Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC) (9 page)

BOOK: Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC)
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Hello hen. You must be Deanna. I’m Alice,” she said as she walked forward to embrace Deanna.

Alice pulled away looking at Holly and the older woman
’s eyes filled with a tender expression as she stared at the child.

This must be Holly. Why you’re just as pretty as your ma. I’m Grandma.”

Deanna was a little startled at this declaration but happy that they
’d been welcomed into the family. She handed a wriggling Holly to Alice, who’d obviously won over another of the Gunn family members.

I don’t know how she does it. That wee girl is like magic. One smile and you’re a goner,” Nate said as he looked at Deanna grinning broadly. Kissing her on the forehead, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they followed Ethan walking beside his mum, both cooing over a giggling Holly wrapped in Alice’s arms.

After dinner Alice offered to show Deanna around her home whilst the boys played with Holly. Deanna soon discovered that this was so Alice could have a private word with her away from Nate. Alice explained that she had been worried when she
’d heard Nate had a new woman. His past girlfriends had caused so many problems and treated Nate badly, either wanting him because of his reputation, money or link to the club. Alice was happy to discover that Deanna didn’t seem to be anything like that.

Unknown to Deanna, Nate had confided in his mum some of the trauma she had experienced at the hands of her ex. Alice was impressed that she
’d had the courage to get herself and her beautiful daughter free of their terrifying domestic situation.

Now Alice had seen Nate and Deanna together she could see why he had fallen for her so quickly. Alice then went on to thank Deanna, saying that she
’d never seen her son so happy before, and Deanna was filled with contentment.

At the end of the night, as they said goodbye, Alice happily offered to babysit whenever they wanted, which explained Nate
’s comment on finding a babysitter for when Deanna worked. They made the arrangements, Alice happy to be looking after what she considered to be her first grandchild.

As the two women embraced Alice whispered to Deanna that she and Holly were now officially part of the family. She gratefully thanked Alice, the two women parting fondly. 


Arriving back home Deanna was exhausted. Dinner with Nate and his family had been a success. She
’d got on brilliantly with Ethan and could see the brotherly bond between him and Nate was strong. It also made her feel a little lonely as she was an only child and had none of her own family left. Seeing Nate with his family made her sad for what she felt she’d missed out on.

Deanna put a sleeping Holly in her cot and turned to find Nate standing in the doorway watching her with a gentle smile on his lips.

“You tired?” Nate asked.

Knackered. I had a brilliant day. Thanks Nate. I loved spending time with your family.”

You’re welcome.” Nate walked into the room wrapping his arms around her. “I still can’t believe she brought out my bloody baby photos. Who does that anymore?” Nate grumbled.

Deanna laughed.
“A very proud mum, that’s who. I never knew you looked so much like your dad, he was a big man too. The similarity was eerie. The only difference was the eyes, you’ve got yours from your mum. Ethan takes after your mum in looks but has your father’s eyes. Your dad was such a handsome devil. Just like his son,” Deanna said kissing him as her hands reached into his hair. When the kiss began to heat up Nate pulled away.

Why don’t you get into bed and I’ll lock up,” Nate went to move away but Deanna pulled him back.

I’m not that tired. Nate . . . I . . .  erm . . . stay. I want you to make love to me.”

’s eyes widened in response. He had an all-consuming need for her but didn’t want to push until she was ready. After everything she’d been through he wanted to make sure her needs came before his own.

You sure?” Nate said softly, hoping she wouldn’t change her mind.

Oh yes, quite sure. I’m on the pill so I’m free to explore every naked inch of you,” Deanna whispered naughtily.

Quickly grabbing her hand he pulled her from the room, making her giggle, and headed toward his room, not wanting any interruptions. He wanted to hear her moans and sighs of pleasure without the worry of waking up Holly, and as he closed the door she pulled his head down, kissing him passionately. As the kiss deepened she moved away when she began to gasp for breath and his lips nibbled her ear down to her neck.

Slipping his hands under her dress he pulled it over her head and unfastened her bra. He ran his tongue down her neck to her aching breasts, sucking a nipple greedily as he kneaded her sensitive breasts, causing her to moan loudly.

’s body filled with the need to feel Nate’s skin against hers as she pulled off his shirt. She ran her fingers down his substantial chest feeling the muscles flex under her touch, making him groan.

He grabbed her under the knees and walked to the bed, lying her down and covering her body with his. As he kissed her his hands roamed all over her body, her skin flushed and damp as their laboured breathing filled the quiet room. He worked his hand between her legs, removing her panties and slid his fingers through her wet curls. Slipping a finger inside he found she was hot and wet, and he growled in approval.

She wiggled her hips against him and frantically worked to undo his zip. With a groan he broke the kiss and bent to remove his jeans. Lying back on top of her their lips locked desperately as he rolled his hips into hers, her hand grabbing hold of his large arousal and moving in time with his fingers as they entered her again.

As their moans turned frantic he leant back and knelt between her open legs, wrapping his hand around his engorged length and guided it to her entrance. Looking into her eyes to make sure she was ready she nodded slightly and he gently pushed in. He heard her gasp in shock so he stilled, allowing her to become accustomed to his size.

When she wiggled her hips he pulled back and thrust until he was buried deep inside, not taking his gaze away from her glazed eyes. Moving his hips slowly he pressed tender kisses to her cheeks when he suddenly noticed they were wet. Pulling back, afraid that he’d hurt her, he glanced down to see her smiling happily up at him.

Are you okay?” he said, his voice strained with need.

Wonderful. It feels so good. Don’t stop.” She couldn’t believe how full she felt, it was almost painful, but as he started to move again the feelings quickly changed to extreme pleasure.

Nate kissed her forcefully, Deanna wrapping her legs around his back and he entwined their hands together, holding them tightly beside her head. As his hips thrust faster their moans became louder with the pleasure building inside, both their bodies glistening with sweat.

He groaned as he moved harder, feeling her fingernails digging into his hands and when he felt her muscles tightening he knew she was close. Thrusting desperately she finally tensed and shouted out his name as her climax hit hard, squeezing him tightly and sending him over the edge.

Nate buried his face in her shoulder, panting heavily against her neck. Deanna could still feel the shudders in her body after the most intense orgasm of her life. Wrapping her arms and legs tightly around him, her overwhelming feelings for this wonderful man rushed through her leaving her breathless and she couldn
’t hold back any longer.

I love you,” Deanna whispered.

Nate pulled back to look at her and saw her beautiful face flushed and glowing from their love making and said the words he
’d wanted to say for a long time.

I love you too Deanna. You’re everything to me.” He gave her the sweetest kiss she’d ever known, filled with his love.

When he broke the kiss Deanna smiled provocatively as she wiggled her hips.
“Can we do that again?”

’s laughter filled the room as he pulled the woman he loved into his arms and kissed her senseless.


Nate woke up to his phone ringing, finally falling asleep exhausted after hours of lovemaking. He grabbed his phone and answered it when he saw it was Logan calling.

What’s up mate? I’ll be at the garage soon.”

I know, but I need you over here now. There’s somethin’ you need to see,” said Logan, obviously concerned.

Aye, okay then. Just give me a couple of minutes.”

Nate hung up and groaned as he leaned over a sleepy Deanna to stroke her glorious hair off her face.

“Babe. I’m really sorry but I’m needed over at the compound. I wish I could stay here all day with you, but I’ll make it up to you later. Love you.”

Hmm . . . love you too,” mumbled Deanna as she rolled over onto his side of the warm bed, cuddling his pillow and breathing in his delicious masculine scent, drifting back off to sleep.

Smiling to himself, Nate reluctantly got out of bed and pulled on his clothes. He checked on Holly who was fast asleep in her cot, sucking on her thumb, and quietly left the house. He was bursting with happiness, both Deanna and Holly had become so important in his life.

Walking across the road he saw Logan pacing in front of the office looking troubled and his good mood evaporated.

What’s up?” Nate called.

Logan gestured towards the office. Nate shrugged but followed Logan and noticed as he got closer that the door was wide open. He then spotted damage to the lock, immediately realising that it had been forced open.

“What the hell?” Nate exclaimed as he walked inside the office. Glancing around the only thing he noticed different was the filing cabinet in the corner hanging open.

Pulling the drawers that he knew contained personnel files fully open, he saw that only one file had been ransacked, the rest untouched. He had a bad feeling of what he would find as he pulled out the messy file and saw his worst fears realised.

“It’s Deanna’s file,” he whispered. Logan walked closer and cursed.

Who would want Deanna’s file? You don’t think it’s anythin’ to do with her ex, do you?”

Nate was silent as he thought.
“I don’t know. It could be just a coincidence,” Nate replied, but didn’t quite believe it.

Shit. What we gonna do?”

I’m not sure, but I think it’s best we don’t mention it to Deanna yet. We’ll just say there was a break-in but nothin’ stolen, which is true. Her ex has no idea she’s here so it can’t be him. But I’ll ask Ethan to look into it.”

Alright pal, if you think that’s best.”

For now. No point worryin’ her until we know for sure.”

Nate tidied the file and replaced it in the cabinet, his hands shaking as he took his phone out of his pocket to call Ethan.


Deanna was happy. She
’d just spent a brilliant day shopping in Glasgow with Alice for presents for Holly, her first birthday was just a few days away. Her little girl was growing up so fast.

Alice had settled in happily babysitting Holly every day whilst Deanna worked at the garage. When Deanna had asked Alice if she wanted to come shopping she had jumped at the chance to spend time getting to know Deanna better. Alice had even surprised Deanna with a trip to a salon for some well-deserved pampering.

They’d talked at length over lunch and when Alice had coaxed more details out of Deanna about her past, her feelings and respect for her probable daughter-in-law grew.

Deanna decided to buy Holly the latest Disney Princess dolls which would be the theme for her birthday party. Nate and the other members had been appalled at having to decorate the clubhouse with princesses and crowns but the women, especially Alice, told them to deal with it. It was for Holly and Deanna.

Business was getting busier each day and as it was the middle of spring the warmer weather was attracting even more bikers.

Ethan was also a regular visitor, popping into the garage almost every day, wanting to spend time with Deanna and Holly. He was taking his new role as Uncle very seriously. Often Nate and Ethan squabbled for Holly
’s attention, Alice usually having to break the pair up whilst she struggled to keep a straight face. 

Alice was spending the night at the house as Nate had a surprise for Deanna the next day and he was taking her out after the weekly club meeting in the morning. Ethan joined them that night and it felt good for Deanna and Holly to spend the night with the Gunn family. She felt as though at last she belonged to a family.


The next morning Deanna woke alone, Nate already left to go to the clubhouse, Holly babbling from her cot. Deanna picked her daughter up and walked into the living room to find Alice already up watching TV.

“Mornin’ hen. Hi my wee girl, come to Grandma,” Alice said wiggling her fingers as Deanna greeted Alice and handed her Holly.

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