Flynn (The Love Family Series Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Flynn (The Love Family Series Book 3)
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“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” She pushed against him, and he let her go to disappear beneath the water.

He followed behind her, and when she resurfaced, he was standing behind her in waist-deep water. He turned her to face him. “I’m not trying to upset you.”

“Really?” She lifted a brow. “Flynn, quit playing games with me. If you don’t want me, just say so.”

“Games?” He pulled her closer, bringing their bodies flush against each other so she could feel exactly what she was doing to him. “Does this feel like I’m not attracted to you?”

Her breath quickened and her chest heaved. Her cheeks flushed, either from the sun or his proximity. He didn’t know which. He knew exactly why his body was burning.

“Don’t patronize me.” Her voice lacked conviction and the fire she’d shown him over the last few days.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he said before he kissed her back, tasting and taking again, only this time, on his terms. He gently slowed the kiss and broke the connection, cupping her cheek. “When I take you,”—he smiled—“and I will take you, it won’t be because you’re scared and ready to run again. It will be because you want me as much as I want you.” He kissed her neck. “And not a moment before that.”

He kept her in his arms and walked her farther into the water. He ran his fingers through her wet hair, his hold on her hip strong and firm. He knew what she needed, even if he wanted more. He couldn’t give her what she asked, but he could give her this.

He lifted her and walked deeper into the water. Her legs wound around his waist as his palms cupped her butt. He kneaded her ass cheeks while slipping his fingers beneath the elastic of her panties.

She moaned, and her body relaxed in his hold before he took her lips again, this time in a slow exploration as he held her with one hand. His other fingers moved farther beneath her panties, touching her flesh in the most intimate places.

He slid his fingers over her folds, and she broke the kiss and moved against the motion.

Flynn grinned. “Don’t worry. I’ll give you what you need.” He kissed her neck. “Always what you need, even if it’s not what you want,” he whispered as he kissed his way up her neck.

He slid a finger inside her, stroking her heated channel. She moved her hips against his hand, and he added another finger inside her tight sheath. He continued his ministration as she let her head fall back on her shoulders. He held her close and quickened his pace, fighting his own need to be inside her.

She tightened around his fingers, and he knew she was close. Flynn used his teeth to move her bra and ran his tongue around her breast before he took her nipple into his mouth.

She tightened more, and he could feel the little spasms starting. “That’s it, baby. Give it to me.”

He used his teeth, scraping her creamy globe.


He continued, moving harder, sure he would leave a mark as he quickened his fingers. He circled her clit with his thumb and pressed.

Try as she might to hold in her release, she didn’t win. She moaned his name as he worked her over the edge and watched her fall apart in his arms. Watching her gave him a new meaning for the word beautiful. He worked her through the spasms, not stopping until she lifted her head and met his gaze. Her breathing was harsh as she tried to gain control and she bit her lip. Her mind was already back at work, trying to make sense out of what just happened.


He shook his head. “Mia.” He slid his fingers free and held her by the globes of her ass, not letting her go. “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. Not because of my bet, not because of any other reason except that I need you to be safe.”

She held his gaze, and he knew she could see the truth of his words and what he hadn’t said. She nodded, and that was all he needed. All he asked for in that moment was that she trust him.

She kissed him, this time not out of fear or thinking she might never get the chance again. She kissed him because she wanted to. He could tell the difference, even if she couldn’t, and he couldn’t ask for more.

“How about we get you dried off?” Flynn kissed her lips once more. “Then you can tell me everything that happened so we can figure this out.”

“What about you?” She tried to wiggle closer, but he held her at bay.

“This was never about me,” he answered and walked toward the shore. When he got waist deep, she slid down his body. He immediately missed her warmth as they walked out and grabbed their beers and clothes.



Chapter 7




They walked into the kitchen and froze. Flynn’s brother, Declan, and Stan stood in the living room. Stan’s gaze dipped down Mia’s body, and Declan’s brows rose.

Mia moved her clothes to cover herself, to shield their view. Flynn moved her behind him. “Do you mind?”

Stan’s jaw ticked. Anger rolled off him in waves, but Declan met Flynn’s gaze with more curiosity than anything else. Declan patted Stan on the back. “We’ll be on the porch when you’re dressed.”

They left, and Mia ran to her room while Flynn tossed on some dry clothes before walking back to the front door, where he pulled it open and left them to follow. He walked into the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot.

“Is that what you call protecting her?” Stan growled.

Flynn glanced over his shoulder, giving Stan the same smirk Flynn had received in the park.

Stan lunged for Flynn, but Declan stopped him. Flynn slowly turned, leaning against the counter as if the detective wasn’t even a threat. “She needed to de-stress, and we went swimming.”

“Yeah, I just bet that was your idea.”

“Actually, it was mine,” Mia announced as she bounced off the last stair and turned the corner, moving to stand next to Flynn while waiting for the coffee pot to finish. “What are you doing here, Stan?”

Declan cleared his throat. “Stan got me up to speed on what you’ve been dealing with, and while we were talking, he got a call about your case.”

“Oh?” Her brow rose questionably, and she laced her fingers together, trying to hide the fear.

“The app you use on your phone that tells you distance and location when you jog, you left it on, so they were able to piece together a trace of your phone’s route every time it was turned on.”

“If her phone was on, then what took you so long tracking it down?” Flynn asked.

“It wasn’t on the entire time, but her jogging app helped us locate where the phone went.”

“And where did it go?” she asked as Flynn handed her a cup of coffee before he made his own.

“All over town and it was used for several calls, some to known drug dealers, but we expected that when we thought some punk mugged you. That’s not what has me worried.”

Mia glanced between Stan and Declan. “What has you worried?”

“Mia, at one point, the location popped up at Fuller.”

Mia’s mouth parted, but she didn’t speak.

“What is Fuller?” Flynn asked.

“A psychiatric hospital.” Mia’s answer came out as a whisper.

“Where Garth Miller was institutionalized,” Stan added. He stepped closer to Mia and pulled out one of the kitchenette chairs for her to sit. He took the seat opposite of her. “Mia…he’s been released.”

“Who is Garth Miller?”

Mia covered her mouth as she took several deep breaths. Terror shined in her eyes.

“Garth Miller is the punk that kidnapped her when she was fifteen.”

“Why didn’t they throw his ass in jail? Why the institution instead?”

“Extenuating circumstances. He’s her biological brother,” Stan answered.

“I thought Trent was your brother.”

“I was adopted. My parents were the worst kind of people. They were drug users, and they tried to sell me to an undercover cop for drug money.”

“And Garth?”

More tears fell down her face, and she swiped at them. “They apparently did the same thing to him before I was born. I didn’t even know about him, and unlike me, he was adopted into another abusive family. When he found me, my parents bribed him to leave. They didn’t tell me.” She closed her eyes and lowered her head as she continued. “I only found out later, when he showed up again after they’d died. He was on drugs when he came to me. He wanted more money, and when I told him I didn’t have any, he tried to kidnap me, knowing Trent would figure out a way to pay my ransom. Only he didn’t get that far. I escaped.”

“Oh, Mia, I’m so sorry.”

“We have a call into his case worker, and I have another officer going by his listed address to see if he’s where he’s supposed to be. A condition of his release was that he not have any contact with you. If he does, he’ll go to jail this time.”

“The guy at the pool,” she whispered to herself and cupped her hands around the coffee mug.

“Mia, what guy?” Flynn asked white sitting next to her as Declan took the seat next to Stan.

“That day of the corporate event when they played volleyball at the hotel, I was up in my room when you were talking to Declan and everyone else. There was a guy across the pool. He was watching me, but it couldn’t have been him. He was wearing a suit without a jacket and had sunglasses on. Garth wouldn’t dress like that, but this guy stuck out like a sore thumb.”

“Why didn’t you say something?” Declan asked.

She shrugged. “I thought I was being paranoid.” She met his gaze. “I never saw him again after seeing him at the pool. I looked for him, and then later that night, I packed and came here.”

Declan slid out of his seat. “We have cameras covering the entire area after what happened with McGregor’s daughter.” He dialed a number, put the phone to his ear, and paced the kitchen. “I need all the footage for the last three days from the hotel.”

Flynn rubbed her back and ignored the hard, cold glares coming from the other side of the table. Masking his annoyance with the detective, he focused his attention on Mia.  “Declan will find this guy.”

Declan shoved the phone back in his pocket. “I called Reed on the way over here. He’ll be here soon to revamp your security system and put up more cameras.”

“That’s a good idea.” Flynn stood.

“Mia, you should come back with me,” Stan suggested. “I’m sure your brother would agree.”

“She’s not going with you. Can’t you get that through your thick head?” Flynn blurted out.

“Who asked you?” Stan’s lips thinned in irritation, his tone hoarse with frustration.

“I’m not leaving.” Mia ignored their exchange. She shook her head and stood, lifting her chin. “I’m done running.”

Declan patted Stan’s back. “She’s in good hands.”

“Yeah, we saw how cozy you two were in the lake.” Stan glanced at Declan. “He’s going to be too busy fucking her to protect her.”

Flynn shot out of his seat and lunged around the table. Yanking Stan up from his chair, he shoved him up against the wall.

“Flynn,” Declan growled. “Let him go. You hit him, and he’ll press charges. Mia doesn’t need that right now. She’s the one who’s important.”

“Flynn, don’t. He’s just worried…” Mia touched his arm.

“Let me be clear, Stan.” Flynn’s eyes narrowed, his anger no longer in check. This asshole needed to learn a lesson, and Flynn was just man enough to give it to him. “If she still wanted you, she’d be with you. I’m not keeping her prisoner, and she’s welcome in my home for as long as she wants. Now you, on the other hand, can get the fuck out of my house.”

Flynn pushed off of Stan and stepped back, clenching and unclenching his fists. Flynn’s nostrils flared. He was done playing with this schmuck. He didn’t care if the dipshit carried a badge. No one talked to him that way. No one. 

“You’re nothing more than a playboy. She’ll get tired of you soon enough.”

“You don’t know me,” Flynn spat back. “You don’t know a damn thing about me.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, you little punk.” Stan yanked at the hem of his shirt, straightening the fabric. “We’ve been through her life with a fine tooth comb, including everyone on the Island that she’s been in contact with. Trent gave me your name. I’ve checked your background.”

“That’s enough.” Declan pulled Stan out of Flynn’s reach, and with his hand on Stan’s chest, he pushed him backward toward the door.

“Did you tell her about your dead girlfriend?”

“Get the fuck out.”

Declan shoved Stan out the door and slammed it behind them.

Mia touched his arm, and Flynn shrugged her off. “Mia…I can’t right now.”

He looked into her eyes and could see the pity and the questions she was holding back. “I just can’t.”

He left her standing there, stormed off in his room and plopped down on his bed, holding his head between his hands. The memories flooded his mind as though the accident had happened yesterday.  He squeezed his head, hoping the memories would vanish again, yet they didn’t. He closed his eyes, and a picture of her bloody face and the way her body lay limp and cold flashed into his mind. He took several deep breaths to calm his thoughts. He lifted his gaze, concentrating on the blue water outside. The same vibrant blue that had matched her eyes.

“Flynn.” Mia knocked before she opened the door.

“Mia, please…”

He didn’t bother to look behind him. He knew what he’d see. The bed depressed next to him, her hand landed on his leg, and she gave a reassuring squeeze.

“You don’t have to talk.” Her words were quiet in the room. “Just let me be here.”

He laid his hand over hers, and they sat like that, for how long he wasn’t sure. At some point, she rested her head on his arm and they’d threaded their fingers together. It was a comfortable quiet in a crazy day.

Flynn finally spoke. “He was right. When I was sixteen, my girlfriend died because of me.”

Mia remained silent, yet she didn’t pull away.

“I…” He swallowed hard around the lump in his throat and ignored the acid churning in his stomach. He let out a deep breath. “Mia.” He turned to face her and held her hand. “There’s something you should know about me.”

She gave him a reassuring nod while squeezing his fingers.

“I have premonitions. I get glimpses of things before they happen. I don’t expect you to believe me, but I do, and when I was eighteen, I had one about that accident. I knew it was going to happen. I didn’t know why she was going to speed off, but I knew she was going to get into an accident. She showed up at my house and we had a major fight. She left in tears and not in her right mind. I didn’t stop her in time.” He took a deep breath. “When I finally went after her, I found her car flipped, and she was bleeding from the head. Another driver had run a stop sign and T-boned her car, sending it careening down an embankment.” His heart clenched. “Sonja didn’t even make it to the hospital, and it was all because of me. I shouldn’t have let her run out.”

“Flynn, this isn’t your fault. You weren’t driving that other car.”

He shook his head. “I could have taken her keys.” He ran his hand over his head. “There are a million things I could have done, but I didn’t.” Flynn dropped his gaze, unable to look her in the eye any longer. “I’d broken up with her.”

“It’s not your fault,” she said in the quiet room.

“It is. Don’t you get it…” He slipped his hand free and stood, walked over to the window, and placed his hands on the glass, staring out at the lake. “I saw it happen.”

  He laid his forehead against the cool window and closed his eyes. He heard the creak of the bed as she got up. He expected her to leave. He wouldn’t blame her if she did.

She wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and laid her head on his back. “You weren’t the one who ran the stop sign, and you didn’t make her get in that car.”

He shook his head, turned in her arms, and pulled her into his embrace, resting his chin on top of her head. “I didn’t stop her either.”

He’d replayed the day over and over in his mind for years. It was a constant reminder of why he never let anyone get close, never let anyone else back in.

She looked up at him, not with pity in her eyes but understanding. “Shitty things happen to good people. I think we can both attest to that. It’s not the heartaches and trials that define us but how we come out of them, and trust me when I tell you, this wasn’t your fault. You need to forgive yourself.”

Flynn laid his palm on her face. “I had one about you too.”

Mia rubbed her lips together but didn’t look away.

“You had a gun in a forest of trees, and I took it from you.”

“Why would I have a gun? I don’t even own a gun.”

He shrugged, pulled her back against his chest, and stroked her hair. Something was going to happen. He could feel it in his gut. “The premonition was a warning.”

“Well, consider me warned.”

He lowered his head and melded his lips with hers. In that one moment, he forgot about their screwed-up day. He pushed all thoughts of Sonja out of his mind and concentrated on this one moment and the woman standing in front of him.

He rested his hands on her hips and pulled her close, pushing the guilt of Sonja’s passing back into the box where it belonged. Right now it was just Mia and him. “Mia…we need to plan.”

“Later,” she mumbled and kissed him again while pulling him over to the bed.

The doorbell rang, interrupting them, and he rested his forehead against hers. “Thanks for earlier, and for trusting me. I can’t imagine that was easy for you.”

A smile played on her lips when the doorbell rang again. “You can thank my brother and the bet for that.”

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