Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC) (14 page)

BOOK: Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC)
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“What the fuck?” she heard him whisper, his eyes never leaving her stomach.

Hi honey. Happy birthday,” she said as she stopped in front of him, talking to the top of his head as he was still looking down. Slowly he lifted his head, his eyes full of fire as he grabbed her round the waist and lifted her on top of the bar, Deanna squealing in shock.

Lie back, baby,” he said with a gentle hand to her chest as he pushed her back. She rested on her hands and saw his head move closer to her stomach, his breath blowing across her skin.

When . . . why . . .,” he said breathless. His thumb brushed across the tattoo and her body automatically shivered at his touch.

I got it for you. Happy Birthday,” she said as he finally raised his heated eyes up to hers. He bent down and brushed his lips across her tattoo, Deanna’s eyes widening at his gesture.

Nate stood up so fast she hardly saw him as he reached forward, buried his hands in her hair and kissed her aggressively. She immediately wrapped her arms and legs around him as he plunged his tongue into her mouth, kissing her with such force that it took her breath away.

“Bloody hell. Nice tattoo Deanna. Darling, will you get one for me please?” Deanna heard Logan asking Heather who was stood close by. It was hard for her to concentrate as Nate rubbed his sizeable arousal between her legs, turning her on. When he finally broke the kiss they were both breathing heavily and she could feel him throbbing between her thighs, Nate staring at her under heavily lidded eyes.

I take it you like it?” Deanna said.

The only thing she heard was a grunt as he leaned back slightly and wrapped his large hands around her waist, his thumbs meeting in the middle as they drew circles across the raven tattoo.

She smiled, knowing he loved it. She looked up and saw the others gathered around watching Nate’s reaction with knowing smirks on their faces. Megan winked at her and Deanna knew it was the best present she could have given him. Suddenly his face changed and he scowled.

Wait a minute. Last night . . .You weren’t really sick, were you?”

Erm . . .”

You wee minx. I’ll make you pay for that. I was hard for hours last night. I couldn’t get to sleep it was that painful.” Deanna couldn’t hold in a snort of laughter at the hard-done-by expression on his face.

Just as Nate was about to say something else a loud crash was heard and as they turned they saw William, Bruce
’s father, passed out on the floor, obviously having too much to drink. Nate shook his head and turned back to Deanna.

I’ll sort him out. Be back in a minute. Don’t move,” he warned her before walking away.

She turned and shared smiles with the members close by. She was quite happy not to move as her pants weren
’t exactly flexible and trying to jump off the high bar with the stilettoes she was wearing would probably result in a broken ankle.

Nate quickly re-appeared, after helping Bruce take his dad into one of the clubhouse bedrooms, and he stood between her open thighs.

“I didn’t think you’d stay there. Nice to see you so submissive,” he said playfully, making Deanna scoff.

In your dreams buddy. I just didn’t think I’d get off the bar without injuring myself,” she replied as she lifted her foot to show him her new heels. He quickly grabbed hold of her ankle and held her foot close to his face so he could properly see her shoes.

Hell, baby. Are you trying to kill me? Submissive my arse. Tonight you’re gonna wear just these heels as I feel you dig them in my back while I’m inside you. That tattoo has made me horny as hell. After what you did last night I’m going to make sure that tomorrow you won’t be able to walk without rememberin’ who was between your thighs,” he whispered seductively, causing heat to flood between her legs as she squeezed them together at the sensation.

You get me?” he said, as he licked across her jaw up to her ear.

Oh yes, honey,” was all she could reply, completely breathless.

A few drinks later Deanna was wrapped in Nate
’s arms as they stood at the bar talking with their friends. Deanna had a warm fuzzy feeling inside, possibly because she was filled with a wee too many drams, swaying to the heavy metal music pounding in the background.

But the warm happy feeling abruptly disappeared when she spotted a beautiful tall blonde sidle up to Nate
’s side and put her hand on his arm. Deanna suddenly felt like growling at the bitch’s action.

Hi Nate. Haven’t seen you in a while.” Deanna scowled when she heard the blonde’s sickeningly sweet voice cooing to Nate.

Jennie. You haven’t been to one of these parties in years. What you doin’ here now?” Nate responded, tensing when the blonde touched him.

I’ve missed this place. Me and Davie broke up so I thought I’d come by and see everyone again.”

You’re not welcome after all the shite you pulled the last time you were here. Davie left the MC because he wanted to be with you. He didn’t believe a brother when I told him what a slag you are. You need to leave and don’t bother comin’ back,” Nate said trying to remain calm.

Aw, come on Nate. You know I’ll make it good for you,” she purred as she tried to move closer to him. Before he could act, Deanna’s temper snapped as she moved to stand in between Jennie and Nate, and got right into the woman’s face.

Listen. Nate has made it clear you’re not welcome here. I suggest you leave before I throw you out. I’m in a good mood so I’ll even open the door before I throw you through it,” Deanna smiled nastily, fuelled by alcohol and sick and tired of other women getting in her face over Nate.

No, you listen you stupid club whore. Nate and me . . ,” but she didn’t get to finish. Deanna lost it completely as she grabbed the bimbo by the hair and dragged her to the door, Jennie shrieking all the way. Deanna threw her outside and slammed the door in her face.

Deanna breathed in deeply as she looked around the clubhouse, seeing a few shocked faces before everyone burst into cheers and whistles. She couldn
’t help but smile as she strolled her way back to Nate who was stood with a surprised but pleased expression on his face.

Babe. . ,” he was speechless.

Don’t babe me. I’m sick of these women coming on to you. Just you remember, you ever hurt me and you’ll get some of that. You may be the size of the hulk but I’m done taking shit. Do you understand?” she said trying to remain serious, but a smile was playing across her face.

Nate stared down at her frowning. Deanna wondered if she
’d gone too far when suddenly he reached down and grabbed her round the waist and hauled her over his shoulder, Deanna shrieking in surprise.

He walked away from the bar as she giggled and waved upside down to her friends as everyone laughed at the pair of them.  

“Woo hoo. Go on Thor,” shouted a laughing Megan.

Yep and he’s all mine. He’s even got the big hammer,” Deanna shouted drunkenly. The men all roared and cheered as Nate slapped her soundly on the behind making her squeal, and he laughingly carried her out of the room.


’d thought to find her so quickly in Glasgow but he hadn’t realised just how easy it was to get lost in the city. His temper had been out of control and before he did something stupid he’d decided he had to leave and go back to Leeds and start again there.

Where the fuck are you bitch? He
’d been back in England for weeks and he hadn’t discovered anything. But he still believed her old boss was hiding something. He’d eventually find out and return to Scotland for her.

His plans would just have to wait. Anticipation was half the fun.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Deanna woke sprawled across Nate’s warm chest and she looked around the unfamiliar room, realising they’d fallen asleep in one of the clubhouse bedrooms. Flopping back down she knew she was going to have a hangover from hell.

She snuggled into Nate
’s solid body thinking of last night. After they’d left the party Nate had been so intense. She knew he’d had a lot to drink and with the stress of what had been happening recently and the uncertainty about her ex, he was scared he could lose Deanna.

’d stripped slowly as she’d watched and when he was completely naked he’d started on her clothes. Like he promised, he left her with only her shoes on and kissed her entire body, taking his time as if he was memorising every detail, paying the most attention to her stomach. He really did like her tattoo.

Later he had pinned both her wrists above her head in one of his large hands, her legs resting on his shoulders as he powered into her, but she hadn
’t been scared of the submissive position. She loved that even though Nate was such an enormous man and had so much more strength, she knew he would never use it against her. He would use it to protect her.

When they
’d exploded together, her shouting out his name as he roared his release, the sweat dripped off him as his body burned with overwhelming heat. The whole experience was all consuming as his gaze never once left hers, she’d been captivated by his engrossed expression. He’d woken her later in the night and started all over again.

As she slowly woke up listening to Nate
’s even breathing, she could feel the soreness between her thighs, knowing she’d be walking slowly today just as Nate promised.

She felt Nate waken beside her as he turned his head and opened his beautiful eyes, focusing on her and filling with a tender expression as he held her gaze.

“Mornin’ babe. How you feeling?” he said, running his fingers through her tangled curly hair.

Sore,” was her only response as she smiled happily and Nate smiled back, but suddenly his face grew serious.

I wasn’t too rough was I? I kinda lost it last night. Seeing what you were wearing and your new tattoo. Fuckin’ hell that tattoo was a surprise. I just couldn’t control myself. Mind you, I find it hard keeping my hands off you whenever you’re around.”

It was amazing. Most of the time you treat me so tenderly, which I love. I know you’d never hurt me so feel free to do that again whenever you feel you need it. I don’t mind it rough now and again,” she said softly, hoping to soothe his worry.

He smiled at her and then groaned, rubbing his head as he felt his hangover kick in. Kissing her softly he eventually pulled away not wanting to get out of bed but knowing they had to.

“We’d better get up. My ma and Holly will be wonderin’ where we got to.”

She knows exactly where we are and why. You should have seen her face when she saw me in my outfit.”

They rolled out of bed groaning. As Deanna stood she really did feel the tenderness between her legs and she looked over to see Nate smirking, obviously feeling pleased with himself.

“Ow. I know you promised but I was too excited about the idea that I really didn’t think it through. I’ll be walking like a cowboy for days,” she said grumpily and he burst out laughing proudly.

After they got dressed they walked across the road with their arms wrapped around each other, it was still early so they had some time before they needed to get to work.

“Mornin’ you two,” Alice greeted them as they walked into the house, smiling at the sight of her son and the woman she already considered a daughter looking at each other so lovingly. She’d already heard stories of how the party went and she was so happy for them, they both deserved it.

Morning Alice. Did you have a good night? Hi baby girl,” Deanna said as she knelt on the floor beside Holly, reaching to cuddle and kiss her face. Nate joined her on the floor and Holly toddled over and snuggled into him. He looked over at Deanna and they shared a smile as the three of them played together, Alice delightedly watching the trio.


Deanna was hard at work a few days later after finally recovering from the party, in more ways than one. She’d been running an idea around in her head for a while involving the club and was waiting for the right time to approach Nate.

Deanna. When does the next parts order arrive?” he asked, appearing in the office doorway.

It should be here by three o’clock. I just got off the phone with the driver who’s stuck in traffic near Gretna Green.”

Thanks babe.” He walked over kissing her quickly before turning to walk back out.

Nate. Could I have a word with you?”

Aye, sure you can,” he said, looking a bit apprehensive.

It’s about the club. Well actually it’s an idea I had about the club.”

Okay, what is it?” he said, always interested in what she had to say.

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