussy
of yours.”

my head and rolling my eyes at him, I walk across the bathroom and grab some
towels from the
linen closet.
I quickly get to
work lighting the candles around the tub and dim the lights before running back
into the bedroom to grab my iPod. When I reenter the bathroom, I turn on the
iPod, scroll through my playlist and stop when I get to Blake Shelton’s,
Gave Me You
. Clicking play, I walk over to the tub and climb in sliding
between Kayden’s legs. Laying my head against his chest, I allow the song,
along with the beating of his heart to consume me. The words dancing around the
bathroom speaks volumes for us without either of us having to speak a word.

our fingers together in the water, Kayden flutters kisses along my neck,
stopping momentarily to nibble on my ear lobe, “I thank God every day,
Savannah, for giving me you.” A single tear falls down my cheek, as the words
Kayden just said sink in.

too.” I whisper, lifting our left hands that are entwined together. I press a
loving kiss to his knuckles, and stare at my ring sparkling in the candle
light. “Marry me?” I ask, turning my head to look up at him.

already asked you.” He laughs into my hair.

know, but now I’m asking you. Kayden Johnathan-Douglas Knox, will you marry

our fingers still laced together, Kayden wraps his arms around me and hugs me
tightly against his chest. I giggle as I feel his cock quickly coming back to
life against my butt. “Baby, I’d marry you today if you wanted to. All I want
is to be able to finally call you my wife.” He drawls with his lips against my
ear, and his warm breath against my skin.

shiver in his arms, as his words hit me. I want that more than anything in this
entire world. I want…no, I
to be his wife. To forever be bound
together as one.

take in a sharp breath, turn around and straddle Kayden’s hips. Pressing one
hand over his heart, and the other against his cheek, I peer into his eyes. I
want him to hear my words, but to also feel them.

don’t care if we get married tonight by a guy impersonating Elvis or by a preacher
in Texas several months from now. The only thing I care about is becoming your
wife. I love you with my entire heart. I got scared, and ran the second things
got rocky…but I now know I was wrong to ever doubt you. You love me Kayden; flaws
and all. You love me, and I love you. I’m going to spend the rest of our lives
making it up to you. So just tell me, Kayden: the when, the where, and the
time. I’ll be there by your side to say my vows and pledge my heart to you
before God, because I’ll only truly feel whole once my name is Savannah
Elizabeth Knox.”

giving him the option to speak, I kiss his lush lips, drinking them in, showing
with my mouth how much I need him. I need his kiss, like I need my next breath.
Opening his mouth, he allows my tongue access. Gently our tongues entwine,
causing my entire body to erupt in a flare of burning desire once again.

his hands along my back, he moans into my mouth. I move my body, finding his
cock and slowly sliding on to it. Gripping my hips, Kayden lifts me up and down
along his massive length. Pulling his mouth away from mine, he leaves me
yearning for his lips, as he trails hungry, passion filled kisses along the
swell of my breasts.

spend the next several hours making love. Each time slowly erases the pain they
we’ve caused, and replaces it with our love and desire for one another.

collapsing at almost four
wrapped in his
arms, I drift off into a peaceful sleep. This last week has been a whirlwind of
emotions, but all the pain and heartache is worth it, as long as when the day
is over I have Kayden by my side.

Chapter Seven

is more amazing than waking up in Kayden’s arms. If it was up to me, we’d stay
in bed all day making up for lost time. But our plane is scheduled to leave the
tarmac at one p.m. and it’s already after eleven.

Kayden out of bed isn’t an easy task. I had to bargain and bribe, but finally
managed to get him out of bed. Keeping my promise, I let Kayden ravish me fast
and hard against the shower wall before taking turns washing one another.

blow drying my hair, I toss it up into a messy bun. I slip on some jean
short’s, a hot pink cami with lace trim, a v-neck white tee and black flip
flops before getting to work on packing up my suitcase. Kayden is busy packing
alongside me, looking all kinds of sexy with his cargo shorts, his blue polo
shirt slightly opened at the collar and his Nike running shoes. His hair is
still damp and is tussled perfectly from running his fingers through it.

I’m officially all packed.” Zipping my last suitcase, I slide it off of the bed
and onto the floor.

his last suitcase on the floor beside mine, Kayden takes a step closer to me, snakes
his arm around my waist and pulls me into him. “Me too. You ready to go grab
something to eat?” He asks, before planting a short sweet kiss on my lips.

my hand over his smooth, tan and toned arm I smile against his lips, “Yes, I’m

hear Brooklyn and Dixon before we see them. Walking down the stairs we make our
way to the lower level of the suite where I spot Brooklyn standing in front of
the floor to ceiling glass windows that overlook the pool below.

has her hands resting on her hips and is tearing into Dixon, who’s pacing back
and forth in front of her. He looks extremely agitated, and every few seconds
is raking his fingers through his hair and rubbing his hands over his face.

pray they sort their shit out before we have to ride on a plane together.”
Kayden mumbles under his breath.

his hand gently, I give him a small smile and direct him towards the kitchen.
The last thing I feel like doing this morning is getting sucked into the middle
of whatever the hell they’re arguing about. I look around the room as we make
our way into the kitchen, but don’t see Braxton or Jax anywhere. They must still
be upstairs packing, or avoiding World War III going on down here.

as I’m buttering my banana muffin, Brooklyn comes storming into the kitchen,
fury burning in her eyes. “Savannah! I need to talk to you.” Focusing her eyes
on Kayden she emphasizes, “Alone,” before bringing her eyes back to me.

This cannot be good. So much for me staying out of whatever it is that’s going
on with her and Dixon.

going to bring our bags downstairs.” Kayden says dryly, kissing my cheek and
disappearing into the living room.

out an exasperated sigh, I grab my muffin and sit on a barstool. “Okay, now
that we’re alone, what’s going on Brooklyn?” My nerves skyrocket when she
doesn’t join me at the kitchen island. Instead she paces back and forth in
front of me.

are going to flip your lid.” Is all she says as she chews on her fingernail.

coffee goes down like a rock, instantly causing a pain in my chest. What the
hell could’ve happened now?  “Brooklyn, you’re really starting to freak me out.
Will you sit down? You’re making me nervous pacing back and forth like that!”

her eyes over at me, she flashes an angry glare before giving in and plopping
down beside me, “I got really, really, really trashed last night. Like drunker
than I’ve been in a long time. Like UCLA long!”

shit. This cannot be good. Brooklyn drunk is one thing; she’s the life of the
party. Brooklyn border line alcohol poisoning drunk is

in college, she got her ass arrested for getting totally shit faced at a frat
party; then decided it would be hilarious to go with a few of the frat boys and
steal a golf cart from one of the campus security guard’s. She ended up doing
almost twenty thousand dollars in damage between crashing the cart and damaging
school property. Her parents were none too pleased, and the only reason she
didn’t get kicked out is because her mother was on the school board. It also
helped that her grandfather donates a large sum to the school every year for
their scholarship programs.

did you do Brooklyn? You’re not sitting in jail, so that’s a good sign.” My
voice is laced with sarcasm. Popping a piece of muffin into my mouth, I chew it
and stare at Brooklyn as I wait for her lay it on me.

her elbows resting on the granite counter top she drops her face into her
hands. “I made a stupid spur of the moment decision last night, and barely even
remember it, which makes it even worse! My parents are going to fucking kill

hell, reaching out I grip her shoulder, “You’re scaring me! What the hell did
you do last night, and what is going with you and Dixon? You two looked pretty
heated a few minutes ago.”

starts crying and I freeze. She never cries, the only time is when someone dies
or we watch The Notebook. The last time I saw her cry was when I was in the
hospital. I take in a deep breath, and rub her back; I’m officially freaking
the hell out right now. If she’s fucking pregnant, I swear to God I will kick
Jax or Dixon’s ass. Then kick her ass for drinking while pregnant.

cry. Everything’s going to be fine.”

up at me with her mascara running, she muffles her cry by pressing her hand
over her mouth. I pick up a napkin from the table, hand it to her and give her
a sympathetic smile.

sound of Kayden and Dixon arguing travels into the kitchen, causing me to jump.
“Great! Now Kayden knows!” Brooklyn blurts out. “That SOB, I swear to God!
Ughhh, I don’t even know how to say this…I married Dixon last night.” Brooklyn
says in between sobs.

Fucking. Shit, Brooklyn! You…you married Dixon?!” I stammer out, my voice
coming out louder than I wanted. She flinches at my words as I scream at her.
“What the hell were you thinking!?”

wasn’t thinking! I got so fucking drunk last night that I blurted out I loved
him, and then BAM! Next thing I know, Dixon is saying let’s go elope. One minute
we’re chasing down shots at the bar to Lil’ Wayne and LMFAO’s
, and
the next we’re in a chapel getting married by a fuckin’ Elvis impersonator.
father is going to fucking kill us!”

My. God. I can’t even process this right now. Brooklyn’s father Ray is going to
blow a fuckin’ gasket! This is a train wreck. Dixon is not marriage material at
all. Why couldn’t she have gone and eloped with Jax. He at least isn’t a
complete and total douchebag!

are you going to do?” I finally ask after taking a few seconds to let what she
just said sink in.

her nose in the napkin, Brooklyn hangs her head as the tears continue to fall.

some slow deep breaths.” I tell her as I rub her back. I hate seeing her so
upset. This can’t be a good sign if after only a few hours of marriage they’re
fighting like cats and dogs, and she’s bawling her eyes out.

after calming herself down, she spins on the stool and faces me. Her eyes that
are usually twinkling with excitement are now dark and full of sadness.

wants to get an annulment.” I can’t help but notice the disappointment in her
voice. I know she’s had a crush on Dixon, but I thought things with Jax were
getting more serious, and that she’d given up on the idea of having a
relationship with Dixon. He’s made it very clear on more than one occasion that
he’s not looking to settle down; he likes his life the way it is.

Well, I guess that’s the best thing to do. Seriously, do you actually see Dixon
as husband material?” I ask, hoping that I can get through to her.

takes over her features and she snaps at me, taking me by surprise, “I’m sorry
we can’t all fall for the player and have him magically fall in love with us.”
Standing abruptly, the bar stool squeals as it skids across the tile floor.

jaw instantly drops. Brooklyn and I never fight, and she’s never spoken harshly
to me. Ever. “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean…” My voice trails off as I take in the
site of Brookyln before me, completely shattered and looking defeated.

over to the fridge, Brooklyn takes out a bottle of water and drinks half of it
before setting it on the island; she’s avoided making eye contact with me for
the last several minutes. Finally looking at me, I can see the sadness in her
eyes; I can’t help but feel for her. She was by my side through everything with
Logan. It’s my turn to be there for her.

sorry.” Her voice comes out in almost a whisper. She’s gripping the edge of the
counter, with her eyes focused on the floor.

had this idea that she could change Dixon, but you can’t force someone to
change, they have to want to for it to happen. He just enjoys being a man-whore,
it’s as simple as that, and that will never change. I wish he would open his
eyes and see that Brooklyn loves him, but he is either blind, or refuses to see
it. That’s why I’ve pushed the whole Jax thing. He’s sweet, sexy, and willing
to settle down.

okay, I understand. It’s just hard for me to see you hurting like this, and
it’s taking every ounce of strength in me to not march in there and kick some
sense into his stubborn ass.” Standing, I make my way around the counter and
wrap my arms around Brooklyn. “I thought you were going to tell me you were
pregnant.” I laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

no way!” She says with laughter in her voice. “Why? Why can’t he just love me?”
Her words come out with so much pain in them it feels like a sucker punch to my

Dixon, Brooklyn never once acted like this for a guy. She was always keeping
them at arm’s length; never allowing herself to grow close to them. She doesn’t
date them any longer than a month before moving on to her next conquest.
There’s something about him that she is drawn to, and it kills me that it had
to be someone like Dixon that she fell for. 

my head I try to find the right words to say, “I really don’t know. I can tell
he cares about you, hell half the time he’s the one texting you for a damn
booty call. He has tons of women at his disposal, but he calls you. I think he
is just scared. He’s used to living his life a certain way. For him, maybe the
idea of only one woman for the rest of his life seriously terrifies the crap
out him?”

on her heels, she starts walking towards the living room.

are you going?” I ask, following her.

momentarily, she glances at me, “To pack my bags, and get the fuck outta here.”

I can say another word, she’s speed walking towards the stairs running up to
her room.

has our luggage by the door for the bell boy and he’s sitting on the couch
talking with Dixon. At least their shouting match has ended. These last few
days have been full of up’s and down’s for everyone.

flash Kayden a small smile as I make my way upstairs to go after Brooklyn. Just
as I step onto the second level, Jax and Braxton are walking down the hall with
their luggage.

I say flashing a smile at them as they pass by me.

taking a cab to the airport now; we’ll meet you guys there.” Braxton says,
before bouncing down the stairs.

Jax’s body language, I’m assuming he knows. “Ya guys all packed up?” Jax asks,
with his sweet Aussie accent.

I feel even worse, “Yea, Kayden’s already brought our stuff downstairs.” He
must’ve over heard the conversations’ transpiring because I don’t think
Brooklyn’s talked to him about any of it. She more than likely is assuming
it’ll be annulled and no one will have to know about it; saving her from having
to deal with people trying to be sympathetic towards her. Brooklyn deals with
things by pretending they never happened, not by dwelling on them.

I better get down there before Braxton takes off without me.” Jax says, before
heading down the stairs.

tap on her door before cracking it open and peering inside. Brooklyn’s storming
around her suite chucking everything into her suitcase.

need any help?” I ask, shutting the door. I walk over to the closet and start
packing up all of her shoes. We work in silence for what feels like an eternity
before she finally acknowledges me. “I don’t know if I can take riding on a
plane with that jackass. I think I might book a flight back to LA.”

set her last pair of heels in and zip up her suitcase. I hate that as soon as
things are good between Kayden and me, Brooklyn has this happen. I was looking
forward to getting home and all of us just hanging out on the beach the next
few days.

plop down onto the edge of the bed, and try to think of what I can say to her
to convince her to come back to Galveston. “I think running to LA is the worse
plan ever. Dixon wouldn’t have eloped last night if a part of him didn’t love
you back. I say you show him the stubborn Brooklyn…The Brooklyn who doesn’t
give up until she has exactly what she wants.”

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