Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC) (13 page)

BOOK: Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC)
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Nate had become even more protective towards Deanna, the tension radiating off him as he felt useless trying to guard her against Lee when the situation was so volatile.

This was proven one afternoon at the garage. Deanna had been sitting at her desk in the office when Logan knocked on the open door.

That dickhead is back to pick up his piece of crap bike. Have you got the invoice ready love?” Logan said. Deanna knew immediately who he was referring to.

A couple of days before a young lad had come into the compound with a few of his buddies, riding in on a beat up old custom bike his daddy had bought him. His mates had followed driving a ridiculous boy racer car, the spoiler on the back of it would make a jumbo jet envious. He swaggered up to Nate, after seeing his President badge, and demanded he work on his bike. Nate had been patient and polite, even though Deanna
’s temper had risen at the way the lad had spoken to him. The boys then all left in the car, its speakers blaring an annoying rave beat. Nate had turned to Deanna stood in the office doorway, smirked and rolled his eyes at their juvenile attitude.

The lads were now back to pick up the bike and Deanna just knew they would cause trouble before leaving the compound.

“Yeah, here it is. Do you think he’ll cause a problem?” she said to Logan.

Fuck I hope so. I’d love to see Nate knock the wee shite down a peg or two,” he smiled evilly.

Deanna chuckled in return as she handed him the invoice and got up to watch from the window as Logan wandered over to the lad admiring the bike with his mates surrounding him. Deanna could tell that the boy thought he was the dogs bollocks, obviously acting like the big man in whatever piece of crap area he lived in, he had bully written all over him. Deanna shook her head at their behaviour.

As Deanna sat back down at her desk she looked up when a shadow blocked the sunlight streaming through the open office door. She sighed inwardly when she saw it was the idiot.

Can I help you?” she said politely.

Aye darlin’. I need to pay for my bike and was told to come in here.”

That’s fine. If you could put your payment card in the machine and type in your pin code when asked,” she said as she showed him what to do, his eyes raking down her body, and she had the overwhelming urge to kick him.

Thanks,” Deanna said after he finally took his eyes off her to put in his code. She ripped the receipt from the machine and handed it to him.

Here you go. Thank you,” she said as she turned away and returned to her desk. She could sense him standing over her and just as she was about to lift her head in annoyance she heard Logan at the door.

Yo. Your bike’s ready when you are. Your mates are waitin’ for you.” Deanna didn’t lift her head as he hesitated before he left the office. Breathing a sigh of relief she glanced up and Logan winked at her from the doorway, obviously guessing she needed rescuing from the dickhead.

When she looked back down at her desk she noticed the lad
’s card still inside the payment machine. Mumbling in annoyance she picked up his card and walked outside to return it to him.

Excuse me,” she called and walked towards him as he stood with his friends. “You left your card inside,” she said as pleasantly as possible as she handed it to him.

Cheers darlin’. Do you fancy a ride on my bike?” he offered, not thinking she could possibly refuse him.

No thank you,” she replied as she turned to leave, but not before she saw his expression change from disbelief at her rejection to anger at showing him up in front of his friends.

Oi, biker whore. Don’t turn your back when I’m talkin’ to y . . ,” suddenly he cut off.

Startled, Deanna turned back around and saw Nate stood behind the lad with his large hand wrapped in the back of the boy
’s t-shirt as he held him off the ground, the lad’s feet kicking helplessly as he dangled. Deanna had to swallow her laugh as she saw the lad’s face turn red as he struggled to breathe.

Apologise to the lady,” Nate said, his deep voice full of rage.

Fuck you. I don’t apologise to a biker slag,” the idiot responded, trying to prove himself in front of his mates.

Suddenly the lad was flying through the air as Nate pushed him forcefully into the side wall of the office, squashing his face into the glass window.

“I said apologise. Before I put your fuckin’ head through the window.”

So . . . sorry miss,” the lad stammered sheepishly.

Apology accepted,” Deanna said, unsure of what else to say.

Now get the hell off Raven property. Take your piece of crap bike and eejit mates and don’t fuckin’ come back. This is our place and you don’t disrespect any of our old ladies. Especially mine,” Nate growled menacingly as he felt the lad trembling in his hands.

I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” the lad shrieked pathetically.

Nate tightened his hand once more before dropping the lad to the floor. He looked up at Nate towering threateningly over him, the fierce expression on his face looking as if he was still contemplating murder. The lad scrambled to his bike and climbed on, struggling to keep hold of the handlebars as his hands were trembling so much. He tore out of the compound with his friends fast on his heels.

Deanna watched the whole scene in shock and couldn’t believe it when the lad actually stuck his middle finger up when he was a safe distance away. She laughed at the gesture as she turned and wrapped her arms around Nate’s waist.

Thanks honey. Are you okay?” she said.

No. I really wanted to kill that wanker. No one ever disrespects you. You’re mine,” he said as he grabbed her hair and kissed her passionately in front of all the members and customers standing in the compound. Deanna heard yelling and whistles all around them but this didn’t bother Nate, he only stopped when they both needed to come up for air.

Pulling back he gave her a devilish smile, turned and strolled casually away to get back to work. Deanna stood completely stunned until, shaking her head, she walked unsteadily back into the office.


Bloody hell that hurts,” Deanna complained.

She was lying down in the club
’s favourite tattoo parlour in the city centre, having Nate’s birthday present put onto her body, silently regretting it when she felt the needle.

Nearly done Deanna. It’s looking good,” said Archie the tattoo artist.

A few minutes later he cleaned the tattoo and instructed her on how to look after it. She walked to the floor length mirror to admire his work. Smiling, she saw it was perfect.

“I can’t wait to see Nate’s reaction. Makes me want to get one just to see Fraser’s face,” Megan, who’d come to offer her support, said as she admired Deanna’s tattoo.

Deanna had been thinking about a birthday present for Nate when she remembered his reaction to her asking about getting a tattoo. She knew without a doubt what to get. It was a tattoo of a raven in flight just above her private area and below her belly button, the birds wings lifted up and wrapped around her belly button. She had wanted to get something important to Nate and thought the raven was ideal. The club was so important to him and now to her, it had saved her and Holly from a terrible future.

As Archie wrapped the tattoo to protect it, her skin still bleeding, she was suddenly worried how she could hide it from Nate until his birthday the next day. His sex drive was unbelievable, often seeking her out through the day for a quickie and would usually only fall asleep after he got some loving. Not that she was complaining. She couldn’t get enough of him and loved how much of an animal he was and how he’d changed her whole attitude to, and enjoyment of, sex. Deanna just had to think of some way of keeping the tattoo a surprise until the next night. All of a sudden she had the answer.


“Baby, how you feelin’ now?” Nate said to Deanna as he entered their bedroom. She quickly curled into a ball, pretending to groan and rub her head.

I’m feeling a little better, but my head is still killing me.”

Although disappointed he was trying very hard to be understanding and sympathetic. Taking her feet in his hands he started massaging them. His hands were like magic and he often rubbed her shoulders and back after a heavy session of love making.

However after a few minutes she noticed that her groans of satisfaction as he worked on her feet were making him horny, and she admired the impressive bulge in his jeans.

Do you think you’ll be up for a bit later tonight babe? You just lie there and I’ll do all the work.”

Deanna had to cover her snigger with a cough, the way he asked was pathetic but hilarious and she was having a hard time trying to be serious. She knew the only way she could keep Nate at arms
’ length so he wouldn’t see her tattoo was if she pretended to feel ill and not well enough for lovemaking, but she was struggling to contain her laughter.

In the back of her mind she did worry of what he might do when he discovered her little deception at the party tomorrow night when she would reveal her tattoo.

“Are you looking forward to your birthday?” Deanna said, trying to change the subject as she snuggled under the covers.

Aye I am. As long as I get to unwrap you.”

Deanna smiled at him.
“I’ve got a special present for you, but you’ll have to wait until the party.”

Aw babe. Please?”

Nope. You’ll just have to wait and see,” she said as she tapped him on the edge of his nose, chuckling as he pouted adorably at her.

Thanks for the foot rub. I’m so tired,” she said, faking a yawn. “I think I’ll go to sleep.”

Okay. If you need anythin’ just shout. I’ll come to bed in a bit as I’m not tired.”

Alright. Good night. Love you.”

Love you too.”

He kissed her tenderly and she watched as he got up stiffly, adjusting his jeans and walking dejectedly from the bedroom.

When he finally closed the door she dissolved into giggles, burying her face in a pillow to drown out the sound so he wouldn’t discover her deceit. She was really looking forward to tomorrow night.

She woke the next morning alone, Nate often getting up before her to work at the garage. He was tiring himself out with all the hours he was putting in, and she knew he was worried about her ex, not knowing what he was planning. Apparently Lee was still in England and she wished he
’d just stay there. Hopefully tonight they could all have a few drinks and relax.

She got up and dressed and said goodbye to Holly and Alice as she made her way across the road to the garage for another hard day
’s work.


“Oh my God, Deanna. You look hot,” Megan said as she stepped into Deanna and Nate’s bedroom and saw her in her party outfit. 

Right back at you girl,” said Deanna to Megan, who was looking spectacular in a skin-tight black dress.

Deanna smiled, happy with the result. She had curled her hair tightly and put on more dark make-up than she normally wore. Her outfit was something she would never have worn before coming to a biker club. She wore tight black leather pants that flattered her curves and sat low on her hips, showing off her new tattoo. Her top, that hung to just above her belly button, was a vivid shade of blue with rips down the back and one across her chest, showing off her substantial cleavage. To finish she put on some killer black heels with silver metal studs and spikes that she had absolutely loved when she
’d spotted them in a shop window.

As Deanna walked into the living room to give Holly a cuddle before going over to the clubhouse for Nate
’s party, she smiled at Alice’s shocked expression.

Jesus, love. What are you wearing? You’re gonna give my son a heart attack dressed like that,” she said still recovering. “But you do look beautiful hen, you’ll make my son proud,” she added, fondly patting Deanna on the cheek. Deanna smiled and thanked her for babysitting Holly. Alice waved Deanna and Megan out the house telling them to have a good night, both girls giving Holly kisses and cuddles before they left.

Deanna was a little nervous as she tottered across the road, still trying to get used to her new shoes. At least they made her taller so Nate wouldn
’t have to keep hurting his neck reaching down to kiss her.

As they entered the clubhouse Deanna heard whistles and she turned to Megan as the girls shared a smile, Megan wandering over to a smitten Fraser as Deanna looked for Nate. She saw him stood at the bar and made her way over to him, saying hello and exchanging hugs with club members and their partners as she passed. As the path cleared she saw him gape as he took in her outfit, his eyes popping out when he caught sight of her tattoo.

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