Flynn (The Love Family Series Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Flynn (The Love Family Series Book 3)
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Hours later, they lay in a tangle of arms and legs and out of breath. She gazed out the open curtains while lying across his chest. “The lake is beautiful in the moonlight.”

“You’re beautiful.” He kissed her hair and rubbed lazy circles on her back. “So tell me about the apartment.”

“It’s above Tony’s pizza shop.”

“Wait, isn’t that where Avery lives?” His fingers paused.

“You know her?” Mia closed her eyes, not wanting to think how he might know her.

“We went out once.”

Mia placed a kiss on his chest. “Just once?”

“We knew from the first date that we were better friends than anything else.”

“Why is that?”

“She’s the female version of me.”

Mia tapped his stomach. “That’s not nice. You just called her a player.”

Flynn chuckled, and the vibration shook her. “No, I didn’t, but it’s nice to know your honest opinion of me. What I meant was, she’s outdoorsy, athletic and has way too much attitude for any one man.”

“Oh.” Mia sighed.

“So when are you leaving? How much time do we have to enjoy each other?”

“I’m moving in a few days. He made arrangements to have it cleaned.”

Flynn rolled, pinning her beneath him, and kissed her deeply. When he pulled away, she could see the gleam in his eye and knew what was about to happen again. Flynn was insatiable with crazy stamina. Her belly growled, making her giggle.

“Come on. Let’s get some pizza.” He slid off the bed. “We’ve got to keep up your strength.”

He pulled out a pair of his boxers and tossed them to her, along with one of his T-shirts before he slipped into a pair of shorts.

She stood in front of the window looking out at the lake; Flynn had wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. He had just kissed her neck when they both spotted a dark figure running toward the trees.

“Did you see that?” she asked.

He quickly let her go and shoved his shoes on his feet. He grabbed a gun from his drawer and handed it to her. “Stay here and lock the doors.”

“I don’t know how to use one of these.”

He took it from her and turned off the safety. “If anyone comes in, just point and pull the trigger.” He hurried to the door and stopped to turn back. “Just make sure it isn’t me.”

Within seconds, he was gone, and she heard the beep alerting her that he’d left the house. Her heart raced when she spotted him running across the lawn, heading toward the trees. “Crap,” she whispered as she hurried to her room and slipped on her shoes. He’d left her with the gun when he was the one who needed it more. 

Grabbing her mace, she hurried down the stairs, ran out the back door and into the night, following the same path that Flynn had taken. She held on to the gun with her fingers as far away from the trigger as possible. She entered the tree line and slowed, not sure what to expect.

“Flynn,” she whispered and glanced around for any sign of where he might have gone. “Flynn,” she whispered louder.

The blood rushing through her ears blocked the forest sounds. She was afraid to move, afraid to breathe, but she pushed in deeper, cringing when she heard the creak of a branch breaking beneath her feet.  

An arm wrapped around her waist, and a palm covered her mouth. Her body stiffened.

“Shh. It’s me,” Flynn whispered in her ear, and relief flooded her body. She nodded, and he removed his hand before slipping the gun free from her grasp. “I told you to stay in the house.”

“I’m not going to let you get hurt,” she whispered, louder than she’d meant to.

Flynn placed his hand on her back and guided her out of the trees, repeatedly looking over his shoulder until they were back in the house with the doors locked. She followed him as he went around to each of the windows and checked the locks and closed the curtains. “Well, at least I know my premonitions are working. What just happened is what I saw.”

He let out a shaky breath, put the gun away, pried the mace from her fingers, and set it down. He pulled her into his arms and held her close. “You good?”

She nodded. “Did you see who it was?”

“No. It was probably just some local teenager because that guy was gone before I made it to the tree lines. He was fast, but I’ll check the cameras and see if we can ID him.”

She stood on her tiptoes and had just pressed her lips to his when her stomach growled again.

“Come on. We’ll heat up the pizza and check the cameras. I think we’ll both sleep better with some food and once we figure out if it was a teen.”

She slipped her fingers through his and followed him to the kitchen.

Three hours later, after they watched the video and came up empty, their bellies and bodies were fully sated. Mia looked ready to drop on her feet and he took her back to his bed. He lay fully awake while he listened to the sound of her even, steady breathing while she slept. He pulled her closer and tried to relax, knowing she was safe and sound in his arms, but his mind replayed the evening. She was leaving, but it wasn’t as though he’d never see her again. She’d just be in town. He pressed a small kiss on her forehead. Would she want to see him again, or was this just sex for her? That was a conversation they still needed to have.  



Chapter 11



Flynn and Mia spent the rest of the week together. They ate their meals together, watched movies, and savored the remaining time as if they were a couple. Neither one of them talked about how things would change when she left, or even if anything would be different. He spent his days laughing with her and enjoying her company and spent his nights with her wrapped in his arms. The clock was ticking toward her departure, and there was no reason for her to stay. With each new day, they grew closer, talking and getting to know each other to the point where things just meshed between them. He woke up to a glorious, sunny, Saturday morning, and for once in his life, he didn’t want to leave his bed to go swim, so he stayed in her arms and closed his eyes just relaxing to the sound of her quiet snore.

His premonition hit hard and fast, making his hold of her tighten as he watched in horror. Mia’s face popped in his mind, screaming as she was pulled against a man who had her arm.

“Flynn.” He heard her voice. “Wake up.”

His eyes shot open, and his harsh breathing slowed. He turned to her. “I wasn’t sleeping. That was a premonition, and you can’t leave.”

“What?” she asked, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

“I had another premonition. You were struggling with someone in a parking lot.”

“Did you see who?” she asked, more awake now.

“I didn’t see his face.”

She leaned up on her elbow and rested her hand on his heart. “There isn’t a threat. Your brother confirmed it.”

Flynn slid out of the bed and started pacing the room. “Mia, you can’t go.”

“Flynn.” She got out of bed to stop his pacing. “I’m going to be fine. I promise.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his chest. “You’re taking me to my apartment, and then I’m going to work. I won’t even be there an hour and then I’ll tell you what.” She looked up into his eyes. “You can pick me up, and we’ll go to dinner. How does that sound?”

Flynn cupped her cheeks. “Didn’t you hear anything I just said? Something is going to happen. I know it in my gut, and I won’t let the same thing happen to you that happened with Sonja.”

“Home, work, and you. I promise I won’t be loitering in any parking lots or talking to strangers. I’ll carry my mace, ready to spray anyone that even looks at me funny. I’ll be okay.”

“Do you promise? Nowhere but home, work, and me.”

“I promise.” She slid her hand through his. “Now come take a shower with me.” She grinned, giving him a saucy wink over her shoulder while pulling him toward the master bath.




Flynn did a thorough search of her apartment and insisted she use the restaurant exit when she left. Once agreed, she kissed him goodbye and locked the door.  She drug her suitcases into her room and had just hoisted them onto the bed when the phone vibrated in her pocket. She glanced at the screen, expecting more safety rules from Flynn, and instead, it was her brother.

Your car is being delivered today.

About time,
she replied.

You good? You settled into the new apartment yet?

Just arrived. I need to unpack. Talk tonight?

Ok. Be safe.

Always. Love you.

Love you too.

She slid the phone back into her pocket and had unzipped the suitcase when she heard the alarm beep that someone had entered her apartment. She grabbed her pepper spray and was turning the corner when she found a woman in the hallway.

“Whoa there.” The intruder lifted her hands, as if to show she was unarmed. “You must be Mia, Flynn’s girl,” she said as a statement instead of a question.

“Who are you?”

The woman held out her hand. “I’m Avery, Tony’s niece.”

Mia lowered the pepper spray and shook Avery’s hand.

“I thought you were coming later. I was hoping to be in and out so I didn’t bother you.”

Mia glanced at the key in Avery’s hand. “What are you doing here?”

“Left a bag in the closet.” She handed Mia the key and slid past her, walking around as if she owned the place. Mia followed her to the room, where Avery pulled a bag out of the closet. She unzipped it and pulled out a gun before putting it back inside.

“Why do you have that?”

“It’s part of the job. I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you.” She grinned. “Besides, a girl can never be too careful.” Avery glanced at the pepper spray. “Is that your primary source of defense?”

Mia nodded, feeling a little intimidated by Flynn’s one-time date. Her short, black hair was styled in a pixie cut, showcasing her emerald eyes. She was dressed in a tight, clingy tank top and a pair of cut-off shorts giving Mia a glimpse of her toned and tanned long legs. The woman was a looker all right. No surprise that Flynn had been attracted. She was strength and beauty, nothing like Mia. Mia prided herself on being smart, but she didn’t have a knockout body like this chick.

She slid a card out of her pocket and handed it to Mia. “Come see me and I’ll give you some free lessons on how to defend yourself.” Avery hoisted the strap over her shoulder. “A girl can never be too careful.” Avery walked by her. “Especially with lunatics.” She glanced back. “Or spring breakers. I swear those college kids come here just to kill brain cells. They can be a rowdy bunch.”

Mia lifted the card. “I sure will. Thanks.”

“We girls have to stick together, and since you’re renting the place, we’re practically family.” She wiggled her fingers in the air and left as quickly as she had shown up. “Tootles.”

Mia put the key on the dresser, went back into the living room, and relocked the door.

“Wow,” she whispered to herself and glanced down at Avery’s card. Avery was exactly as Tony had described her. She was a whirlwind of energy all balled up, not to mention she could easily be a body double for Trinity from the Matrix.  Mia shoved her pepper spray into her pocket, walked back into the bedroom, and began the grueling task of putting her stuff away. It was three o’clock before she called a cab and headed down into the pizzeria, waiting inside for the cab to pull up out front. She waved to Tony as she walked out and hopped in the cab.

“Tanner Pharmaceuticals, please,” she told the cabbie as she slid into the car.

The cab rolled down the street as if he was a tourist and time was on his side. He stopped for pedestrians and managed to hit every light between the pizza shop and the lab. The only good thing to come out of the cab ride was that he dropped her off just outside the door, knocking out one less parking lot she needed to worry about.

Mia paid the cabbie and stepped out, hurrying inside to the safety of her office. She fired off a text to Flynn to let him know where she was and that all was well. By the time she left, she’d be in his company and they could both breathe a sigh of relief.

Mia passed the receptionist desk and headed to the elevator, stabbing the button. The lab was her home. It was where she spent most of her time. The atmosphere was laid-back but professional. Everyone did their own thing, unless they were working in teams. Their sole focus at the Island lab was research, and that was where she excelled. She’d just put her purse away when her desk phone rang.

She hit the speaker button. “Mia Stewart.”

“Ms. Stewart, your brother is here with your car.”

Mia clasped her hands together. “Great. Tell him I’ll be right down.”

Mia hung up the phone and headed back down on the elevator. She stepped out into an empty lobby. “Where did he go?”

“He’s waiting outside.”

“Thanks, Tammy.”

Mia hurried across the lobby, excited to see her brother and finally have her car back. She stepped outside into the sun and glanced around the parking lot. She’d taken another step out when she felt fingers digging into her arm and saw a gun pointed at her. She came face to face with her brother, only it was the wrong damn one. “What are you doing here?” she asked and tried to wiggle her arm free.

“Saving you,” he answered and pulled her around to the side of the building. “We have to go.”

Fear clung to Mia like the heated sun. She dug her feet in and pulled against Garth. He wasn’t dealing with the same little girl as before. She remembered the pepper spray in her pocket, but it was on the wrong damn side. “I’m not going anywhere. Just tell me what you want.”

His hold tightened. “Stop fighting me. I’m not going to hurt you. This isn’t like last time. I’m not on drugs.”

She peeled at his fingers until he loosened them. “You could have fooled me. Sane men don’t kidnap women.”

“I’m not kidnapping you, I’m saving you. You’re in danger, and we have to leave. Now!” His eyes narrowed as they darted around their surroundings.

“You’re the only one I’m in danger from. Let me go,” she pleaded.   

BOOK: Flynn (The Love Family Series Book 3)
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