His Love Shattered (Love Shattered #2) (6 page)

BOOK: His Love Shattered (Love Shattered #2)
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Chapter Eight



I have hardly talked to Courtney all week and it is killing me. We have shared a few text here and there. I never did get to hear what her good news was. I was in the middle of filming when she called.

When I got her voicemail I called her back as soon as I could. I was hoping she was going to tell me she got her memory back and she remembered me especially after she called me “Dex” in the voice mail. That is something she hasn’t done since she woke up after the accident.

She texted me that night but I was out filming a night time scene and couldn’t respond back to her right away. Since then we have only talked through text messages a few times a day.

I miss her voice and I need to see her. That’s why I have been busting my ass hardly sleeping all week long. I have been trying to get all this filming done so I can leave. The producer has been extremely understanding of my need to get it done. I am very thankful to him for that.

It’s Friday and I have one final scene with Rob today. We got together last night to go over the lines and he apologized for acting like such a dick the other night. I forgave him of course, he is my best friend after all. I think he finally realizes how much Courtney means to me and he said he would never do something so insane again.

I have a flight scheduled to head out tomorrow morning at six. So by tomorrow at this time I will have my girl wrapped in my arms.

Once we are done filming that evening Rob and I head back to my house for a bit to have some dinner and a couple beers to celebrate another season under wraps.  We will have several months off throughout the summer until we begin filming again in late August. We will only need to come back for a few public appearances but I plan on spending all my free time with Courtney. That is as long as she plans to stay and not leave with Dave. If I know her like I think I do I think she will choose to stay.

Rob leaves a little while later and I pack up my suitcases planning to stay in North Carolina until I need to return. Rob isn’t planning on leaving for another couple weeks so I ask him to keep an eye on the place for me while he is still here. Then when he decides to come to North Carolina a friend down the road a few miles will take over for him.

The next morning Rob gives me a ride to the airport so I don’t have to leave my SUV parked in long term parking. I get through check in and the flight is actually on time for once so I get right on the plane and take my seat. I put my earbuds in and settle back for the flight.

It was a smooth plane ride to North Carolina. After exiting the plane I head to baggage claim and get my luggage and then head outside to grab a cab.

When we pull onto Courtney’s street it is almost nine thirty in the morning. I know with having little kids she should be up by now. When we pull into her driveway it feels like a dozen butterflies have been let loose in my stomach. Yeah I might sound like a chick but I was just anxious and excited to see Courtney.

I get my bags out of the back of the taxi. Pay the driver and then head up the walkway towards her house. I can hear the kids playing around inside before I reach the door. I ring the bell and wait for Courtney to answer only she isn’t the one that answers the door. When the door opens Courtney’s mom Julie is standing on the other side giving me a confused stare.

“Hey Julie is Courtney home?”

“Hey Dexter. Funny seeing you here. You and Courtney are more alike than you know. She left this morning heading to Alabama to surprise you. I guess you were trying to surprise her as well?” She chuckles.

I just stand there speechless with my mouth hanging open.

“Better close your mouth Dexter before you start to drool.” Julie jokes. She seems to be full of herself this morning.

“Right Right.” I say, “I guess I need to try and give her a call huh?”

I tried calling Courtney but she did not answer. Of course she is trying to avoid speaking to me so that she can just show up on my door step and shock me.

“I guess I better head back to the airport and catch a flight back home.” I say to Julie.

“If you want a ride Dexter you can hang around for a few minutes. Becky will be here soon and I can give you a ride to the airport. It would take about that long for a taxi to arrive here anyway and Becky should be here any second. Oh look here she comes now.” She nods her head to where a silver Honda has just parked in front of the house.

Becky gets out of her car and bursts out laughing when she sees me standing there.

“I told Courtney she should have at least told Rob she was coming to Alabama so something like this wouldn’t happen. She thought you would have been in Alabama at least another week filming.” Becky shouts as she heads toward the house.

“Yeah well great minds think alike I guess. I am just going to head back to the airport now and head back to Alabama.”

When we get into the car Julie and I get into a deep conversation about Dave and Courtney. We discuss what decision we think she will make and how we would feel with each decision she could choose. When we pull into the airport drop off zone I tell Julie thank you for the ride.

As I am about to exit the vehicle I feel Julie’s hand grab my arm.

She looks over at me with watery eyes.

“I know it is selfish of me to want her stay and maybe I shouldn’t be asking you this Dexter, but if anyone can change her mind I know it’s you. I want her to stay and not go with Dave. She is my child and if I was to know that she was alive out there living somewhere and I could never see her or my grandkids again.” She pauses to collect herself. “I just couldn’t live knowing I’d never see my child again, Dexter, I just can’t. She has to stay.” I lean over in the seat and give Julie a big hug trying to comfort her.

“I will do whatever I can to make her want to stay. We both know how she is though Julie. No matter how much you or I or anybody else wants to make the decision for her, she is going to be the one to make it based on what she feels and thinks is right. There isn’t any one of us that could change her mind.”

We say our goodbyes and Julie drives away. I head into the airport and book the next flight out to Alabama. I am lucky enough to find one that will take off at eleven this morning so I book it and sit around and wait until it’s time to board.

Chapter Nine



I am sitting in a taxi taking the trek to Dexter’s house when I start to think this is a bad idea. Not because I don’t want to see Dexter but because what if he might not be home. Or what if he doesn’t want to see me? It’s too late for any of those questions though because my taxi has just pulled into his long drive. Luckily I remember the code to his gate. It’s freaking awesome having my memory back. I’ll never take my memory for granted again, that’s for sure.

When we pull up in front of his house I see his SUV parked out front so I take that as a good sign that he is here. I pay the cab driver and walk up the steps unto his beautiful wrap around porch. I knock but there is no answer so I walk along the porch to check out back to see if he is back there.

No Dexter back there but I do see Cooper running or should I say pecking his way over to me at lightning speed. He is barking and everything. He acts like he is excited to see me. What is up with this rooster? Luckily I know that he is friendly and that he has had his spurs removed or I would be high tailing it out of here by now.

I am not going to be getting all buddy buddy with Coop and start petting him and treating him like a dog like Dexter does. If he just keeps his distance I think we can get along just fine.

I walk over to Dexter’s back door and knock on it just in case he is in the back part of the house but he still doesn’t answer. I try the knob and it turns so I make a decision to head on inside. Maybe he is in the shower or something. I walk through the house looking in all the different rooms trying to find him but the house is quiet. I come to the conclusion that maybe he is not here after all.

I grab a bottle of water out of his fridge. I am parched after the plane ride and exhausted too. I grab my phone from my purse and realize I have missed a call.

Of course it’s from Dexter. He didn’t leave a message so I go ahead and try to call him back to see when he might be home. Maybe he is just at Robs or something.

He answers on the first ring.

“Hey Courtney I am so glad you called. You will never guess where I am right now.” He says.

“Where are you Dexter? I bet you will never guess where I am right now.” I say in a teasing tone.

“Sweet girl I know exactly where you are. I was just at your house in North Carolina and your mom told me where you were. I can’t believe you flew all the way to Alabama to surprise me at the same time as I tried to come surprise you.” His booming laughter echoes through the line.

“Oh my gosh you’re in North Carolina? Dexter do you want me to come back home so you don’t have to fly all the way back out here?”

“No babe you just stay there and I will come to you. I am already back at the airport and have a flight booked for eleven so it shouldn’t be too much longer before they start boarding. I am so glad I got to talk to you before I got on the flight. The back door is unlocked so you can go ahead and go on inside and make yourself at home. I will take a taxi home from the airport as soon as I can.”

“I am already in your house.” I laugh out. “I have already made myself at home too. I can’t wait to see you Dexter. Have a safe flight.” He laughs again and I picture him sitting in the airport throwing his head back and laughing. It brings a smile to my face.

“I like the idea of you making yourself at home at my place. I love you Court. See you soon.” Dexter hangs up and I realize I didn’t say I love you back.

I guess he still doesn’t realize that I have my memory back. This should be a lot of fun when he gets home.

I take my bags up to Dexter’s room and unpack a few things. I go ahead and hop in the shower to wash off the grime from the airport. After I get out of the shower I curl up on Dexter’s bed that smells like him and take a nap.

Chapter Ten



When I finally arrive back at my house in Alabama I walk in to find Courtney asleep on my bed. Cooper is curled up next to her in a little ball of feathers. Huh I wonder how he got in here and I wonder if Courtney knows that he is sleeping beside her. Looks like Cooper has made a new best friend.

I snap a picture of the two of them. I will have to show it to Courtney later when she is awake so she can see how sweet of a rooster he actually is. I scoop up Cooper and put him outside because I don’t want Courtney waking up and freaking the hell out when he is in bed with her.

After I put Coop outside I head back upstairs and lay down on the bed next to Courtney. I put my arms around her and pull her close to me. She doesn’t stir. She must be exhausted so I let her sleep. I lay there thinking about how special she is to me and how funny it was that we both wanted to surprise each other. Our planes probably flew right past each other this morning and we didn’t have a clue.

Laying here with her like this feels amazing, so amazing that I soon find myself drifting into a peaceful sleep.

Waking up from a nap with my beautiful girl in my arms is the best feeling in the world. I gently push her hair away from her face and kiss her nose. Her eyes pop open to reveal her pretty baby blues. She smiles up at me and I smile back down at her. We are both just staring and admiring each other. No words are needed. Our love for each other is shining back through each other’s eyes.

“You remember me now pretty girl?” I ask while I trace an imaginary line back and forth across her stomach. She nods shyly.

“I don’t know how I ever could have forgotten someone as incredible as you Dexter.” She places her hand on the back of my neck and pulls me down for a sweet kiss. I pull her closer and run one hand through her hair as the other runs down her back with a feather like caress. When I reach the hem of her shirt I slip my hand underneath and trace her bare skin at the line of her shorts with my fingertips.

She lets out a soft moan and arches her chest into me. I take that as a sign to move forward. My hand that was in her hair trails down her jaw line. I then run a finger down her neck and my lips follow its path kissing down her neck as well. When both hands are under her top I begin to slowly lift it off her body. My hands never leave her skin as they make their way up her torso.

Once her shirt is off I kiss my way down her stomach to where her shorts meet skin. I unbutton the shorts and slide them down her legs. My lips never leaving her body following the path her shorts are taking. I kiss my way back up until my lips find hers again. She opens up to me and I deepen the kiss. I trail kisses down to the hollow of her neck. My tongue licking and exploring every inch of her. My lips meet the tips of her breasts that are still covered with her bra.

“Oh Dex. Please don’t stop.” She cries out. Wasn’t planning on it sweetheart. Nothing could stop this moment from happening now.

I pull her up into my lap so she is straddling me so I can unsnap her bra. Dangerously slow I slide the straps down her arms. My fingertips tingling with fire the whole way down her arm just from touching her skin.

“Dex please.” She must like what I am doing if the deep moans she keeps letting out are any indication.

“Courtney baby you are so fucking gorgeous.” I groan out.

She reaches the hem of my shirt and rips it from my skin and begins trailing sweet kisses along my chest. She pushes me down onto my back and removes my shorts, my boxers go right along with them. When she is done I grab her and gently lay her down on her back before me.

I hook my thumbs into her panties and pull them down past her knees and ankles until they are free of her body. I toss them onto the growing pile of our clothes on the floor. I crawl between her legs and bend down until we are chest to chest. I give her a few soft kisses to her lips and take one of her breast in my hand softly touching and exploring. I want to get to know every inch of her body.

I run my thumb over her nipple and it hardens beneath my touch. Courtney arches into me and I can’t take another second. I need to be inside of her. I enter her in one smooth thrust and she calls out my name as I call out hers. She feels so fucking good. So I tell her as much.

“You feel so fucking good Court.” I say as I continue to thrust in and out of her softness. She feels so good beneath me like this.

I take it nice and slow making love to my girl. When we have both reached our peak I collapse on top of her and then roll over beside her taking her with me. She is laying half on and half off of me. When I look down at her she has tears in her eyes. I know in that moment it affected her as much as it did me. That was the most mind blowing experience in my life.

“Dex that was amazing. Mind blowing.” Courtney says on a sigh.

“Yeah baby it was earth shattering. I have never felt that before. Everything is just better with you. I just can’t explain it.” I just can’t put into words how much I love her. It’s indescribable.

We lay there in silence for a few minutes reveling in what we just shared together. A thought occurs to me and I let out a curse.

“What is it Dex?” Courtney eyes me curiously.

“I was so wrapped up in making love with you that I forgot to put on a condom. I am clean I swear and I trust that you are too babe. It’s just that… ya know that didn’t protect us from you possibly getting pregnant.” I hate the way that came out. It sounded weird leaving my mouth. Courtney just looks amused.

“It’s okay Dex. If I end up pregnant then it was meant to be. I think we should be okay though as far as dates go.” She goes on to explain something about the monthly cycle that I only half follow along with. I am too busy wondering what we would do if she got pregnant. I know I love her and I would love to have kids with her but there is still the little issue of Dave to consider. What if she leaves and then finds out she is having my baby.

Hopefully after what we just shared together leaving would be the last thing on her mind. I push all thought of her leaving aside for now because I want to be able to enjoy our time together.

“I need to hop in the shower. Would you like to join me?’ I stand up and reach out my hand to help her off the bed.

“Of course, lead the way.” She says and I take her into the shower for another round of love making, just not as slow and gentle as before. I show her just how much fun taking a shower with me can be.

BOOK: His Love Shattered (Love Shattered #2)
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