Evan's Addiction (50 page)

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Authors: Sara Hess

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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frowning, but it didn’t seem angry. It was more
like…confused. Abruptly, he hauled me up out of the chair meshing our lips
together. My lips opened for him like a lock to a key. The kiss lasted lots of Mississippi’s, and when he finally released me I noted through my lust haze that he was
still frowning.

     Clearing his throat he pulled me along with him to the front door.
Turning and giving me one last kiss he opened the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow,

     And then he was gone. After locking the door my head thumped
forward on it. Why couldn’t I be one of those girls who crashed with the guy
they had amazing sex with and enjoy the afterglow?

     Swallowing the lump in my throat and swiping away the one random
tear that I couldn’t hold back, I sighed forlornly…that would be because I
wasn’t like


∞                    ∞


     “So you just shoved him out the door?”

     David stared at me with a little too much enjoyment. “No I didn’t
shove him; I hinted, and you seem to be enjoying my wretched sex life a little
too much.” I grumbled down into my chicken Caesar salad.

     “I’m just happy that you’re confiding in me once again.” He declared.

     I sighed, knowing I had shut him out of many parts of my life
after our falling out in high school, but after last night I really needed
someone to talk to, and I also realized I wanted to fully mend my relationship
with David.

     “It’s not like I had a lot going on in my life until a few weeks
ago anyway.” I groused.

     He snorted. “I agree that you had nothing going on in the sex
department of your life, but I know other things were going on that you weren’t
talking about; like all the harassment you were going through.” He frowned in

     How many sighs was I going to expel today? I was going to become the
primary concern for carbon dioxide in the air. “It’s not like you could have
done anything to stop it. You tried before and it didn’t make a difference.”

     Unhappiness contorted his face. “I should have started hitting the
gym as soon as I found out about it, then I could have taken care of them as
easily as your boyfriend did.”

     How Evan beat up those three guys all my himself still amazed me.
“He’s not my boyfriend. We’re dating. And I don’t need you beating people up
for me. You know I wasn’t happy about Evan doing it.” Actually, I was fifty-fifty
on that, or sixty-forty maybe…okay, more like seventy-thirty.  

     His eyes narrowed on me. “Phony, phony, you were so horny.”

     I rolled my eyes. “Can you be any more juvenile?”

     “Shaw and Evan sitting in a tree, H-U-M-P-I-N-G.” I slugged him in
the arm hard stopping his singing. “Ow, Ms. Man Hands.” He whined rubbing his

     “You’re supposed to be telling me if I completely spazed-out last
night, not acting like a ten year old on pop-rocks?”

     “My bad. You’re right, and to answer your question. Yes, you
absolutely did.” I socked him again for confirming my fear. “Ow, again.” David

     “Are you being serious; do you really think that?” I asked

     David set his sandwich down and met my gaze. “Why did you kick him

     “I didn’t kick him out.” I repeated with a growl. “He was acting
weird after. I thought I was making it easy for him.”

     He frowned. “Weird how?”

     “He got all serious and was staring at me like he didn’t know what
to do with me.” That’s about the best I could explain it.  

     “Are you sure you weren’t seeing something there that wasn’t just
so you could have a reason to kick him out?” His brow rose in inquiry.

     I scowled. “What does that mean?” But I knew what he meant. 

     He sighed. “You have trust issues, Shaw, and it’s totally
understandable why you do. I think you might have tried to beat Evan to a punch
you thought was coming. I’ve seen how that man looks at you and he seems ga-ga
over you girl. I doubt thoughts of tagging you and running were going through
his head. He was probably looking at you strangely because you had just rocked
his world like never before and he was thinking how damn lucky he was.” He
wagged his brows. 

     Yeah, right. I had a few blow jobs under my belt but I didn’t have
any past experience with sex to be able to rock his world. He could have done
what he did with me with any other girl. All I did was lay there…letting him do
whatever he wanted to me. My panties got wet just thinking about it. 

     Shifting in my seat I stabbed at my salad. “I don’t really know
his normal M.O. after sex, and maybe he looks at all the ‘
” I
air quoted special. “…women in his life like how you think he looks at me.”

     “Ask Nic how Evan’s acted with them, or you could ask Carrie;
she’s been around a few, right?”

     “I think Carrie is a little too optimistic about the two of us
living happily ever after.” I could literally see the stars in her eyes when
she asked how everything was going with us. “You and her could get together and
spend hours on this look you think you see. And there is no way I’m asking Nic
about Evan; that’s so junior school. I’m not expecting this thing to last;
neither one of us are made for relationships. My purpose in suggesting he leave
was to keep a portion of our…individual lives separate from…this thing…we have
temporarily…going on.” I was waving my hand randomly as I tried to piece
together my disjointed thoughts.

     David stared at me silently for a moment, and then he busted out
laughing. “Holy shit, you are too hilarious…and too cute.” I narrowed my eyes
on him because he was looking for a beat down. At my look David held out his
hands in self-defense and looked to be attempting to tap down his joviality.
“What! I’m sorry, but you are.” He took some deep breaths staring at me more
somberly. “You
like him, don’t you?”

     I exhaled morosely down into my rapidly wilting lettuce. This
discussion had gone downhill rapidly into the dark abyss of feelings. I did not
want to go there.

     “He’s okay.” That was the only thing I was willing to concede.

     David gave an ‘
next to me.

     “So, you finally cut the cord and are moving out of your parent’s
house.” I said to change the subject. “I can’t believe it took you this long.”
I stuffed a forkful of chicken into my mouth.

     He frowned at me. “It wasn’t like they were around in the last
four years to be in the way. Once dad retired they decided they liked spending
most of their time at the Florida abode. If I was divorcing them I would get
the house under squatter’s rights or something. You’re going to help me move in
this weekend, right.” Puss-n-Boots eyes blinked my way.

     “Wouldn’t want to do anything else.” I stuffed another forkful of
food in my mouth because lunch was passing quickly and I had a one o’clock
class coming up.

     “Except Evan.”

     I inhaled and then began choking up a lung along with my lettuce
leaves, because that was a bull’s-eye.





     I stared down at the text from Shaw with a frown.


Won’t be able to hang out tonight. Helping David pack for
his move tomorrow, and I might be busy then as well. He wanted me to invite you
and whoever else wanted to come to his condo warming party Saturday at three.
Nic, Carrie, Blake and Samantha have confirmed they are going.


     It was a perfectly viable explanation for being busy, but I was
positive she was using it as an excuse to avoid me. Tossing my phone down on
the desk in agitation I stood and walked over to the office windows. Shoving my
hands in my pockets I scowled out the glass.

     Last night had been incredible…mind-blowing…and it had knocked me
for a loop. I thought our first time together had been pretty damn amazing, but
the alcohol must have dulled my senses to where I hadn’t appreciated the full
affect. I could have blamed the wait but we’d been taking the edge off with
each other so it wasn’t like I was blue-balling it.

     After I’d blasted every ounce of fluid from myself into Shaw,
crashed on top of her, gotten my breath and reason back, I’d attempted to make
sense of what had happened. The night should have ended with us falling asleep
wrapped around each other. Unfortunately, I think I might have handled my dumbstruck
moment exceedingly poorly. I’d gone all silent Bob on Shaw when she appeared to
be going through her own after the act issues, but I’d been too spaced out to
do anything for her; especially since she had clearly wanted me gone. Moreover,
here I was fifteen hours later still trying to wrap my mind around what Shaw
had made me feel.

     The whole night had been out of my control; from the Frat party,
to her initiating sex, the after-sex, and finally walking befuddled from her
apartment. Who the hell was I kidding; this relationship was out of my control
and it wasn’t something I was used to. I was accustomed to things flowing
smoothly, on an easy manageable track…my mapped track; school, girls, and this
plume job that had landed in my lap like a gift from my best friend. Even when
Kyle, my stepfather, had been a complete douche to me I had my mom there to
buffer it. 

     Shaw was completely off my charted track, and the woman was in no
way manageable. She stimulated me to an astounding degree, but she also made me
want to pull my hair out by the roots sometimes. And since I couldn’t seem to
figure out my own mind…
god, she was making me crazy
…my plan was to find
out what was going on with Shaw’s. That at least was a realistic and productive

     However, Shaw seemed to want to hide at the moment so it looked
like I was going to have to hound her to discover what it was, unless I wanted
to wait two days.

     Yeah, right.


∞                    ∞


     I gave Shaw one day, and then Friday I was skulking the campus
grounds. She had a one to three p.m. Computer Legalities class and I stationed
myself outside the building at two-fifty to wait for her. Dan was utterly cool
with me taking a late extended lunch, and while I’d kept the purpose of it to
myself Dan’s smirk said he wasn’t stupid. He knew I was dating Shaw and he was
displaying an unexpected level of interest and joviality at the idea of it. A
few times in the middle of texting her at the office I would look up and find
him smiling at me in the same way I’d seen him smile at Landon…like a proud
father. It was disconcerting, but it also put a warm feeling in my chest. I’d
never received that look before from a male…only my mother.

     Suddenly, students began spilling from the building my eyes were
glued to and I unfolded from the bench when I saw that Shaw was among them. She
was wearing an over-sized sweat shirt, leggings, and her hair was swept up in her
normal messy bun with haphazard curls falling everywhere. She looked better
than any of the other females with their styled hair and form-fitting clothes.

     Moving forward I went rigid in anger when I saw that jackass Ford suddenly
pop up next to her. He must really want some fucking bones broken. When he
grabbed her arm and got in her face, and she winced and tried to pull away, my fury
went volcanic. I sprinted forward.

     “Fucking trailer bitch, you better stop messing with my shit or
I’m going to make your life even more hellish. Your newest dick might have
cowed my Fraternity brothers but my friends outside the house have demonstrated
that no damn fucking lawyer controls me. You should have spread your legs for
me like a good little whore when I…”

     Snatching the fuckers hand from her arm I spun him around and
stuffed my fist in his mouth to jam the rest of his words down his throat. He
fell backwards onto his ass and I bent down gripping his shirt so I could hold
him steady as I continued punching him.

     “Should have…fucking…listened to me…when I said to leave her
alone, fuckass!” I roared in his bloody face.

     A body jumped on my back and arms wrapped around me from behind.
The only reason I didn’t swing the person off me was because it was Shaw’s
voice yelling in my ear. “Evan, stop!”

     Forcing myself to unclench my hand from his shirt I straightened. The
son of a bitch fell back unconscious as I twisted enfolding Shaw in my arms, making
sure to keep my bloody hand away from her hair and clothes.

     “Are you okay?” I squeezed her tightly against my heaving chest.

     “I’m fine, but you are going to be in so much shit, Evan.” She
rumbled into my chest.

     Her words had me taking notice of the crowd around us; some watching
in shock, others in entertainment. I took another glance at the bloody mess I
made. Yeah, this could be a problem.

     “Hey, anyone here see this guy grab her or hear what he said to
her?” Still holding Shaw I twisted around in a circle meeting everyone’s eyes.

     After a long pause where I glared at one and all daring them to
pussy out, two girls and a guy finally stepped forward stating they’d heard and
seen everything. I knew Shaw would have bruises on her arm testifying to the
assholes manhandling so that was further justification for my actions.

     “Someone call fucking security.” I ordered incase no one had as

     Shaw pushed away from my chest. “Let’s just get out of here.” She
hissed, pulling at my shirt. “Maybe he didn’t see you and won’t be able to
identify who beat his ass.”

     I planted my feet and frowned down at her. “No fucking way, Shaw.
I warned this asshole to stay away from you and he was stupid enough to step in
your vicinity again. I’m getting his ass kicked off this campus and

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