Flynn (The Love Family Series Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Flynn (The Love Family Series Book 3)
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Chapter 10



Mia pulled up outside of Tony’s pizza shop and killed the ignition. She was doing this. She took a moment and grabbed her purse. Once she committed to a place, she’d be here for at least an entire year before purchasing a more permanent place. Just long enough to, hopefully, finish her research and give the creep that mugged her time to forget her face.

She stepped out of the car, and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. She could feel eyes on her. She slowly turned in place, trying to locate the source of unease. Families walked up and down the street, and patrons came and went from the pizza place. She might not know the locals like Flynn, but she thought herself smart enough to notice someone out of place. Nothing caught her attention, but she hurried inside the restaurant anyway, feeling more secure behind closed doors. The aroma of freshly made pizza teased her nose, and her stomach grumbled in delight. Customers were scattered around at different tables, and a guy was behind the counter tossing the pizza dough up into the air. A smile split her lips as she headed for the cash register and asked for Tony.

Tony walked with her outside and showed her around the brick building to the stairs at the back of the shop. “You can park here and come up the back way or you can go in through the restaurant. There are two separate entrances. The choice is yours.” He pointed to the lighted area, and it eased some of her concerns.

“Who used to live here?“ she asked.

“My niece, Avery, used it on the rare chance she was in town,” he was quick to answer. “She’s a firecracker, always on the go, and a bit of a fitness buff. It was only temporary while she bought a place down on the beach. She’s gone a lot of the time traveling.”

“Her loss is my gain.”

Tony showed her around the two-bedroom apartment. It was more upscale than she thought she’d be walking into. It had hardwood floors and granite countertops. It was more than big enough for Trent and her whenever he decided to come for a visit, and even better was the fact that it had a security system already installed.

“I’ll be looking for a more permanent place after tourist season. I hope it’s okay that this won’t be long term.”

“Not a problem.” He walked her back outside and pointed to a row of townhouses across the street. “My nephews live over there, and they like to keep an eye on the place. I’ll have to introduce you.”

“That’s so sweet.”

“We’re a protective bunch, so you shouldn’t have any problems here, but if you do, all you have to do is holler. There are always a couple of us close by.”

“That sounds perfect.” She nibbled on her bottom lip while she opened one of the cabinets, checking out the exquisite workmanship. “This place is great. The work is so detailed.” She closed the cabinet. “Who made these? If you don’t mind my asking.”

“Jackson Love. He’s the best in the business and a good kid, not to mention that he’s single if you decide that Flynn’s too rowdy for you.”

“Is that another one of Flynn’s brothers I haven’t met?”

“His cousin. There are five more Loves on the Island besides Flynn’s immediate family. His ancestors founded the Island.”

Mia’s cheeks heated at the suggestion of hooking up with another Love relative. The one Love she was living with was plenty for her. “I’m here to work, so you won’t find me having any parties or many people over. Maybe an occasional visit from my brother.”

Tony showed her the other exit down into the restaurant, where she was quick to sign on the dotted line and give him a check. He had cleaners coming in a week and told her she could move in next Sunday. With keys in her hand and a skip in her step, she thanked him and left.

Getting into the SUV, she shot a text off to her brother, letting him know that she’d found the perfect temporary place and it was fully furnished, so she’d be keeping most of her things in storage until she found a house. Mia headed back to Flynn’s and bit her lip the entire way. She was excited about moving out, but leaving Flynn left an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach. She tried rationalizing the feeling in her mind. The move was inevitable. He’d be happy to have her out of his hair and still living close enough that he could hold up his end of the bet. “You’re being ridiculous,” she scolded herself. “You aren’t even dating the guy.”

She tried convincing herself that he’d be better off. He could get back to his old ways, back to the bars and the bimbos, and she could get back to work.

She parked the SUV and killed the ignition as she glanced up at Flynn’s beautiful, but empty house, and for the first time since arriving, she felt alone.

Flynn’s house was quiet as she entered and turned off the alarm, relocking the door behind her. She shot off a text to Luke letting him know that she was stopping by the office on Sunday to get things in order and she was ready to get back to work. With no reason to fear she’d been followed, it was time to get back to her work. She was on the verge of finding the cure.

Mia changed into her bathing suit and grabbed a towel from the linen closet before stepping out onto the back porch. She ran her hand through the water in the hot tub before turning it on. A nice, long, relaxing soak was well overdue and much needed.




Flynn stepped out onto the porch in his swim trunks with a playful grin on his lips. She could read his every intention in his lust-filled eyes. He set his beer on the side and climbed in, gliding through the water. His leg brushed against her silky-smooth thigh. Without a word, he brushed his lips against her bare shoulder, leaving her breathless and lost for words.

“Did you miss me?” he asked in a soft, seductive tone.

His fingers slid across the swell of her breast, leaving her deliciously warm and wet as he eased back, claiming his seat.

Mia swallowed around her apprehension and licked her lips. Her voice came out a mere whisper. “Was I supposed to?”

Laughter danced in his baby blue eyes, and a smile split his lips. “I guess not.” Flynn laid his head back against the edge. “Did you get all your errands run?” He turned to look at her.

“I did.” She left out the details of her afternoon. “Thanks for letting me use your car.”

“So I was thinking…” His fingers left her body, and he scooted to the other side of the tub to face her. “How about we do a nice dinner in, just the two of us?”

Water dripped down his chest, and her resolve crumbled at that moment. She couldn’t think of anything better than just the two of them, all alone in this big beautiful house.

“Come here,” Flynn said with a concerned tone and held out his hand.

She slipped her fingers into his.

He pulled her across the tub, and she straddled his lap, unable to look him in the eyes. Was she really going to do this? She lifted her gaze as her heart raced.

“What’s wrong? Was it something I said? Because you know I tend to put my foot in my mouth.”

Heat pooled in her belly as she felt the bulge between his thighs. His hands rested securely on her hips.

“You were right, okay?” she barked out angry with herself.

“That’s a first.” His eyes sparked as the heat surrounded them. “What was I right about?”

“You’re going to make me say it?”

“Baby, you’re talking in riddles.”

“I want you, okay?”

“You do?” His brows dipped as he held her gaze. “Are you sure?”

Mia reached around her neck, slipped the strings free, and let them drop into the water. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

Flynn kissed the pulse on her neck and worked his way up to her ear as he pulled her body flush with his. He whispered, “What changed?”

Her body trembled in his arms, not from fright, but from the way he held her so close, the way he could read her like an open book. His touch promised things to come, yet he was smart enough to question the timing.

Instead of answering, she reached between them and stroked his erection through the fabric of his shorts. He placed his hand over hers and moved it out of the way, settling her body to where she was straddling his erection between her thighs. “You haven’t answered my question.”

Her brows dipped, and she reached for the strings of her top and retied them. “If you don’t want me…”

“Oh, I want you.” He kissed her, cutting off her response until her body relaxed in his arms. He rose, holding her until she slid down his body. “Come with me.”

He got out and held out his hand for her to climb over the edge. When she did, he slid his towel slowly down her body, taking his time to dry off her most sensitive parts. When he finished drying her, he dried himself.

Taking her by the hand, he led her back into the house and down the hall to his room. He closed the door behind them and leaned against the wood, blocking her exit. “I promised not to have sex with you, and in the course of me being gone for three hours, you’re all of a sudden ready? Start talking.”



Mia folded her arms across her chest and met his gaze. She was heated again, not from his caresses but from his questioning. “You know what? This isn’t going to work.” She tossed her arms up; her heart thumped erratically.

“Just answer my question, Mia.”

“I found an apartment.”

“What? And you thought you’d never see me again? Is that what this is? It was either now or never?”

“No….Yes…shit.” She turned her back to him to look out the window. “No.” She finally turned back. “I don’t know what will happen after I leave.” Her shoulders sagged. “I like you. I really like you.”

“Now, was that so hard? I like you too.” Within seconds, he had her on the bed, his large body splayed between her thighs. The silky sheets caressed her barely covered skin. He kissed her thoroughly and deeply, and her body heated, every one of her nerves aware and waiting for what she hoped was next.

“I promised to make you beg,” he whispered against her lips. His blue eyes turned a storm gray as he left her mouth and kissed a path down her chest. Moving the cup of her bathing suit with his fingers, he took her breast in his mouth.

She arched her back in response and held his head to her body, afraid if she let him go that he’d stop. He slid his fingers beneath the material covering the other breast and caressed it while running his tongue over her skin. He sucked her nipple until it stood erect before moving to the other one. Reaching beneath her, he slipped the tie free, pushing the fabric out of the way. She moaned again lifting her thighs, searching for the one thing she’d been longing for.

“Patience,” he whispered before he took that nipple in his mouth. Using his tongue and his teeth, within seconds, he had her worked up, ready and wet between her thighs.

“Flynn,” she whispered as he kissed a path down her stomach and kissed her core through her suit.

“I promised to make you beg.” He glanced up at her with a predatory smile. “And I never go back on my promises.”

He slid his fingers between the straps of her bottom and her skin before easing them over her hips and down her legs. He ran his palms up her thighs, opening her up to his gaze as he lowered his head.  He blew on her heated skin before running his tongue through her folds.

“Oh God,” she whispered and grabbed the sheet, using it as an anchor to keep her grounded.

Parting her folds, he devoured her with his tongue. The exquisite feel of his mouth on her had her lifting her hips for better access. Her muscles tightened as every nerve ending responded to his intimate caress. She rested her hand on his head, holding on to his hair as he worked her body. Tension built through her body, deeper and stronger until her toes curled and she could feel the tremors starting deep inside.

“Flynn, I need you in me,” she called out to him.

He slowed his stroking and met her gaze, latching onto her clit. He didn’t move.

“Please,” she begged, and he slid his tongue in circles. “Please, Flynn,” she begged louder and tried to lift her hips, and his hold tightened.

He slipped a finger into her wet channel and twisted it until he found her G-spot. He worked his finger in and out as he pressed down on her nub. Her body instantly spasmed, sending her over the edge. She moaned through her release as he continued to ease her down from her high.

He licked her once more and eased his finger out, sucking the digit into his mouth. He climbed up her body, resting his rock-hard cock between her legs while he reached into the bedside table and pulled out a condom. Sitting back on his legs, he tore into it and held her gaze while slowly rolling the sheath down his length. Her heart raced as she reached for him, winding her arms around him as he lowered to mesh his lips to hers in a kiss that had her ready again and melting in his arms.

He positioned himself at her entrance and held her gaze as he slowly slid every inch into her, stretching her channel and filling her. He closed his eyes and groaned her name while burying his head into her shoulder.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she lifted her hips, deepening their connection. “Flynn, please.”

He eased out of her and lifted his head.

“Baby, this is just round one.” He pushed into her, making her gasp, and made good on that promise too.

BOOK: Flynn (The Love Family Series Book 3)
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