Family Ties (Hidden Secrets) (21 page)

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as I was about to explode, Tobey stopped and started kissing me. His tongue flicking at my lips as I opened to allow his tongue to enter. Our tongues danced their mating dance, then Tobey starts to move again, slow deep thrusts.  Before long I was building again only this time we fell together. He moaned into my mouth and pushed into me one last time.

collapsed to the bed in a tangle of limbs, both trying to catch our breath. Cuddling into him, I kissed his chest.

I love you Tobey.”

It is indescribable how I feel when I hear you say those words again. I love you, Mary.”

fell silent for a moment before I spoke again.


Hmmm,” he answered sleepily.

Can we not tell anyone we are back together?”

stiffened beneath me. “Why?”

Because their heads will get so big if they think that their plan is what did it. I really don’t want to hear that for the rest of my life. Believe me you don’t either.”

relaxed beneath me and laughed. “Okay. We’ll keep it a secret, for now.”

silence fills the room for a moment. “Tobey?”

chuckled. “What baby?”

Was the past five weeks really as bad for you as Jackson says? Were you hurting as bad as me?”

Baby,” he lifted my head to him. “Can we forget the past five weeks? I don’t want to go back there again. Let’s just move forward okay?”

nodded and he kissed me lightly on the mouth. When he pulled away, I could see the question in his eyes. He was contemplating on whether he should ask me or not. If we were going to actually move forward we both needed reassurance.

Ask me Tobey.”

Are you back with me because you want to be or because of the baby? Believe me, at this point I will take what I can get but not if you aren’t actually happy.” He stated sadly.

Tobey, I’ve known for a couple of weeks that I was pregnant. If that was what this was about don’t you think I would have went to you sooner. I definitely wouldn’t have run from you today.”

nodded his head slowly. “Good point. Are you happy about being pregnant? I’m sure that will put a kink in your career.”

The only part about finding out I was pregnant that I was upset about was that I wasn’t with you.”

What did bring you back tonight? You ran from me at the reception. When you left me there everything inside me shattered. Why did you come back?”

I sit up on the bed, wringing my hands in my lap. “Jake said something to me before he stepped aside and showed me you were there. It got me thinking about everything. Every moment we had together flashing in my head. I realized that even though we met on a false pretense, everything after was real. It was your eyes that made me realize that your feelings for me are real.”

My eyes?” He asked confused, sitting up and leaned against the headboard of the bed.

Yeah, every time we started getting close-especially that first week- you seemed to be warring with something. I could see it in your eyes. When you and I made love for the first time, I could see the emotion underlining the whole moment, but then the struggle came back when you ran from the room and started treating me differently. Even when you were being an asshole with a capital dick, I could see the regret and sadness creep in your eyes.  It was those moments that caused me to see that you never wanted to hurt me and every time you did,” I shrug, “it hurt you too.”

Wow, so I’m going to have to learn to close my eyes when talking to you huh?” He joked for only a second before turning serious. “I’m sorry that I believed Alex and Dani. I’m sorry I never checked up on their stories before. You know what though?”

What?” I asked nervously.

I can’t say had time rewound and gave me the opportunity to do it differently, I would.” When my face dropped in shock, he hurried on to complete his thought. “It was because of that decision that I met you. If I had said no, I never would have met you. Yes because of that decision I lost you for a while and everything around me didn’t matter anymore. But I met you because of them. Because they were pissed they got caught. I can’t be sorry about that. I can’t regret that.”

my head side to side as I contemplated what he said, “Yeah I guess I can see your point there. Can I ask you something?”

Anything. Always.” He answered.

At the restaurant, was that on purpose? To hurt me?” I asked unable to meet his eyes.

Look at me Mary.” I looked up and met his eyes. “That was not planned nor meant to hurt you. I had made a decision to give you one night to be adored. Then that waitress came up. When I looked up at her, I saw your face. I refused her, Mary. She didn’t take it well but I did. Sadly the cameras caught it and spun it out to make you…well me look bad.”

nodded my head. “That was just a horrible night until the end.” I smirked.

smirked. “Yeah but again we were interrupted before the good part.” He laughed.

What are you going to do about your brother and cousin?”

Well they aren’t my family. Family wouldn’t do that to another family member. But I plan on breaking the news in person,” he said with an evil grin.

Oh can I come with you?” I asked eagerly. “I don’t want to miss it.”

Sorry my love. You are pregnant and no way am I risking either of you. I know they are going to go postal.”

pouted. “P-p-please.” I batted my eyes at him.

laughed and pulled me into his arms. “Not changing my mind baby. You guys mean too much to me to risk over something like them.”

Fine, but it still stinks I can’t see their faces. Especially after the way he treated me in the courtroom. I would love to see him get knocked down a peg or two.”

tensed. “How did he treat you?”

He was vulgar towards me. I decked him in the courtroom. You really need a television babe. You’d know all this if you had one.”

laughed. “What was it Jake told you?”

back, I looked at him confused. “Huh?”

You said he said something to you that made you realize things about us. What was it?”

Oh,” I leaned back into his hold, cuddling closely to him. “He said that fate tests us with rough roads to make sure we can handle the journey. Or something like that anyway.”

Wow,” he whispered.

Yeah. Jake is pretty inspirational when he sees cause for it.” I mumbled. “I’m very tired.”

scooted us down into the bed, covering us. “Okay baby. Let’s get some sleep.”

that I fell asleep. It was the best sleep I’ve had in a while.


** *** *** ** *** *** **


I woke the next morning to the sun shining in the windows and an empty bed. Shooting up to a sitting position, I worried I dreamed it all. Then I saw the note on my end table.

took so much for me to leave this morning. I wanted so much to wake up to you and spend the day with you. But because you wanted to keep us a secret I had to be home in time to work on the ranch. I haven’t actually been doing much on the ranch lately. Please try and take it easy today. When I take a break I’ll call you. I love you. Talk to you soon.

it easy my ass. I had shit to do and I wasn’t depending on anyone else to do it.






had just pulled up in my truck when I saw the guys walk up to the barn. With still being in the suit from yesterday, I had to tell them to hang out a minute.

I’ll be right out. Just need to change.” I yelled as I hurried inside.

I got back out, the guys were staring at me like I had lost my head. Well if my eyes were as expressive as Mary says they are then I was going to have to try and fake my way through my orders.

We’ve got to get the rotations complete today. Spitfire needs ran today too. The fence lines need to be checked. There’s a lot to do and catch up on. I know that I’m the reason we are behind, but I’m here now so let’s get this back to running smoothly like it was before.”

I made my way into the barn, pulling Spitfire from his stall. “I’ll run Spitfire and check the fence line. It’ll kill two birds with one stone. Joel and Scott, start rotations in the east pasture. John, clean out the stalls and clean the horses hooves. Harry, run into town and check on the orders I placed this morning and bring them back then help with the rotations.”

took off and ran the fence lines. There were several sections I had to repair on the fly and made a mental note to go back and repair properly. The day was zooming by. By the time I finished with half the fence line, it was about lunch. I rode back to the barn, put Spitfire away, feeding and watering him. None of the guys were back yet. So I sat up on my porch swing and texted Mary.


Hey beautiful. How are you doing?

Hey sexy! I’m doing great thanks to you. Been busy with the barn. The people before me didn’t take care of this thing at all.

I told you to take it easy.

Since when have I ever listened? Besides I got a great night’s sleep.

Me too. You want to stay here tonight?

It feels so dirty sneaking around like this. But such a turn on too.

smiled at that.

I know what you mean. So you never answered me. Where do you want to sleep tonight?

Naked and in your arms sounds good to me.


Yes, that is a given. The variable in the equation is where.

Hmmm do you think it’s safe for me to sleep there.

thought about it for a moment.

You may be right. I’ll be at your house once I finish up here for the night.

See you then. Don’t work too hard. I plan to work you out really well…all night long.

Behave or I’ll be over there now.

Promises. Promises.

up I spotted the guys glaring at me.

Uh oh, busted being happy. Gotta turn my grump back on. See you tonight. Love you!

Can’t wait. Love you more!


Putting my phone back in my pocket, I walked off the porch past the glaring quartet and take back off on Spitfire to run more of the fencing. Running the fencing, was a tedious and time consuming job. But it was also critical in making sure that the animals were safe while they roamed.

day dragged on. I temporarily repaired far too much fencing for my liking and I was still only about halfway done as it was. From the way it looked, I would be spending the next week at least repairing fencing. It was going to be a two person job. Which meant I was going to have to work next to one of the guys who still hated me.

the night ended, I snuck off in my truck to Mary’s. Neither of us had any energy to follow through with our promises on the phone and ended up showering and falling asleep in each other’s arms. It was okay with me. Just having her in my arms again was fine by me.

morning, I’d wake and head home leaving some kind of note on the pillow next to Mary. We’ve managed to make it through both of us getting calls of apology from one of her siblings or another and the guys haven’t figured anything out either.

has been almost a week now, with us secretly sneaking around. Tonight Mary said she wanted to stay at my house for a change. She said she felt bad that I was leaving her house so early and I had more to maintain than she did.

was waiting at the tree overlooking what turns out to be her property. Once the guys have left for the night, I text her letting her know I was on my way to get her. This was so she didn’t get scared when she heard someone riding up. Then I snuck her back to my house. It was like we were teenagers again and trying not to let our parents find out that we were having sex. Some days it was comical, but others it was just exhausting.

inside and the door shut, Mary apparently had plans for us tonight. She pushed me against the door and held my hands against it, kissing me. Of course I could have easily switched our positions, but I was curious as to what she was going to do.

Leave your hands here. If you move them, I go home,” she whispered against my lips.

me if my hands were moving even a centimeter.

her hands from my wrists to the buttons on my shirt, she slowly began unbuttoning them kissing me. Once all was unbuttoned she pulled my shirt apart and trailed kisses down my neck to my chest. I groaned loudly as she gently scraped her teeth across my nipple then the other. As she trailed her kisses down my chest, she moved her hands to my pants pulling them down as she lowered herself to her knees.

cock sprang free from the confines of my pants and boxers. I moaned again as she wrapped her hand around the girth of my shaft. My head hit the door as she began to slowly stroke it. Looking down at her, she held my eyes as her tongue darted out and swirled around the head of my cock before she fully wrapped her mouth around it.  It was the sexiest sight I’ve ever seen.

Oh fuck! I love you being in charge.” I groaned.

hummed around my cock sending a delicious sensation straight to my balls. It was taking so much effort not to move my hands from the door. Sweat beaded across my forehead with the effort to refrain from grabbing her.

stood then. Slowly she stripped out of her clothes, and then stood before me completely naked. Playing with her breasts, Mary slowly walked toward me. My cock was so hard it was painful. This was the sexiest thing I’ve ever experienced. She was driving me completely wild. When she was only a few inches from me, she stopped making no attempt to touch me or kiss me. Then she stepped back.


was all she had to say. My clothes were off faster than they have ever been before. When I started to move toward her, she held up her hand.

Go sit on the couch.”

moved quickly to the couch. Mary seemed to not be in a hurry at all. She slowly sauntered toward me. The need to be inside her right now was overwhelming. Not being able to touch her was torture.

Put your arms across the back of the couch and leave them there. Same punishment if you move them.”

arms flew to the back of the couch and I gripped it for dear life. Slowly again, she walked toward me. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she straddled me. The head of my cock teasingly touching her slickened folds.

You’re driving me insane,” I said my voice shaking from the desire to be inside her.

smiled then painstakingly slowly she lowered herself onto my cock. Once she was fully seated to the hilt, she rocked her hips back and forth, both of us moaning in pleasure. Leaning down she kissed me then continuing to rock herself on me.

back just a hair, “Touch me, Tobey,” she whispered.

hands first tangled into her hair pulling her tightly against my mouth for a deep and passionate kiss. Then I moved to her hips, guiding her up and down my cock.

Oh fuck!” I groaned as my balls began to tighten.

Shit! Yes! Oh yes!” She moaned as she moved faster on me.

could feel her clenching around me and knew she was close. It became completely animalistic at this point. Scooting down just a hair, I began to pound into her as she lowered herself down. We were both frantic at this point, both so close to the edge and ready to fly. Not knowing how much longer I could hold off, I reached between us and rubbed her clit and soon she was crying out, I was right behind her.

pulled back and smiled at me. “Was that worth the week of not having sex?”

Baby I’m happy just having you in my arms. But that was fucking amazing.”

as she was leaning down to kiss me again, the front door flew open and Scott and Joel barged in. Mary screamed and I wrapped her in my arms trying to keep her hidden as much as possible.

What the fuck are you guys doing?” I hissed.

was pissed that they felt they could just barge in here like they owned the place. But I was even more pissed that they just ruined an amazing moment between me and Mary. Quickly, I grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around her, hiding her from view.

We could ask you the same damn thing!” Scott hissed back.

Here we thought you might actually love Mary.” Joel said dumbfounded.

Judging by the whore you just brought home Mary was nothing to you!”

You better watch what you say,” I threatened.

We were wondering what your attitude change was about all of a sudden this past week. You’ve been sneaking off at night, texting. Never did I imagine you’d stoop to this level and fuck some random hussy. How dare you do that to Mary?”

hands clenched the blanket tightly. Mary started laughing. It started out soft then grew more uncontrollable. Looking down at her, I found myself joining her in her laughter. This, of course, pissed Scott and the normally calm and collected Joel off.

We’ll go to the kitchen. I think it’s time your whore get dressed and leave. We’ll talk to you in there.” Joel yelled.

turned and stormed into the kitchen. Shifting her to the couch, I moved and gathered our clothes. I pulled on my jeans and she slips on my shirt. Raising an eyebrow, in question.

Okay so we are busted. Everyone is going to know that we are back together now. Let’s have a little fun before we let them know though.” She’s still laughing.

Oh with pleasure. Not too happy how they were talking about you, even if they didn’t realize it was you.” I retort.

walked to the door and she kissed me soundly.

I’ll call ya when I’m done here.” I say loud enough to know that I’m heard in the kitchen.

opened the door and closed it. Kissing her once more, I turned and headed into the kitchen.

You guys have some explaining to do for busting into my house like this. Especially considering you guys haven’t had two words to say to me since Mary left.” I said the minute I walked into the kitchen.

We have explaining to do? No, I don’t think so. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

What’s wrong with me? My world shattered right before my eyes. I lost the only thing that mattered to me. Then to top it all off, I lost the only family I had left. I drowned myself in alcohol, quit eating, didn’t do anything. No one cared. Why would they? I was the prick that hurt Mary. Yeah I get it, but damn it I was hurt too! I never was going to go through with it, but no one cared to listen to me. I loved her. Yeah I made a mistake, but I never did it. I never did anything to hurt her. Yet I was treated like I did. So tell me! Tell me why it’s wrong that I’m trying to find happiness again?” I roared still feeling a bit of the pain from the whole ordeal.

Scott and Joel looked at me shocked. Their mouths opening and closing as if they were fish out of water.

But why do you feel you have to move on?” Joel asked.

It’s been a month and a half. She’s not coming back. If she were, she would have been back by now. Why do you guys want me to suffer so much? Three months ago I lost both of my parents. Almost two months ago, I lost the only person I have ever loved and the only family I had left. How much more do I need to suffer? Please tell me.” For that moment, I forgot that I was actually with Mary. The pain of the past few months caught me.

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