Infinite Desire (21 page)

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Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Infinite Desire
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we get to Sugar Land, they’ll all change into boots, and I’ll be changing into
a short lace dress and boots.

lucked out weather wise. The winds are calm and it’s in the mid-eighties with
big puffy white clouds helping make the sun a little less intense.

sit down on the chaise lounge beside Brooklyn, while everyone’s standing before
me looking absolutely amazing. I’m honored to have all my closest friends and
family by my side as I get ready to take the next step in my life with Kayden.

we head down to the beach, we have some gifts for you.” My mother says spinning
around and grabbing her purse. Lorelei follows her doing the same.

mother goes first, pulling out a small Tiffany and Co. box, “Here is you’re something

it I slowly pop the lid off of the box and pull out a silver bracelet with a
heart charm dangling off of it with a small diamond in the center.

the back.” She tells me resting her hand on my knee and giving me a soft smile.

it over, I read the engraving, “August 23
2013” our wedding date
and the infinity symbol below it.

back the tears I blink rapidly, as I gaze from the bracelet to my mother, “It’s

is the beginning of your happily ever after Savannah. I couldn’t be more proud of
you and the man you’ve chosen to spend your life with.” Clasping the bracelet
on my wrist, she kisses my cheek and steps back as Lorelei crouches down in
front of me.

holding a small gift bag in her hand, “Here is your something blue.”

the bag, I pull out a lace garter with white fabric flowers with small blue
jewels in the center of them. It’s absolutely gorgeous, and has the same
country elegance to go with the theme of our wedding.

takes it and slides it up my leg, stopping at my thigh, “Thank you! I love it.”

did I think that I’d be so emotional today. I’ve only gotten two out of the
four gifts and I’m having to fight like hell to not turn into a blubbering

leans over and grabs a black velvet rectangular box from under the lounge; I
can’t believe I didn’t notice it there.

your something borrowed.” She tells me setting the box in the palm of my hand.

it open, my eyes grow large as I see Brooklyn’s most cherished possession, her
grandmother’s pearls. It’s a three strand pearl necklace attached together with
an oval diamond encrusted clasp.

my…I’d be honored to wear Grandma Beverly’s necklace, Brooklyn.” Taking the
pearls out of the box, Brooklyn clasps them behind my neck.

bring my hands up gently fingering the pearls and give her a teary eyed smile,
“I love you all so very much”.

from Brooklyn, to my mother and Lorelei I let out a small sigh, “Y’all are
going to make me ruin my make up.” I joke as my mother hands me a tissue to dab
my eyes with.

gotten my something new, something borrowed, and something blue, but no
something old yet. So I look around at everyone curiously waiting to see who’ll
be the one to give me something old.

my mind, my mother laughs and tells me, “You have your something old.” I give
my mother a puzzled look; I don’t remember her or anyone else giving me
anything else today.

she looks to Quinn, “Do you remember my rhinestone butterfly hair comb that I
wore the day I married your father?” She turns to everyone, “When she was
little, she loved to play with my jewelry and this is the one piece she loved
most. Savannah, I gave Quinn the comb earlier and he placed it in your hair. It
is now yours, with one request: you must pass it to your daughter on her
wedding day.”

slide my eyes from Quinn to my mother; I can’t believe I didn’t even notice. “Y’all
are very sneaky! I had no idea!” Standing I pull my mom in for a quick hug
before hugging Quinn. I spin around and flash a big smile at everyone, “I can’t
thank y’all enough for being by my side today, and for helping make this day


in the bathroom alone I take a hand mirror and look at the beautiful comb in my
hair which is helping secure my veil. I reflect on my life, my love for my
parents and the love they share after all these years. Fighting back my
emotions I touch up my eyeliner and lip gloss, and put in the pearl earrings I
found in my jewelry box. They go with Brooklyn’s pearl necklace perfectly.

close my eyes momentarily and let out a shaky breath, “He’s waiting for me.” I
whisper to myself trying my best to keep my tears at bay.

hear a knock, and it causes me to jump. “Yeah?” I shout towards the door.

have a delivery waiting for you out here.” Rebecca tells me through the locked

on my white rhinestone flip flops, I run my hands over my long curls making
sure a hair isn’t out of place, and make my way back into the bedroom.

on the small end table by the bed are a dozen hot pink, lavender, white and
orange roses, our wedding colors.

think Knox sent these up for you, he’s so romantic it makes me sick!” Brooklyn
jokes plucking a small card out of flowers and handing it to me.

can’t help but roll my eyes at her, “Oh stop. Dixon is just as romantic as Kayden.”

smirks “Yes, he is and quite the gentleman. He actually pulls the dishes out of
the sink
he pisses in it.” The room fills with laughter and it
was just what the doctor ordered to get everyone’s emotions in check. Leave it
to Brooklyn to know when things are getting too serious.

the tiny envelope, I pull out a small card and instantly recognize Kayden’s


I cannot wait to marry
you today. I just want you to know that you’re making me the happiest man in
the entire world by becoming my wife. I can’t wait to spend forever with you Baby.

Love, your one and only

emotions are getting the best of me once again. A stray tear trickles down my
cheek; I quickly swipe it away and close the note, setting it back into the

you keep crying, soon you won’t have a drop of makeup left.” Lila teases,
handing me another tissue. I’ve only met her a few times when she’s been in
town, but ever since the day I met her; it’s felt like I’ve known her forever.

Dixon and Kayden are all close. She’s a year older than Kayden, and three years
older than Dixon. They seem more like siblings than cousins.

lives in Dallas with her husband and their newborn daughter Sophia. Holding
that baby earlier made my desire to be pregnant go into overdrive. She is just
the cutest little thing, with skin softer than the finest silk. But it was her
sweet little baby smell that did me in.

heart tightened when I saw Kayden holding baby Sophia as he fed her a bottle
last night at the restaurant. It was just the most amazing thing I’ve ever
witnessed. I can’t wait until he’s holding our baby; hopefully it will be sooner
rather than later.

ready to start a family with the man of my dreams, but first things first, we
need to get this show on the road and get hitched!

Chapter Seventeen

breeze is gently caressing my skin; the sun is warming my arms and face. I can
feel the hot sand, warmed from the sun beating down on it over the last few
hours. The sounds of the waves crashing onto the surf and the seagulls soaring
overhead are soothing, helping me to relax.

first sight is rows and rows of white chairs with orange and hot pink ribbons
tied around the backs with a starfish attached in the center. The aisle is
white fabric that ends at the Alter; which is four wooden poles connected
together at the top and buried in the sand for support with hot pink, lavender
and orange sheer fabric draped along the top cascading down the sides with
bouquets of the same colors of roses, peonies, daisies and hibiscus flowers.

have security around the perimeter to keep the press out, but it hasn’t stopped
the helicopters’ from flying over to get pictures. We’ve already sold the
rights to our first wedding photos to People Magazine, so there’s a
photographer here along with the one we’ve hired
our personal photos.

and Toby just made their way down the aisle, so I’m up next.

ready kiddo?” My dad asks, hooking our arms together.

squeezing my bouquet so tight I’m surprised that the silk ribbon around their
stems hasn’t come apart.

take in a deep breath and let it out, nodding my head slowly, “I’m ready.”

I look into my father’s dark chocolate eyes that are filled with love. He was
the first man I ever loved, and now he’s about to give me away to the only man
who’ll forever have my heart.

hear the sound of an acoustic guitar beginning to play Jason Mraz’s
I Won’t
Give Up
, and that’s our cue. Patting my arm in reassurance, my father leans
in and whispers into my ear, “I love you princess, time for you to go marry
your Cowboy.”

each step I take, my confidence builds. A smile dances across my lips as I hear
the familiar sound of Madilyn Bailey’s voice beginning to sing the lyrics.
Instantly I tear up, Kayden knows how much I love her version of this song, and
I wanted nothing more than having her sing at our wedding.

the corner and stepping onto the aisle covered in pink, lavender and orange
rose petals, I lift my eyes up and they meet Kayden’s. He has the biggest smile
on his face and my heart skips a beat.

along with his groomsmen, looks so handsome in their white short-sleeve dress
shirts and khaki shorts. Kayden looks as handsome as ever. Their boutonnieres
are a rose in University of Texas orange. Kayden’s is white and orange roses.

stands, and lock their eyes on Dad and me as we make our way toward the Alter.
It feels like an eternity before we finally reach the end. I drag my gaze over
to Brooklyn who’s tearing up and wearing the biggest smile. I slide my gaze
over our wedding party then to Madilyn Bailey who’s sitting to the right. I
give her a small smile before turning my focus back to my father.

eyes are glazed over with tears threatening to release. I blink a few times and
try to focus on my breathing so I can keep myself together.

love you Savannah.” He whispers on to my cheek for a kiss. Turning towards
Kayden, he takes my hand and places it in Kayden’s and says “I couldn’t ask for
a better son-in-law.” He grips Kayden’s shoulder before stepping back, allowing
Kayden to step to my side. 

turn around and blow a kiss to mom and dad. I’ve always wanted a love story
like theirs, and now my fairytale is finally coming true.

Gordon opens his bible and speaks directly to us instead of reading from the
book. The entire time he’s talking, I barely hear a word; the only sound I hear
is that of my heart beating. Kayden looks so nervous, it’s beyond adorable.

each other’s hands, we stare at one another with small smiles on our lips. He
keeps rubbing his thumb over my promise ring, which I am wearing on my right
ring finger…it is so sentimental to me; I had to wear it today.

the traditional introduction of our family and friends, he says “Savannah and
Kayden have prepared their own vows for today.” He nods, indicating that I
should begin. His warm smile relaxes me a bit.

in a few deep breaths, I close my eyes for a second to collect myself.
will not freeze up,
I can do this
. Licking my lips to moisten them,
I look up into Kayden’s sea green eyes and block the rest of the world out.

Savannah, take you Kayden to be my husband. You are my best friend, the love of
my life, my soul mate. You are the half that makes me whole.”

eyes begin to mist over causing me to become choked up for a moment. Squeezing
my hands gently, he silently gives me the courage to continue.

long as I can remember, I’ve dreamt of this day. To be saying my vows and
pledging my heart to my prince. God guided us to one another and our bond kept
us together. You are my prince charming in wearing a Stetson hat.” I laugh
through the tears now cascading down my cheeks, “I’ve not only loved you in
this lifetime but all my lives before. Our souls are entwined for infinity. I can’t
wait to have your babies and grow old by your side.”

let go of Kayden’s right hand and swipe the tears. I let out a puff of air that
I’d been holding and slide my fingers back into his.



can’t believe this is finally happening. I’m standing here listening to
Savannah say her vows to me. She’s looks like an angel with her long blonde
hair cascading down her back in loose curls; gently dancing in the salty ocean breeze.
I am so lost in the moment then I hear Dixon say “dayumm” under his breath.
Idiot! The sun is sitting high in the sky causing her to have an angelic glow.
She’s so fuckin’ beautiful! It’s taking everything in me to not skip the vows
and just say
I do
so I can finally kiss her gorgeous lips.

moment I saw her was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. I thought
for sure my heart was going to explode in my God damn chest. She’s a gorgeous
woman, but seeing her in that lace wedding dress, hugging all her curves just
right, I swear, it’s the most awe inspiring thing I’ve ever seen in my entire
life. No one can hold a candle to her; Savannah is the most beautiful bride
that’s ever walked this earth.

soon as my eyes met hers while Maverick brought her to me, it was as if the
entire world faded away and all that was left was her and I. The love I felt
from Maverick as he spoke to me and placed her hand into mine was overwhelming.

hearing Savannah’s vows, it was like a vice-grip on my heart. I could feel
every word she said. It took every ounce of strength in me to keep myself
together. The last thing I want is to look like a fuckin’ pussy crying at my
wedding, but Savannah is making that task very difficult. Now I have to try and
keep my shit together long enough to read her my vows. I just keep telling
myself that once I finish saying them; she’ll officially be my wife.

Gordon nods to me…Showtime!

Savannah gazes up at me; her eyes still glistening with tears that
are threatening to escape, and gives me the biggest, brightest smile that
dances across her beautiful lips. She's looking at me like I'm the only person
on the beach with her, helping me to relax and forget about everyone around us.

rake my fingers through my hair, which I’ve already done a thousand times today
since it helps calm my nerves. Taking small shallow breaths, I focus on nothing
but Savannah as I repeatedly slide my thumb over her ring.

Kayden, take you Savannah to be my wife, my best friend, and my soul mate. I
pledge to you today in front of our family and our friends, to be by your side,
through the good and the bad. Baby, we’ve had our fair share of both, but I
wouldn’t change any of it because our trials and tribulations have brought us
to where we are today.” I can feel my resolve crumbling so I stop for a moment
to try and collect myself. Seeing the tears falling from Savannah’s eyes is
almost my undoing.

her a weak smile I hold her hands tightly in mine and continue, “Before you, I
never knew what love was, but the second I met you, I knew I found my other
half. God blessed those broken roads that led me straight to you. I cannot
thank God enough, each and every day, for bringing you into my life, because
you, Savannah, are my angel on earth. I can’t wait to spend forever loving

emotions getting the best of me, a lone tear escapes my eye and starts to fall,
but I quickly swipe it away. I fight to push back the feelings consuming me.

love you.” Savannah mouths to me smiling through her tears.

swipe the pad of my thumb across her cheek brushing away a tear, and mouth
back, “I love you, too.

that Savannah and Kayden have said their vows, it’s time to exchange the
rings.” Reverend Gordon says turning to Brooklyn and Dixon. Savannah and I look
at each other with our eyes big as saucers thinking the same thing…Oh Lord,
please have the rings.

the rings from them, he sets them inside of his bible and blesses them before
picking up my band and holding it out towards Savannah, “Savannah, repeat after

takes the ring with shaky fingers and focusing on my left hand as she holds the
ring at my tip of my finger. The silver band is sparkling in the light, and I
faintly notice an infinity design engraved around the entire band. I love how
she went with the infinity theme for mine.

after me,”…“With this ring I thee wed.” He tells Savannah, and with her sweet
angelic voice she speaks those words as she slides my wedding band on.

is my turn, taking her diamond infinity band, I let out a slow-shaky breath,
and repeat my words while smiling the entire time at Savannah, “With this ring
I thee wed.” Her fingers are so tiny and soft; her wedding set is beautiful on
her hand. Her eyes drop for a few moments as she takes in the sight of our
hands now donning wedding bands.

now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss…” I don’t even let him finish
his sentence and I’m wrapping my arms around Savannah’s waist and dipping her
backwards for an earth shattering first kiss as husband and wife. I hear Dixon
say “horn-dog”.

slide my fingers behind her neck, cupping it in my hand, and rest the other at
the small of her back, as I crash my mouth to hers. I can taste her berry lip
gloss as I slip my tongue into her mouth. I wish I could freeze time for just a
little while and savor this moment with Savannah.

guests are on their feet cheering for us, and it reminds me that we’re not
alone. We just had two hundred plus people witness our steamy kiss, but I don’t
give a flyin’ fuck. Savannah’s now officially my wife and I couldn’t be happier
if I tried.



spending half an hour taking pictures with our bridal party and then some of
just Kayden and me down by the water, we finally headed to Sugar Land for our
reception. With
Just Married
written on the back of our limo, Kayden and
I waved goodbye to everyone as we headed to our reception.

rest of our guests had headed to Sugar Land while we were doing the whole photo
opt thing, so the only ones left at our house were our wedding party and parents.
We rented Party Busses to transport the guests to the reception.

loved having over an hour alone with Kayden in the limo. I couldn’t stop
staring at our fingers; I am in love with my wedding band and so happy Kayden
loves his. I had him slip his ring off in the limo so I could show him the
engraving inside of his ring, it says,
to infinity and beyond
.  We spend
the next hour making out like teenagers in the back of a ’69 Mustang!

we got to our mansion in Sugar Land, we headed up to our master suite to change
into our reception attire. Kayden looked down right sexy in his stone wash
Wranglers, white button down shirt, and brown suit vest finishing off with his
favorite pair of elephant skin Tony Lama’s and brown beaver Stetson. I
re-pinned his boutonniere and asked him to sit on the bed…I had a gift for
him.  Kayden gave me his bedroom eyes and I told him to behave.

went to our closet and got his wedding gift which I purchase when we took our
trip to Austin.  He held the box and said “Sho Is Heavy!” I giggled, “Open it
Kayden, we have a party to attend.” When Kayden opened the box he stared at it
for a few moments, stared at me, then stared at it again. It is a solid gold,
high-polished belt buckle in the University of Texas logo; the Texas Longhorn.
Immediately he removed his current buckle from
his belt to put the new one on noticing that our names and wedding date is
inscribed on the back. I say “Hellooooo, do I get a thank you?” He laughed, and
gave me a big wet kiss.

of our groomsmen will be changing into their Wranglers and starched shirts, and
our bridesmaids will be switching their flip-flops for brown cowgirl boots.

our reception, I’m still wearing my veil with my mother’s rhinestone butterfly
comb, and a white dress with a lace bodice. It has the same bead detailing up
my back. What sold me were the delicate lace straps; I absolutely love it. I
found a pair of brown cowgirl boots with hot pink angel wing detailing on the
stack and the sides of the foot. I knew the moment I saw them I had to have
them for my wedding.

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